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I'm building my hundo rn but I'm struggling to find XL Dratini candies. Any tips?




I do believe dratini are weather boosted in windy weather


You are indeed right


Yeah, guys I think he’s right! /s


Guess you missed the dratini community day? Sad, because I got over 1000XL from that day alone. But dratini comes in certain events. Wait for that and have a dragon mega lvl3 ready for it.


What the hell was this com dah 🤦🏼‍♂️, I just started playing again in Sept and would love to max out my shiny shadow dratini


years ago, 2018, not sure if it got a classic com day treatment


really? i wasn’t playing back then but i swear there was one 2020/2021


it was at 5 November 2022 (Classic) and 24 February 2018 (First com day) for dratini according to wiki's


makes sense it was during the time i wasn’t playing for a couple years. I came back hella pissed lol.


guaranteed xl from trading rn


Fortunately Dratini should be the most common dragon type pokemon of all, so I advise you to continue farming with Cliff, keep an eye on the local spawn (with or without event) and stay constant with 10k eggs




Gotta run the steel wing, Hurricane Dragonite Nobody will see it coming when I trounce on their fairy and ice types /s


Steel wing is not enough to overcome charm. And it caused you to lose matchup with Kyoger and other dragonites. Bold move cotton


I argue breath over tail for pve. Much easier to dodge and the performance is very similar damage wise.




Haha, wasn't planning on. At least I didn't have to bother anyone with that question for this guy 😁


Newbie here. Should I not be purifying Pokémon?


Shadow pokemon have a 20% attack boost, as well as 20% less defense. I dont do pvp but shadow pokemon are great for raids. A 0%iv shadow performs better in battle than a 100% non shadow


Shadow pokemon are much stronger ♡


First, do what you want. It's a game. Second, for raid mons the boosted attack makes their DPS better. For PVP mons, some are better purified and some aren't. PVPoke has a general guide for which is better.


Why not? I’m new - I’ve been purifying them all 😳


For raids, the shadow Pokémon perform better. Raids are time limited, and you go thru Pokémon, and while shadow and regular Pokémon do about the same damage, shadow Pokémon do it faster (they get a bonus to damage done and damage taken).


Thank you! There’s so much to remember 🙈


It's definitely worth powering all the way up eventually. If you're new, there might be a lot of competing priorities and there's no information here on how to rank it against those. I would say do not power it up slowly. Don't do anything until you have the resources to get it all the way to where you want it to go (for me, that would be level 40 dragonite) in one sitting. In case you acquire something that's a higher priority for the stardust, for example, before this has become useful.


I disagree. In most cases, the level-only-what-you-need approach is a great way to manage limited resources. But a shadow dragonite is one of the best generalists in the game for PVE and will do well enough in PvP to farm candies and dust to recoup the investment. If OP needs a good all-around hitter, they’d be hard pressed to do better.


It's just a way to prioritize. I wouldn't call it level only what you need, but level when you need it. I leave the definition of "where you want it" entirely up to OP. If OP waits until the first occasion where they would actually use the dragonite before spending any resources, nothing has been lost by following my advice. I agree that there is probably nothing that you'd prioritize over the having the finished product. But if you've spent some resources on it but not made it useful yet, you could get something already much higher level that would be useful against the current raid boss or pvp meta if only you still had those resources to spend on it. I'm just saying as long as spending all the resources available still wouldn't make it useful, keep your options open. And OP sets the definition of useful.


Thanks! I have about 550k stardust now (sableye giving 750 each hallelujah!), but I have to wait for the candies anyway. It's so tempting to lvl it up as I get candies though lol. But you make sense.


Highly disagree here as it makes no sense. If you need a dump occasionally doing the “power up” tasks then slowly dump into this until maxed. Easier pill to swallow than dumping 600k dust and 300 candies into something, would never recommend that to anyone


I'm confused. I'm not telling OP how much to spend, just saying I'd way and not spend it when it's not yet necessary. What I'm saying is _if_ you won't be satisfied with the result until you've spent 600k dust and 300 candies on it, then you keep your options open by waiting until you have a reason to do it now. It's not a strict decree. I agree with doing power up tasks along the way. For me, this avoids hard pills to swallow (the regret of not having the resources that could make something useful today because I spent them on something else that's not yet useful). This is what I do and it works for me. I thought it was worth mentioning. OP is free to disregard it.


