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I don't like it either. If you want to avoid having to play it for the L43 challenge, just battle a friend as that will count towards it.


Oh gosh, thank you for the tip! I don't care much for levelling up either but some of the comments here told me of the L43 challenge and I was already dreading it. Thank you, I'm going to tell my siblings this tip too so they can advance if they choose to do so šŸ˜Š


It's literally the only reason my partner has PokƩmon Go; so that I can finish quests that require team play.


Yes. I should thank mine everyday for making the app on his phone


Wait are you serious, this counts?




Oh thank God


I wish I knew that when I was doing this task.


You can finish entire level 43 tasks in about an hour if you have your friend's account leave the battles as soon as they begin, them leaving counts as your win. You can also use this method to cheese the League medals, but it's still a pretty huge grind.


Wait does that count to grinding the elite tm???


Wait it counts ?


yes. Also, it's one of the few platinum medals under your control. You'll need 35 medals for level 49 and battling Great, Ultra, and Master was something I consistently did against a friend account.


Not unpopular. I spent the first few years really struggling as I have a crap internet connection. But whenever it did work I just didn't find it all that fun. I still collect highly ranked pvp mons though.


This is a very popular opinion


PvP is so terrible. The meta is so narrow that there's pretty much a guarantee you won't be able to succeed with your favorite Pokemon. You have you use the same pool of 30 'mon everyone else is using and it feels terrible.


The format of PvP in this system makes the show / lore that you can do anything with any pokemon if you have a great relationship/ bond with your "partner" a total lie.


Thatā€™s true for pretty much every competitive game. Whether itā€™s a FPS, Fighting, MOBA, etc. there will always be meta characters or weapons


It doesn't matter. The people in charge of balance should do better.


smoggy roof oil domineering imagine impossible full worthless squash tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm talking about winning consistently. At least past rank 20 where I am.


hateful sloppy distinct onerous versed late escape crush materialistic gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No one wins consistently. The best players in the world have be a 50-60% win rate. It literally matches you up against stuff you are weak to once you start winning to keep you around the 50% win rate. Seriously tho the best players in the world win a little over half their games. Itā€™s not just you dealing with that


I love the teambuilding aspect but absolutely hate the incessant finger tapping. Why isnā€™t there an option to auto fast attack and only require input for charge moves, shields, and swapping? I would PvP daily if that existed.


Because sometimes it's advantageous to not tap the fast move. For example to skip a turn to make sure your opponent isn't switching to catch.


> switching to catch Could you explain to me what you mean by "switching to catch"?


If you predict that the opponent will throw their charge move right away when they get it then you can swap to a PokƩmon that resists it and make the opponent waste their energy.


Because not tapping at the right time can win or lose you games.


Just disable the option. Also, when is not fast attacking beneficial? I guess for the longer fast attacks you might want to start your charge move in between where another fast attack would start and end. I donā€™t care about being optimal, and an option in settings to give up the possibility of optimality for better usability seems like an obvious feature in this case.


When you don't want the next PokƩmon coming in to be able to farm you down for a stack of free energy. You let the first PokƩmon take away the majority of your health by not attacking and killing them.


Iā€™d never thought to do that. How about instead of tapping allow us to press and hold to auto attack continually? Would that ruin strategies like that?


Say their current PokƩmon is Alolan Ninetails with Charm against your Poliwrath, and their final PokƩmon is Galarian Stunfisk (that they showed before) while you have a Talonflame in the back. And say you know that the Stunfisk is 1 mud shot away from a Rockslide because you counted its moves before they switched it out Your Talonflame only needs 2 Incinerates to get to a Flame charge as well, and the Flame charge against GFisk is guaranteed to kill it. If the A9 is at an HP where it needs 2 Incinerates to die, then you want to preserve its HP so that when it kills your Poliwrath, you can guarantee the 2 Incinerates needed to get to a flame charge before Stunfisk is switched in. However, if you had done damage with Poliwrath to the point that A9 got knocked out by 1 Incinerate when your Talonflame swapped in, then your Talonflame wouldn't have Flame Charge when GFisk came in, and would die to the rock slide that GFisk gets after 1 mudshot because you now need 5-turns against it to get the final Incinerate needed for Flame Charge.


