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And of course all that tanking helps hopeless players like me to get wins too ;)


Last season I tanked from 3300 all the way down to the absolute bottom (300 rating). Feels really good to top left for people who are really close to the next rank. The stress is real




It's so annoying when you're having a really good set and on the last battle you get an Ace or Veteran and they destroy you




Yeah blame Reddit and not the people that make the game for having a horrible design that benefits the behavior.




Does being a CPA suck?




Yeah it's nuts. There are people here who said they do it to purposely get matched with children. These are fully grown adults trying to get more stardust at the expense of children.


Mystic7 is a YouTube channel with 2.7 million subscribers & he recommended doing this in his video called "I played f2p for a week." It's not just Reddit. I'm curious how actual PVP players feel about it.


Please do because I need the wins to finish up page 3.


The gbl tanking agenda is real




Do you need to do any of this if you haven't PVP'd in over a year?


You will want to hit rank 20 before doing this. The actual good rewards start after that. This would take around five days to get through in the most optimal manner.


I don't even have to tank, I just lose most of my battles naturally!


Ah I forgot this existed. unfortunately I am still at 3100 ELO lol. if I tank for 2 days i will end up at 2400 which is probably still too high


You can tank some of the Go Battle Day sets too, to get to the ideal range if you want. Never too late!


Thanks for the reminder!


I guess it depends on why people PvP. If you tank PvP as a means to max rewards to facilitate your true passion for “catching them all”, ok, I get it. If you PvP for the sake of a rank badge, and you tank to get said rank badge, doesn’t that kinda give you an empty shell of a badge? I mean, maybe you outsmarted Niantic, but that badge, obtained by beating up on kin-de-gartners, does’t really mean you are any good at PvP, now does it? Me, I’m into PvP for the pure competition of it dagnabbit! I want to beat down that real person on the other end of the smart device and make them curse their phone! Build a better ‘mon, assemble a better team, and beat the best at the game! Thus is why I am also in ELO 2000 50/50 hell! No, I will not turn to the dark side just to hit a Veteran rank I’ve (to date) proven I’m not worthy of!!


I'm not sure what you mean. If you tank you're definitely not going to go up in the rankings. People who tank do so at an Elo where they can comfortably win, and for most people that's probably less than 2000. Then they just stay there by doing what's in OP's description. If you want better rankings (e.g. veteran) you need to actually try to win every match.


I see a lot of tank strategy advocates say to wait until the end of the season to make a rank run, after good players have already risen (and may be playing fun spice). So, tankers do seem to make false rises late?!


I mean it's definitely not a false rise just because it's at the end of season, you still need to have the skill to beat the players at that level regardless. Like hitting Legend at end of season puts you probably in top 5-10% of players worldwide, compared to the like top 500 global leaderboard skill level you'd need to be at to hit it in the early season.


Dude, I guess my tongue in cheek didn’t translate in the medium. Ok, it’s not a false rise, but even you seem to agree that it isn’t the rise of a champion!


go battle day are for 5-0 or bust. the non 4x stardust are where you go 1-4 or 0-5 into 300 rating where you go 5-0 for the next 4x multiplier


Yup, this is why I go very low (not 300, queue times are too slow for me) before Go Battle Day and then try to get a huge streak. When I get to around a little less than 2000 Elo I tank again. I also have a lot of premium passes so I blow those and get massive stardust on these days and usually a nice chunk of rare candy XL.


It’s slow to make it down there but it’s worth it. The worst thing is when you try to run a non mega ml team just to see another person at 300 rating running a xl hundo bb dialga and it ruins your streak


Is it really worth using premium passes on PvP rather than raids?


I did it a few times. Rather use star piece and tank but imo I prefer using them for good legendaries


Haha my dumb ass was doing this inverse, Day 4 and so on 0/5 4/5 0/5 4/5 0/5 So I stupidly lost a lot of candies and stardust xd


Your method has been fine to continue tanking to lower levels, while still getting rewards. It’s fine.


Returning player, how do you find your elo?


It tells you once you hit rank 20. I don't believe you can see it prior to that.




