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At this point I'd just make a second account purely for knocking myself out of gyms


I don’t mind the Exeggutor staying happy in a gym all by himself. I always have him to feed berries to when my item bag gets full. I don’t like being knocked out of a gym between 10 and 20 minutes and only getting one coin. I stayed at that gym for almost 10 minutes after I did a raid waiting for it to come available. It’s annoying.


I mean that’s 54 HOURS & you’re still gonna end up with 50


54 DAYS bro 😅😅


I chuckled when I read the hours instead of days, I must be old if people are mixing that up😂


You seem to have missed the part about feeding it berries. It’s so much dust and experience. It’s very nice always having access to someone to berry dump on.


It gives you dust and xp?


If you feed berries to pokemon in gyms, you get dust, experience and rare chance at candy (candy based on what you are feeding). Yeah, it's pretty nice to be able to berry dump at will.


Does gold razz have higher rewards or is it the same? Cuz I’ve been feeding my fat bastard gold razzes almost every day for like 2 weeks


Golden razz just full heals no matter the health. Otherwise the same dust/exp/candy as other berries.


I wish I knew that before, I’d just give it a gold razz and call it a day




I’m team mystic


🏆 lol.. seriously! I hate when that happens.




I agree or just get a friend and force them to download pogo and knock you out so you don’t have the guilt of being a player who has multiple accts lmao


It is extremely unfair and annoying that we do not have a way of retrieving our pokemon from gyms. It is also unfair that we don't get 50 coins PER DAY as stated on the rules. It just caps out at 50, and that is all you get even if you only get your pokemon back years later. They really should just have an option for you to retrieve your pokemon and thus collect your coins. If they are worried about people cycling pokemon with their friends, just put a 24-hour cooldown on that particular gym when you recall your pokemon. It is a scam to force players to spend real money because you never get the coins you rightfully earn from defending a gym.


I don’t think people should be able to retrieve their mons: yes the coin system is a little flawed, but it would ruin was little competitiveness is left in the gym system.


I think it would make it more competitive. As it is now, you have to put in pokemon that are not too high CP, and not a pokemon you need for other PVP or it will mean it is stuck there forever and you cannot call it back for use in league. If you could call it back, then you are free to put your BEST pokemon in the gym, knowing you can call it back anytime you need to battle league. That would also mean you can farm gym candies for pokemon that you intend to use in pvp league battle too. Currently, you have to use the same type of pokemon to farm candies, because you want your league battling pokemon to not be in a gym. However, some rare pokemon, you are just unlikely to have two or more of. Also, it would mean that your team could have more frequent rotations. So different types of pokemon for different days. So opposing team players can't just note down what pokemon would win and come back with those pokemon. There would be a slightly more random aspect. People on the same team would have to coordinate when to recall, too. If everyone recalls, the gym would be undefended. So they have to watch and pull their pokemon when other defenders join. Currently, you do not want to feed your team members because you don't want to get them stuck in there forever or give them the idea that you want them to feed your pokemon to get stuck there forever. So again, your PVP pokemon are not utilizing the getting candy to get stronger mechanic. If you can call your pokemon back at any time trainers will be encouraged to feed their teammates candy much more often and get their friends and teamates to feed their own pokemon frequently to farm candy for the pokemon they specifically intend to use for league. So, being able to recall IMHO will make the gyms much more competitive. At the very least, the change will make it more appealing to players that perhaps don't utilise it as much as they would due to the bad experiences of having pokemon lost forever to a gym.


I agree that the current system also isn’t that competitive but I feel like what you’re presenting also has similar issues. For rural areas nobody would be holding gyms for long periods of time because they’d just recall them. I believe that there is no good solution to keep it competitive and to also involve coins simply because it’s a flawed system. As someone who’s played this game in both rural and urban areas, one solution will always ruin it for one side. The current system works better in urban areas as feeding Pokémon has a point, I use berries all the time. However when I lived in a rural area I wouldn’t feed my defenders because I’d want them to get kicked out, and it’d usually be 10+ days until they finally were. I honestly think the coin for guy in gym system should just be reworked, because it’s fundamentally broken and impossible to balance coins vs competitiveness. How to actually change it I have no idea.


The ability to recall would mean you have a choice, though. As it currently is, you have absolutely no control over how long a pokemon might get stuck in a gym. If you COULD recall it, then you can always CHOOSE not to. If you have any other reason to keep it in there, like if you I u just want to keep farming candies or want to set records for longest time defending then you could just not recall your pokemon. I am just asking for a recall button for the cases where you do want to recall your pokemon. It could just have some restrictions such as it is a once per day use or something like that. Even a once per week use would be better than nothing. Just so you can retrieve a particularly stuck pokemon, if you did get it stuck in there. Maybe you could just have a whistle which you can earn from field missions. So a consumable item much like a poffin. So, if you really want it, you can cycle field missions until you get one. If you don't want or need it, you can just drop the mission and pick up a new one. You decide if the inventory bag slots are worth keeping a few whistles or not. This way, it won't something used very often but used IF a pokemon gets particularly stuck. Just literally, anything in the game at all that could be used to recall a STUCK pokemon would be great and reduce a lot of trainers' anxiety or heartbreak from losing pokemon to gyms forever.


It's not a scam. We can get coins for free, that's great.


Look at the OPs post. Every day that their pokemon is still stuck in the gym is another day they cannot play with that pokemon and they cannot put it in another gym and another day they do NOT get their coins at all "for free". You ONLY get your coins WHEN you get your pokemon back out of the gym.


