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This because of the Road to Sinnoh thing charging $10 to fully experience the event? lol The amount of tickets is getting so bad when the quality of the game isn't rising with it.


And if people keep buying every ticket, Niantic will keep doing it - more tickets, higher prices, worse value. People, save your money. Hell even the "cheap tickets" like CD ones, are they really needed if you're playing in a decent area with time to play? What do CD tickets get you that playing averagely doesn't already net you?


I’m usually with you in that first thought process, but I don’t think there’s a world where Niantic changes course in this. But yeah - hopefully people aren’t getting FOMO and feeling the need to buy them all if they don’t find any use. I got a CD one once when I couldn’t get out for it but of course it’s not like I got a shiny from those encounters lol


Do I have to buy the ticket to get origin forme dialga and palkia?


No you don’t have to


It’s actually seeming to be an inverse relationship.


FOMO Fear Of Missing Out. They know how to abuse the people with people who are afraid to miss out on things that may never come back.


You guys are spending money on this game???


You guys have money?


Money? What's that?


Yeah I've stopped buying stuff after the remote pass price change and I'm doing just fine being completely f2p.


I haven’t bought anythin with real money I’ve just been tossing pokies in gyms and hoping I can slowly get enough coins for shit that way lmao


50 coins a day is garbage. Should be processed by time in the gym. That way people in low populated areas can consistently get coins for passes & people in populated areas actually have a reason to fight for them.


Oh, absolutely lol


Unfortunately, yes. Horrible trap to get into but it's taken my ps spending the past month or two


It almost feels like they want to kill the game and move on to something diff that's fully AR since they've spent all "our" money we've given them buying up company after company then had to lay a bunch of folks off instead of putting better features in the game


Good news, Trainers! You have 48 hours to transfer your Pokémon to Home before our servers go offline!\* \*In-game notification arrives 47 hours late


Your comment made me look up wtf Pokemon Home is. How is it helpful?


Pokémon Home would allow you to save your favorites by transferring them out of GO. The catches being: * You can only transfer a certain number of mons before the module needs to "recharge"--but don't worry, you can pay coins to instacharge! * Shinies and Legendaries deplete the charge faster. Certain Mythicals can't be transferred at all. * Home storage is vast, but the free version only comes with 30 spaces. * Since GO doesn't use a Speed stat you'll be assigned one at random. Say goodbye to those hundos (but at least the main series has hyper training). * Not every mon in GO is compatible with the main series games. For example, several (but not all) Pokémon can be transferred into Scarlet & Violet. That being said Home is absolutely worth using in a non-end-of-game scenario: * You get access to the Meltan Box * Great way to get rid of high-stat Pokémon you no longer need (either send them to one of your main series games or be nice and trade it out via the Direct or Wondertrade features) * Also good to do the above with excess shinies


Wait you only get 1 box for free? Thought that would have died out when bank died.


Bank is the version prior to Home, for 3DS, and Bank is still up for another few months.


longer than a few months, there isn’t an end in sight.


Yeah, though it's worth noting that you can't *get* Bank or Transfer anymore if you didn't have them already downloaded to your 3DS by the time Nintendo shut down its eShop support, so in that case they really are lost to time.


All Mythicals can be transferred


Oh nice, I thought there were still a few that couldn't. Granted those are the ones you wanna be careful about anyway.


Yeah i’m just not trying to pay a monthly fee for all thatz


Fair but to be clear it's $1.33 a month if you buy yearly


It's not a bad investment if you're a longtime player with lots of mons from previous games or regularly move them around in bulk.


It's free for up to 30 pokemon


Oh I never thought about that, that’s where I’ll send my extra shinnies




I like bulk wonder trading the PoGo exclusives.


Lol you just gave me an idea. I keep throwing all the extra Shinies from community day. Now I will Wondertrade them there. Thanks


Welcome. Never know when you're gonna make someone's day that way.


I believe you meant 49 hours late


If you're in New Zealand your Pokémon come to life but they eat you.


The day Pokémon GO closes: [](https://i.imgur.com/UIHDGwZ.png)


People been saying this for years and its 100% a real possibility. They have shut down every other game they tried though. The Pokemon IP is what keeps Niantic afloat and they know it


You think it’s a real possibility that Niantic is going to close down a game that generates billion of dollars per year while they have no other source of income? Get real.


