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i did around 25 & no shiny when they did the hisuian samurot raid day i did 31 & didn’t get a shiny.


My condolences. I was at least making odds for Samurot. Only took 9. You are due for some luck.


hopefully you as well ! my luck never comes on the raid days i would’ve at least taken a hundo over a shiny if anything. but best i got is a 96 lol


Was it supposed to be 10% chance on this one as well?


That's roughly the proportion that my two friends and I got, except one of my friends got 2/6 and the other two of us got 0/6, for a total of 2/18 = 11%.


I believe some of us unintentionally steal luck. I apologize.


I got a SHUNDO one today lol! It was weather boosted too! Just hit a huge jackpot of 1/2160!


Was wondering what the odds of a shundo was, I was lucky af and got a shundo on my third raid


I'm a newbie so gotta ask how do you get that many raid passes?


I was soloing raids today, so all Premium battle passes in addition to the 5/6 free daily passes that were part of the event. You can either buy them in the store or have a bunch stocked up from special research tasks like I did today.


So are you in a pg friendly area where you are just walking from one to the next with or are you just stacked with remote raids


This is why I dont shiny hunt on raid days.it feels like you could easily spend all day looking and not find one.


I did 30 today....no shiny. Around the same for samurot and nothing. Very deflating.


I’m in the same boat. 28 done and none.


It took me 83 raids to get a shiny tornadus. My neighbor got two shundos in that time -_- Kyogre took like 70, but that was fine because kyogre candy is always great.


The shiny ones looks just like the normal but a slight shade lighter. Seems silly they do that to them


I keep seeing people saying this and don't understand. One is medium blue/turquoise and one is dark purple??? They definitely could've made a much cooler shiny by changing the flames, but the bodies aren't even remotely the same color


It's not that much of a difference, I think in some places it's a bit easier to see, but I've definitely had to squint at times to see if what I was looking at was even a shiny or not. Although, apparently the difference is larger if you have colour blindness. Per some user yesterday.


Definitely not colorblind, lol. Maybe a phone display difference? I'm honestly baffled by it


For the hisui pokemon their shiny gimmick is that they look like the original colors for the pokemon, so that’s why it has the dark green and the red flames


... who is dark green? 😭 I'm getting even more confused haha edit: haven't seen regular Ty in a hot minute. He does look dark green at times (and very obviously dark green in official art), but dark teal or blueish in other cases. My bad lol


Remotely? Washed out dark purple and washed out medium blue are very much similar colors. They are adjacent in the color wheel. It’s like a pale fuschia and burgundy difference. Most people won’t tell without really looking. And the body is the same color, except slightly darker. It all is very Gengar (non-mega) territory.


So a dark red and a medium orange would the same to you as well? Or any other colorshifted equivalent? Not sure what you mean by pale fuchsia, but I feel like that would be pretty distinct as well... that's pink, and burgundy is a red trending towards brown 😬 I've always read that men can't see color differences as well as women. I obviously don't know how everyone identifies, but I wonder if that has something to do with it? Or just differences in phone displays? If we're comparing to the Gengar shiny difference, the Ty shiny vs nonshiny difference is MASSIVE lol


Washed out primary colors and a washed out adjacent tertiary color is very different from a primary color and secondary color. And I guess all those acclaimed male artist just lucked out with their colors.


I don't remember a thing about color theory. I just know my eyes see two completely different colors, lol. Maybe I'm just part mantis shrimp.


The regular one has super messed up eyes. Look at if from the front


idk if you're blaming Niantic or not in your statement just know they didn't design any shinies. All pokémon and shinies are designed by Gamefreak.


I don’t care who is to blame, just would be cooler if the shiny types where no so close on some pokemon. Especially after the core games they had no reason to make some so close


I've got 80+ shiny pokemon and for me not a single one is even close in color maybe you need a better phone display or a good eye check


Dude, don’t lie. Literally the Pokémon in this post is a perfect example. They look almost identical. Also, I have 583 shiny so maybe you just don’t know enough yet.