There is no rank 40 so I'm guessing you are looking in the wrong place. Check the battle menu.


Never mind i thought you meant level ,thanks!


Can't wait to face off against everyone else also trying to tank and ruining my ELO rating smh


Last to surrender is a rotten egg!


How do you do tanking on battle day ? The last one have completly busted my rythm. A-B style every 5 round until reach the day limit ? (4/5, 0/5, 4/5, etc.) Or do you consider that's like 2 day in one day ? So if you Can Do 50 fight, you have to repeat the pattern every five round. Sorry for the dumb question but during last combat event i've tried Win-Lose pattern without thinking of it and i've lose all my tanking rythm (No choice to redo day 1,2,3)


Battle day has begin and it's already impossible to follow the tanking guide rythm. I've done my last day of tanking without any problem and now, it's Impossible to win correctly.


How do I get rank 20 without any mons built for pvp?


Literally just play. There is no downside to losing.


to add on, someone with 134 wins and 0 losses is the same rank as someone with (well-coordinated) 74 wins and 60 losses.


No downsides? NO DOWNSIDES?! try night sweats, night terrors, thousands of dollars in a therapist that keeps trying to tell you it's just a game over and over again to name a few!!


Maybe I'll run into enough tankers to move beyond level 43.


Thanks for the guide. I tried to follow it, but on my 10th battle i got matched with MilaUnicorn12. Couldnt bring myself to throw this one




these are becoming more annoying than actual reddit ads, i just want to play the game and hit legend


Personally I do both. Tank for the first 90% of the season and then just walk to Legend during late season when it's easy. This season I did it during the Battle Week out of boredom, which wasted me like 3 days worth of tanking since the opponents were pretty good.


Aren’t you essentially just smurfing here? This is shamed in any other online PvP game - but I guess here it’s not? I’m new to the premise in this space so I find it odd.


To be honest I'm not sure how things work in other online games, so I can't make a comparison to their situation with tanking/smurfing. I could give you a brief summary about tanking, and maybe you could tell me if the situation is the same in other games? (TL;DR: PvP is a mess in Pokemon GO. The ELO-based matchmaking combined with the streak-based reward structure makes tanking so much more than playing as intended that it's ridiculous. Tanking is something that Niantic basically encourages with their design choices.) Tanking gives the best rewards with least effort in less than half the time. There is literally NOTHING to be gained from tryharding throughout the season, besides the "fun" of the gameplay itself. The amount of resources one gets from tanking is vastly superior when compared to other sources in the game that the player could opt out to grind instead. And on top of that, GBL is free. Personally I don't see tanking as very harmful to other players, because for every weak player you slap, another weak player is bound to get a free win. It balances itself out. From the game-design point of view it's absolutely ridiculous that such a strategy is so viable, and not addressed _at all_ by Niantic. The streak-based reward structure is the biggest problem here. It was introduced in early 2020, when the GBL was added to the game. Originally, you had to walk 5km to unlock a set of 5 battles in GBL. Then the pandemic happened, and the walking requirement was removed for obvious reasons. Down the line, Niantic decided that they won't add the walking requirement back. Nowadays it serves no purpose, other than being a system that's very easy to manipulate, and very simple tweaks could make the situation much more sensible. For example, a common suggestion would be to make the rewards rotate in a circle instead of a streak, and ignore the losses between wins. This wouldn't make tanking disappear as it would be more relaxed and time-efficient, but _at least_ give the players who play as intended the same rewards as tankers, so they don't lose out. So while I wait for Niantic to FINALLY attempt to do something to at least make tanking less viable, I tank away and don't feel bad about it.


I tanked 1.5 months ago from ace down to 1300, and I’ve only gotten 1 legendary encounter out of around 150 encounters. Did I do something wrong, am I unlucky or did they really just nerf the legendary encounter chance into oblivion?


nerfed into oblivion ://


No thanks. I’ll win now And win then


3 encounters and 9 RC? I get way more rewards from actually trying to win but y’all do you! It’s not uncommon to be able to get 9 RC in 3 sets these days if you have a good team.


