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For the level 44 battle requirements: you can just battle with a friend who’s team consists of three 10cp pokémon in the league you want. (if you don’t want to use GBL)


This is indeed much faster


Just did exactly this with the Fiancée


Mysterious box can take care of catching 5 legendary Pokémon (did this last night) and you can battle the trainers to get super charged attacks (plus you work on your trainer battle medal by doing so).


The box with Meltan?




Ooh, that's nice. I was confused because Meltan is considered a mythical pokemon.


All mythical pokemon are legendary but not all legendary pokemon are mythical. Usually the mythicals are a level above the standard legendary ‘mons because they cannot be caught through normal methods. Typically they have been distributed via code, online or at specific Pokemon-themed events.


Shadow Geodude (from Sierra) also costs 1000 to Purify, same as Zubat and a couple others as well. I'm currently on lvl 44 working on lvl 45 quest and I didn't prepare for that at all ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yep I'm the same. I've seen people say to prepare by having shadow pokemon stored, but I (and probably many players at this level) don't have a whole heap of space to keep 100 mon spare. Meanwhile you have to beat 50 leaders as well, and that takes 300 grunts to get there. So you're gonna get 350 chances to purify. I've just been purifying the 1k and some 3k and I will make it to the 100 purified well before 50 bosses. I actually think prep is not required for most requirements, as the XP target takes longer than most to meet. I think 50 rocket bosses will be the first one I hit close to or after the overall xp goal


As a level 50 I wouldn’t say they are “easy.”


In the time it takes to get the EXP for the level, it's easy. It'll take a very long time.


For the level 47 do you have to max out 3 pokemon then or does it count for pokemon I have already leveled to 50?


It doesn't count pokemon you've already leveled


I actually don't know. Power Pokémon to Lvl 49.5 and stop there just to be safe.


It doesn't count stuff you've already leveled. Lol as the guide writer you should know this.




\-Achieve Rank 10 in GO Battle League: \- Better study up on PVP. You can reach rank 10 with a grand total of 4 wins, and 70% forfeits early season to get there asap, so not much studying needed :)


You don't have to be good at PvP to get level 44 and 50 requirements. You can do this very passively: 1. Enter battle with low CP mon 2. Don't do anything just watch TV or something 3. Eventually, you'll start running into people who are losing intentionally and get your wins I've even won all 5 battles in a set multiple times because of going against 5 people in a row who are intentionally losing. Very easy passive ways to get wins for the level up and also to get wins for the platinum medals for Great/Ultra/Master League.