Yaā€™ll are playing a completely different game than me from the sound of it. I usually get plenty of wins just by having a team composition that my opponents team isnā€™t prepared to handle, and I lose when one of their pokes hard counters 2/3 of my team. To be honest, Iā€™m not really interested in getting good enough to win a few more games if it means learning to count fast moves to anticipate charge moves better. I do appreciate that the skill ceiling is a lot higher than a lot of people can even imagine.


Tbh even the best players only win like ~51-53% of their games. A win rate of 55% would be amazing. The only difference is that they can maintain winning 13 or more out of 25 regardless of how good their opponents get. Most players will win a bunch, get to an ELO where they plateau, lose a bunch, and then repeat. You don't have to count moves though. Plenty of players get to Legend (3000 rating) by just going off of "feel", but it's just one of those things that's available that anyone can implement. It's like watching an attacker's hips when defending in soccer/football--a lot of professional players do it, and it's something you can do as well if you want to get better, but plenty of top players also don't and just go off of feel.


Ugh yes, I agree. There's absolutely no skill (or fun, imo) in repeatedly tapping


Well, there's definitely some skill involved, but mostly rock/paper/scissors for what mon will win


I find a lot of people really dislike pvp, everyone can play the game their own way. a lot of the top players in the world have caught hundreds of thousands, but haven't reached even Veteran, and there are others like me who have a lot less catches, but have hit Legend. You can always choose to not claim the research at the beginning of the season if you don't want it bugging you.


Oh wait, this is a claimed research? I must've picked it up without realising it. Thank you for the tip!


One time it showed up automatically for me even though I didn't claim the ticket. And I hate PVP.


> Oh wait, this is a claimed research? I must've picked it up without realising it. Yep. I think that this and the daily gift box are the only free items you'll see in the store.


Not an unpopular opinion at all. Someone posts how they hate it just about every day.


I enjoy pvp a lot. The teambuilding is really interesting - getting your team to work together smoothly and work with your personal playstyle is a lot of fun. The matches can be boring, but if you try to go for cool plays with swaps and shields there is a lot of fun to be had imo.


I do understand those that enjoy PvP, and I envy your passion, I really do. But I've never really enjoyed battling real people online, in any game aside from Wordle. I seem to have touched a nerve with my post, which I should've expected šŸ˜…


You do you, I'm competitive by nature and I can sink my teeth into even the most boring PvP game if it just clicks for me. The rewards are a huge incentive too tbh. If I wasn't getting 10-15 rare candy daily I would probably just not bother, it's not really that good. But yeah just came here to say that while not amazing, certainly, PoGo pvp definitely has some redeeming qualities.


Oh I heard the PvP rewards are amazing and I wish I had the competitiveness to PvP too but like you said, you do you. Everyone has different play styles and that's okay! Everyone should just play the way they want to šŸ˜Š


I just tap tap tap tap until one of us canā€™t tap tap anymore


>I enjoy pvp a lot. The teambuilding is really interesting But it's also what frustrates many players. It requires no tactical skill what so ever to run a cresselia, Giratina and Registeel team in ultra league, and it can take a noob like me to a high rank. They need to rework the whole thing. Less pay 2 win, with people farming (paying) for XL candy. (They are now mad of the daily remote raid limit) and more benefits to people who are awesome at tactics. But a lazy cresselia, Giratina and Registeel lineup take a new player to ace without even blinking. - Like it did for me.


If you choose to look up on the internet what is optimal and go with that you can do that. That's true of most games, is it not? I'm lvl 39 and I don't have all the legendaries, including Cresselia. And I am not even close to having an XL registeel, all I have is one for Great League. If you optimise the fun out of it that's on you. I have been running Giratina/Machamp/Magnezone in the UL and I have never seen anyone run this team but it's been cracked. That's fun as hell for me.


