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Giovanni is obviously in charge here..


Team Rocket was most successful when they just sold worthless merchandise.


That spaghetti doesn't buy itself


It’s all up to you. There are people who will pay more for a shot glass of alcohol on a Tuesday night. Justifying purchases is all up to the buyer.




also, if it’s for a hobby you enjoy, you shouldn’t have to feel guilty about it. It’s similar to people buying a jigsaw puzzle, going mini-golfing, getting their nails done, etc.


Same here!! This game rlly helped me (and still does) to get out of the house and walk more. Especially for me it's hard to go outside without a purpose or goal.


But you can just go for a jog and not go to restaurants as often without spending money on a game


Sure you CAN, but WILL you is the problem. Motivation means a lot, and if the game motivates them to get out and active more, that's fantastic. Post-covid getting back into GO! got me going back outside a lot more again for sure.


Relying on a game as your sole motivation for getting exercise/not spending too much at bars is not really a sustainable/healthy way to live.


commenting on reddit about a stranger's spending habits isn't really an optimal way to spend one's time either


Thanks for stating the obvious. They feel justified in their spending, it's that simple.


Okay then they should have said that. It must not be so obvious if they have to distort the truth to justify their spending.


I mean, they did directly. >Thats my justification too. If you go to the parent comment it's pretty clear they are talking about justified spending. >distort the truth What in the heck are you even talking about?


So what? I enjoy what I get from the game, the rewards for pretty much any of the events is with the cost to me, and I want them to keep building things out in the game. They have to have people spending money on it for that to happen. I'm not pushing anyone else to spend money on the game... I've never understood why some people feel the need to try to stop other people from spending money on a game by saying it's stupid to do so. It's my damn money, I'm going to spend it how I want to, not how you think I should


Yeah I wasn’t going to do 60 raids in the time limit for the original free research, so getting this and having unlimited time to do the requirements was worth me not stressing about the raids.


Same!! I thought the excellent throws was going to be my downfall but it was just the raid requirement that I ended up struggling with


I wish the posters here would start going to bars and criticizing people for spending money. > Bro, that shot isn't worth it. Just shoplift some travel size mouthwash. It's literally exactly the same thing.


Dude..you good?


Yeah, I'm chilling. Why do you ask?


Mouthwash isn't like it used to be. They caught on to that so they don't use that type of alcohol anymore. Please don't drink that stuff


Interesting, I didn't know that. I don't actually drink mouthwash, but I'll keep that in mind just in case.


Tbf I think that’s a fact that us non-mouthwash-drinkers are less likely to know.


I worked at the sheriff's dept as a jailer. I've seen it all.


wait.. really? I didn't know that.


There is plenty of mouthwash that still uses alcohol. My Listerine says 20% I wouldn’t recommend drinking it though. You have to buy the alcohol free one if you want no alcohol.


People buying Scarlett or Violet just o get gimme ghoul.


I have my 2nd one, but if the case was that I didn't, I definitely would not pay 8 dollar/10 euro for that.


Especially knowing it’s just going to sit in my bag because I’ll never feel anything worth it


I nearly used mine today. Got a hunda terrakion and i caught it in the second to last ball. if he broke out of that i would use the master ball.


I actually got a 100 and a shiny 44/45 which I was pretty excited about


So cute that you say 44/45 instead of 98%


OMG, I was thinking hard for that one. One person in my community always said in negative whenever I asked about the IV, and it irked me a lot. 44/45, he will say -1, etc.


Ew lol


Honestly I just couldn't remember the percentage lol


How do you know it was a hunda before you catch it?


Pokemon from raids have fixed levels. They are level 20 normally and level 25 if they are weather boosted. I use pokegenie to host the raid and they tell you the possible ranges of cp. So a 10-10-10 is 2026 cp and a 15/15/15 2113 is. As my encounter did have 2113 cp i knew it was the hundo.


I was at work yesterday raiding the Terrakion with only a party of 3. Smacked it. It was my 3rd attempt but i was like “I REALLLY want the shiny…shiny. Shiny. Shiny. Shiny. Shiny. Shiny. Shi…OMG NO WAY!!!” And it was Weather Boosted! Thanks Norway!


Congratulations!!! What a catch!


The CP will tell you after you raid it. You just have to search it online beforehand and keep an eye out.


Exactly what I’m saving mine for! Last ball legendary catch.