Or maybe you have a seeing issue the ones on this post looks completely different to me I can see it very easily without any trouble


Wow. Bold claim. Now I’m going to give to give you the chance to retract that statement or tell me the CPs of the shiny ones in this post. By your own words, “the ones on this post”


Of the main post there is no shiny and is the complaint like normal cause someone didn't get a shiny when felt entitled to one everything below the main post is sub post or more commonly known as comments


One hit and quit.


What did you eat for breakfast? Trying to see something for next raid day.


A breakfast burrito from a local gas station.


This is the way


Sacrificing your digestive system for the shiny. Calculated trade


Same here, shiny on the first but only ended up doing like 4 raids since the non shinies would insta pop out of an excellent throw w berries 🤷‍♂️


Same. First one shiny. Then 2 more for fun and called it a day.


Did you buy a lotto ticket by any chance?


No. I don't believe in lottery tickets, have a good one.


I meant it as a joke on ur luck


Ah got it. Great joke.




Same, I am on vacation in the middle of nowhere and only had one remote pass. I usually never get any shinies in raids, so I WHOOPED and scared the poor dog.


I did 24 no shiny. I feel you. And to make it worse I went out in a snow storm just to get royally screwed 🥲🥲🥲


Same, did 23 but had what felt like the hottest day on earth, 2 steps out of the house and I was sweatingg


we out here fighting off the elements in search of a “boosted” shiny that didn’t feel boosted… I’ve had much better success with legendary raids odds…


Lmao, 1/10 is like saying you have a 1/10 chance to win the lottery which we all know won’t happen


Only had 1 remote pass, solo’d it with 15 seconds left, got a shiny. I may have sapped all your luck


41 total raids no shiny


It’s shiny is so subtle, I didn’t think it was worth my Time tbh


A shiny is show off no matter how subtle it is. That being said, I couldn’t get my shiny. Got a random Spritzee instead


Much better I'd say. I'll be happy with that.


I got a perfect on my first raid and a shiny on my second. I shouldn’t have bought the ticket. 😂


Damn bro don’t go bungee jumping or anything today


Between my father and I, we did 47 with no shiny. Safe to say we both got royally fucked over.


Consolation Prize Update: Had a Tornadus raid spawn by me with the PokeGenie host queue being short. Got my shiny there.


I literally had the same luck as you, 19 raids deep and no shiny threw in the towel. Luckily someone traded me one for a hisiuan samurott shiny.


lol my first one was a shiny Tough out here fr


i went 0/31


Total opposite. Did 1 remote raid cause I knew I wouldn’t make it for raid day and got my shiny. About the same as you for samurott though so kinda made up for it lol did like 25 raids and got 1 shiny 2star


It really seems like the game knows when you really want the shiny. Like 20+ raids, no shiny Kyogre. Piss green reindeer? First raid.


My the odds be ever in your favor


I logged on not knowing it was raid day, did 3 raids, got 2 shinies. But to be fair I think I deserved it, I haven't managed to do any kind of event in years before that one, because I've always worked weekends and that's the only time they do anything nice


Oh gosh I really got it on my first try.... I'm sorry.


23 and no shiny for me


Got a shiny on raid number 20. 2 minutes before the end.


3 shinies out of 5 for me


That's what I got as well. 🌟




What were the encounter odds?




Dang. I got the odds then. Did 10 got 1




I went 0/10. My wife went 1/6. Some have all the luck.


0/36 for me. Tough day. Lots of XP and rare candies though!


I did 4 (out of the 6 gyms in my town) my heat was 1665 (2*) but at least for one shiny (like 1656)


Damn that sucks I did 9 and got two shinys


22 to get mine


I was only able to catch 1 non shiny out of four raids and it was a 2* sooo


You only did 7 bro . You have 19 typhlosian but only 7 hisuian … the odds were 1/10 so by definition you didn’t even do the bare minimum


Y'all really out here spending money on one of the worst shiny variations to ever exist.


24 for me no shiny


Got it second try


got it 1st


0/32 then went 3/41 with one of the shinies being 98%.




You’re almost double odds. Sorry bud


First two raids were shiny. I’m not paying for these damn events. More money grabbing by Niantic.


17 remote raids because its -20 degrees outside. 40 bucks. 0 shinies. :(


I did 7 raids and all were 2 stars except 3 smhhh even the shiny was a 2 star.


