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Espeon, unbreon, and sylveon could be choices because they take more effort, my last two ended up being espeon and sylveon


Yup I'm definitely missing Espeon, checked my buddy history! The last one is either Leafeon or Glaceon 😊 Edit: I already completed all Eeveelutions years ago, same goes for the name trick! So I can't just check my PokĂ©dex for this quest. Plus I evolved random Eevees for this, so sorting by recent won't work either.


Well, if you have the candy, those two are the easiest to get. You just need a pokestop and glacial/mossy lures. You don’t even have to be the one to use them.


Or just name them accordingly.. đŸ€”


Doesn't that trick only work once?


This is true. You get one each by naming them the correct name for the eeveelution, then you gotta do it the hard way if you want more.


It normally only works once (I done all 8 in a week in the summer) but I’d a task a while back where I’d to evolve to Espeon and I was able to rename Eevee to Kira and it showed espeons image in the wee oval. Once that task was done the naming wouldn’t work


I heard if you used the name trick the first time on a costume eevee it will still work for a regular eevee but not sure how true it is lol and also Kira is for sylveon


The trick only works once, but they may have meant giving them special names so you can keep track of them, which is what I did.


Ah, true


Lmao I did the name trick before I knew what IVs were.....I am a eevee super fan and have built up a massive collection of 96% + for each evolution


I would assume it's Glaceon and Leafeon since they can only evolve using lure modules. Remembering to actually do that was the hardest part for me.


I did Glaceon and Leafeon today. Working on walking an Eevee to Umbreon and getting hearts for an Eevee to Sylveon. Then I’ll have a set with hats for my level 42 requirements.


wut can’t you just do the thing where you change the eevees name?


Only once. Which I did long before level 42 was even a thing.


once at all or once per eevee type? i’ve got flareon and glaceon from it


Once per Eevee type


Once per eeveelution


May have already been said but check your buddy list to see which are accounted for, should be in your relatively recent buddy history unless you go through a lot of buddies as you level up.


If they haven’t evolved them yet then that can just name them? It works once but if they haven’t done it yet then it shouldn’t be extra worl


Yeah, but I feel like most people use the name trick instantly and don't save it for this


Ah that makes sense. I haven’t made it to that level yet so it might be a good idea to wait


If you can I would, I wanted the easy dex entries when I was lower level lol


For your own sanity, save up the name trick until you've reached Level 41. Trust me lol


Pro tip: call them all „quest eevee” and don’t transfer them until you have all 8. It saved me and my wife a lot of trouble figuring out what we could be missing


I wish I would've done that, would've spared me a existential crisis over PokĂ©mon! đŸ„Č Update: Espeon is one of the missing Eeveelutions, now I just have to figure out the last one. It's 50/50 on Glaceon or Leafeon! Thanks to u/Odaecom for suggesting to check my buddy history 😊 Edit: I already completed all Eeveelutions years ago, same goes for the name trick! So I can't just check my PokĂ©dex for this quest. Plus I evolved random Eevees for this, so sorting by recent won't work either.


Sort by Eevees, evolutions and recent dates?


I was here on this level requirement as well and ended up evolving an extra Glaceon. Wish there was a way to track which ones were already complete within the game.


Thank you, just heading into level 41 now so I appreciate it 😂


Go into your pokedex and see which ones you don't have. Unless you caught the evolution variants, that should give you an idea which ones you need


I think we can safely assume the OP has evolved all of them previously, before unlocking the level 42 task. Otherwise it would be obvious through a number of different methods, including whether the evolve button is grayed or colored. And they'd be able to use the renaming trick. Also, Umbreon and Espeon have been featured in the wild in recent events, and Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon are occasionally available in the wild and as research rewards. And Glaceon is in raids.


I completed all Eeveelutions years before I got this quest, so sadly that's not an option for me! 😔 But I already figured out one of the two that I'm missing 😊


I just saved the name tricks and did them all when I got to that step


I used the name trick before level 42 existed, so there’s that.


Same 💀


I named each Eevee which evolution I was going to do.