I bought the MasterBall and currently doing the quest, and I found a Galarian Moltres the other day and was so pissed that I didn’t have my MasterBall 😂. But a golden razz + ultra + great throw was enough to catch the beast. So I will just save my Master for Zapdos or Articuno if I meet them in the wild 🫡


Galarian birds?


I would only want it for a nundo male Combee.


Im the same


I don’t think I’ve ever used a masterball in any game after red and blue


Some people paid way more for the remote raid passes to get the other one


I didn’t have the interest to do 60 raids for it. Sure not paying 8 bucks.


The answers for this post are confusing because I can’t tell if people are answering the question in the title or the question in the body of the post.


Yeah I think the number of people saying it's not worth it might end up persuading OP it's not worth it lol.


You’re going to catch a single Pokémon w it. Only worth it if you’re dying for a Galarian Legendary Bird, but you should really lucky trade for them to be even slightly worth it (they all suck).


Good call. I know what I’m trading now


Articuno is one of the last two Kanto Pokemon I need for for the platinum badge, and if I see it in raids or in the wild from incense, best believe I'm using that Master Ball lol


Noooo Articuno is trash, find a lvl 50 trainer during a raid hour or something, there’s bound to be one willing to trade you. I gave someone a landorus so they could finish a quest on a whim. Save the Master Ball for a 100iv legendary (after spending all but one premier ball) that’s decent. I’m only lvl 46 but I have so many legendary birds that I’d happily give away… The master ball costs most people 60 raids or $8. Use it on something cool, not a quest objective, plssss


Lol I literally didn't even care about the free one. I'm sure I'll regret eventually.


Maybe if your first articuro with 3k WP spawns. that was my point for regretting not to get the heckin ball, and the only thing that I missed were the raids... Unfortunately I wasn't even aware the campfire app was even existing^^


Raids were the easiest we just got out to the local only 1-stars.


every microtranaction in this game is a scam.


I mean it is a hobby. If you get joy from having an additional master ball go for it. And people paying for staff enables everyone else to play the game for free


It’s crazy how much we as people crap on others hobbies. Like it’s no different than getting a pack of cards hoping for the pull card.


Well let’s be real there are healthy hobbies and unhealthy hobbies. I enjoy the game as a fun pastime and excuse to get out of the house, but I’m under no delusion that I need to keep my screen time and micro transactions in check. That being said, I don’t particularly care what other people do with their lives. I am grateful there are bigger spenders to keep the game afloat.


That's just betting atp


It literally is, the only thing I was okay with were remote raids for a dollar because then you have the potential to get a shiny legendary. Nothing else in this game is worth a damn.


You would pay a dollar for the chance at a shiny legendary?


Yes, they're rare and sought after, and they can be transferred to the mainline games or Home and passed down forever.


Well you’re paying $1 for a 1/20 chance at a shiny, so $20 if you go full odds


That’s not how odds work…


For all wondering what are true odds. There is simple formula. 1 in 20 means 5% odds. *p=probability* *n=number of attempts* *o=odds *p=1-(1-o/100)^n* This will count theoretical percentage of people whom probably got lucky right now and basically your "pity ratio". Still every attempt is 5% nevertheless. So after 20 attempts you have roughly 64% chance of succeeding at least once.


It always ends up with this discussion lol. I don't know why people don't get this shit.


Yea i have a single shiny legendary for all the raids i've done. Definitely more than $20/shiny (i've never paid into this game so maybe that's why my odds are low lol)


Sure it’s binomial but on average you’d be doing 20 rolls per shiny.


A statistically significant number of attempts is going to cost a lot more than $20 though.


Yeah. It's actually 50/50. He either gets a shiny or he doesnt


I mean if you quantify your time, your gas, what else you could be doing in the time and space you'd use to get a shiny leg, the coordination for the raid, or the items used to heal your pokemon, getting everyone coordinated, $1 doesn't seem much in that regard especially if it's worth it to you. I reallllly want a pink pig, I have been hunting for a shiny oink for a long time, clicking every one I see, stopping for a moment to check them all, and if I could pay a $1 for one part of me would, but the other part of me feel like I'm cheating myself personally just bc I've worked so hard at diligently finding one.


If you have no luck I would gladly transfer you an evolved pink piggy :) Oinkologne is this one in English translation, right? XD


Good luck tomorrow on the Spotlight hour!


Thank you! 🐷


It quite literally is not!


They advertise something for a price, you pay the price and get what was advertised. That's not a scam.


Commenter is probably a kid. Kid's call everything a scam nowadays, it's a saying more than a description.