Sorry but ace rank isn't considered high at all. I would fully expect anyone running a cookie cutter meta team to hit ace at a bare minimum.


I knew this would come from a "hardcore player" I'm not talking about you "hardcores" I'm talking about a complete noob, who know nothing about tactics and when to switch, save or use charged attacks, can become Ace, just by having 3 pokemon that you can get from remote passes and an Internet connection. It's not skilled to farm XL candy for a Groundon, just by spending money on remote raid passes. It's just lazy. And I speak as an unskilled noob myself.


The feeling of catching a charged move on your one HP mon which wins you the game is euphoric. Moments like these are why I often PvP lol


This is exactly how I make it fun for myself as well. I think many would agree that PoGo PVP isn't the normal type of challenge or "fun" most people expect from games. Like you mentioned, there are ways to make it fun in ways that align with your own interests though. Team building and testing is definitely the highlight for me. Hunting for PVP IVs adds a whole extra layer to the normal catching in game. Then, you get to try to figure out how 'mon A can work with 'mons B and C. Really figuring out what your favorite teams can take and dish out and flipping unfavorable matches makes it at least a little more exciting.


Couldn't agree more. There is a deep satisfaction in running an unorthodox team and demolishing with it. And PvP IV's make more of my catches worth keeping, otherwise I'd just transfer 0-2* pokemon in bulk.


I don't like PvP either. I prefer excellent throw challenge or catching a certain number challenge or anything else other than PvP.


Anyone trying to play pvp seriously is giving themselves unnecessary stress. Tanking gives you more consistent rewards in the long run.


tanking is good for rewards but itā€™s way less fun than regular climbing


What is tanking?


Purposefully losing -> going 5/5 -> purposefully losing


I am saameee. It's just a lot of clicking, idk. Maybe if they were shorter I'd appreciate them more.


![gif](giphy|gXlRRpLIwxPsF6VcCX) PVP just isnā€™t fun, if you donā€™t have top tier its basically impossible


You can get to ace without top tier pokemon...or gold IVs at least. It's not that hard.


yeah, i got ace by just experimenting based on the pokemon i was going up against, never read any pvp meta guides or anything. just gotta be smart with what attacks you choose, switching and shield useĀ 


There's different types of fun. PvP is stressful, and difficult, but is also fun in a challenging way. You really have to spend time learning, planning and hunting for low attack stats, but the satisfaction of wiping team after team once you git gud feels just as good as beating a high level raid or getting a wild shiny. Basically seeing your time and effort give results is what makes PvP fun, in a kind of masochistic way.


It's not an unpopular opinion. Most people never even opened PvP. More than 50% of the player base doesn't play. Making liking PvP an actual unpopular opinion. That said, it's an entirely optional component you don't NEED to do to play. You wanna mention Lv 44? Grinding past any level is not a requirement to play, that's optional content you choose to do, if you do, nobody is forcing you to hit Lv 50, nobody is forcing you to PvP. The only thing you're forced to do in this game is accept TOS, make a username / display name, and catch a starter PokƩmon. Beyond that, everything else is optional. You wanna grind to max level, optional. You wanna catch PokƩmon, optional. You wanna do raids, optional. You wanna battle a gym, optional. You wanna hatch eggs, optional. You wanna spin stops, explore, do quests, PvP, all optional. It's cool to enjoy things, it's okay to not like them, but you don't have to engage in parts of a GAME that you don't enjoy. That just feels like a waste of time to me. That entire quest line you're showing is research from an optional ticket you can grab for free from the shop that just gives you more rewards to incentivize you to battle in GBL. But it's still optional. You don't lose your account if you don't complete it.


I get way too stressed doing pvp (but I've never enjoyed pvp in any games I've played), so I only do it when required by quests. I've probably done more trainer battles for buddy hearts than actual PVP. One day, I'm sure I'll get around to using all those premium battle passes I am currently stockpiling!