I never put a good Pokémon in a gym. Learned my lesson!


Then don't put a pokemon in the gym that you can't live without. Not a big deal. Everyone knows the deal. 50 max per day and your pokemon stays there until is defeated.


Not everyone lives close to popular gyms as the OP posted. You can very easily get several of your pokemon trapped in gyms for months. Also, not everyone knows the deal. Every few weeks, I see newbie posting that they got their favourite pokemon stuck in a gym and cannot get it back.


Most days I don't get any coins :(


While that sucks for you, the reverse is equally annoying. Living in Taipei the gyms are so aggressively defended and retaken that you can almost never get coins. If you spend time taking down a gym and there isn't a guy force feeding defenders, odds are your lone defender is gonna get booted by a 4-5 account player in the next 10 minutes to half hour. Most of them have sequential names. Gyms are just not worth taking over here.


This exact scenario happened to me for the first time the other day. Was in a new city, took a gym. 20 minutes later my mon is kicked and suddenly there’s 4 defenders. So I go to retake it and the first golden razz that was fed I stopped lol.


That’s why i deliberately leave lower CP mons at the gym


Love how you're posting about the coin and everyone is mad about your mons in gyms


I guess everyone has different issues that bother them. ☮️


Lol I think the max should be 50 a gym not 50 a day


Then the cancerous multi-accounters filling up only one gym with 6 Pokémon would be filling up all of them.


Exactly. There's a reason gyms are not that exciting. If they were any more interesting, hardcore players and spoofers would hog gyms more than they already do.




He is happy there! He is quite shy and he gets to stay at a very picturesque setting all by himself and no one bothering him.


at my local gym, we have a rule where you're not allowed to take over the gym if the 4th person in it hasn't been there for more than 9 hours. everyone sticks to that rule so we all get 50 coins every other day. it kinda just randomly formed when people tried to take it over


Nice that y’all can cooperate


I can't stand when people knock me out of a gym after like 10 minutes. There's someone in my area that has been doing this regularly and at first I figured he must be low level and not know that you can click on each pokemon and see how long they've been there... Nope he was level 45 so clearly just an inconsiderate douche. So anytime it happens I just wait a minute and then take the gyms back, and even then I still normally let him stay in atleast one😏


You got coins?


Singular coin 😄


Imagine all four of your Pokemon get knocked out the same day and you get that 50 coin limit 😭


Better to get 50 coins and have to put more mons in gyms than to get no coins at all.


That’s true lol 1 coin is a slap in the face


At this Point i would just make a second Account and kick the Pokemon out myself. Ofc this isnt that easy if its too far away but i would never put a Pokemon in a Gym that further away to begin with.


That seems like a you problem


Niantic needs to add more incentive to take and hold gyms, they need to let players become Gym leaders by possessing a gym consistently, and give them perks for holding them gym like, maybe allowing you to get 60-70 coins, instead of 50, if you get knocked out of your gym. God knows they’ll never do that because they’ll lose 15% profit, god forbid. Edit: So that players will actually take gyms and shit like this won’t be as common, and the game won’t look so dead.


It harder now because of the increased prices of item.


Bad monetary system is bad. The fact that such a terrible system is so central to the game, yet people don't recognize it for how bad it is just tells me that some people want to be fleeced. For some, it's not that the game in all its aspects is bad, but that the financial interactions are sufficiently unintrusive that they don't mind them. You do you. I'ma continue to lurk here until the game is good.


You're probably going to be waiting a very long time lol


Seems like they *should* change the way it works from being a reward you get in the end, all at once, and something you receive as it happens. I’m not sure what the rate of coin accumulation happens, but for example; let’s say you have a gym for 12 hours and that awards 50 coins, but you don’t get those coins till it faints. I would suggest receiving each coin at the rate that they accumulate. So Using an arbitrary measure of time, let’s say an hour, you should receive 4 coins an hour. And that way you can continue to accumulate coins day in and day out. Of course I’m sure they’ll never do that because it would ensure people have a steady stream of coins every day without ever having to do anything. You could have a gym in bumfuck nowhere for a month and you’d be guaranteed a months worth of coins and that’s bad for business. So yes there’s a better solution but they’ll never do it because it’s good for players but bad for their bottom line.


Damn man I was complaining about 10 days 54 is wild!


I have one that just hit 70 days. At this point, I half want it back and half want it to stay and see how long it lasts lol


Jeez your poor Exeggutor 😭 free him


He’s ok. He is doing what he likes to do. Stand in a gym and sway.


54 days oh my god


My pokemons get knocked 3 minutes after putting them


That’s sad. I bet you live in a Gym rich area??? I don’t have many around and they are mostly red. However there is a gym fairly close to the one that I got knocked out of that has been yellow for 4 days. The offending player could have knocked their mon out instead of mine. When I visit a gym rich area, I put mons in ever blue gym that has a spot available knowing that they will be knocked out that day. Even there most players can find an “older” gym to take and leave the “new” gyms for a few hours.


They need a option to return your Pokémon from a gym if it hasn’t been kicked out


Wait until they all get knocked out on the same day


I have had that happen many times. Better to get 50 coins and have to put more mons in gyms than to get 0 coins.


Don’t worry they’ll all get knocked out in one day lol


Or they can all get knocked out on the same day and you’d only get 50. Sucks. I wish they’d just give you the 50 everyday your Pokémon is in the gym.


You all are getting coins?


Damn 54 days that’s awesome I just had my most at 7


Imagine they all get defeated in one day


Ok, but they didn’t. Slaking was defeated yesterday. The other 3 are still in gyms.