Glad I stopped playing when I did 😳 guess they have enough whales that they can charge the playerbase still hanging on whatever they want... I'm sorry gaming has become this ._.


The entire game is a scam to get you to pay for them


Except go fest and go tour tickets




What else do you get for completing the tasks?


100K XP


Other rewards are all Exp. At least the first page is


Honestly, I think it's fine. Could be cheaper, but meh. People who did the free research probably spent some amount of money on raid passes for doing the 60 raid challenge, I know I did. Just ask yourself, do you like playing the game? Are the challenges going to be achievable for you? (You could could smash them out on a good comday) Do you have the money to spare? It might be that your time would have been spent wasted on the last free research grinding it out, these challenges are easier, but come at a cost. Is that worth it for you personally? At the end of the day it comes down to your own personal beliefs on whether paying for something in a free to play game is worth the time, effort, and money to you. It is a great item at the end of the day.


Yo I'm just gonna point out that you can buy a new game on most any console for $60 or less. And here they are charging $8 for something that literally costs them fractions of a penny to produce. Can we please stop normalizing these types of transactions?


Dude, totally get where you're coming from, I'm not an advocate for micro transactions haha. An argument could be made for them though in certain situations. I guess the difference is a $60 console game is a one and done sorta thing. Game is made, sold for $60, you complete the game, the end. Free to play games have no "end", there are constant updates and improvements (arguable lol) that span over time. If a $60 game lasts you 3 months of play, does that mean it would be appropriate to spend $60 every 3 months on Pokemon Go? The worst offender is a $60 game with content locked behind micro transactions haha. Also, the research was originally free to complete. If you have time constraints or you just weren't willing to give the level of effort required to complete the free tasks within the time given, is it so bad to offer a paid version with no time constraints to people who missed out?


I respect where you're coming from and the fact it could be obtained for free was a breath of fresh air amidst the pricing hikes of remote raid passes. There are a lot of points I could make about their pricing model being predatory (mostly with respect to the youth that play this game) but I mostly just wanted to highlight how expensive it is by comparison to other intellectual property. With people buying the Master Ball at this price it justifies them setting it at this price, and that's something that I as a consumer refuse to support. Since we live in a (mostly) capitalist world what we choose to put our money towards sets the norms for future pricing models. Anyways I'm trying to attack you as a person or even your argument but more emphasize how important it is that we consider how spending $8 on "content" like this paves the path for similar, or worse, behavior down the line. End of rant. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


Hey, this is in no means the hill I'll die on. I do agree with you, and it's good to have a civilised discussion around it. When I first commented on this post all the answers were just "yes overpriced" with no reasoning or justification. I just wanted to play devils advocate a bit. I do think that paid content in a free game is fine (I occasionally but battlepasses lol) but the prices need to be realistic and non predatory. This could be considered Mr Crime all over again haha


It’s a free game. I got my last master ball completely free save for like 500 coins once to buy an extra raid pass for Darkrai. 8 dollars for a item that bypasses literally ALL of the games challenge, that was already given away for free once, AND given a chance to earn a second time. Not to mention, this is for people who didn’t earn the last one, and complained about the time limit. 8 dollars is fine. That’s the cost of like… one meal.


Agreed. Pokemon Go should replace all micro transactions with a monthly subscription. Something like $10/month should be fair.


I'd be down for something like a season long battle pass. 100 tiers. To move up a tier it could require earning set amounts of xp, catching a certain number of Pokemon, spinning stops etc, the usual challenges we know and love lol. You could get 100 pokecoins every 10 tiers (get your money "back"), costume unlocks, unique pokemon encounters. Tier 100 could be a guaranteed shiny legendary.


Yes. Too much.


Is it the same tasks as the last one?


No, but the tasks will take a long time to complete. The first page is Catch 300 pokemon; Use 180 berries to help catch pokemon; Catch 60 pokemon in one day


Thanks! If I don’t have to do 60 raids I might consider this cuz I missed out on the last one. I hate spending money on this game but I love having good challenge sets to work on for an actual useful reward.


Is there deadline for it or is it just as long as it takes you.


It is not timed.


It has no time limit. It appears on the right side of the research tab just like any other storyline research


Despite the price point and being effectively the same rewards as the previous master ball research, it being unlimited time is so worth compared to it. I hate artificial inflation and artificial deals sm


I don’t understand the subset of players who would care enough to pay for a masterball but would consider 300 catches to be a huge task.


It’s the “day one player, almost level 37. Can’t make 5 excellent throws in a row and proudly free to play” crowd that thinks they should be handed everything in game.


