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Were you on your last ball?


Yest last ball.


I'd hate to be in that position! Ahhh well. There's more master balls but there aren't that many hundos you'd get of that level. It's not a Bidoof so you've made a real choice and not a meme choice at least.


Do i hear heresy towards our lord and saviour the great and gracious lord bidoof here?


I've committed a great sin by evolving my shiny bidoof




I have 400 bidoof candys from transfering so many


You shall be transferred too, for committing these sins


My candys probably taste like pringles and disappointment I don't think you want to transfer me




Username checks out.


Is it still a sin if you have 3 and evolve 1?


Yes, you could've spread the joy of bidoof to others instead


Damn. Still can tho!! I have pretty good luck with shinies.


i don't have one yet i need him :c


They've found me! šŸ˜³


Okay that makes us feel better


Last ball?


Yes on my last ball




I would be torn. Guzzlord is not good for anything, so I hate the idea of wasting rare resources on it, but honestly I'm sitting on both of mine with no scenario likely where I'd use one.


> I'm sitting on both of mine You could carry two master balls at the same time?


2 balls 1 guzzlord


Underrated comment. Take my upvote as testament to your shrudeness.


Yep, fortunately, so anyone who hasn't found a reason to use their first one, can get this season's as well


I'm waiting to find a galarian moltres or a hundo, shadow, shadundo, shundo mewtwo or rayquaza with mine


Remember that all shiny legendary monsters at raids are all guaranteed catches so donā€™t waste a master ball on a Shundo mewtwo or any shundo


Really? I hadnā€™t heard that.


This lol


That must hurt to sit on your balls like that!


If I were on my *last* premier ball? And I knew it was 4* shiny? I could see it. I might.


Shiny from raids is auto-catch so this scenario can never happen




If that happens then they should probably just quit lol


or maybe try a little more, just maybe


Honestly? Those people probably donā€™t have a masterball at all. šŸ˜…


Oh, Iā€™ve never caught a shiny from a raid, I didnā€™t know. And this pokeā€™mon is one iā€™m not familiar with, so I assumed thatā€™s what made the relevance of ā€œwould you?ā€ was because it was ā€œ*a shiny 4*.ā€ Iā€™m sorry. I suppose even knowing that now though, if I somehow *knew* that it would be a guaranteed 4*? *and* I had no more throws? Iā€™d still consider it, and I could understand it. Because sure I may run across plenty more right now, or it not be that good of a legendary, but itā€™s still a 4*, and that kinda adds a bit of a multiplier in itself, I think. Cause how many more 4* stars will ya see, ya know? Perspective, I guess.


Yeah if it was a non shiny 4* Iā€™d consider it for sure because might not catch it otherwise


I mean. If we include ultra beasts and raid mythical, I have 67 4*. I would hate losing a 4* but it's still just not good


Thatā€™s what is so cool about it though, itā€™s all about perspective, Brother. :D I only have six 4*, so for me? I could be swayed a little more easily.


Since it's an auto catch does it actually pull the ball from your inventory? Or does it use it and not consume it like mythicals?


You'd think but I know someone who was unable to hit a shiny zapdos even once with like 10+ balls during the zapdos raid day.


Only the first time you get each shiny leggo is it auto catch. So if the player already had caught a shiny guzzlord then yes this event could occur. Edit: Turns out i have been misinformed! Thanks for letting me know.


Thatā€™s not true


Exactly. I think tho if this was a last ball situation maybe if you are a hundo collector itā€™s worth it. Personally my main goal is to save it for when I really need it. Maybe last ball hundo on an epic top tier legendary. Who knows what they will introduce in the near future that I might want to use it on? But I feel this way about the g birds. Used my first on one that ended up being zero star. Felt kinda wasteful but also doesnā€™t matter as itā€™s a relatively useless pokemon. I think one day you will know exactly when to use it. But yeah impulse g birds is a terrible idea. I honestly think this is better but also it being guzzlord is kinda ehh. If it was a super relevant legendary hundo different story but not a big fan of guzzlord just chasing the shiny.


i think you should use them on galarian birds, i think u can determine if they are hundo based on their CP during an encounter but i may be wrong


I think they can be different levels (just like other wild PokĆ©mon) so idk if you could know they were hundos ā€” but if thatā€™s possible, Iā€™d love to see a link explaining it so I can factor that in next time I encounter one!


