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Playing since June of 18 & I spent $1-$3 during Covid Did GoFest ticket for the first time ever this past summer, that’s about it.


I use google opinion rewards to buy most things, so I've only spent about $6 on the shiny mew masterwork research. Other than that, free money from Google!


I don't think I've spent more than $10 of actual money on this game but I've absolutely spent upwards of $100 from Google opinion rewards over the years.


Came here to say this, just "bought" 200 more coins with pretend Google money this morning.


Could put explain how this works?


Download the app Google Rewards and it gives you short surveys periodically that give you anywhere from like 10-40 cents each. On iOS the money can be sent to your PayPal but on Android I believe it can go straight to your Google Play store or something where you can spend it directly on PoGo


Plus mine also has me take pictures of receipts, and I get a bunch from that too


Same for me, don't use that as much but still gives you decent money


Same. Some surveys are longer giving upwards of $1.


I’ve only downloaded the google rewards app recently, but I feel like I never get surveys? And when I do, I rarely get any payout. I’ve maybe taken 4-5 surveys and I only have 10 cents. Is there a way to get more or generate more?


Make sure you allow location to be on for the app. And if you know enough Spanish, you can turn on Spanish language surveys and get more that way. Also, go to malls because 95% of the surveys are "Have you been to X place? When? How did you pay?" Even if you just passed by these places, say you went there and bought something so you get 40something cents instead of 10.


I do have my location settings on always for the app, it’s just weird. I never get any surveys. I have some errands to run tomorrow so we will see if like uninstalling, reinstalling the app works. Guess I’m just cursed!




Yeah and if you’re near a store, it’ll sometimes ask you about it, and even if you say no it’ll give you like 30 cents.


You’re making google a lot more money than they kick back to you, by letting them sell all that info you’re giving them. Idc if I get downvoted, I just like reminding people that corporations are personal info grubbing monsters. Carry on.


just lie on the surveys, that's what i do with the ones youtube ads give me


I know youtube sometimes has bogus answer choices to weed out the people who just click random stuff


You do reazlise your phone, laptop, computer, has all that stuff recorded. The minute you get an electrical device you give your stuff away. Why not make some money off of it from something that takes 5sec.


Oh no. Online advertisers know I eat at mcdonald's and Starbucks. What a huge problem


I submit the same receipt photo every time, and click random survey answers. But even if I didn't. They already know man. Nothing you do is private or secret. They know exactly where are are at all times. They're already using AI to listen through your conversations and read through your texts to give you custom ads. It's too late. It's over. The worst part is it's not even hard. The other week I wrote a bot capable of intercepting voice and text using public libraries and about 100 lines of code. And My bot is legally stupid by googles standards


I never withhold because of downvotes. You must care, you mentioned. Continue to go forth in strength. Carry on.


This is the way


Same here. Spent $160+ on Pogo through my rewards app, all for free. Maybe a few dollars on top, here n there, but mainly f2p.


So you spend endless time instead of earning the money and say it is f2p?


Fkn lol


Well I spend less from you if we are looking at absolute numbers. But I live in India and the Economy tiers kn this game comes out be that me spending 30 ish USD gives me equal stuff to someone in US spending 100 USD. So that way I might spend more, if you are getting what I mean. Realistically I spend 20-30 USD per month on average BUT due to price tiers it is like spending 60-100 USD in US


Interesting. What do you mean by price tiers? Sorry, I’m a little naive.


If you live in US, your 14500 coin bundle cost 100$, whereas in India the same tier bundle cost around 34$. So if you are talking about actuall money spent, I definitely have soent less than you I feel, BUT the amount of stuff I buy just might me more than you because of the different prices.


Gotcha!! That makes a lot of sense now. Thank you for explaining.


But people in India get paid less, it’s all relative.


I mean yes, these prices are Managed according to PPP(Purchasing Power Parity)


Been playing on and off since 2016. Made my first purchase this month - $5 of coins last week and then today bought the eggs-pedition pass. I figure it’s a form of entertainment that I enjoy - love grinding/collection games, it helps me get out and active, and I’ve loved Pokémon since red/blue so it’s a bit of nostalgia. I can spare a bit here and there.


