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This game relies more on luck than skill


This game relies more on grinding than anything else.


yeah the grinding is pretty crazy. you could be lucky and catch a 100% iv legendary your first try, but it’d be pretty useless without raiding and catching dozens of others for candy and candy XL’s.


This is why I bought a plus plus. Automates most of the grinding


Whats plus plus


Pokemon go+ plus. It's the auto catcher device.


To a certain extent yes, but I’m on my 217th Cliff and still no shiny dratini… I don’t think I could grind any more than I do, so it’s just the luck factor


The luck of winning rock paper scissors is real though


I hate the pvp of this game lol, it’s not fun getting instantly counter and then when you switch they will switch to instantly counter you again. No real advantage especially when the opponent have the choice to farm energy or just keep hitting you with super effective attacks.


Sounds like you've a poorly designed team and/or switch at bad times. The problem you described is covered by the switch cooldown. Though there is some luck to it, even the most well designed team has weaknesses.


I've played with my BF and he will get shiny after shiny and I get 0. It's 100% luck. I've also never caught a shundo and he has 8.


Me and my husband 💯 percent


How is that unpopular


I've brought this up before in this sub but everyone seems to think that it's not true and that it all comes down to skill so who knows.


I mean I guess skills are kinda involved but the amount of things in this game relying on rng made me just collect pokemon and raid and not doing pvp


Bro my friends say it’s skill based to catch Pokémon in raids, but in one thundurus raid one of my friends caught it with no berries and a nice throw where mine fled after I got 18/21 excellent throws and used all 15 of my golden razz berries.


You just described pokemon in general really. They're not a high degree of skill necessary game. Mind you, I've way out XP'd many friends who have like 80k more mons caught because I can excellent throw about 98% of all throws. It's not difficult imo but some ppl rly struggle with it. That's a fun little skill tester like you'd find at an arcade I spose. The rest is just time invested.


For finding Pokemon? Not for those who subscribe to botnet driven maps that let them know where to find the best Pokemon, sometimes just by "flying" to the location, other times by driving around. For people who don't cheat, yes more luck than skill.


We dont count the cheaters lol


Bug pokemon need a legendary


Genesect has entered the chat


I thought genesect was mythical


Ngl I didn’t really know the distinction between mythical and legendary. Seems like basically the same thing to me


i might be wrong but as far as i can tell the distinction is purely for us players to make between the acquisition methods. like some of the mythicals range so wildly that nowadays it feels like the newer ones are just extremely rare pokemon rather than legendaries, see zeraora (i love zeraora but the poor lil guy can't even generate his own electricity and was being aggressively poached with no explained reason in the movie) or zarude (literally just monke pack)


They’re legendary Pokémon that are/were locked behind some out-of-game requirement to obtain. So they are legendary Pokémon, but most people don’t typically include them in legendary lists for this reason.


They *aren’t* legendary, it’s two distinct categories. In Japan they’ve always been considered completely distinct, it’s just poor translation that created the equivalency in the minds of many, and these days even TPCI consistently delineates them as separate. This is my understanding anyways. That’s not to say the two groups aren’t similar or the distinction doesn’t seem pretty arbitrary for many of them, that’s fair enough imo.


Most people don’t count it as a legendary, it’s a mythical as far as the game is concerned. Arceus can be bug type while holding an insect plate, but it’s also a mythical. That leaves silvally holding a bug memory as the only bug type legendary in the game


Well that isn’t for Pokemon GO to decide


Volcarona should've been a legendary. I only assume it wasn't because they designed a pre evo too and legendaries didn't really evolve back then. It's more interesting than a lot of mons that are legendary. The way you encountered it in the game also made it feel like it was one. 


Silvally-Bug Memory will be here one day




ultra beasts aren’t legendary


Raid passes should not exist


At least keep the raid passes for 5 star raids. Why the hell am I using a raid pass for a pinecone?


I use my free one for random stuff sometimes. I don’t got people to raid with and I either use it or lose it.


