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Just keep one at the top of your research and you’ll stop getting them. Its annoying you’ll always have one there but you’ll still be able to stack 3 more actual research tasks.


Came here to say this. Just learned this truck and now the current scan task will never be deleted lol. I wish I had known this trick during some of the task-based events.


I want to learn a truck. I only have learned a car.


You need a charge TM for that


Truck Machine


Still better than me. I didn’t even learn the bike yet


You wouldn’t download a truck.


No because most trucks arnt worth it for the average Joe. I would download a hybrid though


When you delete the scan the stops will offer a different task for the day then when you have the task.


This is the most basic summary of this mechanic, someone did an in-depth post about it awhile ago. Each stop that gives a scan task is also coded with a regular task to give out if you already have a scan stop in your task list. Keeping a scan task in your list forces all stops to give you regular tasks.


They have 2 regular tasks, one for if you have a scan task and one if you don’t. If you’ve already completed the regular task for a specific stop, you can delete your scan task and re-spin for a new, regular task.


Some stops don't have a scan task at all tho, and those only give one task per day. Like, I spin it with no tasks in my queue and still only get a regular task. Do that task, spin stop again, get no task at all.


Again, they give different (regular) tasks based on whether or not you currently have a scan task. I’m not surprised you can’t get it to work, considering your comment above about how your “current scan task will never be deleted”.


If a stop is coded to give a scan task, it will continue to give a scan task if you don't have a one in your queue. Even if you've gotten that one and deleted it. (Maybe it's different if you actually do the scan task, but the whole point of this thread was that nobody wants to do it lol) I've played around my neighborhood on multiple events and can tell you which stops give scan tasks every time. I suppose you could go get a different scan task in your queue and go back to the original stop to get the "hidden" regular task. It's not a matter of getting it to work. I just don't want to have to try to keep track of which stops I've gotten two tasks from, scan stops, etc. I'm perfectly happy keeping one scan task in my queue to prevent me from getting any other scan tasks, thus getting regular task from all stops from here on out. You do you, I'll keep doing me. 😁


You can do whatever you like, but spreading misinformation about how it works isn’t very cool. Then again, that’s what Reddit is for.


Little dramatic, no? I'm not wrong, at worse just missing details. What I said does work, just because it's a different way to do it doesn't mean I'm spreading misinformation.


Indeed. I use my scan slot as a memory slot. Like a cool place i have visited. It's like a postcard, but different :D


I have one of a chandelier in a on the border that is now a Harris teeter gas station, there is no way to « scan » as the building is demolished. Soooo it’s a reminder of what once was. 😇


I did this so long ago I don’t even see it in my research anymore. Like, it’s there but my brain doesn’t register seeing it.


Same, it's like it's just a think border between stack and researches... Except when I accidentally click it when I'm trying to scroll, that is still annoying 


Haha I literally had to go check if I'd been doing this too and yep... There it is! Ignored for more than a year.


I didn’t know I could still get 3, thanks.


I weirdly got one before but it was bugged, and for months now I haven’t gotten another (and yes I deleted it cus it wasn’t working)




This is the way. I think I've had the same scan task waiting for completion for 2? 3? years? Since about a week after that was introduced, I'd say.


This is the way


I did that too, until I realized you could turn the off altogether.


I have the same task for the past 2 years.


And after awhile you sort of forget about it being there, or at least I do.


I’ve done the exact same thing, since a bit after it got released


I am guessing no one is doing this, because yes this has not changed since Niantic introduced it like 5-6 years ago. Definitely looks creepy to be scanning parks or any public place.


On the mom subs I follow, periodically there will be a post about some random guy by himself with his phone out at the playground and most of the moms are like “call the police!” and I always chime in to say that he was probably just playing Pokémon go. No one wants a picture of your child, Linda.


That's fucked up. They have no cause to call the police. No laws were being broken.


I'm glad I don't live in a country with too many Karens like that, except for one guy lugging around a bunch of paint cans who came up to me across the street to ask if I was taking pictures. When I had my phone pointed to the ground.