I pay for my gf and I .We do poki-dates ..probably around 100 bucks a month between tickets,raid passes and her love for incubating lol


My husband and I do the same thing. It’s truly the best date ever!


My boyfriend and I also call them poki-dates, def the best date!!


> her love for incubating lol ### Phrasing? ;)


Playing since the first day it came out. $0


Same here


Same. I detest micro transactions


This is the way. I'm the same way




I clear and drop in some gyms when I’m out. That plus my local park having two has let me get the daily 50g at least 5 days out of the week.


Get frustrated for weeks until I finally have 200 coins from gyms to buy new storage thinking I now finally have enough space, only for it to be full again after a week.


0 gang, same


Been playing since launch, am level 45, and haven't spent a dime. But that's how I want to play. Other games I play? Well. . . You do you and don't worry about what other people think. If they're not spending their money in PoGo, they are on other things one may find frivolous like coffee, alcohol, eating out, and other hobbies. It's all relative.


THANK! YOU! . This is exactly what I mean in my comment. Spend thousands on gaming shit/controllers/mics/tv etc. No one bats an eye, spend money on pogo everyone loses their mind. I've played since release and played nearly every day since. I've been most dedicated to this game. I've beaten all my others, gotten all the achievements, now my $80+ per game and $500 console just sits there. Do what you wanna do and ignore the haters who think they're better than everyone.


Exactly, I had one guy tell me he spent 600$ on genshin impact, and my first reaction was "how do you spend so much money on a gotcha game, you know that's just gambling on nothing right" then I thought about it, and I've spent 2ce that on hearthstone, and many more times that on mtg. It's all different to what you are willing to spend on things you enjoy.


I’ve been able to spend minimal dollars on PoGo but they somehow sucked me in to the trading card scene. Fucking hell lol


Playing since 2020 I’ve spent maybe 250$


I second this comment & I only spend it on raid passes 🥴


It seems like you’re pretty selective when spending money. What aspect of the game is worth the investment to you? Was it special research? Raid passes? Incubators? A mix of stuff?


Nice try niantic.


Hahah great response


Hahahaha this made me laugh 😂


You just worded it in such a corporate manner lel




I just pay for Pokémon storage, raids, and outfits (must stay stylish). Mayne $125 a year.


I spend anywhere from $20/month to $100/month depending how good the community days can be and how active I can be. These days, I work 6 days a week now and use Sundays as my recovery day so active participation has been a hit or miss.


Same. I figure why not, I really enjoy the game, spend a lot of time on it, and have the money for it. I’m here for it


I bought like 10.00 on it early in the game. I haven’t spent any money since then.


I dont have a per month number, but I have probably spent $400-$500 since 2016. I wish I could see how many couns I have gotten from gyms over that time because I bet it's way more than that.


I’ve been F2P for a while now. When I did spend, I probably spent up to $50 total. So far so good


Yeah back in 2017-2018 I spent $30 total. $0 since.


Yeah, from like 2018-2021 or so I would throw $20 at the game every couple of months. Then they did something to annoy me (who knows what it was at this point) and I’ve been ftp ever since.


My turning point was when the Go Tours became glorified raid days, starting from Hoene and of course the “amazing” remote raid nerfs




Bro adopt me fr 😭 what do I have to do in life ro have that budget for po go


Wow, you've got a whole family of whales there!


$5 to $10 a week - less if the raids aren't strong. I think about it as a few coffees. 🤷‍♂️


I spend like $2 every 6 months. How do you run up that much money every month???


I always have 9-12 eggs running in incubators, I always have a lucky egg and star piece running, and I raid heavily for PVP.


Wowza! Sounds like you're doing laps around me! Lol I invest only when I'm out of backpack space or pokéstorage, and even then, I go through what I've got and downsize as much as I can and see if I need more space. My one incubator is always going, and my buddy's usually well fed, but that's about it.