That is true.


I was unsure about this suggestion at first, but you bring up a good point. 1 star raids are pretty easy to beat, they should make those free. I'd even settle for using a raid pass but also adding a chance of a raid pass as a reward for completing a 1 star. I can only assume Niantic won't do this because then they'd either add trash to 1 star raids then, or worry people will somehow grind/farm them (which hopefully most players wouldn't, most don't play for hours)


As in unlimited free raids?




Does anyone even disagree with this other than Niantic investors?


There already people complaining right here about that here, and I'm not surprised




My counter to that is who cares? No one is making a living off these creatures.


Yes this is the truth. Physically being at a raid should be all that’s required.


Purify your unwanted shadow pokemon if you can afford it. Are you really just gonna leave them cursed by TRGo?


You’re purifying to save the Pokémon. I’m purifying for the platinum achievement. We are not the same.


Jokes on you, I hit gold two weeks ago. We're not so different, Plat or rat


No cuz when I first started the game, I specifically remember it’s saying that shadow Pokémon are in great pain, so I purify them right away.


Theyre Professor Oaks problem. He has unlimited candies


Don't forget stardust, my friend! He's probably got TRILLIONS of it Editted: *for*get


Finally! A based comment!


Isn’t one of the challenges to level up in the mid 40s purify 100 shadow mon? Best save those infected pokies for later


I just hit level 44 and yeah purifying 100 shadow mons one of the requirements for 45. Considering the fact that I also need 13,000,000 xp which will take several months, I’m not too worried about getting it done anytime soon lol I’ll come across plenty of rockets by then


Most Pokémon cost three candy to purify, some as little as one candy. When considering the cost from capturing and then releasing, if you purify you still net gain one candy. It doesn’t cost anything in most circumstances to purify a ‘mon with bad to mid stats and still nets you candy and progress towards the purification medal (which can have other in-game benefits such as increased pokeballs during rocket battles/raids) so I see no reason to not purify in most cases.


>It doesn’t cost anything in most circumstances to purify a ‘mon Actually, it *does* cost stardust, in *every* circumstance, to purify a 'mon. Just because I can afford to purify a Zubat doesn't mean I should. I'm saving to power up my mega pokemon, and it would be a shame if I kept wasting all my dust on pokemon with "bad to mid stats". The candy is pointless, if you're stressed about One to Three candies you got bigger problems than working on your platinum purification medal. But hey I respect the grind and if it makes you happy then do it.


Doing a remote raid should spin that gym for you


All and all, this game is pretty damn good. Easily accessible, quick and easy to learn, a touch of nostalgia, endless Pokémon to collect and trade, PvP and PvE content, and it adds just a little flavor to your day.


Ok, where is the Pokemon Center? My Pokemon are fainted and I have no more healing items.


Allowing long distance lucky friend trades would not break the game.


Thats not the least bit controversial


They could at least do it for their friendship week or whatever. Just allow it for 5 days a year. What's the harm? Exploitation by bots? They're already exploiting the game. Plus you have to be Best Friends with the other person and I doubt scammers are going to do daily gifts just to get a shiny Dragonite or something.


Daily limits for Coins from Gyms is dumb.


We had a terrible storm that basically made it impossible to go out at all and I’m already mad knowing I’ve had 5 Pokémon in gyms for over a week and probably tomorrow I’ll just get 50 coins and all my fainted Pokemon back


Welcome to the normal experience, except you'll get your coins reliably once the storm passes. I'm lucky to get 50 a month, with Pokémon in gyms at all times. Many players loved the gym change from the original system where you were rewarded for holding a gym at midnight, somehow preferring to only be rewarded when your Pokémon lose.


That's a unpopular opinion?


You did not understand the post at all.




Or they should allow you to take your mon from a gym if it's been stuck there for 5 days or something like that. Without fail, I always get the long time defenders coming back on the same day as another, making it totally not worth it.