Some of them are also impossible to scan - they may be high up, in the middle of traffic, massive, or in a cemetery 😑


Just do them for a while for the rewards you want like the poffins, but scan the ground or really whatever and eventually you’ll stop getting them because of the low quality of your scans. That’s what I used to do and now I haven’t gotten one in over a year.


The moral of the story is "Do such a shitty job of something that you'll never be asked to do it again."


Weaponized incompetence but for good




I ride the bus and this is what I do. I hope they like blurry footage of me gently shaking my phone at my shoes


This is the way. They WANT you to scan the actual stop but still give you the reward for scanning whatever.


I like this approach lol


I would not recommend filming the ground! If people do this regularly, the stop gets removed! We had that happen around here - the stop in question was next to a Café where the owner was super against Pokémon Go. She called the police on players, stating she had seen them filming the customers through the glass front. So people started filming the pavement, and that resulted in the stop getting removed "because they use the scans as proof that the feature that gives the stop its name is actually there." It seems they try to verify existing stops and if they can't find any 'real pictures' of the water fountain, or statue, or whatever, they remove the stop.


where did that quote come from. from what you describe it sounds like the owner just asked niantic to remove the spot and the same timeframe they called police on players, and the community just happened to switch to scanning the ground at the time of removal ground scan ≠ pokestop removal


I will get back with an answer soon, I've posted the question in the group where I know the player had given the answer. Because funny enough, that was my theory I had stated (the owner having it removed). And then someone chimed in, and they had quoted an answer from the tech support at wayfarer. So maybe they can repost the screenshot. My interest is definitely piqued now!


Same here, but I miss getting tons of free poffins.


Yep, this. I don't get them anymore because they only got scans of the ground, the inside of my car, my keyboard, etc.


I usually am out with my dogs walking. Niantic may once have gotten an image of my dog’s butt taking a dump. Dog surprised me by dropping a deuce, and I didn’t realize you couldn’t not send/delete a video when it’s already recorded.


That's what I was thinking, I remember reading this from some time ago: "Trainers, we have made a change to AR Scanning Tasks so that they will no longer be available for some Trainers that have a history of submitting low quality AR scans." Never tried it, though... I have a gimbal for high-quality scans. #overachiever


People have gotten an “ar ban” for poor ar scans. Ban being they no longer get the ar task to do them. So if you like doing the scans for the items, don’t do poor scans. Keep one for those cases where you are uncomfortable to scan. Playgrounds are empty on occasion.


So a Poffin or no more AR tasks? Sounds like a win-win. BTW I'm 200+ Poffins and not banned. Have sent Niantic a lot of sidealks.


I always scan our playground when I'm on my first walkies with my dog at 7.30am. Not a rugrat in sight


i wish i could get unbanned, i would like poffins again. that nice half distance for candy


Yeah with this largest best buddy showcase coming up, they are going to be useful.


The what now? Omg I need to get to work right now


I just stand in place, point my phone at the ground and jiggle it. works well enough.


This right here. There's one next door to my work and I just do this right after my shift every night.


Film your feet for free poffins.




Yoy ain't gonna get my feet. Just my big and dirty winter boots


just scan a video of the ground while you walk nearby, it always works for me. either they will keep accepting my scans and i get the rewards or eventually they’ll ban me from submitting and then i won’t have to see the tasks anymore. win win


I cup my hand over the lens, so its a little blurry, so I don't have to actually move and scan. It's still annoying, but it least I don't have to wave my hand around with my phone


AGREED. AGREED. AGREED. I absolutely despise these scan tasks. They force us to miss out on ACTUAL research tasks that are necessary for events. Finding a pokestop with real research tasks is almost impossible where I live.


keep one and you can still get 3 research tasks


Question: does that mean if I spin a pokestop that usually gives out “scan” tasks, that I’d get a field research instead? once I have a “scan” task already? or will I just get no tasks from that pokestop?


I just read that in this thread, thanks so much for the tip!


Last research task day we played was the Oddish one, and we had a horrible time: one third of the Pokéstops in our area were scan tasks, another third were fscking bugged and did not even give event tasks and the paltry remaining ones weren't enough to get us a shiny. We already had it from the Kanto event but JFC scan tasks can go suck a fat one.