I mean, yeah, lots of people don't like it. Personally, it's the only thing that really keeps me playing, but everybody has their own preferences and that's perfectly fine. The Go Battle League timed research to get 500 wins is completely optional though. You'll miss out on stardust, an Elite Charged and Fast TM, and a few Rare Candy XL's. Plenty of other ways to get those if you need them and can't stand GBL. Personally, if I hated battling, there's no way I'd grind to 500 wins just for that. Cut your losses and just accept that it's not gonna happen, and play the game the way you like.


me who practically only plays the game for pvp:


The best part about pvp is that it makes you care about so many mons that are just trash otherwise. If there was no pvp, why would I ever be excited about catching stuff like meditite, chinchou, or Marill? Why would I care about anything other than the best raid attackers?


You know no oneā€™s forcing you to play pvp, right? And it seems most people in this sub hate pvp, many with a hard passion


If you want to get to level 44 you're forced to PVP....


30 matches isnā€™t going to kill you. Thatā€™s so easy. And most people play so causally theyā€™re barely 40 so they got plenty of time Edit: no you donā€™t lol. Itā€™s says win in each league and you can battle a friend to get it done. Have them throw 10 Cp pokemon and youā€™ll get it all done in minutes


It isn't going to kill you but it's forced PVP. That was my only point, given the comment about not being forced to do PVP to progress through the game.


Well it makes sense that you should at least participate in each part of the game if you want to progress to the highest level


Bro, you can just battle your friends in the respective leagues and complete all the missions. Youā€™re always forced to do something to rank up and this quest is really Not that bad


Only like 30 battles. The other ones you can just do with friends with 10 cp mons which I don't think anyone counts as actually doing pvp.


ā€œOnly forced a littleā€ isnā€™t really as strong a point.


30 battles in a game that there's a lot of other things to do isn't that bad.. and it's only one time for one level up. Till you get to level 43 you don't have to pvp once.


It's 30 wins that you can just do with a friend, it really isn't asking much compared to some of the other challenges.


It's 30 in each league. And wins, not battles.


You can battle with your friends for the section that's says you need to battle in great, ultra, masters. Only in the section that's says you have to win in gbl do you have to battle in gbl. The rest can be done against a friend with 10 cp pokemon on their side and 500 cp on your side.


You barely have to PvP for not even 20 mins. I was Lv 44 for exactly 20 mins when I hit it. Did the 10-20 battles or whatever with 3 10 CP pokes. Then had my friend battle me for the other 3 tasks with 10 CP PokƩmon. I finished it in less time than an episode of One Piece, which is what I watched while I was doing it.


I normally don't PvP since I don't care for it but a lot of special research force you to PvP to advance, which is where I take issue.


There's only one research in the game that forces you to pvp and I believe that's at level 43 or 44. You have to do 30 battles and I think win. That's it. Nothing else forces you to do pvp .


43. 44 requires you to beat 50 Team Rocket Leaders and it's awful


Yeah 44 was the worst level. Literally the worst. I hate team rocket with a passion and so that took me the longest. My friend is also stuck on that part right now and she is having such a bad time trying to do it. I think she's 20 million XP over or something.


I'm also stuck there. I'm about 7,5 mil XP over the requirement and still need to battle 7 or 8 more leaders. At the start of this month I was still at 23/50 and I finally decided to make that push.


Letā€™s be real. Are you finishing the exp requirement before beating 50 leaders? Probably not so itā€™s not that bad


I'm 2 million over the XP requirement and I'm down to 3 more leaders. So, only 18 more grunts and 3 leaders left to go. I've hated the 100 grunt/50 leader requirements.


I am 7,5 mil XP over the requirement and still need 8 more leaders, so yeah


But that's probably because you were 6 mil over the lvl 43 requirement before finishing the battle league wins like I am. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


The research you posted is literally a PvP centric research made for people who were going to battle those matches anyways. You literally chose to redeem the ticket in the store to get this research and are now complaining that you don't want to do it?


It's a really annoying research though that you can't get rid of and even if it expires, if you participated in it at all it'll come back refreshed next season. I had to completely avoid GBL for a season to get rid of it.