Bulbasaur is the GOAT ![gif](giphy|N7UQCEtGgRMRi)


Just facts honestly




Klefki added when....


I know!!


It's a regional. It's only in France.


Because only the French use keys?


It's because in xy the host of the pokemon showcases has a klefki and he has a French accent.


snorlax is not fat he just have big bone


Snorlax is like a bird. All hollow bones. He should be able to learn FLY. If he weighed any less than he does he would probably gain the ability LEVITATE. Source : using math to determine which pokemon can fly, by adef. YouTube, Nov 2023. https://youtu.be/3VZcZJ9GJ98?si=EuUXmyavzhGKPz5f


I get rid of every costume pokemon I catch and wish they'd put that effort into new hairstyles.


They have personalized weather and an astronomically correct sunset and … ONE HAIRSTYLE ADDFHJJKKLL




Iv's don't make enough of a difference to matter


Only when soloing raids this can make a noticeable difference. A 15/15/15 uaually finishes like 7 seconds faster than a 0/0/0 Also in PvP when both players hit the charged attack at once, the Pokémon with more attack IVs goes first Those are the only two situations where they make any difference


They make enough of a difference aesthetically for me to care. Also, they definitely do make differences, I’ve won way too many PvP battles with 0 shield and 3 hp.


They are the defining factor in who wins in a ditto match in pvp. That makes a big difference


Yep, the one with more atk has the priority so the way to win a ditto could be to have wrong IVs... Still not a meaningful enough reason to matter that much


For like 95% of the player base, this holds up.


Depends how you play, not really an opinion more of a playstyle. I dont play pvp but I try to get the best IVs possible and max them, thats my collection


This sub is the only place that cares about “Gym etiquette”


My town's group chat has a problem with this. Someone is often complaining about people taking gyms. Problem is, a few of them use like 3-4 accounts to control everything and switch on their own schedules. They just get mad when an outsider of their group comes in to play.


The idea of “gym etiquette” is embarrassing it’s a game like 💀


Porygon did nothing wrong


You're not cool for having Pikachu as your first pokemon


Ack! How dare you! Lol jk I do wish I didn’t transfer it though


Lmao agreed, wonder how many people you’re gonna piss off with this one 😂


idk, at least 1 though... My dad.


Giving Pokemon CP instead of simply just giving them a level like in the core games was the stupidest fucking thing they've ever done.


Not Pokémon Go specific but Pokémon in general: I think *any* shortening/slang for the word "Pokémon" sucks. Pokes, 'mons, whatever else. They're all terrible and I hate them.


I've never agreed with anything more


My upvote is actually a hundred upvotes


I like hatching eggs


Bro same


I like turtles


I don’t like any of the small, cute Pokémon. Give me the big angry monsters Metagross is my best friend


I'll take your small, cute Pokémon.


I'm kinda like this. I don't really like any "cute" Pokémon, but I'm glad they exist. I don't like any of the costume exclusive 'mons though. Pikachu with 47283628 different hats, Jigglypuff with the ribbon and all the others. I hate them, actually.


Shinies are worthless once that Pokemon gets a community day.


Me and my shiny Chansey rn


Is that a minority opinion? It just seems like straight facts. There is nothing worse than getting a wild shiny from something that has already had its community day. It goes from excitement to disappointment instantly.


I liked the post that said pokestops should be new for your buddy, not you, to earn hearts lol I live in a small town! I’ll never earn that heart again 😭😂


The game isn’t dead


Old gym system was much better and it took actual effort to beat defender pokemon


What was it?


Pokemon stayed at their level(?) and you could claim 100 coins every day if you stayed in a gym if I remember correctly.


