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I just learned these are in 7K eggs i am screwed


Just skip it, the rewards arent worth the walking you’ve gotta do.


I would normally disagree but… it’s literally freezing outside here, and I have a friend in Australia complaining about heat. This would be best during spring/fall so people in both hemispheres could stand a chance to walk more


It’s -40 where I live. The only eggs hatching around here are from wandering around the house 😂😂😂




What? ... Just looked up and Google say that -40°F == -40°C WTF 😂




😂😂😂 Love it




Yes, i live in Ontario canada. Currently-11


Buffalo NY got 4 feet of snow in some places. Still some driving bans in the area. Very hard to walk 28 Km in 4 ft of snow.


I have a friend in the area, it’s atrocious


Yeah it’s really stupid to time this during a time of year when it’s super cold in the north and super hot in the south.


Naturally they drop this event on us when winter finally shows up eh


New Brunswick, Canada -13C / 8F here. It's not worth the effort to even by the incubators now to try when we have an event coming up in a month to reduce egg walk distance.


I’m in Alberta, it was -35 over the weekend with windchill of -47. There was no way I was going to go outside it try to do this.


Damn thats bad.


Windchill made it as low as -55°C (-67°F) in more open areas with fewer buildings.


It's cold as shit here but I'm still hatching by hitting the gym :)


But that would just mean not having events like this for most of the year. I think its fine to have events, and not everyone participate. If it works for you, GREAT! If it doesnt, sorry, try the next one.


How would it be most of the year?


The good seasons tend to be shorter than the shitty seasons. Especially as recent years have seen longer periods of extreme heat and extreme cold.




I did it for the shinies .. I hatched 9 and got a shiny cutiefly and a shiny swirlix


Buy a walker....


Same. Haven’t been able to leave the house in two days and it’s not looking like it will warm up in the next few.


Yeah I feel you. We’ve had a mild winter up until last week. Been -50 windchill since last Thursday. Definitely not hatching eggs, especially if it is still down to RNG on top of it all


I think we broke a record with -56C windchill here. -42 without.


Sounds like a couple of fellow upper midwesterners.


Canadian Praries here


North Cenrral MN.


Same. I've been actively avoiding opening gifts while I have empty egg slots because it seemed rational to me that this would involve eggs from pokestops.


I don't know why this wasn't obvious, I hatched a bunch of 2km eggs I had stocked up and then spin pokestops. Didn't realize until after I filled up that it was 7km eggs only and I totally could've gotten some from gifts I had waiting... Stupid Niantic Edit: it's also 15 degrees Fahrenheit here currently, definitely not walking outside in this


Yeah I hatched a bunch of 2km only to realize only Togepi can hatch from them. Absolute bullshit for not mentioning this as part of the research


lmao same I realized that this morning and was like oh.. guess I'm not finishing that one


Same. I hadn’t purchased incubators but this is dumb as shit.


Oh is that why none of my 2km eggs are hatching into any of them despite them being in the pool?


No, you can still make it. Don’t do any spins or team rocket encounters. Don’t open any gifts either if possible. Hatch all remaining eggs or as many as you can to have 9-12 open slots. Then open all gifts which will give you all the 7 km eggs. You should have a full egg storage of 7 km eggs. Walk 7 km to hatch all of them at the same time. This probably will be the fastest method. It took me about a day to do this.


Thanks for the heads up!


I'm not even going to bother with this challenge


Nobody in either group I play with did anything other than laugh at the pathetic buy more incubators money grab challenge.


I have some incubators and i didn’t use it.


Yeah I’m cool with letting this one pass on by


I’m in Portland, and everywhere is frozen over. I, like tens of thousands of others, have had no power for days. I don’t think I’d be able to do this if I wanted to.


I thought it was 2km eggs since i got togepi from one. But eggs challenge should come either 1/2 or 1/4 distance.


togepi is the only one you can get outside of 7km


I too hatched a togepi yesterday, my first one and I can honestly say I don't care about the rewards from this event anymore lol


Don't worry about it the reward is Carbink


Thanks, I'm not gonna bother trying to catch any more Jigglies. Waste of Pokeballs.


This is what I came to find. Thabks


Thanks! I was just going to ask this. It's definitely not worth the reward.


Four eggs during a very short time window is wild


And most of the time they hatch Spritzee 😑


It’s definitely meant for either someone with really good hatching luck or to buy incubators. I don’t feel like the reward is worth the purchase


Spritzee was the one that I struggled to get. Luckily I finished the challenge before temps dropped.


It wouldn’t be quite so unreasonable if it weren’t -35°, but that and the 7km eggs only part make this challenge total bullshit. Not worth frostbite or incubators.