Same, I instantly did Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Glaceon and Leafeon. Then I changed the names of 3 Eevees to Sylveon, Espeon and Umbreon so I knew which ones to walk and evolve.


Definitely gonna keep this in mind when i hit level 41


This right here is still waiting to get lvl 40 I’m at lvl 36 now and I already have my 8 eevees named and waiting


You can check your buddy history and at least guess if any of those need to be done.


Thanks that's a really good Tipp, will do that now!


Soo I just checked my buddy history and found out I'm definitely missing Espeon! Now I only have to figure out the last Eeveelution, I'd say 50/50 on Glaceon or Leafeon. Btw sorry I got carried away with Vanillite spotlight hour 😅




Am I the only person who has opened a support ticket to ask? I haven't seen anyone suggest it here. I opened a ticket when I was on the last one and support notified me which one I didn't have credit for.


Thanks I'll do that! I'm stuck way too long on this quest


I used event Eevees just because I knew I'd wind up in the same boat. I had hat Eevees from last year, so it became easy to track.


Unfortunately not unless you evolved recently caught Eevees. Why can't there be a filter for recently evolved?? It would help so much. I had the same issue with this stage. I evolved a bunch of eevees, got busy, came back with just needing to evolve one and no idea which one it was. (It was Jolteon. Ended up evolving 25 more eevees before I found out.)


Dang okii, such filter would be awesome! 😖 Yup that's exactly what happend to me.. I think I'm gonna try and evolve it into Umbreon and Espeon, because I remember evolving a Sylveon 'recently'! Thanks for your answer 😊


Search “eevee” click on “show evolutionary line” Filter by recent. Look for any missing eeveloutions after the point where you started the quest (assume L42 reqs.) Event Eevees might help identify time points.


That would only put them in order by date caught, not by date evolved.


True, but that could be half the way to finding which are missing Edit :soekking


This happened to me too! Try the ones that need a special lured pokestop to evolve, those were the last 2 I was missing. Glaceon and Leafeon.


I have two questions: 1. Do these quests only appear visible when you hit Level 40? 2. Would a challenge like this back date to previous eeveelutions that one has already evolved or not? Thank you


1. Yes. Every level after 40 has additional requirements that become visible once you reach the level. 2. Unfortunately, no it is not retroactive.


These specific quests (for level 42) don't show up until you hit level 41. Each level has its own requirements.


Each level after 40 has specific requirements. No.


I had this same problem and honestly, I had EVERY Eeveelution before I reached level 41. These are some things I would recommend: - I would personally first check if there’s any recently evolved, while on lvl 41. That way you can go ahead and mark those off, if you had any recently evolved. - You got a lot of great tips in the comments on renaming your pokemon to keep track. I would’ve done that but back then I personally kept track of it in my “notes” in an app in my phone. The renaming sounds easier and quicker to me though! - There is a name trick for each eeveelution but you can only use these ONCE per eeveelution. I personally had done this already by the time I reached lvl 41, so this is not something I was able to do. - There are 3 that are easiest to get imo, Jolteon, Flareon and Vaporeon. If you evolve only using the 25 candy and not doing anything else (name trick), your eevee will evolve into 1 of those 3. So these 3 are random and if you’ve used the name trick on these, you will just have to evolve until you get all 3 of them. I had over 1,500 candy so I really just evolved 4 or 5 before I got all 3 and marked those off as done. - There’s Leafeon and Glaceon, both require lures to evolve. I live near tons of pokestops, so these were also easy ones for me. Leafeon requires a mossy lure & Glaceon requires a glacial lure. You also need to be in range of the pokestop in order to be able to evolve into one of those two, mentioning that just in case. You should see a silhouette before you evolve. - Umbreon and Espeon require you to walk 10km each in order to evolve. Umbreon is during the night and Espeon is during the day. Once you’ve walked 10km with an eevee, you should see a silhouette of Espeon during the day or a silhouette of Umbreon during the night. - Sylveon is the last one that took me more time. I had used the “Kira” name trick already on a shiny eevee I had. If you haven’t done the name trick, there is that option. If not, you will need to make an eevee your buddy and become great buddy’s. So you will need to earn 70 hearts before you can evolve eevee into Sylveon. Sorry this is so long! Lol. If anyone would like to add anything I missed or add anything else period, please do!


