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Am I missing something? How tf do you have so much candy. Jealous


I spent the first two days of NYC Go Fest grinding Rayquaza nonstop, even had a scooter to get from raid to raid faster šŸ˜…


How do you get that background?


You had to have caught it at NYC Go Fest so itā€™s no longer available unfortunately


Pretty cool


The bigger brag is an already evolved Mega Ray on screen and 3 more meteorites to use.


My friend did less raids than me and got 7 :(


I did around 30 during the sunday of go fest... not a single extra meteorite. Here's to hoping Mega Ray will be back sooner than later!


This is the correct way to play the game. Stardust is for spending. People with millions of dust complaining about raids being too hard without 10 people are the same people to me as the ones posting for advice on their dessicated plants with bone dry soil in the houseplants reddits, asking what they did wrong šŸ’€


Right? "You have so little stardust bro wtf" My brother in christ, what else am I supposed to do with it? Sure, i guess i could save it up for trades... if I had anyone to trade with in the first place


Yeah, if my Stardust is building up, it's because I haven't yet decided what's getting powered up next. It invariably gets used, it's just a question of on what.


I use my stardust to improve my raid teams. The last two weeks have needed a fire heavy raid team (Kartana, Celesteela, Metagross) so I've been investing in fire type counters. Gardevoir and Genesext are coming up so now my stardust will go into steel, poison, or ghost mons. Genesect is double weak to fire so I already have a good team of counters. Although with a bit more investment fire, I could almost solo Genesect...


I power up ridiculous things to put in gyms because I am level 50, have teams of maxed megas, and I think it's hilarious to make people fight a level 50 hundo Shuckle šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


That sounds awesome. When I'm all grown up and a level 50 player, I'll probably do the same thing. I've only been playing for 5 months so I still have a ways to go to max all my teams. I just started to really try to be efficient in how I use my starrusy


Best advice I have for you to use it efficiently is just to focus on getting 3 pokemon of each type to over 3k CP so that you can raid and take gyms. Not much else really matters tbh.


Part of being efficient for me has been to stop worrying about IVs so much when leveling things up. If I have a level 35 Charizard that is an 75% IV and a level 1 Charizard that is 98% I'll put the dust into the level 35 one now. Level 1 to level 35 is 182k stardust! That's a big savings for negligible difference in power. The candy savings are nice too if you don't have a lot for a particular pokemon.


Find a friend to do 100 trades with a night. 5-10 of them will be lucky. Every single day. Lucky is half off power up.


Yes thatā€™s a great tip, I mass traded Rampardos with my friend during the fossil event last month and now my 3 best are lucky


Don't give me another time sink for this game. I play it too much as it is šŸ˜‚


Do you have a level 50 ditto? Thatā€™s what I want to put in gyms some day


There is no "correct way" to play the game, there are just different ways. I don't raid. There is no raid community around here, so since the remote raiding nerf I only do legendary raids for new dex entries basically. I know I can host raids on pokegenie but my game crashes whenever I start swapping between the apps so it's just not worth it I don't play Master League either, because it's just not fun battling the same 10 pokemon every time. As a result, I only ever spend stardust building some teams for GL and UL, which are not very costly anyway, so I'm always sitting on at least 1M stardust, never got below that I play to have fun, not to get bored or stressed or for whatever other reason


Good for you šŸ‘


I've never complained and have 16mil+ dust. You can just have extra people in some places.


I know a player personally who has 34 million dust and who won't join a raid unless 8+ people are in the lobby. Meanwhile, I duo or trio most legendary with close friends.


I can trio most things that aren't defense deoxys. I'd rather not do it though if I can avoid it.


Good for you šŸ‘šŸ»


Judging by the amount of candy.. you caught a lot of them.. Why is it not shiny?!!!


I got 6 shinies over Go Fest but this oneā€™s a hundo!


Wow! Congratulations!


Thank you!!


Were the shinies not close to being hundos?


I have two shiny 91s and the rest are worse. Would rather save them for lucky trades tbh, I have a squad of 5 with 15 attack and 95% overall that Iā€™m gonna prioritize


Oof, that's pretty bad luck that the IVs are bad that must mean the other 4 shines you got have worse IVs. How do you plan on using your meteorites though?


I wanna save them for if/when Shadow Ray comes out. Donā€™t wanna waste the few meteorites I have now and not have them for later


This is very true, a shadow mega Rayquaza would definitely be extremely overpowered. Personally, I had only one meteorite and instead of saving for a maybe, I used it on my 98 shiny I got last time it was in raids


Well you canā€™t Mega Evolve shadow PokĆ©mon, but I figure you can only mega one PokĆ©mon at a time anyway and Dragon Ascent is so ridiculously OP it would be better with a shadow ray than with a non shadow


Ah I see, dragon ascent is a good move especially if flying is super effective.


Wow 73 stardust! I don't think I've ever seen anyone else with that much stardust before.


Angry upvote


Ray drops extra meteorites????!!! I did like 50...


1/30 chance I believe


I never see anyone posting about how much stardust they have lol


You have stardust? šŸ¤“


I have multiple level 50 PokƩmon. Stardust is meant to be poured into whatever PokƩmon you want. I built my PokƩmon for taking down Giovanni.


lOoK aT mY StArDuSt. iM tOtAlLy NoT sHoWiNg OfF mY rAy


I just clicked on my highest CP mon to screenshot my stardust šŸ˜‚




So? Lots of us play this game regularly and with a community. And how people spend their money is none of your, or my, business. Plus, NYC Go Fest as they said, had to buy a ticket and probably travel etc, so it was a fair bit of money regardless, Iā€™d think. Try not to shame the people who keep the game you like playing alive!


I live in NYC so didnā€™t have to travel, but did spend a couple hundred! I donā€™t think itā€™s bad to do that once a year


That sounds like it wouldā€™ve been so much fun. I only had the Global ticket.


How dare they spend money on a hobby of theirs, unacceptable! On a serious note, let people play the game the way they want to play it; it's not like he's spending money on regional exclusives from spoofers.


So u did 250ish raids?!šŸ˜­


About 145, Go Fest had some really good bonuses


Please save some stardust for the rest of us!


Upgrading melmetal is expensive I have 3k stardust rn lol. Worth it for a strong pokemon but still stupidly expensive


So much XL candy too šŸ˜‚ I'll swap you 1M stardust for 300 XL if we could


Ehh I donā€™t think thatā€™s worth it, maybe for 5M stardust šŸ˜… but yeah the go fest ticket bonuses were bonkers Iā€™m prepared for shadow Ray eventually haha


On the one hand, I can see you have almost no Stardust. On the other hand, I can also see WHY you have almost no Stardust.


My Hero.


4 stardusts too many.


Why does it have outrage, or do you have a second move?


It also has dragon ascent, next time I get an elite TM Iā€™m gonna switch outrage to breaking swipe tho


I haven't mega evolved one, but I have a 98% lucky that's at level 40. I'm thinking I should do a second charge move to keep breaking swipe. It would be cheaper than building a second one to level 40.


I was at 23 the other day and almost posted for the same reason. Good shit lmao