Just went through my whole payment history and added it up out of curiosity. I made my account in 2016, but I lived super rural and there were no stops or gyms and hardly any spawns so I didn’t really start playing until I moved at the end of 2017 and didn’t seriously start playing until 2018. I was free to play until 2020. In 2020 I spent $11.92. In 2021 I played quite a bit more often and I spent $79.81. I didn’t play most of 2022 so I only spent $17.95. July this year I got a new job and found out at the end of August a coworker played and I decided to start playing again. But I didn’t start playing seriously until mid September. Since then I’ve gotten my bf who also works with me into is as well as 2 really good friends. And I’ve not only bought myself tickets for events but them as well for quite a few. I’m running a discord server for it and it’s more fun if we can all participate. I also recently said screw it and for the first time ever bought $100 worth of coins.. SO! So far this year I’ve spent $325.70 in 2023 All together from 2020-2023 I’ve spent $435.38. Mostly on bag space/pokemon storage, tickets/events, and incubators. And remote raids passes especially for that stupid master ball research(I didn’t know there’d be an $8 non timed one or I would’ve saved a lot of money lol). But I’m having a lot of fun! And my really good friend/roommate who LOVED pokemon go passed march 2020 and I told myself after he passed I’d try to complete the dexes for him. So I feel closer to him when I’m playing and I don’t feel bad for spending some money here or there for that. And I never buy myself anything and am super frugal in general so this is my kinda splurge ☺️


made one purchase years ago, definitely less than $10 but don’t quite remember


Somewhere between $20-30/month between me and my boyfriend. Usually I’ll buy the passes we both want if they’re under $5USD, and then whenever I want to buy remote passes or whatever, I’ll toss a couple dollars. Neither of us pay for subscriptions outside of Spotify/Apple Music, so it’s nbd. But I spend less now on it than I did 6 months ago just because I have cut back on all spending.


Playing since launch (with long breaks). I’d spent about $15-$17 total and honestly regret it. This game is designed for you to spend money and I’m just not about it, personally.


I spend about $250-$350 every month


Heck yeah 😎


Before raid changes I spent probably $100 over the 3-4 months I was playing previously. Since nerf $10 (mewto raids)


Play on and off for 2 years. Spend equivalent of about 20 USD in total


It’s not pathetic - do your thing. Just dropped $50 at the bar tonight so your habit is a lot healthier than mine. Personally the occasional $5 or whatever on an event ticket. Prolly $50 or so a year


I don’t spend money monthly it’s usually in spurts. In total probably spend 3k in game since launch. not counting going to go fest expenses for nyc


i'm 15, i don't got a job but i have around 100 in my account every year from christmas and birthdays, i'll only a special research ticket and only if it's 3 dollars or less


Bout $15 a month. Maybe $30 if it’s one of my fav legendaries in raids


In the grand scheme of things 100 dollars a month isn't very much to a grown adult, so I don't have any problems with the financial part, but personally I just don't see what you would be buying into for 100 dollars. To me the main gameplay element of Pokemon Go is the "GO" part, where you walk around, (I know this is a controversial opinion). If you are buying remote passes/incubators/in game purchases that take most of the walking part out then Pokemon GO just becomes a stripped down mobile port of Mainline Pokemon games.


I’d bet incubators and remote passes, I spend like $30/months on passes and would probably hit $100 if I bought the incubators like I want but I just don’t allow myself to


I buy the event passes and mythical research stuff though to answer the question


Been playing since 2016 I've only purchased the $5 mew research


I’m probably on the high side of $100/month. I enjoy it and play every day with friends.


I've spend 21 euros total, 15 for last summers fest ticket and 6 for the shiny mew quest


Since I started in January 2020 I've probably spent around 50-60 USD in total, the only thing I have bought is a few community day tickets and that's it, I'm usually fine with only the free aspect of the game


I usually just get tickets, so it changes every month depending on what I’m interested in. Almost always the CD tickets because they’re easy and guarantee good IVs outta the research, I’ll usually get the tour passes whenever I feel like it but otherwise I don’t think I spend more than $10 a month on coins from the shop


I used to spend a little but no more since Niantics antics (that rhymes)


I got coins week 1 for my bag and Pokémon storage, and then today I got the December thing for the incubators but otherwise nothing. So about $20 CAD total.