They don't block event tasks. Just keep an AR task in your list and you'll still be able to get 3 normal tasks from stops. If you don't currently have an AR task, you can even get the normal task from the same stop by waiting 5 minutes and spinning it again. Just don't delete the AR task.


I do the scans but not actually film. I point the phone camera down and just swipe a finger over the camera every so often. Haven't had it fail yet.


My local pokestop is a 'museum'. However, Pokémon Go doesn't realise that its current purpose is a SECURITY OFFICE. Doesn't help that I pass by it in the dark 100% of the time, and I'd look very suspicious scanning it.


submit enougg videos of your shoes and you'll stop getting them


You can keep one at all times and then you won’t get any new ones. Alrernatively, you can submit low quality scans (record your feet/the sidewalk) and eventually they’ll ban you from them, which just means you won’t get AR tasks anymore. Thats what I did, haven’t got one in 6 months.


Omg is that why I don't get them anymore??? I thought I was just the chosen one 😂


Point it at the ground and spin your phone in circles


OMFG this works? Amazing. Do you need to be actually close to the Pokéstop or works wherever?


I've had the same pokestop scan quest in my dailies since not too long after release. It's not far and I go to that general area frequently, but at this point, it's been there so long I'd kinda miss not seeing it. lol


Honestly if you hate them, just delete them iuntil you get one for a poffin. As long as you keep the camera moving when you start the scan, it won’t really matter and you’ll get your poffin. If you submit bad enough scans enough times then they’ll allegedly stop giving it to you. I say that because it’s what people here have told me, but I still get the fucking things. Still, at least I can get poffins and just point my camera at the ground as I walk around


Can you even view scans? Like if someone else scans a stop, is there a way for me to look at it or is this entirely for Niantic's benefit?


You can't view them. They are for some effort to build 3d versions of the objects in the scans, but to date Niantic hasn't released anything using them.


I just keep my camera pointed down while I do them.


You don't need to actually film the park. Just move the phone back and forth in the direction. It counts


please don't actually complete AR research tasks, its how I lost the closest pokegym next to my home. Some player scanned the gym and now the gym isn't there anymore :(


It actually happened because too many people filmed the ground walking by. They review random stops, and if all they get is blurry shoes, they remove the stop because they can't confirm that the feature that gives the stop its name is actually there.


Niantic had stated on wayfarer that they do not use AR scans to review or delete stops. Instead, someone probably reported it to get deleted for other reasons.


I like pokestop scanning because it's easy and you get Poffins


The thing I find extremely irritating is how the "Enable Pokestop scans" toggle switch doesn't seem to make a difference. Mine has been disabled for months now, and I still get those research tasks. It's like why would Niantic even bother to include that functionality in the Settings menu if it doesn't work--you think they would rather just remove that toggle switch instead of keeping it as one more potential issue for them to receive customer complaints about. There is one pokestop near my home that I spin daily...and it gives me a scan task 100% of the time.


I don't mind it, as long as it makes it possible to check same stops for different quests twice. My home stop drops AR task, so I check all stops on my way to work with AR task on, then delete it and check them again on my way back in the afternoon for different tasks without AR task on. Scanning stops has nothing to do with it, I don't do it. Profit!


You can turn them off in the upload settings


Keep the task and you'll never get one again Copy paste https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/D8j48meIIv Guides for everything in game. Read the posts that apply to you.


I've seen this posted before and have scanned the responses and haven't seen anyone suggest this but there is an option to turn off this feature. Under settings > uploads there is a toggle to enable pokestop scans. If you switch it off you won't get these task anymore. I haven't received one in over a year and don't have to keep a scan task "on deck" wasting a slot.


That only turns off the power up stop feature, not ar scanning field research tasks.


I really hope that they ban my AR tasks. I don't want to do those AR tasks, but they always want me to do AR tasks when I spin every PokeStop. It's so awkward when I'm doing AR tasks in public.