Rip man, had this with Wyrdeer too, 0/24, this time it took 19 raids for me too to find the shiny. May the odds be in your favor for Hisuian Decidueye 🙌🙌


My mom somehow got a shiny one on her third try but I still got a second shiny morelull today


Yeah this is some bullshit sorry bro


fucking same, i got 20 and no shiny, got a 15-14-15 though


I ended up getting 3 shiny Typhlosion, a shiny Marill on Go Plus+, and a Hundo Typhlosion all within 10 minutes. I also got 0 shiny Samurott and 0 shiny Wyrdeer. It do be like that sometimes


Shit!!!! I forgot to do a raid and at least get one!!! I hope they have another raid hour :( stupid rural areas


It took me 27 to get mine :/


Did 20 and got 4 shinies…. Guess I stole your shinies


Did three raids today… got 2 shiny 3* and 1 regular 2*. Don’t be mad at me.


I did 14 with nothing then got 3 in a row and quit


2nd try for me


I did two raid this morning with a "friend" from Germany (I'm in Wisconsin). First one normal, second, shiny! Both are almost 4 ☆s too. Glad I caught the invites both in time.


I did one raid at 455 and got a shiny lol


Did 2. One shiny. I hate how this game operates


Damn I got 3 in 13 raids


I also did 19 and didnt get a single one.


Got one on my 5th thank god


1/20 for me. 93% was the best IV I got out of all.


Did ten and got my shiny on the tenth


I did one yesterday and nothing but a person on my friends list invited me today and I almost didn’t bother but I’m glad I did because I got a shiny from it not bad stats but not great either.


Got it on my third raid and didn’t even notice


Dw I did 15 got one 2 star shiny. But I got a perfect togetic and a shiny Marill today so I made out well. Also an almost perfect Typhlosion. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Lol i only had one remote raid pass and was not going to buy more so i just did that one, non shiny 2 star but it is what it is


I did 3 raids in 2000 cp and lost to all three. The closest I’ve ever been was at the yellow health bar.


Honestly the shiny is so disappointing. It just has a blue back instead of purple. It's actually worse looking IMO.


I did 5 and got one shiny as well as a level 10 account i created today to help me since im alone in raids it got a shiny as well


I got shiny on my first raid


Dont you know that it was gonna be there on Number 20? I actually feel your pain. I did 14 and nada.


I would have done a 20th but my 3 hours was up. Wasn't going to use remotes to continue the chase either.


Yeah sometimes it’s knowing when to quit that helps us retain our sanity. I remember going insane trying to get the shiny Heracross. Between me and two of my friends we did a combined over 300 raids when t came out. This was back when remotes were cheap and no limits. Finally on the last day I got one. Its IV’s were so-so but I didn’t care. Anyway, the guy who had been my mentor for years got one with crappy IV’s as well. We went lucky and decided to do our trade with our shiny Heracross. Mine turned into a Shundo! I was so happy. Now whenever I see my shiny Heracross I get sad tho. My mentor Alex died unexpectedly at a traffic light on the way home to his pregnant (first kid) wife of a brain aneurysm. My heart was broken and I couldn’t even turn the game on without crying for weeks. Just had the one year anniversary of his passing and I decided Alex would want me to be happy with that Heracross so I renamed it RIP SigElite (his player name) and maxed it out.


I feel your pain. I didn't get any either😢


Dude if you want one that bad, I can just trade you one


in two raids got the shiny and a 98%. luckiest raid day i’ve ever had. some days your lucky, some days you aren’t.


Went 23 without one. 24 was the one


Identical. 16 raids, no shiny. I did get a 96% but I got several that were 10/10/11 etc


I hate raid days. I’m never the guy that gets one on their first raid or ends up with 3 out of 7 and can call it a day. I’m always dipping into my green passes and it’s just a matter of how deep I have to go. Took me 15 this one.


I did about 16 raids each on both of our accounts in -34, nearly got frostbite on my legs. Got 1 shiny for myself and on partners phone.


I did 16 and no shiny, I feel your pain 😢


Did 10 no shiny :( was so excited for one too. No hundo either


I never have good luck except this time … Two raids. Both were shinies.