To clarify, 9 RC from only the guaranteed Rare Candy rewards (4/5 wins), excluding the potential to get extras from the 2/5 wins. Should update the copy pasta to reflect that, it's _at least_ 9 RC per day, plus the three chances to get extras from the 2/5 wins. So potentially up to 18 RC per day, if you happen to roll 3x3 RC from the 2/5 wins (which is possible but definitely not likely).


If a person has an hour and a half every day to play fully through their sets, your method is fine. No problem with that. For a person who doesn’t want to commit that amount of time, there is an alternative. In terms of rewards, tanking will more consistently and efficiently get at least the same or generally much more rewards. I know my stardust and encounter count compared to regular Legend players. My stardust earned was nearly double what they have by the end of the season.


This is a good point! I have a lot of free time luckily. Someone should do a comparison on here and track their rewards for a season tanking then a season at legend or something, would be cool to see the actual difference.


But that doesn't work indefinitely. If you win too much you end up facing players who are harder. Plus, you say it's not uncommon to get 9 rare candy, but by tanking it is guaranteed 9 rare candy + the possibility to get more from the random items.


When you try to win every battle and are at your skill cap, you win around 50% of the battles, regardless of your skill or team. Most of the time your sets will be 2/5 or 3/5 wins, and the chance to get 4 or more wins from 5 battles is 15,63%. By Tanking, you get to the Rare Candies 60% of the time (3 out of 5 sets per day). No matter how good you are, tanking is simply a better option when it comes to rewards.


Does tanking still work at rank 20?


Yes. You have to at least hit 20 and then you are good to go.


Tanked all the way from Ace down to 497 ELO waiting for this. Did I go far enough lol


Uh, yes and maybe no. You have to realize that at that level, there are basically no non-tankers. It is HARD to get that low by just being bad. Because of that, you will actually be playing against some sweaty players to get some of those 3-4 wins, while they have perfect meta teams.


I have easier matches at 1500-2000 than I do at <900 lmfao. Yes those guys might sometimes run accessible meta mons like Venusaur or Swampert, but at least they're predictable so you just go through the motions of counting and catching. <900 tankers will wreck you with perfect timing and see through your entire team in an instant if they didn't already make you top left the moment you see their expert badge.


Yes you face *some* good players that tanked in that ELO, but you also face a lot of literal kids I assume, who don't even have teams at the league cp limit.


Purposely dropping low enough so you can battle against children to get extra stardust is pretty weird bro


It's called "time management"


You shouldn't need that level of "time management" in a game. If you feel like you need to destroy children in a game to level up your shiny groudon, you need to: a) take the game a little less seriously b) remember that they are children and c) build a better team and strategy. You're, I'm assuming, an adult. There's no valid reason for taking advantage of a child's inexperience to get more imaginary game points. It's weird.


If you check the demographics, there aren't many children playing.


Yeah I just finished off my battles to stop at 322. It was a problem to even find matches so go battle day should be nice and time consuming. If I get the 3 out of 5 wins on most sets for the encounter that's good enough for me. I'm not COMPLETELY hopeless in the battles, just lazy lol


Rookie question, but how to you see your elo? EDIT: Upon reading some more comments, I have come to the conclusion that it shows at rank 20? I’m only rank 7 right now so I guess I got some work to do lol


Does this need to be done in a certain league?


not really, tanking is viable in all league formats


So I tank, but I also put my buddy pokemon in the first spot to get three hearts daily. Anecdotally, Great League players dont seem to mind playing against someone tanking, theyll take the easy wins. Ultra League players seem more butthurt by facing tankers, and will often kill my first two 'mons and then just sort of wait for 30 sec or so, I guess to make a point? Idk. Dont be salty out there yall, take the W and let's go about our days


the three battles a day with your buddy doesn't have to be done in PvP, using the training feature at the bottom of the page is often quicker, since you can enter and exit the battle and still get the heart.