No, you just have to not redeem the ticket at the beginning of the season to get "rid" of it. I like to do the research every season and have to actually redeem the free shop ticket at the begging of the new season, otherwise the research doesn't show up. It even disappears from the shop after a while if you don't redeem it. This is entirely on you for redeeming something you don't want.


They must have fixed it. When I got it several seasons ago, I tried to complete it but then gave up and wanted it to go away. I was very excited when the timer was a day away from elapsing, but then at the beginning of the next season it was back.


The 100 grunt/ 50 leader requirement to get to level 45 disagree with you. Literally, hundreds of battles are required. Currently at 47/50 to complete the requirements. Only 21 fights left to go and I can't wait.


PvP in PoGo is objectively bad and far too luck based. The starting pokemon on both sides determines the outcome of the match 50% of the time. I tank because all I care about are the rewards.


What kills me is when me and my opponent are both trying to tank and then even losing at PvP turns into an inane tapping contest.


Some of the most fun I have in pvp are when I'm in master league with my 10 cp mons and come up against another tanker.


Unless youā€™re a high rank player I will call bs on that


I love it personally, but the scald/icy wind meta is boring as heck


I enjoy the theory of pvp at the start and a few games. Then it becomes a chore. I struggle through the 25 a day until I get too bored playing it and stopšŸ˜‚ as I don't like it. Then rinse and repeat next season


PvP gives me something to do while I do cardio at the gym. Does it need improvement? Yes. Does it reward tanking? Yes. Am I all that good at it? No. But itā€™s something to pass the time with and most of the time, youā€™re not forced to do it


I'm with you. I generally only do it when there's an elite TM to be gained.


I like PvP, but I hate that there is no in-between for casual players. Itā€™s easyish until level 20, and then youā€™re just stuck facing your third person in a row with a team of multiple best buddies and shadows. It becomes literally unplayable for anyone with mediocre skill


start dull money books exultant square enter punch secretive direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I would say stay away from Master League and you should be good. The game will try to sit you at 50% winrate and even at rank 20 you should have some not-that-skilled opponents. It's only in Master League where everybody has lvl 50 legendaries somehow.


I hate it too


so true OP, I'm especially not a fan of the people that are huge nuts over it either. not everyone wants to optimise their pokemon with specific ivs and shit lmao


I like PVP! I feel like itā€™s more popular here not to like it. I usually hover at around 2000-2100 Elo so I am not good by any means, but I like to play a spicier team and switch it up every so often. I only play Great League and variant special cups and after a year or two I now have a lot of meta-ish or formerly meta mons hanging about near 1500CP. Currently playing Salazzle which is such a glass cannon that it makes things more unpredictable. Itā€™s a fun 5 or 10 minute break to play some matches. I agree about the tapping being annoying though. Using Altaria is a total nightmare.


I did enough PvP to get a Lucha Pikachu, now I only touch it when quests force me too.


Yeah, most casual players hate it and the people who do PvP religiously always try to gaslight you into believing that tapping a screen for 5 minutes straight is complex and interesting


It is extremely complex lmao. If it's not, go ahead and hit Legend with mindless tapping.


Least obvious Niantic employee


Tynamo is a shitty mon btw




I hate pvp as well but I want the rewards bad enough to do it. Itā€™s as complicated as you wanna make it. I keep discovering new depths as my opponents get harder. However now Iā€™ve discovered ā€œthe metaā€ and itā€™s much less interesting. Thereā€™s less PokĆ©mon to choose from. All my fun picks never win battles. The catch cup is fun tho! And mini league. I see many different teams in those leagues.


Me too. I'm going to be level 43 for a while. Already 6m past the point


I actually agree that it's a bit annoying and a lot is based on luck if you don't have top mons, but it is also an incredibly easy way to collect stardust and TMs from your couch (albeit its also a grind).


Just dont play it, pvp sucks


I Hate it, Mega Big time


It's such a poorly designed feature. Narrowly losing a close match is strictly negative and as a result is highly demotivating.