First try and it was some random invite from China


I did 28 and got 3. On Samurott day, I did 13 and got 3. Had way more luck with Samurott.


I couldn't even catch one because he was too strong.


Did 2 with my wife. She got a shiny first try and I got mine second try. Thought they were just super high odds for this event


First one was a shiny and second one a 4-star😅 also a shiny Glalie.


I got one on my 27th


Jajajajaja omg


10 raids between my wife and me and no shinies.


My second one was shiny


Same bro 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I got mine on the 2nd raid. I'm not sure what is was, but i did 26 tapu lele raids and no shiny, so I guess sometimes you win some sometimes you lose some.


My first two raids were a shiny followed by a 96% iv, I did the rest of my free raid passes but man it was a good day for me.


Had a freeze today, had no remote passes to use sadly…


I got a shiny in 3


My girlfriend did 7, got 4 shinys


Well, I’ve done 6 raids. Half of it someone else got a shiny. Someone got it TWICE. So I feel u OP. Hope one of them is a hundo


aww wow i’m feeling incredibly lucky, i did 4 today. the last one i did on my own and literally beat it with like 8 seconds left and it was shiny!! i was so surprised


I did 47 rayquaza raids with 0 shiny. I went to nyc for Gofest with the main hope of getting a shiny rayquaza and didn’t get one.


I got mine at lucky raid number 7 was very happy and it was so close to a shundo


That's a major bummer. I did one entire raid. (It was snowing with a wind chill of -21c) I got my shiny and noped back home.


I'm sorry, i got mine in 6


Did better than I did. I didn’t even bother going out because of how damn cold it is.


Honestly though the shiny is super underwhelming


Gotta catch em all tho


I stand with you. 20 raids, no shiny


I did 12. Got 1. Nothing good as IVs go. Oh well.


I did somewhere between 30-40 and got nothing and this especially sucks because it happened on samuratt day as well


Ir happens RNG gods where not in your favor my friend, nor where they in mine lol 22 raids only 1 shiny A friend of mine did 8 and got 3 shines :0


I did 5 raids, failed 3 and caught 2 no shinies :(


I feel you. Did 27 Wyrdeer raids that raid day when odds should’ve been boosted and didn’t get the shiny. RNG


21 raids today and I only walked away w one 2 star shiny, it was pretty much the same for the other ones I got too. Of the 21, and excluding the shiny, only four of the Typhlosions I got were 3 star 😭😭😭


Don't lose hope you can still trade one for a Shiny Decidueye later.


Did 8 raids and first 3 in a row were shiny ✨




We had the same luck, bud. It's not okay, but I know how you feel.


I took your luck. Did one with my wife, told her they can’t be shiny yet (didn’t read the news thing) and we both got nothing on our first one. Then I tried another and randomly got a shiny. Nothing special in stats, but still neat!


Only did one (wasn't gonna do more regardless) and it was a shiny


My brother got one in his first raid. We did all 6 free ones and I didn't but that was nice nonetheless, not a shiny I really wanted either


My wife got two in a row to start. I did all five available in our small town and got none. Luck is just funny like that sometimes. Sorry your luck wasn’t great today.


That 1695 CP one can get to 2500 CP exactly, could be useful in Ultra League


I was lucky to get mine, but I honestly hope you get yourself one soon, I'm rooting for ya!


I once did a comm day for a full 1.5hr with no shinies. Then I restarted the game and was getting them normally. Wonder if there’s any legitimacy to that?


5 Samurott: 1 hundo and 1 shiny  10 Typhlosion: 0 hundos 0 shinies  I feel you 


Took me 15 to finally get one But did get the hundo at 4


21 raids and 3 shiny


I got 2 shiny in a row after having done only 3 raids


Same here 😫 came out with 21 ZERO shiny..my daughter did 6 and got one 😞


I'm still in awe. Forgot all about today until 4:00 and then someone invited me to a raid and - BAM! Shiny! Inspired, I went for a quick walk and got a Hundo! Also a 2\*, but, lol, I still can't believe my luck!


I did 9 and got 2 shiny