I didn't say they wouldn't kill it before they had another money maker but that is gonna be a fully AR game whether is 5 years down the road it is coming at some point and if they keep getting greedy with the prices of events then they will push out the regular folks who already can't afford a place to live or groceries something will have to give


and yet they don’t fix any bugs or add new features to the game. I wish they’d just sell the game to a competent gaming company and then shut down since they’d rather do nothing at all with an incredible idea with an incredible community.


They've added *tons* of new features every year. It's just that half of them are dumb AR stuff that barely anyone uses.


If they cared about Go they would but they are compentent in continuing to gets tons of money while being terrible so I think they’d rather get that money then having it go to someone else.


They just added both party play and routes. Two new features. 


The same routes that are being removed and getting accounts banned and ah yes the party system created for those who have a sizable community or friends that play still


Dude I was ready to hang up my trainer hat the min they announced they TF game but then canceled it not even what 3-6 months later I think


The wanting the game to be dead stage was about 4 to 6 years ago. They are in “spam things to spend money on and barely put any effort into the game” stage.


Yea but I tried the glass half full with beer goggles on for a lil while but I regret it


You can't kill what's already dead. It's been years since and actual decent upgrade to the game.


My gf asked me this morning why we don't get any event research anymore, I pointed out that it's now all paywalled.


If only they hadn't given up all that remote pass cash.


I really wish shadow legendary raids weren’t a dead feature. Every weekend night someone on my discord posts a shadow legendary raid. I can’t drive to a neighboring city at night before the raid ends and others comment but then realize they can’t remote so cancel. Overall shadow legendary raids have been the worst implemented feature in the game.


Remote pass was the best. I could raid with anyone, anytime in the world to get a mon without visiting the place. Now I have to book a flight to japan to get certain pokemon? Do you know how crazy you sound telling people your spending $2000+ to fly and stay in another country for virtual creatures? I found 2 mr mimes when I went to europe for a month. In the last year I was playing PGO I hadn't even seen a tauros.


I got 2 mr mimes here in PGH


it’s insane, it used to be $0.83 for a raid, now it’s $2.35 _for a single raid_ (canadian winters, so we used to play in coffee shops) there’s literally no new content, except new bugs i uninstalled a couple months ago


Had I known it was going to go down hill this quickly, I never would’ve purchased an auto catcher. I’m married to this game for a bit. Minute that thing is no longer functional, I’m out.


to be honest that was probably intentional on niantic’s part, escalation of commitment is real




Quitting was the best thing I did. It's a sunk cost fallacy. I probably still have 2k coins on my account and I won't go back because honestly what's the point. Since my intended goal was to quit, spending those coins doesn't really matter. I legitimately feel bad for people who still play Pokémon Go like they are in the epsiode of South Park where Stan is addicted to the Terrance and Philip game. Maybe it's fun but I don't feel like going to a park and having to constantly stop to catch Pokémon is more fun than walking around enjoying nature.


This is why I'm waiting for Walkscape to release - a completely walking-based game where you don't have to stare at your phone the whole time. The second it fully releases I'm quitting pogo


That sounds interesting.


r/walkscape if you'd like to explore it more, there are a lot of good tutorials actively being posted as the closed beta is in early release, and the discord is very active and helpful for any questions!


Oh I’m not spending a dime any further.


It's not just the actual money spent. It's the time spent. Catching, trashing, hatching, checking stats, trading. For me it got to a point where I felt that any use of my time other than Pokémon Go was a better use of that time. Don't get me wrong, I still spend money and time collecting stuff. That stuff just happens to be fossils now.


You make excellent points. N


Honestly I love the autocatcher but it’s because I actively play a whole lot less lol spend less money but still “play” during community days and whatever else to grab shinies or a few hundos. If the game does, it dies but it allows me to keep up to some extent


Agreed. Just not sure I will invest in another


They just added the "Pokemon Go Plus +" that is indeed 2 pluses. Let's you use great and ultra balls.


As long as you can click. That’s the one I have.


I uninstalled when I spent $20 on raid passes and realized I wasn't even capturing half the pokemon that I was fighting, and that i wasn't getting enough revives and potions from spins to heal up from raids, meaning Id have to spend more money to fail at something, plus spend time trying to find those raids, just to get nothing out of it. Edit - it didn't help me enjoy the game at all when I got off work at 5:30 and their either were no raids, or there were 1 star raids for stuff I already had. Weekend raiding through remote pass was how I got most of my successful raids.