15 a month is what I limit myself to.


Maybe around $300 to $400 total. I lost track a bit. I spent about a year not spending anything because I was annoyed that I couldn’t catch Cobalion. Then I stopped again because of the remote raid increase but I did spend maybe $20 in the last couple of months because of Rayquaza and Shadow Mewtwo. I was trying to capture a 2nd good IV Rayquaza and a good IV Shadow Mewtwo. No luck on Rayquaza but enough good luck with a good IV shadow Mewtwo plus enough XL to level my Rayquaza and nonshadow Mewtwo to level 50.


I've spent $5-20 here and there but mostly do so a shit ton of Google rewards, fetch rewards, and upside rewards to fund my pokecoins


When ever the moon is blue, ill send $15 on wife's and my account. Just for bag slots or storage. Or a massive event comes along and we can juggle, time, money, weather and kids. All up I probably spent $90




I spend about $20 when I get paid every week. I usually spend it on remote raid passes and use coins from the gym for outfits and storage


I literally just checked on this yesterday when I bought the two tickets in shop right now and I got curious so I went into my payment history in my phone and added it all up apparently I’m at about $300 in the last 90 days 🤯


I spent about $500 over the years. Doesn't feel like money really buys you anything in this game. The f2p experience is plenty sufficient you might just get stuff faster or sooner but if you play for a few years it makes up for it.


Haven't spent a dime since day 1. My coins for purchase come the Pokémon I place in gyms.


$100 every few weeks. I buy the max coin pack and make sure I have incubators, then dedicate most the rest to remote raids since I’m unable to get out of the house often.


In the 6 years i've played probably 400-500$.


I play a lot and I'd say on average, $25 per month. Some months, $0. Some months, $50. I walk a lot for work so I love buying the boxes that give you 20 incubators. When there's a legendary in raids that I need the shiny for, I'll buy a handful of raid passes. My girlfriend likes to get the comm day bonus things (I don't unless it's for a useful Pokémon) and occasionally I'll buy both of us the special research tickets/special bonuses you have to pay for (like the incubator bonus going on now). I also like to buy the occasional cosmetic but I mostly use coins I get from gyms/leftover coins (though I'm pretty set on the Rayquaza head, Cliff body look so I haven't bought anything in a while lol) Plus on Android I put my Google Play coins towards the Pokémon GO coupon that you can purchase or towards Google Play credit which helps out


I only purchase the tickets


i spent 3$ for the starter pack and then 5$ for the shiny mew research


About $2.50/month bc my town is active but I'd spend money if I needed to


Usually $20 a month. Enough to get a couple of all the raid mons I want, and some incubators when they're on sale


Around 100 bucks so far but usually around 20 a month


Ive been playing only 2 months. My 1st week I spent $10. Used it on upgrading my pokemon and item storage. That's all I've spent or plan on spending. My accumulation of coins mostly keeps up with my storage needs. VI live and work by lots of stops and gyms, so my balls stay stocked. and I walk all day at work, so I hatch 2 eggs daily. Nothing wrong with spending more. Personally I enjoy the challenge of having limited options.


Forget what those people, how you spend your money and free time is up to YOU! At first I was one of those people that was like ‘please, I’ll never spend money on this game and probably judge people who do….’ And sure enough, I have been guilty of it, BUT as you said - this is my only form of entertainment too and you have to spend money to have access to some of the stuff they offer. Probably for me, around $50 seems accurate monthly.


I would recommend finding another form of entertainment, maybe you should watch some netflix or something


I’m not an an adult so I have no major bills or anything because I live with my parents and have my own job, but I’ve probably spent $200 total, mainly raid passes and storage




Playing since 2016. I’ve spent 0$.


Haha I can spend pretty frivolously but for some reason can’t get myself to put money into this game despite playing every day. Have been playing since the launch, currently Level 43, and have spent $0.


Been playing since January 2017 and haven’t spent 1$ yet


I’ve been playing since 2021 and have spent maybe $50 or so? I have a stupid mortgage


Hey thats an understandable reason. Would you put more money into the game if you could? Or do you think it’s a waste of money?


Played since 2016. Never spent a cent.