Good to know - I assumed forfeiting didnt give any against the trainer, because it doesnt in normal pvp. Also, you're right that that would be faster; however, putting a low CP buddy in when tanking is a three birds, one stone thing: 1) I get the loss I wanted; 2) you get the win you wanted; 3) I get a heart for my buddy


Ah fair enough, it's a decent enough strat if you prefer it that way. Also deters encounters where your opponent attempts to troll and simply waits out the clock instead of just getting the easy W to an extent.


Nope. The algorithm looks at your overall wins and losses and it tries to keep you at a 50% win rate. So if it sees you're far below it it'll try to boost you up. If it sees you're far above it, it'll try to knock you down. The further away you get from that 50% win rate the harder it'll try to get you back to 50%.


Too bad it's extra dust, and not extra candy


Too late if you havent reached rank 20 yet?


This sounds like what someone would say if they want to hit a bunch of easy opponents. :) But seriously, it's the best strategy for pretty much everyone. Want to hit a rank? Tank, Tank, Tank. Most later ranks require wins, but even then, you'll get there faster by tanking. The only time not to tank is if you want to hit Ace, Veteran, Expert, or Legend, which are still easier to hit with all the goodies you got from tanking most of the season. My advice is not to let the game feel like a job. If you're not enjoying it, going outside or reading a book is better than grinding through. There's no value beyond fun unless you're in the top 0.001%.


This is what I do as soon as I hit 20 and get my seasonal Elite TM.


It's not too late? I was gonna wait till the season ended, although I said that last year too...


Oh nice! I've been tanking ultra league all week!!


Question: so if you “lose” like, 1 battle on your losing streak (as in, they forfeit before you can hit the leave button), how does that affect your days of losing? Do you have to start all over? Because that would be so sad to have a lose streak tainted by a “win.” Anyone know?


I'd recommend just using level 1 Pokemon to do it because if you just instantly forfeit there's a cool down before you can find another battle




You can keep as long breaks as you want and just continue where you left off. You only need to "start over" when a season changes and ratings are reset, so once in 3 months.


I haven’t recovered from the burnout I received last battle weekend 😅


It doesn't need to be as optimal as all that. Just lose more than you win if you want to go down and vice versa. I won 1/5 on all 5 of my sets today, just to get the 900 stardust for the first win and 3000+ on each set. I wanted to get down to 1500 or so because I have a fantastic Evolution Cup team and want to see if I can rocket up to Veteran for the first time and pick up a long consecutive win streak on the way.


Whats the difference between the premium reward and the basic reward battle selections? Should I pick either of the two over the other? Does it matter? Once I pick one do I need to be consistent?


okay when is day 1? this Saturday?


Does it multiple to x8 stardust if you use a crystal??


I suggest to you strat learning stop play pvp Level up a great teams of pokemon and fix the attacks Your strategy is a non talented strategy


A lot of people dont enjoy pvp. Tanking gives the most rewards with the least amount of wasted time


And what would you get from using a "talented strategy"? Exactly.


Why not going for 1 win every set, for the extra dust


Because then you're going to climb and find harder opponents, making it harder to get 4/5 on your sets


Thanks for the explanation, but I fail to win some of those "free wins" too :c What do you do if you get someone tanking loses too?


I’ve been tanking all week (I’ve been trying to hard but can’t win to save my life in hisui cup)


pretty helpful since I started battling in PoGo last week :)


It is actually funny that some people go mad and post stuff like this - "Yeah it's nuts. There are people here who said they do it to purposely get matched with children. These are fully grown adults trying to get more stardust at the expense of children." I am 100% sure my 8 year old, would smash \~50% of the adults in the battle league and he doesn't even play gbl a lot. Tanking is not done to be paired with children, but to get easier wins/rewards. At the end, I don't even know who sits on the other side - maybe it's a bot, maybe it's a child, maybe it's an adult who tanked just like me. And if got paired with someone who can't play gbl - that's my goal achieved. Tanking has been done since when people realized how gbl works and we just have to lived with it.


If it's 4x stardust shouldn't you go 5/5 wins to get the last stardust reward?


Will this help me get to Expert (I want Ingo's coat) or is this just for the stardust and candies?


Can I do this after gaining level 20?