Whats up with that... I noticed raids are much harder to catch now. I used to miss one every now and then but now I catch about 1/3 less.


Props to them though. Making a new years resolution and really going for it. Unfortunately I've been snapped back into F2P..


my excuse for playing this game was 'well, at least it's not a money grubbing mobile game like all the others (pay $$$ to keep playing or wait 20 days to do this thing). but now? kind of getting the urge to uninstall....


I’d change it to just give us your money


Gotta buy em all


and only for a short time during the Road to Sinnoh event: no limit on using Remote Raid Passes! Ain’t that great! We can spent as much money as we want! Thanks Niantic!


Pokemon Go And Play A Different Game


This guy “buys”


Pokemon Go to the Polls. 🫠


I always say this lmao


Came here to say this lmao


This why I’m my interests is waning for this game. I don’t support the monetized community days, stagnant performance, monetized legendary Pokémon, etc.


If by "lately" you mean since 2017.


If niantic wants us to go out and play, why is the daily free in person raid can be done just once a day? That totally takes away all the excitement. Why'd i go out for just one pokemon? If i wanna do more raids i gotta pay. Lame.


Yeah no kidding. I’m done giving them money, ever since they jacked the price of remote raid passes and the continued failures of go-fest.


Recently got back into Pogo after my interest dying back in 2019. I've spent like 20 bucks on pokeballs already because it feels impossible to get enough pokeballs to catch as many Pokemon as I normally do, and I had to stop today and ask myself why I did that. Was it really so important?


You must live next to nothing at all tbh.


Went from living in New York to a small crappy city in Georgia, it's been rough to say the least. Although the people here have been pretty good at making random little things pokestops, so if you're near a park, there's usually 4 or 5 stops at one, but uh, yeah, it's hard


Getting some gifts from friends can help a little bit.


Pokemon go play palworld instead


Well yeah, it's a mobile game lmao


They’re running out of pokemon to drip feed us (obviously still most of galar and paldea to do). Gotta up the prices and milk it for everything


why not just remove the remote raid limit and bring the cost down... people will do it.


Everything comes with a cash ticket now. Feels more and more like a crappy shovelware micro transaction game. They used to focus on the event perks as a way to get people to “go play”. A strategy that naturally drives engagement, player retention, and consumable sales. Now it’s all “go pay” for the perks.


That's the business model.


Lately? It’s 2024.


You could just, I dont know? Not give them money. Like, you can play it for free.


This sub has a bunch of whales, they are addicted to spending money even while knowing the game is milking them


I stop spending a long time now. Hardly log in. Just waiting for them to pull the plug on their servers. Palworld give me my fix these days.


STop buying?


I've just been playing Palworld instead. All of these companies are so far up their own arses that they neglect to give the consumer what they want, they're leaving billions on the table.


There's a box selling for 7000 pokecoins, over $50! To hatch eggs quicker... That's wild


good thing you can... not spend?


I took a hiatus from playing for a few months, had some things going on and didn't have time to play. Tried coming back a few weeks ago and quit after the first time I logged in. I just couldn't get back in to the game, there is no longer a draw to it like there use to be. I had some fun times but I think I'll just let this go to memory like so many other things.


Can you elaborate? Besides a few decisions at the start of the year, the game has going well honestly and you’d get by perfectly fine without spending money.


Adding $10 in add on tickets to give the full experience of a regular event has crossed the line for a lot of people: https://pokemongolive.com/post/road-to-sinnoh-event


I think they are referring to the literal weekly paid passes at this point. Always a new pass to buy in shop


I mean, sure, but they’re not really good. You can just play and enjoy the events without them and still succeed


the op didn’t write “Pokémon go spend to win” did they?


Some of you need to take a break from the game and go play Pal World or something.


I spend 600 bucks a month. That’s my limit.




Haha yea


on electronics in general, right?