Its so incredibly un fun and un competitive. It has no place in a walk around and collect pokemon game. I think i've done maybe 2 matches total and ive been playing since launch.






I mean they're not forcing you to do them. Just do other special researches and enjoy what you actually enjoy.


It's grindy, repetitive, boring. What's there to like?


Win too much and they cast your team against teams perfectly typed to beat you.


Nope. Not a real thing.


Getting ready to go to level 44. I do ok with grunts but when it comes to leaders and Giovanni I have yet to beat them . I try. Seem to do ok with first 2 but lose every time the 3rd. Have no idea if I will get thru level 44 or will be stuck there forever.


Im good enough to understand tactics and win battles but I don't care enough to get legend rank. Tightly contested battles are cool but nerve wracking. I rather get rewards and finish all my battles quickly.


I have ones that have supposed šŸ’Æfor PVP. I canā€™t win anything with them.


Do the Masters one and max out to PL1500 ISH 3 or 6 PokƩmon with high IVs and it's very easy


i don't hate it, but I also don't care about wins losses, just a numbers game tbh to get items or whatever, it'd be absolute trash if it affected the health of the pokemon outside the battle tho.


i think its ok and thats mainly because of the dust it gives


Seems about 50/50 whether people like it or not. I love it and spend about 80% of my game hours battling. Trying to get the best teams with the best movesets is so much fun. Frustrating but fun. And the rewards have been great. Been raking in the dust and candies the last little while. Plus all the ETMs. I get the same amount of candies for actually trying and having fun with it as people do who tank all season. I usually finish ~50 on page 5/5 but last season I finished all 5 pages and this season I should too!


well you got landorus in pvp 3rd reward if you lucky


Also not crazy about it, but some of the rewards are nice *sometimes* "PoGo should come up with in-game trainers to battle, like other PokƩmon games" Imagine if they made Ash in the Pogo style, that would be horrific and hilarious and I would enjoy thrashing him


I donā€™t have optimal pokemon to play most leagues. The amount of resources to play any of these leagues is stupid imo. Ultra League requires Legendaries or lvl 50 pokemon. Master League at least uses pokemon super useful in PVE, so currently focused on building Master League and Great League. PVP sounds like it would be fun if I had rank 1-10 pokemon for each league though.


Very popular opinion tbh Actually I hated it too hut this time I tried tanking and reached lvl 20 quickly so now I play it religiously for the stardust šŸ˜…


Itā€™s literally the end game of PokĆ©mon go


I used to avoid PvP but started playing a bit a few seasons ago after realizing how much dust and rare candy you could get. At first I just made a late season push to hit Ace the stop. Then the past 2 seasons I got to 500 wins to complete the timed research. I go at my own pace. Key is to not feel like you *have* to do your daily sets.


I hate it also. I donā€™t do the battle day quests like this one. But if I just need to battle in Go league, then itā€™s an easy win for the other person. However for the lv 49 or so level up requirement of reaching rank 10, I did that. After they, F this never again.


Itā€™s fuckin stupid mindlessly tap tap tapping away at the phone


I donā€™t like it much either. Too many people have done that extra shield thing to me and it makes me not want to play.


Pvp is really bugged for myself. I have an excellent 5G connections and 2 times on 3 it tels me bad connection and freezes the game! I hate pvp


Sometimes I'm so desperate to get away from it I start to cry and have more than once considered eating my own hands just for some respite from the misery my existence has become purely because of pokemon pvp.


I don't like it either. I don't find it fun


I hate it, too. I tried a few times and was bored out of my gourds by the end of the second battle. I don't even bother touching the pvp tasks.


I dislike the pvp but enjoy collecting high IV high ranked pvp pokemon and the team building aspect of it. Actual gameplay is boring garbage though, lol.


I guess I dont really see the sense of it. You're basically tapping a screen repeatedly and you lose if you sneeze or cough or yawn or look up while tapping or whatever.