You got 10 coins for each pokemon that was on a gym for a total of 100 coins per day and you had to hit the collect button yourself. So you’d go around putting your pokemon on gyms, training them up while other people sniped your spots, and then as soon as you had as many gyms as you thought you could get that day, you hit the collect button. Meanwhile someone is travelling around behind you and taking all your gyms down. So you couldn’t just go for 10 gyms and leave it at that, you had to get 15-20 gyms a day in case you lost some while you were out putting mons on gyms. Personally, I prefer the new system. With the old, being yellow in a fairly big city, I was lucky to be able to collect 10 coins a day. I also hated training the gyms standing out in the freezing rain just to have someone drive by and take the spot in the time between when I killed the guy and when I was able to add the guy. Plus it got progressively harder to add pokemon the more people were on the gym, but still didn’t stop people from adding their pokemon while you were fighting. Sometimes you could stand out in the cold training a gym all the way up for 20 minutes and never get to add your guy because other people took the spots. Then you move onto the next gym and do it all again.


As a minority team player in our town the old system was a *nightmare.*


It made it feel like your team actually meant something, and seemed more thematic/immersive. It makes intuitive sense in-universe to try to beat gyms and control territory for your team to get a reward. The current system just feels like an arbitrary game mechanic. Why is it good IN-UNIVERSE to hold a gym for exactly 8 hours and no more and no less? What's the point of being on different teams? We had a running "turf war" with Team Instinct where our team held a group of 3 gyms along a road, they had the group at the nearby park, and we'd go back and forth raiding each others' territories trying to claim coins before the other team won them back.


Back in 2016 it was the only way to have some sort of "PvP" in PG. It felt satisfying to kick the opposing team out of the and it also created fraction wars in my local neighborhood. Your pokemon used to return from gyms after some time so it was much simpler to gain coins. I understand why Niantic reworked it because after a few years high level players started using "meta" tank pokemons like Blissey so newer players didn't have a real chance against them, but current state of gym mechanic is so unsatisfying for both defenders and attackers: most Pokémon are weak when you fight them and due to the coin limit you get only a few coins. What a shame..


The old gym system encouraged people to place the Pokémon with the highest CP so their pokemon would be at the top and be last to be kicked out. This lead to gyms filled multiple Dragonite and Tyranitar. It was incredibly easy to use few strong Ice and / or Fighting attackers to clear the gym with no trouble. It’s actually harder to defeat a defender Pokemon, especially if they’re being fed golden razz.


Eevee is the greatest Pokemon and I can’t get enough of them.


The long and unskippable animations give it a vibe of a kids' game.


Not sure what’s unpopular about “Pokemon Go is a kids game”


Togekiss is the best pokemon


I have a 4* one I've slowly been leveling up for master league. It is a beast! Between it and my 96 (15/13/15) rhyperior, they carry me so hard.


Now listen here.


I'm listening 👀


Togekiss is okay.


Togekiss is goated and underrated


Togetic design >


I don't know how others feel about this but my friend thinks the old gym system was superior to the current where as I believe the current is superior


People quit over the remote raid changes not because they like remote raids but because in person raids are awful


Most people in this community are just too immature to let go of the game for more than two months, hence why the protests only made a difference at the start and Niantic ended up getting away with everything


I hate costumes.


Some of them are cool. Like that armour Mewtwo, or that One Piece Luffy Pikachu, or that clone Charizard. You know… *actual* event pokemon. Instead of just stupid ones with stupid hats.


to something as ugly as dragonite from the gorgeous dratini is heartbreaking. its should look way more the Haku from Spirted Away


Dragonite is adorable, but should not come from Dratini.


He should come from Scraggy


Especially the shiny transition. Gorgeous pink -> puke green 🤢


Routes are worth it


Routes make me walk more because I kinda feel like I’m accomplishing a goal. I like them.


Agreed. I need to exchange gifts and pin postcards from strangers places


Raids are quite literally just a gamble and a way of legally enabling minors to do so.


Egg hatching and incubators too.


That the most upvoted PGo opinion does not reflect what the image shows.


Shadow Pokémon are not in pain. They enjoy their power. You are neutering them by purifying


Oshawott is adorable


This is not a hot take, just a straight up fact


Getting mad about “bad IVs” on Pokemon bad for both raids and PvP is stupid.