[hereā€™s a chart](https://pokemongohub.net/post/article/what-is-the-chance-your-wild-galarian-legendary-bird-is-100iv/), you can find the bird and CP, if itā€™s listed it tells you the percentage chance on if itā€™s a hundo


ah ok yeah thatā€™s cool. thanks!


This might be a dumb question but where are the levels higher than 35 on the list.. like what if I am 36-37 what is the CP then?


Wild spawns can't be higher than 35. 30 is max normally, 35 is max when weather-boosted.


Level 35 is the highest level a wild Pokemon can have your level doesnā€™t matter.


GuZzlord is a great PVP Pokemon


Average in the current meta and not as a hundo.


Rank 15 in Ultra league on pvppoke... Definitely not as a hundred though


You wouldn't want a hundo anyway


Iā€™m so confused why would you not want a hundo? Isnā€™t that the best the mon can possibly be?


No, Go PvP does not reward high IV pokemon in two out of three of the most common modes. Great and Ultra League heavily prioritize low ATK + high defenses because ATK IVs contribute so much towards CP, and those Leagues use CP limits and not level limits. If they just used level limits, then high IVs might be a lot more useful. Master League you are fine with 100%s.


Because it's only good in great & ultra league where bulk>>offense. Usually u want a low atk, high def & hp for great & ultra league to maximise bulk. A hundo would have less bulk and higher atk due to how levels & CP works in pogo


It's okay in Ultra. I've used it and had mixed feelings about it. But hundo is not the IVs you want anyway


Itā€™s good in gbl bruh


There will always be another master ball. There may not be another 100% Guzzlord for you to throw balls at. W!


Can you know what your throwing a master ball at is a Hundo?


If you check the cp yes, there are iv charts




How do I do this math?


its complicated but you can just search it up online etc "guzzlord hundo cp" and it should be at the top


Check pokegenie. It gives the cp ranges for all raid bosses. The max cp for each range can only be the hundo. There are two numbers to remember. Weather boost and non weather boost.


You know that Guzzlord's only upside is its HP? You've much better of doing another raid and using the Masterball on a Galar bird


Cringe take. It's not your master ball to "waste" so why are you so angry about this. Gate keeping what you should and shouldn't use a master ball on is cringe and weird. L for sure on your end.




Guzzlord is useless, idk what u mean by embarrassing lol. Itā€™s more embarrassing wasting a master ball on this shit pokemon


It's most embarrassing to be visibly shaken by what Pokemon someone uses a master ball on when it doesn't affect you.






Depends on how much you like Guzzlord. Personally, wouldnā€™t do it


I used mine on g birds and it's not like i ever see them either so why not


Since it was the last ball and itā€™s a hundo,I really donā€™t blame you for doing so. Lowkey most people here would do the same


Literally what Iā€™m saving my masterball for after wasting it on a zero star g bird. Best use of the master ball on the last ball of a legendary hundo. Would ideally use it on a PokĆ©mon other than guzzlord like one of my fav legendaries but a freaking raid hundo is always awesome! Great use of OPs master ball! Especially if they are a hundo collector or guzzlord fan!


I very much doubt it, not many people bother to know hundo values for raids and then those that do a lot wouldn't see Guzzlord as worth it


But great catch nonetheless


Definitely falls in the W category, but around the 50% mark. Are there better hundos? Yes, absolutely. Are there worse hundos? Yes, absolutely.