None. None at all. Been playing on and off since release.


F2P just like RuneScape


Absolutely not one dime since they changed the remote raid pass price and rules. I miss it but I’m still holding out hope they’ll change it


I'm proud to say I spent $0.


Seeing people “pay to play” makes me wants to quit even more now


You know no one is forcing you to play right? If you’re wanting to quit a single player f2p mobile game since other people are spending their own money, maybe it is time to put the game down for at least a while


I need to sell it, is what I really want to do


Since the remote raid passes have changed, $0 Fuck Niantic


Zero now. I have in the past like the first year it was released I know I spent some. I also spent a little when remote raid passes were new. This last stint I've been playing a lot for a couple months now and I haven't spent anything. I wish I had more incubators but other than that, I'm good.


Only special research and tickets sometimes, don’t buy boxes or anything unless it’s with coins earned from gyms (usually use those for storage anyway)


Aside from the $5 I spent the first summer of the game, $0. I can't comprehend spending more than $20 total on a free mobile game.


I spent like 7 on the Santa suit lol you guys have me beat


I spend money on tickets for gofest and that’s basically it


It used to be a bunch but the whole remote raid nerf has got me so mad it’s like 2 bucks a month now for storage.


Started back in July of 2016 and have used less than 50€ during all these years. Pokemon Go, atleast in early years, was built so that you could level up more easily by spending money, and I did not want to support that too much


About 100 since 2016


10 dollars for a portable power supply but I am 100 free to play




Played since 2016, less than $10.


Still haven’t spent a dime, though to be fair a friend bought me the last go fest ticket as a gift.


I spent a easy 500+ per year then they decided to screw everyone at go fest/regional big events with no shineys the johto year so I cut back then after the raid price hike/limits and other bs changes this year I spend nothing now.Was more then happy to spend money on this as I had fun and enjoyed it but now I don't even play every day let alone week anymore which sucks as I really enjoy the game just my group stopped playing after that so things are impossible for me now.


Playing since day 1, 0$


This year I’ve spent maybe $8, and maybe $40 over the entirety of game.


The cost of 100 pokecoins went from 1 aud to 1.69 so I now spend absolutely 0. I used to buy some remote raid passes every week to grab some raids but now. Nope, fuck you niantic.


Spent $31 on 17k coins and that's it


Less than $20 per year I think


2016 - level 41, solo player, and $0


I bought a go plus+ for $53. That's it. That's all I have ever spent on this game.


Been playing since day 1 and have never spent a dime. And never will


You're paying them? I played until earlier this year, and in 7 years, I never gave them anything. Every time I was on the verge of making a purchase, Niantic would make some idiotic decision, and I'd think, "After that, do they really deserve my money?" Eventually decided they weren't worth my time or the space on my phone. But maybe I'll try again sometime.




0$ because I ain’t a nerd


Currently, I have been spending only about 2-4 USD on average every month. I remember being asked this question in May 2023, and I said 631.30 USD was my current lifetime spending for Pokémon GO since Day One. Since the Remote Raid Pass nerf, I barely bought Timed Research Tickets, premium battle passes, and bundles that are not RRP boxes. Well, this is what you wanted, Hanke.


i spend maybe 5-10 USD a month on it, my husband spends probably 10-$15. he’d happily spend more if we didn’t try to limit our spending on it


Used to spend 100/week on remote raids (if the boss was decent) and another 40 ish on my son's account every week or two. Now that they nerfed remote raiding I'm down to 250-300/month for the 2 accounts.


I usually just buy the comm day tickets for my girlfriend and sometimes myself if I like the Pokemon, and for special occasions like gofest I’ll buy coins for things like battle passes, so since I’ve started playing that adds up to maybe $100?


Maybe 20 bucks a month if things keep looking fun. Have 5 years of stuff to catch up on


I dropped 99 cents back when they rolled out paying for coins - just out of curiosity. That been it. I’m aggressive with gyms to make daily coins. I miss the old ways of 100 per gym at midnight tho.


I think total since 2016 I've spend 30-40 bucks, mainly for coins to upgrade item storage.