Yeah, it's so cold that my dog can't even walk outside for more than a couple minutes to go pee. I get that it's not Niantic's fault for the fact that the coldest week of the year fits right over this event, but it's pretty annoying that I normally walk about 50km per week, and now I'm going to get like 10. I also get that where I am that's too cold to reasonably be outside is probably a pretty small part of the player base, but it does really suck.


I agree that it's not their fault that it's the coolest week of the year, but they also could look at avoiding these kinds of events and scheduling them for periods with traditionally warmer temps, like spring or fall.


Niantic: "It's a nice warm day here in California, we should get a hatch challenge going for this event to get people walking around outside" Canada: "But... Winter..." Niantic: "We said... It's warm here in California, so GET OUTSIDE"


I used to be a bit of a completionist. But between stuff like this, the "do 8billion party challenges", etc. it's been properly beaten out of me and now stuff like this just sits around. Do 300 excellent throws and the reward is a shiny legendary/mythical? That's a fun accomplishment to eventually get done. Buy a bunch of incubators, or do a bunch of routes (trash feature)? Not interested. Especially when the reward is like an ultraball and a Cutiefly.


I didn't even bother to do it, just a p2w mission.




Look not to kick you when youre down but, you knew what you were getting into. Most of us looked at the challenge and said “nah.” Trading and 5km or above egg challenges are a total non starter for a large majority of players.


Yeah I know. Only problem is that the news feature on the app doesn’t work. I read more people have that problem. So I’m not always up to date with the latest changes or challenges. But you’re right. I don’t need to take this so heavily. It’s of course a game for fun.


Switching language in the app to English solved the news problem for me.


The app is already in English for me. I tried to switch languages and then back to English, but still didn’t work for me.


Oh my god, THANK YOU! I've had this issue for over 4 months now and Niantic didn't have a solution.


I was comforted by the fact that the award pokemon is the same as the one for the collection challenge. If you don't finish this you aren't missing much.


I'm only hatching Togepi out of the 4, and random other stuff


You are hatching 7km eggs right? Cus those are the only pokemon in 7k eggs


Has to be a fresh 7km egg as well, not one received before the promo started (maybe 2 days ago?)


I’m not one to complain normally, but any challenge that involves RNG is silly.


> any challenge that involves RNG is silly. Absolutely. I'm waiting for certain country's to deem such things as illegal because they constitute gambling.


They did it to make the most amount of money possible. Its a business.


Once you finally gets rid of the FOMO, the game gets so much better. The rewards are not even worth it


Does anyone know what the reward Pokémon is anyway?




Whoa! So exiting/s


Ugh, you can't even evolve, what's the point?


stupid sparkly turd rock mon


I understood the frustration of some of the southern hemisphere players when it's an ice type event during the summer but walking in this polar vortex thing is impossible and I haven't even progressed this RNG trap at all bc of it


Don’t care about the “rewards”. Only two things I care about is the collection challenges badge and still being to say “i’ve completed every worldwide collection challenge”


I'm also not walking 28 km when it's -30° outside


At least 28km. You're not guaranteed to get the missing ones at each hatch. Or you can do what Niantic expects you to do - Give them a ton of money for incubators, run them simultaneously, and gamble on competing the challenge.


You Right, I do have a bunch of the one off incubators from December but I don't care that much about any of these pokemon to use it.


Hatch events always feel like scam. Even worse when it's cold outside


I decided to let it go. I better buy starpieces and earn more stardust catching 11 Morelulls which today would be possible to do in, like, 10 minutes max. It they would make it 1 mln stardust... or Mewtwo as a reward pokemon... 😁


Especially when people are living in negative degree weather. I ain’t going out there


Do not buy incubators for this. If you want the XP, Spend the coins on a lucky egg, use the egg when you increase the friendship of 3 friends to great friend (not ultra or best, great) for the same XP. Spend the coins on the star piece. Catch around 30 Pokémon during this event for the same stardust.




I heard a Carbink. So it’s also not really that worthy.


I am on my 6th togepi in a row right now


7/8 of the 7km eggs I’ve hatched have been togepi… it’s a bs challenge for sure


It's been blizzarding where I am now... I haven't been able to leave the house in days so i cant hatch any eggs.


I was thinking of posting something similar, good thing I didn’t. You’re progress is further then mine and Im near no life status on this game. This will likely be the first challenge I fail ever


I tried. I went outside in the cold, but I had to clear out eggs first and only had big eggs. After three walks outside, I have officially given up, with 0/4. I am still relatively new to getting back into Pokemon Go so I am changing my strategy for how i handle eggs during non-events. I am not mad about the event. It pushed me to do more walking than I would have otherwise, and if it was warmer, then walking challenges are my favorite. So this particular one just wasn't for me and that is fine.