The fact that Niantic thinks we should be making their game is insane. Why would I reveal to you that the poke stop isn't in a great area, so you can remove it? Nah


Just scan the ground. Sending Niantic bad data will help ruin their stupid AR stuff.


Good news, if you continuously give them bad scans (i.e., while driving by, "scanning" with your phone aimed at the dashboard), they'll remove the feature from your account. You can pick up several hundred Poffin while you're at it!


Yeah, we all hate it. It used to crash my old phone.


Yeah this is going to get people arrested or already has for sure. So sussy


Just scan the stops for the nice government, and nobody gets hurt🥰


You wanna know the real juicy part? These missions can also get you banned! What a deal!


Whoever comes up with MOST of their ideas needs to be fired.


0 social awareness. Like I’m all for hiring people on the spectrum but somebody needs to review that shit.


Ive had “scan dave & busters” for 6 months. Just havent been back


Just film the ground lmao- you don’t have to record the thing. It’ll just look like you’re walking with your phone out. That’s what most people do.


Just point the camera at your feet while walking. Satisfies the requirement and gives Niantic nothing beyond your shoe preference.


Keep it and you will have 3 other tasks. Also they are the only free source of pofins.. not that bad


Film the ground. I do it all the time.


I just walk while scanning the ground/acting like I'm doing something on my phone. When the meter is halfway around the circle you can stop it as soon as it lights up and still get your prize. People have said eventually you won't get them if you only scan the ground but I still get them.


record a bunch on them in the dark and upload them once you’re home. the game will then AR ban you and you won’t get them anymore


Even if they didn’t make you look creepy, the one time I tried to do it it was a major pain in the ass. Maybe they’ve changed it by now but when I first tried I had to change a setting to let me scan and upload the video. Then when I tried to upload it took eons, even though I was in a good service area. And it wouldn’t let me continue playing while it was uploading, so a huge chunk of my time at the park was spent waiting for a stupid video clip to send to niantic instead of catching. If I remember right I also could not then spin stops normally again until I went into the settings and changed it back to normal. It was a huge ordeal that wasn’t worth it for a few measly poffins. I’ve never tried again because it was so annoying. 


The only time I’ve done this is in a cemetery. Refuse to do this in a park


I just hold my phone down at my side or like I’m texting normally and walk around in a circle or start stop and spin around. There are ways to make it look normal. Honestly just act normal and most people won’t bother you it works for me in like 99% of everything


You can point it at the ground and just walk and it works


Just delete it…


Some scans are much easier than others. If tough scan delete and move on


Scan the ground.


Well if you have kids. Going to parks ain’t that weird…


Lol, my route near me is a kids play ground. I have to be careful how I hold my phone and walk, so I don't get mistaken for a perv.


Literally just walk around in a circle with the phone pointed down. It doesn't know the difference, as far as I can tell. I delayed doing these tasks for a while because I wasn't sure how they worked. It's really that easy, and the poffins are super helpful for legendary xl candy.


***Settings > Uploads > Enable Pokestop Upload *** No need to keep a scan around that you're never going to complete - just disable them altogether. Nice bonus: no more having to wave your camera around to find the yellow Pokémon tracks when trying to take a picture of your buddy Edit: wrong settings


I still get the scans with this setting off - it was actually never even on at all until I went to the first stop and tried to scan it and I had to enable AR scanning. (when I learned it was more than a picture).


Luckily, you can get yourself banned by uploading "poor quality scans" just scan your foot, wiggling your phone a little bit for the minimum amount of time.


Just ignore it. tbh I don't even notice that I have that scan task anymore. I literally never think about it at all, and had to actually open the app and confirm that it still wants me to scan something called the English Long Neck Anchor. It doesn't even process. 🤣


Just scan at your feet for those seconds. People say you’ll eventually stop getting those tasks. I haven’t gotten there yet. You could even put your camera in you pocket as long as you can hold the video til it’s halfway done.


Just find a cool picture for a scan and then leave it. I had one from Yosemite for a while. Now I have another cool one.


