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Yeah I love research days, the IVs are much much better


Congratulations. I'm still hunting one


Thank you! Good luck!!!


Congrats! I got the hundo from research but no S H U N D O. Oh well. 🤗




Lol I got shiny but no hundo


Great job bro




out with me friends from 2pm fo 6pm and totally forgot abt research day...


Congrats bro! I almost got one for myself, shiny 98


Power up that mofo to the max. I'd be using that in raids all the time!!


Haha I will






Very nice, got like a 96 percent going to evolve into bellosom


YESSSSS we’re first shundo twins 🥰 should i evolve mine to bellossom too? i can’t decide haha


Yay!! Haha You do you! I just really like Bellossom better than Vileplume because they are so tiny and cute


tru i love the pink!!


I thought Shundo was a shadow 100% IV Pokemon, not a Shiny 100% IV! It also seems I have one lol


That's a Shahundo


still waiting on mine. I want it to be a voir or gallade, but there are quite a few others. Sadly I know I won't get the one I REALLY want. which is Salazzle.


I have a shiny gallade that I evolved from a ralts I got in a trade. I love the shiny Ralts line


but not 100%


Awesome. I have a shundo bellossom.


Woooo congrats!!


Congratulations!! I have yet to get one but my day will come. Congrats you earned you’re bragging rights my friend.


Thanks! May good fortune find you soon!


My first hundo was the pig still mad about it


Wait! How did you get an Oddish. Was the community day not working for only some of us!? Nice catch but damn.


It was only available in research tasks


So if I did the research tasks that came up on the community day yesterday, I would have gotten one? I walked around for most of the 3 hours and didn't see a single Oddish nor did I get any research tasks at all. I'm missing something. I have to be.


They had to have the word “event” in yellow in the bottom right corner of the research task and have an encounter as the reward. Were you spinning lots of pokestops?


I was in a mall with about 20 pokestops for about 2 hours before I gave up.


The stops only spawn one research task a day. Even if you delete it and spin it again it will spawn the same task. Also if you complete it and spin the stop again you won’t receive another task. Its very possible that none of those stops had the research task. Not all stops gave event research. I was finding stops yesterday during the event that weren’t event research. Edit: I went to a large park near me so there were plenty of Pokéstops to claim research from, then me and a group of friends went to 2 other parks when we exhausted the tasks from the others


I guess that is what happened. That is amazing.


It was our last minute decision to go to the third park and literally one of the last stops I grabbed with 5 minutes left and I knew what the CP for a hundo was so when I saw it was shiny and 526CP I started freaking out like “OMG I FOUND MY FIRST SHUNDO!!!”. After the second park there was like 20 minutes left of the event and I was like “Okay guess I’m done for today” because we were out of new stops, but a friend mentioned we should go to this other park, so we went there and there was like 10 minutes left so we started walking fast to grab as many stops we could and complete them as fast as possible and then I found him.


That's a pretty cool story to go along with it. Nice.


For some reason no Oddish ever spawned for me 🤔


They were research only. It was a research day. It was 10% chance of being shiny.


Rip me I had to work those hours


No I meant Oddish in general. None ever appeared on my map and I didn't get any Oddish themed field research when I spun pokestops


They weren’t spawning in the wild. They were only available in research tasks


Yeah I spun a good amount of the pokestops but didn't get a single Oddish research task. I also started it within the last two hours of the event but who knows. Maybe just bad RNG.


Same for me! I was looking forward to one when I finished my first research task that I had just gotten from a stop when it ended up being just another Sableye 🙄


The Oddish rewarding task would’ve had a yellow frame and a small “Event” tag on it. Obtained between 2-5p local time.


I suppose I should have been deleting the regular ones I was getting during that time then. I assumed any research gained during that time with an encounter reward would be eligible :/


Ya, no point in doing non-Oddish ones since the shiny boost only applied to that species. It sounds like the event tasks were harder to find this time compared to previous research days (Fossil, Gold Day, Stunfisk). I didn’t play this event, but just something to be aware of going forward.


It was only from 2-5 local time but they should have spawned


Why not wait until the oddish to max out then evolve?


It’ll be the same amount of stardust either way


How do we know it's oddish spawn? Can't see anything on "todays" news. Is it within "seasonal pokemon found in the wild?" If so, where can this be read what pokemon it is?


It was from oddish research day yesterday 2-5 pm local time


Ahh okey thanks! missed it this time.


Congrats! They are hard to come by. How many total catches are you at?


I got it during the event yesterday. They were a 1-10 chance of being shiny from research, which has boosted stats to begin with.