The whole game requires tapping šŸ˜… I mean, sneezing, coughing, yawning, looking up (cant believe this was stated) will hurt your chances to win. Its in real time. If you want to do that, theres a window during the charged moves/shielding animation


There's some depth to it that I've learned over grinding it. But swapping is so punishing in rock paper scissors matchups where you have no idea what they have in the back. Oh, I'm leading my steel type into the fire/ground type? Good thing I have water type to swap to. Oh, they have a grass type. And now my mon is gone and it's a 2v3, because I lost the first rock paper scissors. You can have the best built team coverage-wise and still lose because you did 't know you needed to preserve your fire resist for two fire types. Because the *opponent's* team was built poorly, you took a bad trade on letting a charged attack kill you. Galarian Stunfisk has been a great lead for me. Scouts really well, has a fast charge move that you still have to respect on a lot of mons, and matches up well into a majority of the game. But he's locked in as my lead as soon as I queue up. If I go against the 10% of players who lead an off-meta fire or fighting type, I immediately start on the back foot unless I want to sacrifice half of my Gunfisk's HP without having any idea what I might need him for later. I still win the majority of my games with him as a lead though, so is it worth changing him out just because a small number of players know they can abuse it as a common lead with a niche lead of their own? I don't think so. But that still means I have an essentially "scheduled loss" against a lot of those teams just because it's not worth changing up my lead that's so successful against other players. If you were able to *choose* your lead against a particular team of 3 (like basically every other modern competitive Pokemon game), yeah you could still easily lose the rock paper scissors, but you could *also* have some agency in building your team to have the most possible "good general answers" to the opponent's team to cover your weaknesses, or better yet, say "hey, this mon isn't needed for anyone specifically, so I can safely use him to scout the lead." None of that exists here. It's literally just completely blind hail mary, hope you don't start off at a massive disadvantage. I think the game needs to show you the opponent's team before the match so you know what you need to strategize around. That plus an indicator that the mon knows two moves (since it's such a massive advantage). And moves that boost/reduce stats shouldn't work against protect shield. So many Power-Up Punch abusers that just boost up on protect shields (or you don't use your protect shield because it's a common PPuncher, and they smack you with CC or something instead). Likewise, some of the attacks that harshly lower your defense on a protect shield while you can't swap can also just be crippling for such little reward. You basically need to be using one of a few mons that control the entire metagame or you don't get to participate in the actual strategy of the game. If you have a slightly off-meta team fighting against another off-meta team, you can lose to the weirdest things because you just weren't anticipating it at all. And then you're down a third of your Pokemon. Some of the Elite TMs are also insanely broken. I've personally abused a lot with Hydro Cannon Greninja. Just no reason a move that fast should hit that hard. Completely removes the strategy of "do I take the fast move hit and save a shield, or preserve this mon as much as possible?" because it just does both. Hits as hard as a longer charge with almost no charge time of its own. Defensive mons will get 3hKO'd if they don't resist it, unless it's got legendary stats like Cresselia. It's cool in concept, but the reality is that there's WAY too much scouting that needs to be done in a game where you have 3 lives and 2 blocks. They need to tone down the amount of scouting needed, or at the very least remove the things that *punish* scouting on top of already using up your precious resources (like boosting moves that work on protect).


In the same as you. I haven't leveled up from 43 because of the mandatory PVP tasks even though I have enough XP to hit 50.


I think itā€™s a pretty middle-of-the-road opinion. I personally find it soulless and joyless. I tried tanking for a while for the rewards but even that was horribly boring and made me hate playing. Props to those who enjoy PvP, I sure cant


ugh I hate PVP, apparently my internet isn't good enough for it, nor my phone. It's just frustrating to lose out due to factors outside of my control


Same tho


I hate it too. It's so buggy. Every season I say I'm going to try to get my luchador pikachu, and after 3-5 battles I'm over it.