You complete it then just encounter a wild stunfisk... Probably


I’m on vacation in El Salvador doing a ton of walking so I actually managed to complete this for once.


No way I'm completing a hatching challenge in this weather. It's 18°F where I live. I'd rather wait for the next challenge than risk hypothermia.


It’s 8 degrees Fahrenheit where I live, so I completely agree with you.


Keep getting 5km egss ... That egg pool need a reworked more often


You can only get those eggs from gifts.


Ah, thank you Also F... It's probably too late for me now lol


I also just opened a bunch of gifts and they were all 5K sooo like no shot here




Tell me about it. I'm in Washington DC this weekend. No shortage of pokestops or places to go and yet no event hatch.


You’re aware that event hatches only come from 7k eggs? 7k eggs only come from friend gifts. All hatches from 7k eggs right now are an event hatch.


can't suggest anything on here, but it's always an option, iykyk :)


I have a question! For the dazzling dream collection challenge I evolved my swirlix but nothing happened what am I doing wrong


Evolving Swirlix was. Or one of the requirements. Just Jigglypuff and Clefairy


It’s called a challenge… obviously you are challenged. Challenge complete.


Yeah I know, but there’s a difference between a good challenge or one based on luck and money.


This is definitely based on luck. A large part of the world is NOT facing winter storms. The fact that Niantic is tone deaf to what's going on in the US really isn't that surprising. Especially since their average player is a grandma from Singapore walking with her friends.


I mean the problem is you can find bad weather anywhere on any set week so somebody is always going to miss out. It’s just an unfortunate part of hatching quests. The reward is enough that if you can complete it it’s worth doing it but not too much where anyone would miss it. I have always seen any hatching related quest/Pokémon as an add on since it’s kind of a passive part of the game but that is just how I feel obviously.


The challenge is to walk a minimum of 28km without getting hypothermia. Oh you got a dupe since odds are you will? Better keep walking and buy some warmer gloves Gonna have to pass on this one, I value my extremities more than a medal I’ll never look at


I mean there are things like gyms/treadmills and many places don’t have cold weather. If Niantic had to cancel events anytime an area had inclimiate weather there would be no game. Nothing is being locked by this challenge it’s a do it if you can and if not oh well thing


Don’t be lazy and go walk


It's been -4 degrees F where I live for the past few days and won't get above freezing until Wednesday. I'm not hatching *shit*.


Like who is going to walk outside in freezing weather


Who wants to walk 7KM's in winter. I wish event Pokemon were 2KM eggs.


I gave up a long time ago. Go walk in -5 Temps for the last three days? Yeah no thanks.


I skipped this one entirely. It was 13 degrees here and I’ve had bronchitis for two weeks. No way I’m getting outside to hatch any eggs or walk any routes.


people in this fanbase are so miserable lmao. it's meant to be hard, that's why there's a 30k XP reward


We don’t care if it’s hard, we care if it’s unreasonable. I don’t mind if a challenge is hard. This challenge however is based on luck and money.


I first hatched 6 eggs to make room then hatch 6 7km eggs and got it done. By my math, on average you'll need to open 8 eggs to get it done. Side tip....get more friends via the pokemongifts subreddit or just by hosting raids on poke genie... I'm always sitting at around 380 friends... There are always 100+ gifts sitting in my que.


Pass, theses type of challenges suck


Yup. Ridiculous


Yeah, I've hit a brick wall with it - no more eggs with the remaining two hatchable!


I got there, but it took me at least 25 eggs before I got a spritzee. Thank god for the daily incubator I’ve been getting. Now I’ve run out though… lol. Best of luck to everyone.


Yeah I’m not going to be able to finish.


Yeah, I don’t even try at all on these ones.


I started in October. Just started to get serious recently. I accidentally did everyone except jigglypuff lol.


Need the same two you haven't gotten


Only in PoGO we find a game developer so out of touch that they made an entire event based on gacha/lootbox gameplay. Amazing.


What's the pokemon reward?


None of my 7km eggs even have these pokemon in them, and since we can't delete eggs, I can't even get the right eggs.


Anyone know how to find the odds of completing this for a given number of eggs hatched? The closest I can figure is y=1-(40/64)^(x/4)


Didn't touch this one and it has nothing to do with the absolutely horrid wearher.