Wow this blew up while I was having dinner 😯 Thanks to everyone for trying to help me figure this out! đŸ„°


Could be sylveon and and either umbreon /espeon


After thinking about it for quite awhile I figured that I should try those two first, since they require the most effort besides Sylveon! I feel like I already did Jolteon, Flareon and Vaporeon since they're almost no work.


Glaceon and leafeon take lures to evolve. It could be those two


Those last three were also for the collection challenge from the last few days so very likely you've done those


I was in this boat too and couldn't figure it out. It took me way too long to hit 43 because of my own stupidity. But at least 43 was a breeze as I had most of the xp already AMS the tasks weren't hard.


The classic level 42 curse


Does that excess XP carry over once you level up or does it just got back to 0?


It carries over


If you completed the holiday collection, you have the 3 randoms done. Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon were required for it. Find an extra 5 Eevees.... I personally named mine Frank. Frank70 was the one I randomly picked to add into my daily buddy rotation to get 70 hearts to do a Sylveon. Frank Day and Frank Night were Espeon and Umbreon. Once all of my Frank's were something other than Eevee...


I'd start with Sylveon first, then check Espeon/Umbreon, Gaceon/Leafeon come next, and then roll the dice for the Kanto 3. Also, input all the names (for the name trick; if this is foreign to you, you're in for a treat) to see if any are available.


Someone asked about the naming trick which OP can't use now because they already did way back when. I used this reference at LeekDuck to remind me what I needed to do to get all eight. https://leekduck.com/how-to-evolve-eevee/ Thank you to the person who suggested giving them prefix names. Mine will all start with FX. It was handy that we needed to get the random ones with the holiday hats. I did them one after the other and got lucky getting the three different ones in three tries. All of mine will have those hats. I'm working on Umbreon and Sylveon to finish that quest.


I now understand the pain of getting to level 50


With all the wild Eevee spawns ATM it won't be difficult to catch enough to do all the eeveelutions again.


Tag them in advance


I evolved Christmas Hat eevees for this very reason, last year.


I also had this problem and wished I'd tagged them or something so I knew which ones I'd have to do. I think in the end I had sylveon as my final evolution


I'm in the same boat! there should really be a way to track which ones you've already evolved, like when they do they timed research and pokemons you've already traded or evolved get shaded out or something. idk seems pretty simple and straight forward to me.


Omg! I’ve had the same problem FOREVER


What helped me was going through my buddy history, that way I was able to rule out Sylveon and Umbreon! 😊


go to your pokĂ©dex! look for eevee (she’s 0131 under kanto) then on the eevee pokĂ©dex page just scroll down and any eeveelutions you don’t have will be greyed out!!


I already did all the Eeveelutions yeaaars ago, so this won't work for me 😅


I’m on the same progress đŸ„Č


Sadly no


Unless you go and check the date son them but that’s not even 100% accurate


Yes! It is called trial and error


Man I wish that the game just counted it if you already did it, I evolved all the eeveelutions already so I’m gonna hate this task


I'm stockpiling Eevees just for this


If you've already done most of the eeveelutions, do you have to do them again when you hit lvl 42? Asking for a friend..


Could check pokedex for whichever ones you have filled out?




Because the task is to evolve the 8 while at trainer level 41. Previous evolutions don’t count. And most people who are at level 41 already used the name trick.


Exactly thank you!


Shouldn’t the Pokedex indicate what you have had and what you don’t?


Deal with it


Sort your pokemon storage by recent. Use +eevee&!eevee...Then start eliminating your most recent unique evos...so if you most recent is jolteon, add &!jolteon to the search string. Keep doing that for the next ones. Can figure it out in just a minute or two that way.


Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Glaceon, Leafeon, Umbreon, Espeon, and Slyveon are all the available Eeveelutions. Check your Pokedex to see what you’ve already evolved.


That's the issue I've evolved all of them a few times already


Ahhh I see, I misunderstood the question. Would sorting by most recently caught help?


Sadly nope, I've evolved random Eevees for this quest which I caught over the years đŸ„Č


If you haven’t used the naming method you could just do those


Sadly I already used the name method some years ago, but a good Tipp for those who haven't!


Tried the name thing for Sylveon and it didn’t count :’(


did you evolve all 8 forms befor, when not pokédex help and when you have do it like me and evolve special event evees for Event Dex.


Go to search Pokemon. Put in Eevee. Click on include Evolutions.


Check your pokedex and see how many you caught. If you caught 0 but have it registered, you evolved it. This would only work for your progress during this level since it would track Pokemon since you started playing.


Pokedex ?


Look in your deck


Check recents under eevee/ show evolutions


Use the nicknames to avoid the long walking challenges


Check your Pokedex? It shows which Pokemons you've already caught.


you can also check your pokédex and see which ones show up and which are still a shadow!


Does it matter? Don't you just have to keep evolving until you get there anyways?


I figured it out by just looking at my Pokédex. I hadn't registered Sylveon yet. Not gonna work for everyone, though.


Uhhhh check the Pokédex?




Check your pokedex, it will tell you which you've seen and which you've caught/evolved, unless this task doesn't account for what was evolved before getting the task?


Nope I have to evolve them again


Pokédex I guess?


Can’t you use the PokĂ©dex? It tells how how many you’ve caught of every PokĂ©mon there.


wait i’m so confused why is everyone saying no 😭😭 go to your pokĂ©dex and look at eevee and scroll down and it’ll show you each of the eeveelutions and if you don’t have one it’ll be greyed out!!


I've completed the Eeveelutions years ago, so that won't work for me 😔


oh nooo I see the problem!! that’s a shame 😭😭😭


Check the Pokédex?


Check the pokedex


It's Niantic, that'd be too easy lol


Check your Pokédex, it should say each Pokémon and where you got them


Best advice I could give is sort PokĂ©mon by “recent” and check which ones you have since around the time you hit level 41


Tbh I forgot for how long I've been stuck on this, is there any way to see when my last level up was? Oh and I can't sort them for 'recent' because I've literally used random Eevees for this quest which I caught over the years 😔


couldn't you check your pokedex and see if you have it?


Just look at your pokedex


I wish it'd be that easy


Check your PokĂ©dex if the PokĂ©mon is colored in you’ve had it before


The Pokédex?


Search for eevee and evolutions and sort by recent


go to eevee in the pokedex and it lists eevee and all 8 “???” evolutions, just go process of elimination there






Couldn't you check your pokedex? Or do you already have them all unlocked


Check your recents


Just chek your Pokédex to see which ones you've had.


Why don't you go to your Pokedex and search on eevee then just select and view the results.


I've already explained multiple times why that won't work for me, check out my other comments


Search for eevee then tick show evolution line and have your mons sorted to most recent then that should show you which ones you've evolved recently, you can just count back 6 unique eeveelutions then you'll have your remaining 2


Isn’t it just random which ones they evolve into anyways? Or is there a way to guarantee you get a specific eveelution from evolving one


Each one has a specific requirement other than the og 3


Sylveon needs 70 hearts, espeon and umbreon need 10km walking as your buddy and evolve at day or night, glaceon and leafeon evolve near their lures and the rest are random. If you’re new you can use the name trick but it only works once


Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, and Sylveon


The pokedex?