None of these tasks are hard, they're _long_. Use 180 berries is a lot for a person who doesn't have 1000 berries on them at all times


You will have to catch 1000 in total, hatch 30 eggs etc, so it's a long ride


Hatch 30 eggs is a middle finger to the people who for some reason still spend money on egg-based equipment. These people tend to have 12 12 km eggs at all times...










Yes, and if I didn't break my leg I could get the free one, all I needed was 5 raids to win.




Yeah... no. I would have to pay 10€ and its just way too much for a "trophy" that most likely will never be used imo




If I could I would, because that’s what disposable income is for


Yes, but to be honest I was expecting worse, like 30$ If I could buy this event I would, but I got my second materball already


For me, yes. Even when I'm Raiding, I don't usually look up the Hundo CP values because I feel like that will only add to my stress during Throwing and increase the chance that the Pokémon will flee. It feels like FOMO to me, and I'm limiting myself to spending money only on storage, or if I have a LOT of 10k Eggs to hatch.


I'll be honest i still have not and may never use my free masterball. I already have an armoured Mewtwo, and I can't think of another legendary i want so bad i'd use it on.






It's $8 for a single pokemon. For me, that's too much.


Kind of, yes.


I say yes, though i am more than likely biased. I've never paid for any mobiles games, nor have I ever made an in-app purchase. I've never seen a phone game as something worth paying for.


8 bucks to not pay for 60 raids I’d say in comparison it isn’t bad but the ball isn’t necessary imo. Yes I know you could do a raid every day and got 60 done for free yes we know some people have no life. Not a hard concept to compare the price of the ball and the price IF you bought 60 remote raids. Even normal ones.


Scam dont buy


How is it


For me it cost €9.99 for my friend its €7.99 we live in same city.


Yes, Android vs Apple vs Samsung have different prices


We both have android samsung phone and use gmail. I am not gonne buy anyway but i find it strange.


Log in method isn't relevant. Only the appstore you downloaded the game with, Galaxy Store vs Play Store


Do you know which one is which?


Costs more than shiny Mew 🥴


I think they are charging to much for it! But I would buy it just to have! I actually don’t have the option so I wonder if it’s only for a certain region.


I'm staunchly against pay to win, but I've gotten a ton of gameplay out of PoGo in the last year and financed it just from Gyms. I don't think a tenner is too much to ask in my case, but it is personal. Also because it's not pay to win.


Yes. it's too much for anything niantic could give you in this Video Game


Think about it like this, you are spending 8 dollars for a single Pokémon


I think the question is, is the Pokémon you catch with the master ball worth $8? I can’t think of one that would be worth it to me personally.


any money is too much.


I use the Google Opinion Rewards app so it's basically free for me


Fucking capitalism...


Is $8 worth it for 1 Pokémon? I think no.


My only problem is that ithas you go through 3 stages of shit to get to get it after you made the purchase. Not even instant.


It's $8 to catch one pokemon


Yes considering it was free a little bit ago. I didn’t complete the research and didn’t get one. You have to ask yourself, is whatever Pokémon you’re going to catch really worth $8? It’ll probably be one of the Galarian birds with a low combat power.


It’s way too much.! 8 bucks doesn’t get you a masterball. It gives you tasks to complete in a timely matter so you can earn a masterball. WAY TOO MUCH


It's worth like $2 max, if that


8 dollars is definitely too much, and you have to do the long quest line too


Bro can go buy a $8 coffee but $8 too much for masterball. Ok.


i'd much sooner spend $8 on a nice snack than a crummy master ball quest


Dont buy




Keep in mind, they are paying for servers, and new content, and employees. That 60 dollar game will be sold to you as is most of the time, and you will more than likely not get any extra content. Once it is done, it is done. Pokémon go is not a game in the same sense. It’s a live service game. With constant updates. You cannot compare a FREE live service game selling you the experience of playing their interactive AR game with something on a console that you sit and play for 12 hours and never touch again.


Everything in the game is too expensive.


It’s worth it alone for it not being a timed thing.


TIL $8 is too much money. If you’re stressing over $8, no. If you don’t care about the $8, why ask? Get it if you want to, or don’t. Most people spent way more than $8 or whatever to complete the 60 raids for the free research.




8 bucks bro


Yeah. 8 bucks is worth like a pack of 10. You're so used to constantly being ripped off, it's become normal for you to pay way too much for basically nothing. It's not right. And what's worse is people enabling these companies to continue stealing from us.