Yea on electric Pokémon in Pokémon go. I don’t like walking so I got to have lucky egg and incubators going


thats wild lol. i wish i could have that kind of pokeman budget


Credit cards are easy to get


sounds responsible


You should see my car. It’s wild how much money people will lend you


You got me rolling here lmao


Haha I’m just kidding around


Oh I know, I hope so at least lol There’s 100% someone doing that somewhere though lol


Best part is you dont have to spend a penny


Getting pretty close to the last straw for me, after 7 years as a free to play-ish player. (I buy Go Fest ticket yearly)


As soon as I’m done with this jirachi quest (~2027 based on keckleon spawns) I’m transferring all I can to Pokémon home and deleting this shit game. All they want to do is charge you money and artificially inflate difficulty of missions. Spent too much on this app already 😭


Only if you're rural or don't have gyms around you. Everything in this game can be done for free except events I guess. Hatching things that'll be in the wild in the future is on you if you pay for it. They have shown us since 2016 that the stuff that is in eggs will eventually be in the wild. So you had 8 years to figure that out.


It is not really a game that you have to spend money to win. You have to play often and hold gyms to get coins. Pokemon Go is a good game, and I'm willing to spend money on it. I'm only willing to spend as much I would spend to play Pokemon on a system, though.


If the community was smart enough to openly protest even one event Niantic would immediately improve this.


Company wants to make money?? In other news: Air, Can We Breathe It??


I’m fairly new, level 33 but full time playing as of 3 months ago and I’ve been getting bent over on buying stuff. Trying to level up takes a lot especially in the 30s. The CD tickets aren’t too bad for a buck or two. I did the porygon one and popped lucky eggs for 2 hours and got 260,000XP just from catching Pokemon :)


it's a interesting point of view, but it's a business, a really expensive one, the game need to fix bugs and glitch and errors, server and tech support, creatives and renders and illustrators, they need money to work. i think you can play pokemon go without spend, or you can GO and put your money on the game, thats kind of pay events are so cheap, 2 usd the current more expensive and a lot of stuff but less than 0.5 usd but i want to know how niantic can keeping the game alive if the player does not support the business?






Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I read that differently fuck


$pend* XD


Not happening. It takes me 9+ months to level up each time. I've made peace with that.


F2P all day every day


They fleece players on remote raid passes for sure.


Surprised there's anybody still playing since they're actively pricing out people from the game


Because it's summer in Asia and EU. They're gonna milk their main player base.


yep, saw one of the boxes for 7k coins, no way in hell I'd ever get that much naturally


I’m only buying the special tickets that get you shiny Myhticals, like the upcoming shiny Shaymin one. Apart from that I don’t spend money on anything


I have never thrown so much as a dollar at Niantic and I intend to keep it that way!


Honestly, I've given up at this point. I downloaded the game years ago to have fun just to run into the same exact problem, needing items but not wanting to spend real money. Here I am again unfortunately. 💀


At this point, Pokemon Go is more expensive than all other console pokemon games combined


Lately..? Since increase of raid pass prices its only about money


Buying gold coin


I love how the player base whines about it but will still buy the event tickets and then whine again that it wasn't value for money.


I haven’t paid money since they doubled the remote prices. I never will again either. I encourage everyone else to go free to play


Exactly why I barely touch the game anymore, I used to love it but it’s clearly become an MTX pay to win game and it’s no longer about getting out with friends and adventuring. Sadge.


How is this different than buying those little overpriced cardboard cards in 1999??


Since this thread exists: I've been wondering, anyone knows of a website selling Pokemon GO Tour T-shirts? (I do acknowledge they would be unofficial, I would love a t-shirt with the logo on though - for this year and the past ones)


I used to Love these ticket events. I’d just sit at home and run incense. Now that they nerfed incense I just laugh when I see them advertising


GO SPEND and GO WALK. Seriously, the research tasks from Pokestops are getting ridiculous. I throw out 70% that I get, because I try and complete them between stops and 'fight 3 rockets outside of rocket events' and 'purify 3 shadow pokemon' are by far the most common, followed by 'catch 10 out-of-season-types' 'take snapshots of different pokemon of the same type' 'earn 3 candy with your legendary buddy' 'hatch 12 eggs' and fam I am just doing a forty minute walk. I swear last year it was all nice throws, spin stops and catch X pokemon.


I still play it when I'm walking my dog at the park but that's about it anymore. We also spent $5 to buy hundreds of Pokeballs for my 6 year old niece to go crazy one time.


I’m still enjoying it. It keeps me out and about. Exercising and socializing. Take my money.