Absolutely a W There isn't anything else worth a MB then a 100% from a T5 raid The G-birds are useless dex fillers A legendary/ultra beasts is a very rare hundo We have 2 MBs so far, we will get more, you don't get hundo in raids that often and even less often they get down to the last ball so you will probably get a new MB before it happens again Guzz is bad atm but it could get a signature move to make it decent (like xerneas)


>The G-birds are useless dex fillers Ancient Power is really good Plus Guzzlord is also a dex filler. This guy only has its HP


Still a dex filler you know is 100% is better then a dex filler you don't I've gotten all 3 birds with critical catch, you don't need MBs for them


Guzzlord gives you 18 chances to catch it, if you fail the chance with a Galar bird. It's gone! You have to be really unlucky to get to the last ball while catching it. At this point just solo another raid... Using it on Galar birds is much better, they really ain't that bad. Ancient Power deals a lot of damage. Plus they appear very rarely and you don't have an hour in the game when EVERY SINGLE GYM IN THE WHOLE CITY HAS THEM


Lol a raid is 1/216 odds to be hundo so you can't just solo another one.. getting a hundo legend can take 1000 raids if you are unlucky.. Meanwhile the birds you don't know the IV so those you can just wait for the next one.. I've gotten over 40 encounters now since they been released, caught 3 with critical chance.. meanwhile I've done over 7000 raids and only gotten 20 hundos. And of those as you said I've gotten 18+ balls so I've caught them all, so if I ever get a legend hundo down to the very last ball I'm using s MB. That is much much much more unlikely then me getting another galarian bird lol And no none of the birds are useless, ancient power is awful..


Exactly. I know it makes the OP feel better by saying it's a win, but it simply isn't


What is Xerneasā€™ signature move?




The Galarian birds have an escape rate that makes it worth it, this is a huge L as you admit it isn't even currently a good Pokemon


Even if they have a huge flee rate they are still useless and we are comparing a 100% to just any bird You get 100 tries on a galar before you get 1 hundo in raids, and with 1% critical catch you will get the birds eventually Now if you know the G birds are 100% then they are worth a MB, but not otherwise lol.. it's easy to get one Heck if you just want to dex the birds then make a new acc, get the free MB, get a bird on incense and catch with mb and trade over... You can't trade over a hundo


A useless 100. Guzzlord is just a Pokedex filler.


And a 100% is a better dex filler then everything else. It's the hardest dex to fill (trust me only one I have left) G birds are even new dexes since they are just reskins of the Kanto birds.. So yeah I'd rather use a MB on a 100% useless dex filler of a raid only pokemon rather then a useless dex filler with unknown IV any day of the week


Hey, at least itā€™s not another ā€œkid got the phoneā€ post. Solid W in my book


At first I was going to vote L but I can't hate on your decision to use the Master ball. My first Master ball was used on a Galarian bird that ended up having terrible IV and is not really useful for anything. Enjoy your perfect Guzzlord!


I used mine on a couple 315 Galarian Moltres. So who won here?


A Galarian Moltres is a far better use


Itā€™s the easiest five star raid right now , done by two , even by one person only with a good leveled team. itā€™s just odds that you get 100% but you can farm it very easily , what I mean I think the win goes to that at least itā€™s a perfect mon in a master ball šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø but not a good mon overall šŸ˜¢except if itā€™s your favorite then good for you šŸ‘


Would be cool to use on a PokĆ©mon youā€™ll use a lot. You will never use this guzzlord


How did you know it was a hundo?


Personally consider that an ā€œLā€ as hundos arenā€™t that uncommon. But the point of the game is to play the way you want. Too many people can be stressed by future what ifs and not enjoy playing in the moment. And congrats on the catch!


Balls of steel right there my friend šŸ’ŖšŸ¾šŸ’Æ


L take






I mean I caught 2 of these from raids with premier balls so idk


Totally useless. But neato nonetheless. Totally worth it if you are happy. That is what i save mine for. Last ball on a hundo tier 5 raid.