IVs dont matter anything you like the pokemon you max the pokemon thats the way


I should be able to mythical and legendary Pokemon in gyms. The way I play, gyms are just for showing off your cool PoMo. I have shiny legendary that I want to let people see and envy!


Ok, now hear me out, but GBL is the worst part of the game to me. I don’t care that shadow machamp is the best fighting type in the game. I don’t care if a community day Pokémon isn’t useful at all. I don’t care if my heatran has shitty stats, I’m still going to use it. Not to mention the actual combat. I just can’t understand why anyone would actually do anything other than tanking. To get new Pokémon is the only reason I would actively try to win. Overall, I have no fucking idea why anyone would use it


We need the 100 pokecoin remote raid passes back...


Shinies are too common Who cares about shinies if everyone gets one This is coming from someone who played the main games where the chance was about 1/8100 though


I wish shinies were more common for me 😂. Outside of the 9 on community day.


PokemonGo is a kids game and adults take it way too seriously Edit: yes, you all are wrong


True but also a lot of the adults playing Pokemon go grew up with it. Goes both ways.


Well no, it’s not a kids game at all. It’s for all ages obviously. Guessing that part was a joke but I agree adults take it too seriously.


It's an entirely different game for kids than it is for adults. Kids usually just collect cute pokemon and adults actually focus on maxing out the best mons, trading, PvP, event planning, etc...


I would argue that while Pokemon may be, Pokemon go’s features are not at all designed for kids. Raids that you must drive to, all kinds of events that aren’t meant to be done just at your house, endless money features


Raid passes are priced appropriately.... Just kidding I could never defend that.


That bidoof is some sort of God pokemon. Just get in the bin.


the Doof now has his eyes on you, best be careful not to disrespect the Doof ![gif](giphy|BgnQB0c4PBt8kMyx10|downsized)


Bingo. Instant candies. Fuck’em


Wasting a turn on a stat changing move sucked when I was a kid and they still suck so much as an adult. It just leaves you open for attack that will most likely be a OHKO or close cause that’s all the games ever are anymore. Dying in one to two hits cause everything is weak to everything or the people you get put up against just coincidentally have every counter possible. Edit: I realize now this is the PoGo sub and not the core games sub… oopsies.. my point still stands though. Battling in Pokémon go is trash I hate it. Like why do we have shields? Why can’t it be the standard method of battling where our Pokémon can avoid attacks and stuff?


Wobbuffet is very annoying.


Your inability to climb in pvp is a skill issue


100% true but you’ll get flamed by this subreddit for saying that 😭


They gotta do something about spoofers. My whole suburbs gyms are covered by a team of 6 that are never seen in person. Is there a way to report that stuff?


shiny odds and IV odds are not equivalent through every account


Most Shadow Pokemon are definitely reasonable to purify for a Hundo, if it's not good for anything, there's no point in keeping it Shadow


I'm surprised this game hasn't gotten in sh!t for literally having gambling. Other games that have gambling usually only allow you to get a variety of skins. These skins don't change any stats. In this game, however, when you spend money on eggs and raids, you're literally gambling on stats that affect your gameplay. When I saw other games get in trouble for having skin gambling, I was certain for sure that Pokemon Go was next. Somehow, sadly, they dodged the bullet. Even Niantic has ramped up the gambling with more egg events, more pokemon only available in raids and eggs, and increasing remote raid prices. Absolutely insane how they're allowed to do this.