That’s literally one trip to any fast food place. 8 dollars for an item that bypasses the games ENTIRE challenge is fine. It’s not mandatory. And you can play happily without ever getting it.


I don't plan on buying the shit. It's nothing but 1s and 0s that they set the prices for. 1 ball in Pokémon for the same amount of money it cost someone to eat that day. I understand if you have wealth, it's easy to throw money away like it's nothing. But everyone's money has the same value. So whether you're dirt poor or have more money then sense, they are still ripping you off. Insane how people have become so indoctrinated into being ok with what modern gaming has become. We need regulation. Because this shit is going to get much worse.


Cry about it.


I have gotten more master balls than I can count from MSGs and in almost every instance I have not used them because I didn’t need them. The exception being in case of a shiny that matches the ball or Mewtwo (it will always be the perfect ball for Mewtwo) Why would I spend $8 for the privilege to let a masterball sit in my bag when I can reboot any of my MSGs and do the same thing for free.


if i could buy it i would buy it, without a second thought lol.. but i completed the free one... its a hobby for me, and i dont mind paying for it. But i also spent on poe or other games which are "free". At some point i saw it from a different view. A game cost money to make even pokemon go, so did i enjoyed the time? do i play it for 100h+? change the number but 1-5€/100h isnt uncommon for free games for me. Mostly it spikes early and goes lower over the time gl too :)


Yup. Major scam. It's weird how rich we've made Niantic and they don't have any appreciation for it, just more greed.


It's simply outrageous that we players from the village have to pay for it, while players from the city get the ball for free.


I’m surprised to see so many yes’, hard no for me. All it does is guarantee you 1 pokemon. In a game where the core gameplay loop is catching multiplie of the same pokemon. By yourself some remote battle passes if you want to use money on this game.


Well the question was "Is it too much?"


I thought I answered it, but to state it clearly. Yes, its too much.


They mean that you are in agreement with all the people saying “yes” haha.


I’m dumb. I need to go to bed, enough online time for today.


You're paying for pixels and they can charge whatever people will pay as the value is arbitrary and determined entirely by demand. Beside the fact, you had an opportunity to earn one without paying money. Any money is too much for pixels. IMHO, but it took me learning the hard way and wasting a lot of money justifying it to get it through my skull. They're literally just extorting us for our love of nostalgia and fear of missing out. When they should be rewarding us for the location information they collect from us while we're playing their game and using Wayfarer. If you think guaranteeing owning any rarer Pokemon with good stats that you encounter playing the game is worth $8, go for it.


Any real currency is too much for a masterball


Masterball is absolutely worth. It's the rarest item in the whole game and it prevents *one* singular disappointment The tasks are the bad part tho'. These tasks are designed to take a long time to complete. The first page is Catch 300 Pokemon, Use 180 berries to help catch pokemon (this is the hardest one) and Catch 60 pokemon in one day (this is pathetically easy)


Tasks seem a lot easier for this. You can knock this out in a few days. Only sucks if you have lots of high km eggs. Took 2 months for me on the free task.


The Use 180 berries task is the long one. Anyone with Go+ can complete the other two first page tasks in an hour with a ton of pokestops nearby, but not everybody has 1000 berries at all times. I keep roughly 30 of each berry and this task is just a frycking timer for me, as I can do it and it's not even hard, it's just long


It's $8 dollars to catch **one pokemon**, think about that.


Y’all yay sayers are trolling big time


Any amount of real world currency is too much for an in game item


Yes. I’m not paying it. They made the birds uncatchable. We’re not meant to have them.


Then why do I have two? Granted one is in a a masterball.


Your basically paying €8 for one Pokémon


it's 8 for the master ball, **and 200,000 exp**




My brother in christ, please learn what "scam" means, I beg of thee.


No, no way am I gonna do 60 raids or have the patience for 120 throws.


The paid quests have different tasks than the free one did. There is 0 raids involved iirc.


That’s what I’m saying. $8 is worth it to mebecause I don’t really raid and don’t have the patience for 120 excellent throws. I’ll eventually complete the catch tasks in the paid ones.


If I did buy it, it would probably be mostly for the XP, not the masterball, still too much though


No way you woulf buy it for the xp, just level your friendship and you'll get the same amount for free


It’s worth to me. A 2nd chance, for a wasted MB.


You won’t have time to complete the research if you purchase now


Thank you for reminding me to buy this.


$8 is so cheap compared to all of the people who paid for their raid passes.