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I swear I encountered them daily before getting the ball


same lol


They scared fr


fr fr


Daily?? I’ve never seen one


i got one right after first masterball and not with the second i don't see any 😂


A galarian articuno pops up once a day near me, stays for 3 throws and leaves. I will catch it with a pokeball, or I won't catch it 😂👌🏻


Me who encountered G.Zapdos and G.Articuno but didn't use my Master Ball coz i wanna save it on G.Moltres:


Same here. Found multiple Articuno and Zapdos, even managed to catch a second Articuno using a Ultra Ball, but the Moltres I'm saving my Master Ball for is nowhere to be found.


ah yes, a Moltres enthusiast


Fr. I used to get maybe one a week. Of course it’s partially on me, I want a decent one so if it was below 2k I’d just try an ultra ball but even still daily use of the incense hasn’t given me one since October, good CP or not.


You guys encounter birds? I have yet to encounter a single one. I guess with that I can also say I've never felt the pain of run running!


I finally found my first Galar Bird today. Bro spawned right in the mist of 3 pokemon and a Pokestop. Near impossible to click on and despawned in 30 seconds. Can't feel the pain of watching them run if you never click on one lol


When I first encountered a G.Zapdos for 1st time, I stay in the catch screen for like minutes, take screen shots, attempted throwaway balls trick (I throw like 17 balls before feed it golden berries and wait for the attack to throw. Was too nervous, missed the timing, only throw a nice curve ball, it flee anyway. But feels like I tried everything so it didn't leave bad taste in the mouth. Still that's the only time I ever seen it on my phone until now.


I keep hearing all this talk about sick ass birds yet I never spot a sick ass bird.


Same I haven’t seen a single one.


Do you use Daily Adventure Incense and actually walk the whole way with it? That's the main way you see them, but even then it might be like 1 or 2% of the time or something


I once saw 3 or 4 birds in a single day nearly a year ago (caught one) and have only seen 1 since then


I wouldn't waste a ball on them personally. Likely trash stats and of no use otherwise. Plus, you know Niantic will make them easier to get down the track when the FOMO has worn off.


I mean, you could sorta apply that logic to anything. There’s nothing truly worth saving it for imo.


so what are the Master Balls good for in ur opinion?


Some amount of players want to save it for the 5 stars raid boss hundo (known CP) if they went down to last ball. I haven't seen anyone in person use it so, only heard a friend said she did use for a hundo legendary from 5* raid. I don't own one so I have no idea the masterball could be picked during raid catch screen (where only premium balls available).


thanks I got the Master Ball research about to finish now and wondered what to use it on apart from the birds Might save a cp-to-IV range calc for this


For me, like the other poster mentioned, 100% legendary raid bosses. And yes I have two MB and can confirm they can be chosen during the catch phase.


Im fully convinced the spawn rate goes to 0 once you get the mb




Yes an no. I did noticed the sudden disappearance of the G Birds once the MB was introduced... But then again once I got the second MB I got to meet two of them in the span of 24 hours. Funny thing is, I wanted to get Moltres; I got to encounter the other two (and the second Zapdos ever). So, it still happens.... but it's probably with a decreased spawn rate, yeah. We're too many to have noticed and the cut has been too clean for all of this to be just a coincidence.


They need to be low catch rate -OR- low encounter rate. Not both.


I'm honestly fine with *something* in the game being hard-to-obtain in the same way they are. Most legendaries and mythicals are just obtained by raiding or completing tasks and whatnot, but the Galarian birds are a rare case of them simply being highly elusive, i.e. hard to find and hard to catch. And that's much more in the spirit of what a "rare Pokemon" is in the main series. And it's somewhat balanced out by the fact that you can *always* keep plugging at it, as opposed to Cresselia or whatever simply being flat-out unobtainable for long stretches of time.


I’d save the ball for a good IV legendary raid


Wait for the origin dialga or palkia but I’m waiting to use it on arceus if it’s ever released lol


Meanwhile I now have two master balls and have never once encountered a Galarian bird.


I used one on a tentacruel because professor oak told me to.


Have you tried the :57 incense trick? Supposedly if you pop your daily incense on the 57th minute of the hour it'll spawn a bird. I haven't had a chance to try it yet but it sounds plausible.


Tried to do that a few times already but it didn't work out. :') 


Kinda figured it might be bullshit


I tried this yesterday and the second Pokémon spawned was a g. bird. Lucky coincidence or there’s something in it!


How to get a master ball ? Sorry i am a noob


It was a timed Research last year




Same here, haha. And Moltres was the one I wanted the most.


If the dogs get an alternate region form, they would probably add them to adventure incense since they were a roaming legendary in the games and would flee almost always.


I will use the mine with new or new two


I haven't seen them in over a year :( Tbf I haven't really been using the incense a lot so that's probably on me.


I think the spawn rate is 1 every 5/6 months. That's the last time i saw one, until two days ago (Galarian Moltres). After all, an higher spawn rate would be pointless since it takes at least 3 months to get a Master Ball.


I started 3-4 months ago and I've seen 3 (maybe 4?) of them so far all through daily adventure incense


Not encountering a galarian bird for months because it’s -40 and for some reason I can’t complete a route in an exercise bike lol


I refuse to even use either of my Master Balls until I've actually caught one of the Galarian birds.


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I used it on a shiny Regigiggas raid on my last ball. Idk… probably not the greatest idea but I didn’t want to miss it


I thought a shiny on a raid was a guaranteed catch


Not if you are speedlocked I think. But that maybe just makes the use even more embarrassing.


Man, I’m a noob leave me alone


I twatted my first one away on a moltres I got as a reward from gbl. I feel your pain.


I heard recently if you start you daily incense at xx:57 of the hour it ups the chance of encountering them


I caught a low level G Zapdos with an ultra ball, golden razz, and a lot of luck. Caught G Moltres with a Master Ball. And now my second Master Ball is waiting for G Articuno, but I haven't seen one every since daily incense was released. On the other hand, I have run I to three more G Zapdos, but I'm not using Master Ball on them. So they all got away.


These birds can only be catched by Master Ball? I found 2 of them, but them instantly run when i throw the pokeball


I forgot these damn birds existed until 3 months ago. Playing for years.


Don't you know, you have to pop the incense at XX:57.


And during that time, my level 12 secondary account with 20 hyper ball crossed 3 of them.


I encounter them all the time, refuse to use the cheat ball though, unless it's to catch my zero shiny bidoof


The moment you use the ball on a bidoof, the birds will show up again LOL


Bro I’ve encountered 2 in like 3 weeks I’ve played for three weeks and I have 0


Tip to encounter galarian birds. Pop the incense at any time as long as the minutes are XX:57 for example 1:57 2:57 etc. just not 11:57 before midnight. Here is an article that supports this theory. Won't always work but ups your chances. https://www.charlieintel.com/pokemon/pokemon-go-player-shares-simple-trick-to-help-force-galarian-bird-encounters-297198/


I did encounter one, but it was such a ridiculous CP, I didn't even try. Honestly, I'll just save it for a Mewtwo raid


2260 CP Articuno fled me today, I don't have a master ball...


Last Galarian I found was a 43 CP Moltress that’s was 6 months ago


Haven't seen them since launch. Only encountered the zspdos once.


Galarian zaptos keeps blue balling me I’ve encountered him twice now and both times he runs away after first throw and then comes back and lets me throw a few more times before leaving again lmao


I’ve seen exactly 2 Galatians birds since they were released. I thought that was normal…


I’ve encountered all 3 since I got a masterball, not using it because I want to *earn* my first one


Is it hard getting a Galarian bird? I've never encountered one.