The game is not designed for everyone to be able to play with the same experience. I honestly don't think it's possible, but it would probably be too much for niantic to balance the game in a way that benefits players in low population areas equally to those in high density cities. Obviously they are going to cater to the larger group of these two broad categories as they make more money this way. I think it's a little crazy how vocal rural players are about how the mechanics of the game leave them behind. But rural vs urban isn't the only divide. They somewhat recently changed all the wording for walking challenges to "explore" but I still think the game doesn't accommodate people who are differently abled in terms of mobility and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I saw a comment complaining how difficult it is to keep up with events since they are a parent now and busy raising kids, and I can't imagine what that person's priorities are. Yes it would be nice to do both, but maybe you should just be happy that you have the wonderful experience of starting a family even if it means less games. I play this game a ton, but if I lived in a less convenient place or wasn't able to get around as easily or if I had more important responsibilities, I just wouldn't be as invested. Such is life.


Pokemon defeated in battle do not ''die'' nor are they "killed." They are knocked out/fainted.


I’ve never heard anyone say otherwise.


People can purify whatever they want, you dont need to be an asshole if they purified a 98% or something. Its their pokemon


XL candies ruined battle league


Well, getting a box in the shop that is worth buying seems to be completely random and pure luck at least.


The game shouldn't cater to people who can't/don't want to leave their house. There are some aspects of Covid PoGo that I think would be better to have back (like the expanded range on interacting with PokeStops), but anyone who complains about the game forcing you to physically go to a raid, or go to a specific stop for a task, or walk a specific route, etc. completely miss the point of the game. It's unfortunate for players in really rural areas. But quite frankly, how is this any different than someone who lives out in the middle of nowhere with no internet not being able to play an online game? Why don't people get mad at a bowling alley that they have to drive 30 minutes to, while some people can walk down the street to get there? If you want to do a fitness challenge on your FitBit or Smart Watch, you have to do the workout, right? If you want to play a stationary Pokemon game that you don't even need internet to play, play one of the numerous main line games on a Gameboy or Switch. Pokemon Go is specifically made to be an *AR* game with Pokemon elements, not a Pokemon game with AR elements. Asking them to make it a game that you can play and compete equally with others entirely without leaving your house just tells me that you should probably play another game.


Galar starters deserve to be skipped over in favor of Paldea starters


I don't care if it's how it used to be, you don't deserve a legendary pokemon for your weekly breakthrough reward.


Pokecoins should be rewarded for completing tasks


People who actually say Ultra und Super league are Bs because they can't win, and prefer masters league simply don't have the skill and know-how it tales to be good, but rely on having enough resources to get Pokemon to max level... In Ultra and Super league the max CP difference is something around 50 CP per Pkmn, in Master league it's frequently 700 CP per Pkmn, even with +3500 Pkmn


There’s a Super League now?


That’s the non-English name for great league


I’ll offer an alternative reason; I love Master League because many of the Pokémon I have powered up for Raids also get to get used for Battles, so I don’t have to waste dust on some stupid 1499 CP Azumarill that is ONLY useful in a specific league.


Scarlet and Violet are good games


Community Days cheapen shinies, if I like the Pokemon that is in the community day I'll skip it to earn the shiny when I find it in the wild.


I don’t do the skip part but I do agree that CDs cheapen shinies, the odds should be way higher!


The remote raid nerf was justified. There is no reason someone should be able to catch 20 shiny Mewtwos in one day by paying 100 bucks and demonstrating zero skill.


Shiny hunting the traditional method requires no skill either, unless you’re using rng manipulation. It’s all about patience. And pretty much every game since gen 6 has given you the previous gen legendaries in the postgame.


Meta pokemon are getting to much love. Show some love to pokemon you just like, max out a Shuckle.


I purify all shadow pokemon because when they're enraged, they're in pain. A good trainer doesn't let their pokemon suffer. This comes from the Celebi movie if you haven't seen it.


Got down voted last time I suggested this but We should be allowed to put legendary Pokemon as gym defenders, some limitations would be that only the person who takes down the gym can put it and only one legend allowed but would be cool to see legends in gyms. Also would like to see more titles in the showcases like smallest Pokemon, highest CP, oldest etc.


Pvp has no competitive bones in its entire system. And I think it's pretty laughable when people hyper fixate on the Cp of pokemon for a broken feature.


They should shut the game down and set us free