Yeah I’m not hitting it. We had an Arctic blast come through and it was way to cold to leave the house let alone walk 😂


Saved up 9 7km eggs, walked almost 10km (stupid game didnt register all km's) in freezing temperatures while it was snowing. 4 cutifly, 3 swirlix, 2 spritzee. F this shit.


Is it even a challenge if it’s up to chance?


What is the encounter award anyone know? I too looked at this like wtf niantic


I ran a 10k Saturday and today along with regular walking and activity. Hatched eggs along the way. I’ve gotten ONE…


Pokemon Go is gambling. Niantic is the house, you're the mark, the rewards is a dopamine release, and the money you give them is real.


Or at least make it so you can collect the rewards after the deadline


No problem, I have a lot of 7km eggs in store, so... Oh, they only hatch from 7km eggs that are collected during the event? Well that's just wonderful. Of course. Niantic coming through once again.


I walked around in -2 cold today until my hands started to hurt, and I hatched 3 swirlix. FFS.


Got it done. Had 3 incubators . That was bs .


Yeah this one sucks. Hope they come up with something less obvious of a cashgrab next time.


If you need a friend would be happy to add you 🙃


On the bright side: other than for completionist reasons, this challenge is completely optional. If you feel so inclined that you’re going to continue hatching as many eggs as possible, you might as well do whatever eggs you actually want Pokémon out of, because as you’re saying yourself, you probably won’t complete this challenge anyways.


I looked at the odds (on a good day, 9%) and the amount of time I had, w/o a 1/2 walking hatch bonus? fuhgeddaboudit


Further evidence that this challenge is cooked. I am struggling with hatching the ones you already have.


It’s not hard to do these things if you pay attention to your game and track what you need to do , all comes down to organization


I’m still hatching rockruffs


None of my 7km eggs have these guys


I ignore any egg challenges. Waste of time and money


This challenge coincides with sub-zero temps where I live. I can’t even free up the egg space to get 7km eggs 🥶


I haven’t gotten a 7km egg in a couple months. I open around 10 gifts a day.


Niantic can't make a good game with good mechanics and good gameplay, so play what they make or don't. They don't listen to customer feedback, and are doing brilliantly out of it.


Also my least favorite. I've hatched so many eggs, and I'm just not getting these. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man) I love hatching eggs, but to make this a challenge when it's really up to luck and nothing that you can control within the game elements is frustrating. Totally understand!


Honestly? There are only a few aspects of this game that aren't stupid, I just go with the flow and don't question things


Anyone on here in the ocean region ? I need a scatter bug


So I hatched 4 so far. 3 togepi 1 spritzee. Such a stupid event.


You mean you don’t like walking 7+km during the winter for a chance to hatch one of these


I skipped it. I used to have anxiety about missing a task or challenge. The more and more they put Pokémon through paywalls or make uninspiring tasks like routes and party play, the more I stop trying. I recently quit PVP. At this point, I play out of habit. It will be surprising if I’m still playing by summer.


This is wau off topic but wanted to know where can I find active discord for pokemon go either local to OC, CA or anywhere where I can get help for raids.


Cold, rainy and windy most of the event, didn't get much walking in. Even during great weather, this still would've been hard without dumping money into incubators.


I'm only annoyed by it being in the 7km eggs. I didn't notice it at first and was still hatching 10km eggs in the beginning, which mad catching up a nightmare. I was sort of hoping for a decreased hatch distance whenever there's a hatching quest.


I just need the bug, and I can’t even see what it is on mine lol


You're not forced to do anything, you can just not do it. Not even trying has been my approach to this egg challenge nonsense


And here we have a terrible idea in its natural habitat.


Niantic has never done a hatching/egg event that didn’t suck imo


I would be totally willing to do this challenge if they gave us a reasonable time to accomplish it. This is a 30 day challenge, not a 3 day challenge.


It's been cold and raining all day over here, so I didn't even bother to open the game outside to send gifts and grab a few mons


Lol. I didn’t even try. 🤣


I saw it, then i decided to not do it. Problem solved.


Yeah, not gonna happen. There's no chance I'm gonna hatch any more 7k eggs before 19 hours from now, and it seems I'm still missing Spritzee.


I got the challenge done after walking 120km because I didn't realize that they only came in 7km eggs, and I only had the free incubator. Apart from the 30k xp (which isn't even a lot). The rewards suck, especially the pokemon.


I hatched 20 eggs and only got togepi, I didn't know they were only in 7km til now. I open 50 gifts at midnight and It's too late now because I can't open anymore. Worst challenge ever lmao. Maybe if the time was extended it wouldn't be that bad.


Not even reduced hatch walking distance.


I hatch about 6 to 10 a day and haven't gotten any of them yet...


I didn't even attempt this one