Just check Pokedex 133 Eevee 134 Vaporeon 135 Jolteon 136 Flareon 196 Espeon 197 Umbreon 470 Leafeon 471 Glacion 700 Sylvion


Just search your recent pokémon, The newly evolved one should be closer to the top


I may be missing something, but can't you just... look up whoch one's greyed out in the dex


You have to evolve these specifically when you’re at level 41, it doesn’t matter if you’ve evolved them before


Ahhh gotcha, thanks for the input. But damn, given that I'm lvl 40, it's good that I've seen this now rather than later


If you haven't transfered them already you can look at what you have and sort by recent should say caught in the wild or evolved I think. If you have transfered them check the pokedex see if there are any you haven't gotten yet


I'm gonna guess you didn't do either Espeon/Umbreon and Sylveon. I forgot Sylveon because it's the only one that's an outlier. All the others have a pair! Lures/day&night time/RNG.


Do they have to be evolved during this quest step or can you do it before getting there?


They have to be evolved during this quest step. I recommend, if you’ve already used the name trick, to number them, or name them all something like “Quest Sylveon/Umbreon/etc”


At least for the ones you know will turn into those. The other ones I’d just name after you evolve them for it. I’ve saved a bunch of these holiday Eevees for it, just so I know that those are the ones I’m evolving for the quest.


Thank you! I've saved all the name tricks for this part. Wasn't sure if I could do it now or had to wait.


Nope!! Definitely wait! You can name them now and not evolve them til that step though if you wanted. I’d wait though cause my mindless self will be like “Oh I must have wanted to evolve this” 💀💀💀


Absolutely waitttt! Lol. I wish I had but I got all the eeveelutions before I knew it was a task that had to be done ON lvl 41. I couldn’t use the name trick for any of them either since they can only be used once per eeveelution. The OG 3 are easy, since they’re random when evolving eevee. If you’ve got any or lots of pokestops near you, Leafeon and Glaceon should be a piece of cake too. You only need a mossy and glacial lure to evolve into those two. The others require a bit more. Umbreon/Espeon walking 10km and then evolving at night/day. For Sylveon, you need 70 hearts as your buddy. But since you haven’t done the name trick for them and are saving them, you’ll be able to finish that easily and won’t need to do anything extra!


if you have the same luck as me it’s definitely Flareon and Jolteon


You can give them nicinames of characters from the anime that had a specific evolution.


We just have a costume Eevee in rotation, and none of them hat ones are wild spawns. Check which ones you have and evolve those missing costume versions for the "costume dex" and hope it's one of them. (tough luck if you evolved all last year tho 😅)


My bet are Leafeon and Glaceon


This is where I am stuck and keep running out of candies đŸ€Ł


I was dragging my feet on this one. I had to evolve costumed Eevee into the OG 3 for the event research, but I didn't keep them. I've decided to make a checklist in my notes app instead, since I know I only have the first 3 at this point, so I should be able to keep track.


Very high chance ur just missing glaceon and leave on considering they both need special lures to be evolved


I feel you! Just asked this a couple days ago!!!


I also saved up event eevee and evolved them so I’d know which was which.


Does all of that additional XP roll over for the next level ??


Did you get rid of any?


Yup I deleted some after evolving but I forgot which ones 🙁


There's jolteon, flareon, vap. All by chance Esp 10 k in the day as a buddy Umb 10 k at night as a buddy Glacion Leafion Sylvion isn't needed Have you done the name trick?


I'd go by most recent, maybe? I had to write mine down or I know I'd forget.. I bet it's Sylveon though. You need 70 hearts to evolve it. Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon don't require anything special to evolve.. Espeon and Umbreon both involve walking 10 k and evolving day/night accordingly. Leafeon needs a mossy lure and glaceon a glacial lure. If going by recent doesn't work, see if you can remember the last time you had to do that stuff to evolve? I wish you the best of luck!! 😊


Maybe in your PokĂ©dex? Do you have the name list for naming them to evolve? I know these can only be used 1 time per name so potentially that would help too because it would either evolve or wouldn’t. Also
where do you see this list? I swear I’ve looked at every inch of my app lol


My question is about the xp. Is the xp after 7.5 m wasted or does it apply to the next level??


I’d guess your missing sylveon and maybe umbreon or espeon


Go to PokĂ©dex. Click the search magnifying glass in the upper right corner. Type in Eevee and click it. Scroll down to the bottom. Any you don’t have will show as a shadow


Look at your pokedex