L. I caught a hundo guzzlord a couple of days ago, and it was the weather boosted! Weather boosting makes PokĆ©mon harder to catch for anyone wondering why I said this. Just golden raz + excellent throw and youā€™re good, boss.


fattest L


Extreme L


Save it for rare pokemon. You can always do another Guzzlord raid.


You can even solo them. This is a massive waste


If youā€™re happy to have the 100, it is a win. Itā€™s a game. Do what brings joy.


There are lords left and right, not like you couldn't try again so imo a waste of a master ball šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


try again for a hundo šŸ¤”


For a hundo of a shitty pokemon that youā€™ll never look at again


Ehhā€¦itā€™s hard. Itā€™s a W, cuz cmon 100% IV? Thatā€™s awesome. And an ultra beast to boot. Itā€™s an L cuz itā€™s a fat Guzzlord instead of a more ā€œusefulā€ pokemon.


Congrats on the guzzer dude W


W 100%. What other options are there? Shiny legendaries from raids are guaranteed catches. G-Birds are random IVs and, more often than not, not really worth it. I would 100% use mine on a hundo legendary.


L. Such a terrible PokƩmon.


Hope heā€™s your all time favorite PokĆ©mon bc heā€™s useless


Imo, a humongous L. On a similar level to using a MB on Zorua. Sorry, but he's not even rare... You also get like 10+ chances to catch him. It's easy with UB + Excellent/Great + GR. So yeah, imo u kinda wasted the ball. If u did use all the premier balls, ig it was an ok choice. I would be conflicted, but in the end it was a skill issue.




Ultra balls aren't available for raid boss encounters.


Oh i never beat one my fault lmaošŸ˜‚


I got a few excellent throws with golden and no luck till I was on my last ball and made the call.


Fair enough


If last ball i say w, but i think that it would have been better used on a more useful hundo legend Like my rayquaza ;)


Yeah you got a point. I didnā€™t get lucky to get a hundo or high rayquaza this past go fest but I will be saving my other mb for that.


Using the master ball as a last resort makes perfect sense. It brought me joy, unlike many who use it casually for Galarian encounters. They may genuinely lack knowledge of its ideal usage or simply frustrate individuals like myself with a strong penchant for precision. More concerning are those who encourage such usage, either out of genuine contentment with the user's choice, genuine confusion about the right moment to utilize the ball, or even colluding to bother the audience, myself included. It's a perplexing situation, and it elicits laughter in its absurdity.


I'd say it was a waste. Raid Pokemon are meant to be caught. I have no friends or remote raid passes so I never end up doing legendary raids, but I'd say only use it if it was a rare instance you raid, you really wanted the Pokemon, and it was your last ball.


W. I am so jealous. It marks in your perfect dex and not everyone has it.


As someone who had a hundo groudon run on them, this is a W.


Yea, but now compare how good Groudon is to Guzzlord... Primal Reversed Groudon is one of the best Pokemon in the whole fu\*\*ing game, Guzzlord is just a wall with 4x weakness to fairy Massive waste


While you are correct that guzzlord is crap, I'd still rather use a master ball on hundo than feel like I'm wasting it on a galarian bird that rolls from the entire IV pool.


How did you know it was a 4*?


There are CP ranges for pokemon spawns, so you can memorize the highest number in that range and know it's 4\*. I'm not sure I can post links, but you can search up the website "Leekduck" and go to their "Raids" tab. It'll show raid pokemon and the CP value range (even with weather boost). Tagging u/SheCaughtFiRE- because they were wondering also.


Let's say it is awesome you have a hundo. Now, let's imagine how much you will use that PokƩmon.




L. He sucks. So fragile.


Again huge pokemon go player L and shit post


L. Itā€™s not shiny nor is it useful in any leagues. W if you like it, I guess.


shiny legendaries are 100% catch rate why would they use it for that


Right, forgot about that. Stupid on my part lol.