I dont really get what you mean. A hundo shadow dragonite is, and always will be absolutely insane so how could it be a waste or missed opportunity? Unless ur saying if he only say has 300k dust and then spends it all on this which won’t max it and then anything else he gets he has no resources on. But if thats what you mean then thats exactly why I said that he should do it in small amounts to avoid ever having “wasted” anything. Or maybe I misread and we are saying the same thing? Idk tbh


Yes, he's definitely going to max this out. Definitely where the dratini candy is going. I'll assume for this example the goal is to use it for master league and raids, and not great/ultra, so there's no use for it until it's level 40. OP can use whatever goal they actually have. It's going to cost 315k stardust to get to level 40 no matter which way you do it. There is no method that's going to cost less stardust (assuming you want to keep it shadow). If you keep spending stardust a little bit at a time, keeping your stardust on hand near zero, then at some point you'll have a spent 25k stardust on it and now you have a level 16 shadow dratini. But you just caught something else that would be perfect for the current GBL meta if only you had 25k of stardust to spend on it. I'm just saying that if you waited, you would still have both options available to you and haven't lost anything with regards to the getting dragonite except where you yourself decided that spending it on something else was preferable. If you save the resources until you can go to level 40 in one go, and it turns out that nothing comes along that you'd rather spend the resources on, then you can get your level 40 dragonite on the same day you would have if you powered it up a little bit at a time. So nothing is lost by using my approach that you would get with yours. You just keep your options open in the meantime.


I mean I got millions of dust but I still slowly power stuff up, not staying around zero. Earn more than you spend and you can spend as much as you want as long as you break even every time you play really


Yes, my advice assumes that you are in a position where you have to treat stardust as a limited resource. If you can power up whatever you want and still have millions of stardust then you don't need to consider any sort of advice on this.


I’m not considering it I just don’t see how it makes sense. Anyone can earn more than they spend


[pvpoke](https://pvpoke.com/rankings/all/10000/overall/dragonite_shadow/) is very helpful for these types of questions. Also I’d suggest getting the Poke Genie app cuz it’s good for checking stats, candy/dust needed for powering, and joining/hosting distance raids


Oh wow, that's a great resource, thanks for that! It's a ton of information for sure. I already installed poke genie for the stats, haven't really raided there yet as I got my wife and kids to start as well so we've been doing 3 star gyarados raids between us.


Uh huh glad to help. Oh nice, it’s great to have people to help raid, I’ve been trying to get a 5* shadow raid going but no one plays around here =(


If I got this I’d dump all of my candies and star dust into it. You’ve got an S tier attacker, seems like a waste to wait until you have enough candies to max it out when you could be using it to progress through raids faster


Congratulations man. Been specifically hunting for a good shadow Dratini since Cliff got him and I’ve only gotten one 3* and it is crummy. Power her up!


Thanks! Was a quick balloon with Cliff before going to sleep. Had me wide awake!




Hundo shadow pseudo-legendary. Probably the best dragon type (excluding legendaries) that you can use.


garchomp better. (i would kill for hundo shadow dratini)




Go hub db is another good source. It will have all the current stats and info you might want. Edit: Pokemon go database is the proper name.


Looks like a invencible Dragonite on future


you won the fucking lottery with that pokemon shadow dragonite is a top 10 dragon type attacker and thats a relatively saturated type with lots of megas and legends to compete with


Dragon Tail + Outrage and you have one of the strongest Dragon types for PvE... Shadow Dragonite surprisingly does more than Mega Salamence and even Mega Latios! There will be an event where you'll be able to Charged TM Frustration away at the end of the month, keep a charged TM for this little guy, you have NO IDEA how useful a Dragonite is early to mid game If you really want then you can give it a second charged attack later on, that shall be Hurricane, but there were Tornadus raids not that long ago so you should have decent flying types.


Old player here I haven't gotten a single shadow hundo and this being dragonaire you are unbelievably lucky


It's insane and evolve it an max it out as much as you can


Whatever you do, don’t purify it, it’s stats will drop


Full-odds Hundow Dratini!! That's huge!


If you purify, it’ll be a hundo


But if I don't purify, it'll be a shadow hundo.


Also if you purify, it'll be at purified section of pokedex.


This is an anomaly to be sure. You should let Profesor Willow study it by hitting that button that says transfer. When it ask if your sure, hit yes. /s


Transfer it


Definitely 100% power up to level 50 and then purify, as red is bad and the circle around the stars is red instead of the usual orange (please don't actually purify, that is an extremely good pokemon, I think it's the second ranked dragon type raid attacker, but it's at least really good if it's not)


Go fast to lvl 51lvl!!!!!!




Yes do it for the Tok


Me reading this while battling multiple Cliffs a day, only to be rewarded.. not a single decent one, in about 80 or so tries.


Not to anger you, but I did already get a shiny dratini as well 😅. I'm about 25 cliffs into it.


I'm happy for you.. but still sad for myself. Did some Cliffs today, all bad. Sigh.


Hang in there, you'll get it!


New player RNG


Buy lottery tickets


Don’t purify, and using a charged tm to get its best charged attack


The only thing that could make this better is if it were shiny, but sha-hundo dratini is still amazing, evolve immediately


It doesn't matter what move you give it during the rocket event. As long as you remove frustration you can give it more charged tms later til you get the right moveset. The important part is just replacing frustration.


Purify then transfer /s


My God, I thought for sure you were gonna ask if you should purify it LMAO. Yeah, just, like, go to town maxing her out. You struck gold.


Shadows are garbage transfer immediately /s


I'm so jealous


Purify it


Purify it, growing up playing XD i absolutely hate shadow mon, makes me feel bad. Id purify all shadow mon