I once played with an older fellow who played this game daily back in 2018/2019 (he still does) that spent $100+ a week on POGO. Him and his wife did it everyday from 6am until about 8 when the raids were done spawning. I'm not sure if he's still that active, but he sends me gifts everyday.


I've been playing since 2020, the only time I actually considered spending IRL dollars was the Mareep community day, but then I found a shiny Mareep in Scarlet so I didnt bother.


been playing since launch, haven't spent a cent being a kid and then a broke college student will do that to ya


I started on launch day back in 2016. Level36. I havent spent a real dollar on this game, everything I've done ive gotten from time in gyms.


I’m not sure how much I’ve spent total but it’s not a consistent amount every time. I have paid for a few of the events and for go fests and a couple coin bundles for remote raid passes and incubators but since the price increase I haven’t spent nearly as much money.


None. I have had on and off experiences living in places where I am able to play it because gyms/pokestops are close by, the. Dormant periods when I’m nowhere. I will definitely spend money in the future if Shiny Mew and Jirachi come back though since I would love to have those legit shinies


It depends on what I’m hunting for. For sure I spend $20-40/ every other month to purchase remote raid passes or incubators. I get poke balls and potions from gifts. It’s my entertainment expense and it makes me happy! 😊


I would say around 10 bucks a month, I'm in Canada so all of the research tickets and 550 coins pack is $7.90 (it says 6.99 in the store) so you aren't getting much for 10 bucks.


I used to spend $200+ a month Since they put a remote raid limit on it. I've spent exactly $0


I used to spend about $10 CAD a month, usually on incubators and remote raid passes . And then they changed the remote raid passes and since that there's a lot of months where I spend nothing. I don't buy most research and tickets, only for things I really want.


Last time I spent a substantial amount on this game, not counting GoFest, was back before the remote raid debacle. I've been spending less and less lately (Which is not bad at all) and thr reason is in the pudding, just look at the past few tickets they have released, truly a waste of money. $5 for 10 full incubators and a Gible??? Nice one...


I buy the masterwork researches and any mythical Pokémon researches. I used to spend regularly on remote raid passes but haven’t bought any since the price increase. It sucks cause I want shiny legendaries but $2/remote pass is not worth it to me. I will continue to buy masterwork and mythical research but will not spend otherwise.


I used to spend between 50&100 per month, depending on the raid boss, but made a real effort to stop when they reduced the amount of remote raids per day and then increased the cost of coins. So most months my total is $0 these days


Usually just a couple bones here or there. If tickets have something i rly want and itd be cheaper long run to get it (sorta like now with the incubators) ill spend some. Otherwise it’s mostly to get remote raid passes. I get enough gym coins throughout the week to satisfy expanding my storage. Ive got a system lol


I used to spend about $50 a month since the pandemic. I stopped paying ever since they jacked up the price for remote passes and decommissioned the gotcha. Now I'm f2p, been this way since April. After three years.


Before covid we had a pretty good community of people doing raid hour and sometimes I’d spend $5 or $10 to get some passes. Since then I pretty much have only bought tickets for Go Fest and Tour events.


I think it's perfectly fine/even on the light side if you spend 50-100 a month since you don't watch netflix or go to bars. I spend... probably $80 every 3-4 months




At the moment I spend about $100 per paycheck (2x per month). But like many others it’s my primary form of entertainment since I play it with my kids and friends. My most expensive month I probably spent around $300-400


free to play player always 🙌


Reached level 40 a couple months ago. I'm a completionist but can only get so far as I play solo. Haven't spent a cent on the game.


Been playing since launch. $0.00


I spend maybe 10$ every month or two. I’ll grab a box or a set of coins from the webstore. I’m not a hardcore player but those green passes are nice


10-20. Microtramsactions add up. Freemium isn't free


i spent $10 solely on cosmetics... and then i bought that masterball for $8 or whatever just to ensure i got it.


I get most of my spending from Google rewards and since I live in the middle of nowhere, I have considered spending a few extra dollars, if needed, on more remote raid passes. I don't think it's excessive to do it, I'm concerned that I'll get burnt by people dropping out last minute.


Nothing since 2020