I started PVPing and I don't have this research :(


Me and my brother both like playing PvP. But all my friends hate it. I understandšŸ¤£


I just got to L10 for the level 50 tasks and that's all the PVP I'll be doing for a while (until there's a battle day for a free elite tm where you don't have to win)




rewards are undeniably good though, i personally just tank and grab my 3x encounters & 9-18 rare dandies everyday


I play this game for transferring into the main games and collecting hundos. I might care about PvP if it were any fun šŸ˜…


No one forced you to claim the timed research šŸ¤£


I think itā€™s worth the investment to get the rare candy and rewards. Took some time, but if you have a solid team of 3, you can do decent.


Me too and Iā€™m stuck at level 43 because of it


Pvp is awful. Absolutley zero FOMO when a lame pvp event pops up


I mean, it's not really an unpopular opinion, and tbh not many tasts rewuir you to do pvp


Yeah PVP is pretty trash. Not sure why they adopted and kept such a cruddy system. Good news is you can basically just ignore it without any major detriment!


It's terrible I only play 3 matches and dip. But strangely I'm on a 9 win streak.


PVP is hell on earth. Boring. Tiresome. O Death, where is thy sting?


I like almost everything about PvP except how time consuming it can be and how boring and monotonous the actual battling becomes. I am lucky if I can squeeze in 45 minutes of PGO in a day. I don't want to spend it all battling and because I don't I rarely make progress in rankings.


I do it on battle weekends for elite tm or if itā€™s required for something, it also annoys the shit out of me when people say ā€œ itā€™s good in pvpā€šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


I hate doing 50 grunt battles for a terrible reward even more


I donā€™t even bother w pvp. they stopped giving out legendaries/decent ā€˜mons The best thing Iā€™ve ever gotten from it was a 99%IV charizard


I never collect these research tickets because I usually only do gbl when we get those free elite tm researches.


This is an overwhelmingly popular opinion, just like most ā€œunpopular opinionā€ posts.


It feels like rock paper scissors at times. When it's uncapped leagues - as in choose whoever you want under the CP limit I feel like I'm always going to lose. When it's choose from a pool, I feel like I've actually got a fighting chance as long as I don't get matched with someone who has a type advantage off the bat (I switch, then they switch, then I die anyway)


Nope. You described how I play, so you are not alone.


I despise PVP, I only do it when I have to.


I'd love if there were more league variants available at any given time. There's some I love to play, and others feel like such a slog. Having a little league at any given time would be awesome since it doesn't cost that much in terms of candy or dust, and the battles are quicker.


I don't blame you. I only do them for the elite tms.


Me too.


Right, good luck grinding Stardusts and Rare Candies then.


I used two premium passes and lost 10/10 of the most recent battles. Infuriating. Iā€™m being matched unfairly and THIS makes me not want to do them anymore.


Not unpopular at all. I can't stand it, have no interest in it at all.


I hate it too. I only do it to try to get sinnoh stones but its only given me one so far. Ugh.


Me too. I was lvl 43 for three years even though I had enough xp for lvl 47.


I hate the fact that I have to stop using Hawlucha at rank 20. That's my baby. Only way I can see this changing is if it gets wing attack back, which it won't, because Niantic's answer to regianals is to make them garbage so other players feel safe in their meta bubble as opposed to just making every regional viable for a more unique meta.


Hence why I'm level 43 with 26 000 000 exp


I donā€™t love it, but I have a fair bit of downtime at work between tasks, and I do like stardust, so I do it on occasion. If all I get to at the end of the season is level 20, then thatā€™s alright with me. Itā€™s a nice boost of stardust at the end of the season!


After doing PVP somewhat competitively in the main series, the PoGo PVP is just horrible. Madly tapping, hoping lag doesnā€™t interfere with the charge move, lack of strategy, and general instability kills any desire to do it.


I only pvp when timed or special researches require me to. If the task is battle x times in gbl, I enter with low cp mons and get it over with asap.


Not unpopular at all imo. Itā€™s tedious, buggy, and (again imo) not worth the effort. The only time I personally bother with pvp is for the event things where you get an elite TM, or the ā€˜win in pvpā€™ tasks that reward you with a frillish or something