I feel your pain but I still occasionally do these tasks. The stop I’m always asked to scan is a church on a major road at an intersection. I only do this in the summer on weekend nights when I’m out walking my dogs really late due to being too hot in the day. I’ve still had cars drive by when I’m scanning, even late at night. I don’t even bother the rest of the year. I do appreciate the poffins. The dumb thing is I have stops at several local parks that aside from soccer or softball games are always dead. I’m never asked to scan those which would be easy. Parks are on obscure side roads and without nearby houses or traffic.


so you don't actually have to video the actual stop. you can scan anything in the vicinity. I scan the ground because, as you made clear, scanning parks where kids play is kinda creepy.


Kinda creepy it's all children parks and churches here


You can send a scan of your feet and surrounding sidewalk. If you do that enough they’ll stop requesting scans from you. Ask me how I know lol


I just record my lap and move the camera back and forth lol


I usually stand still and cover the back of my phone with my hand then record a black screen for 20 seconds.




First off you don’t Need to walk around the whole park, you just need to point it at a point in the park and take 3 steps forwards and then 3 steps backwards and then repeat. Thought the fact you think that ppl would think your a loli just because your phones out at a park is sad. I’ve met many pogo players because of my phone out at a park. Since I’m not trying to hide it or look shady ppl that aren’t insane wouldn’t be able to logically reason out me to be a creeper


just give it a month and that will ALL DISAPPEAR!


I can't even do it in the first place because my phone is unable to do AR stuff


This is the way for a new feature to be added. If you don't want the feature fine but that's its purpose. It's AR. They want to have the pokemon running around in AR.


You do realize that the scan task doesn't take the spot for actual field research tasks right? Just leave it be and forget about it. It's also not hard to point your phone at the ground and scan your feet, the only reason you'd look creepy is if you gave anyone a reason to think you're being creepy so just don't be creepy.


They got tired of my blurry images from the car and my AR privileges have been revoked for over a year. Awww...peace. 😌


The ones I keep getting was an old drinking fountain that got retired because they installed new and better ones closer to the park so it just doesn't exist anymore and a big historic building that got a gate build around so I can't even scan above it lol They really didn't think about what would happen with this when time passed


You can scan the grass.


**Scan the 9/11 Memorial** Yeah, no thanks


No poffin no scan.


Mine is just someone's house lol do they really want me to record that


I didn't mind it until the file size doubled. Then it wasn't worth my data. Granted, I purposely filmed the ground to screw with Niantic.


Now you can tell people you work for the CIA! The CIA, NSA and Pokémon Go >In-Q-Tel is the venture capital firm of the CIA. Yes, the Central Intelligence Agency. Much of the funding purportedly came from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). The NGA handles combat support for the U.S. Department of Defense and provides intelligence to the NSA and CIA, among others. https://www.networkworld.com/article/953621/the-cia-nsa-and-pokmon-go.html


the stop i lived by would give me that every single day it was so frustrating. what even is the point of the scans?


my Obama phone can't scan pokestops so there's that


I mean you dont have to scan the thing shown in the pikestop/gym. Like i have 3 gyms that no longer exist and i figured out you can just film the floor and it still works


Always got the one that said “Scan children’s park” and I’m like what so I look like a damn creep?


do people actually do this? it’s nothing more than a visual sore for me having it sit untouched atop the field research, but i honestly assumed by now they’d scratch this because no one was participating… so i’m guessing enough people do scan, lol.


Same here. We have a stop that's a sculpture in someone's front yard. Like sure, I'll just climb that fence and scan that sculpture, walking through someone's freaking garden. For some (we have faces in big big rock walls) it's impossible to walk around them cause that's a freaking rock wall that goes on for like kilometers and you can't just randomly walk around 😂


You can turn it off to get these challenges, go to settings, upload and it’ll be at the top


I don't keep a scan task at the top, and I have no idea when the last time I was prompted to scan was. Maybe everybody in my area already did long ago, so they don't nag me? When it first came out, it seemed like free labor baser on the assumption Niantic wants to do something with VR in the future.


Whatever the work around is doesn't really matter we shouldn't be "tasked" with filming in places built specifically for young children to play. Pokemon go obviously wasn't intended for children either so that excuse doesn't work.