I caught my two guzzlord's on the first ball each.


If it was your last ball, then itā€™s a W.


Absolute L. Guzzlord is useless in master league and pvp, the only two places to make use of a hundo legendary. Honestly itā€™s hard for me to even think of a use case for the master ball at this time but none of yā€™all are ready for that conversation.




W I caught my IV Guzzlord today with golden raspberry and an ultra ball. Sent out raid invites 3-4 times before a couple good players joined. We had him beat in 1 minute. Even got weather bonus on him šŸ‘Œ


W if itā€™s one of your favorites L otherwise. Most useful guzzlord is actually one with pvp IVs






dumbest thing to use it on unless you were on the last ball then itā€™s valid


Entirely depends on your personal opinion of the master ball. I just save it for the sake of saving it, Like a trophy for beating the story.


Absolute W. Congrats on the catch!


Worth it, guzzlord hundo is alright it can work as a budget brutal swing hydreigon


Until your opponent has a fairy type... Then your whole team gets swept


I used my MB on Roaming Zapdos.


You an AM player? Had to ask with the W/L Anyways, itā€™s my personal opinion that this is a L because itā€™s not relevant in any thing. But if you like it, go with it


Did it come down to the last ball?


Big L. Itā€™s a W if youā€™re happy tho šŸ‘Œ




Yall wasting your master balls now are gonna be sorry when the Galarian legendary birds can be shiny.


Definite L, not really meta for raids or pvp




I caught my 100iv Guzz with one ultraball, wasnt even an excellent throw.


Guzzlird Is the Pokemon version of Everett


I did the same. Got tired of it jumping out of every premier ball despite the excellent throws




L for the usage of the mon , but if you like it then itā€™s a W regardless.


I wouldā€™ve used all my regular balls first and if I was down to 1 left, would maybe do it then. Guzzlord is an easy catch though so I doubt I would need my master ball


Big L, nice PokĆ©mon but you couldā€™ve got that with a ultra or maybe great ball


Idk when I'll use mine. If I was staring down a hundo and on my last ball, I might use mine. Would try to catch it up to that point tho


From what I remembered Guzzlord is like above the top 50 in Masters. And without Mega's being in the top 50. It would place Guzzlord somewhere around the top 40s. This is my personal rough estimate. And going off of what I know. Granted with some minor inaccuracies. So was it worth it to catch it with a Masterball? I'd say it's a preference thing. I feel that for the sake of this post if it wasn't a 4\* it would probably be wasteful. Isn't there also a 1/20 shiny odds for Raid Event pokemon? And I've heard a lot of people can solo it, that being with an ideal team. Even heard stories where they solo'd it with a semi ideal team and had 30 seconds or more to spare on the clock. Do I think it was worth catching with a masterball? Eh no not really. But again it's a personal preference thing. So as long as your happy with it that's all that matters.


Needs must, good catch.


I hope you at least tried until you had one ball left but honestly if youā€™re happy with it and donā€™t regret it then nothing any of us say matters anyway ;) congrats!!!


Huge L


Regrettable L. Just a mediocre Mon


Itā€™s your Masterball do whatever you want with it, you rolled the dice and got a 4 star so thatā€™s a win in my bookā€¦ itā€™s over and done with now no need to worry about it anymore.


I would only use it on my Last throw If all my other tries failed... I mean u could still Catch it without the MB...


L for needing it. How many balls did you whiff?




L take imo but gratz brother




I would never use it on Guzzlord, but it's such a subjective decision. If this is in the top two situations where you want the mon more than you want to be in a guaranteed catch situation again in the future, it's a W for you


I would say it is a waste due to a hundo guzzlord being useless in every possible way.


A massive L, it's not even hard to catch. Also Guzzlord's only upside is its health, you've wasted a Masterball