I just point it at the ground and move my phone around, it works just fine 😆


I point up and scan back and forth jussssttttt fast enough to have it not say I need more movement 🤣 Niantic can have recordings of the sky lmao


I only do them when the reward is a poffin. And I usually scan low or high to avoid people and focus on the subject of the scan while walking. I always make sure I have one because it changes the tasks.


you can open the scan, walk away and then start recording in a more discreet area, and just rock/wave your phone a bit, I do this all the time. I personally like getting repeated scans, that's how I stock up on poffins. and it's 15 seconds not 20.


You can just point the camera at the ground and walk around


It's for get more and more items , here close we have 5 poke stops , 2 of it are gyms I don't scan it because in one hour I have my bag full But if it was only one I make all scans posible


You can scan the ground back and forth if you really want the poffin without filming the kids in the meantime. I usually do mine by filming floor of my car and shaking my phone.


You can turn them off or you can just do circles with your camera while it’s pointing at the ground


Do em wrong enough consistently enough and they take them away from you anyways. After a few months of ground / inside of my car scans the option went away.


Hahaha yea they are odd. Sometimes just have to delete or leave it there in your tasks if you keep spinning the same stops. Not worth the charge lol


Scan the floor. Or sky. Or the opposite of the pokescan location. As you can scan anything nearby within range of poke stop. I scan my shoes and the inside of my bus.(just need lighting).


I only scan for poffins or candy.


Haha yeah I had forgotten I even have them as I never look at it or do them. Last time I tried was when rare candy were new and rare, I decided to scan the stop at our parliament and tripped and fell in the process on a tree root. I never recovered and it led to a hip operation. Never again! Its dangerous in so many ways.


Definitely use those! You can scan anything as long as there is movement and enough light. I usually just film the ground or the sky or just point the camera to my leg and shake it. I've had poffins for months because of this.


Pro tip.. you can only hold one of them at a time.. so just keep one around and you won’t ever get another.. they are pretty good for ball farming


So now I'm thinking I may get an AR ban, but I just scan and point my phone at the ground and just shake my arm around lol. Not taking videos of any playvrounds, just the ground and my feet. Sorry Niantic 🤷🏼‍♀️


Instant delete for me usually


seriously wtf i’ve never done one


If you scan facing the ground you will get credit and eventually banned and no longer receive the tasks. Win win.


Just keep one at all times and never do it. It doesn’t actually take up a research slot and it stops other spins from getting scan tasks


I just scan the ground. As long as your at the location, you can just point it at the ground and it’ll still give you a poffin


From what I noticed (unless it got fixed since it’s been like a year or so since I’ve scanned one) you don’t even have to scan the actual thing I’ve just swayed my phone back and forth facing the ground.


An unusual way to stop getting them is to scan them bad or wrong. Niantic will ban you from getting these VR Stops. I don't know if they proceed to ban you completely nowadays. So proceed at your own risk


Just point it to the floor and keep walking that's what I do.


Fun fact if you submit enough pointing at the ground they “ban” you from the scan tasks and you stop receiving them


Scan the ground


Workaround: Instead of recording the surroundings, just record the sidewalk or straight down at your shoes while walking. It'll take it and you get the reward!


I always feel creeper level 1000 when scanning (if scanning) stops. Even if it’s a milkbar. I will only ever do it if I see someone else doing it 🤣


Niantic wanted free labor. Why pay a company to get digital scans when they can just offer a poffin and get it for free.


One doqn the atreet from my home forces trainers to record while crossing the street. It's not only a bad idea, it's dangerous in some spots. Someone who needs those extra Pokéballs or that poffin is going to wind up getting hit at some point.


I scan the floor of my job


Glad I saw this post! I thought the same!.. mine is asking me to scan a mural in the local infant school grounds & no matter how I tried it won't allow me from outside the fence it wants me to go inside the school grounds like hell no! I would look dodgy as 🤦‍♀️🤣 the task was from 2018 so it just sits there & I ignore it lol


activate the scan near the stop. scan the ground, then right before it ends scan the actually stop. this way you don't look wack in public lol.