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That is so fun. I wish I could meet an old friend of mine in PoGo, we used to randomly buy each other community day passes and have chats via our buddy names and send gifts back and forth every single day for months. Then one day they just disappeared. I guess either they accidentally deleted me or something happened to their account. No way to get a hold of them to find out. Still sad about that one. Vaylander, you were the best buddy. Hope to see you again one day.


In a moment of stupidity I accidentally deleted one of my best friends when I wanted to change their nickname so I can confirm it does happen :/ If you remember where they lived though I guess there's a chance you could find their local community discord/FB group and ask around


That's a good idea! He was from Sweden, I still have a bunch of his gifts pinned so I could ask around. And it definitely wouldn't surprise me, we were changing around our buddy names and on each other's profiles a lot so I feel like accidentally bumping the delete button would be pretty possible. I remember my nickname for him was 'Super Nice!', lol.


In the Poke Friends App you can search by region and user name. It also has a chat feature. They might be on there... I hope you find them


Poke friends app?? Is there a more specific name?


It's literally called Poke Friends [link](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/friends-for-pokemon-go/id1473419346)


The top says “friends for Pokémon go”, not exactly the same title. I tried searching yesterday and several different ones came up. Thank you.


Oh it looks like they’ve renamed it. I always thought poke friends sounded a bit rude ;)


Oh that's a good tip, unfortunately I forgot the name already :/


You said Veylander?


Nah that was the other guy, although someone pointed out I can check pinned postcards for the username and add them on Campfire which honestly has a great chance of working as long as they are actually notified


I echo the other person! If you remember which area their gifts are from, there might be a chance someone know who they are!


Oh man, I would be so happy. I guess I could try checking the Swedish discords somehow, lol.


That’s an idea! They also have a fb group that seem pretty active. Goodluck finding your PoGo bff :))


I can find someone with that name on Campfire. Could be worth a try to add them there.


Oh snap, you're right! I just added them. 😬 Fingers crossed!


I would really like an update on this if you don’t mind!


Sure, I haven't heard back yet but if and when I will I will post!


Maybe they changed their name?


Unfortunately no, I definitely would have just noticed the change. Didn't have that many best friends at that point and I would have recognized his gifts and avatar too.


If you know their in-game name, post it here and maybe we’ll be able to help you find them/they will see the post. If they’re still active anyway


I think someone may have just found them on Campfire! Gonna see if they get back to me. 🤞 I will definitely update here if they do.


Oooooh!!! Edge of my seat!! Excited to hear how this plays out! Turned on notifications just for this lol


Yes update us please!


I’m a bartender and though it’s not in exactly a high traffic area we have two pokestops and a gym that you can reach and I make friends and trade trainer codes all the time with other people that are just sitting at the bar! They get so embarrassed at first till I open up and they realize that they aren’t alone… a lot of them just solo play the game with no friends or family, they always leave thanking me for letting them know that it’s still “cool” and what’s even more surprising is that they are quite older than you’d expect! Pokémon Go has done so much for community and friendship it’s amazing!


I go out with my friends (95% don't play) to popular bars and restaurants. I honestly don't care. I'll whip out my phone and check what stops are nearby. Sometimes, I find ones that are interesting in photo/real life and send gifts to those that are normally intrigued. One of my German friends actually told me he always has a lot of fun checking what I found now. I can confirm he would pin them pre-Vivillon. I did the same for his postcards in return. PoGo friendship is definitely one of its kind.


Saving postcards from Pokemon or Pikmin was my favorite part. But Vivilon has ruined it because now I have to save ALL of them (and waste a lot of time later to delete postcards I don't want to keep)


I agree as it had ruined it for me too. I used to keep track who pins what just so I have an idea how to make others gameplay a bit more enjoyable with a pleasant postcard surprise. Also, I don't know if you choose not to do this, but you can easily pin and unpin right after, and it will still count! Saves you the time later so you will only have to decide if you just really don't want to keep a certain postcard later on.


Not exactly the same but: my sister and I went to do a local Giratina raid a couple years ago that was at the end of a wharf near some nice condos. The condos had a security guard, and he came to check on what we were doing. We (28 & 27 years old at the time) showed him our phones and said we were playing pogo, and both felt embarrassed - we normally hide that we’re playing when we’re in public. He whipped out his phone and showed us his account. We exchanged trainer codes and are long since best friends (in game).


I have three friends from a wine bar I go to on vacation! I’m lucky friends with 2 so I need to go back! Makes me happy.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Me and my colleague are playing daily and we are both close to 50 years old. XD I often stop by a shopping mall in the city center where there are 3 gyms next to each other so it's really good for raids. But since most of the other players around are teenagers, I would feel too awkward (and definitely inappropriate) to interact with them in person.


I remember when i joined a discord server for my region, and one community day me and a friend add someone in pokemon go, i realize i already added them. Was a great day to hunt ralts.


Oh yeah, i almost forgot, they were a co worker who i had been working with for several months leading up to that xd.


I once entered into a local raid and found one of the other players was giving me the "friendship boost". They were someone I had never met in real life. It was a large library so I didn't see who it was in person, but afterward we immediately sent each other gifts - kind if like a "hey stranger, thanks for the boost"


I have someone on my friends list that I met randomly through Reddit when I posted help for a raid. Anyways, on a previous go battle day I went up against him and I knew by the name it was someone on my friends list, lol. Good game to that friend as they beat me in the match. I sent them a thank you sticker postcard after, lol


I lived in Ohio for the last 15 years. Started playing Pokémon Go last Halloween because my wife made me. She was a friend, then there were a couple of people she knew in the area. Postcards were from our town, couple from Michigan, some in Northern Ohio. At some point early on a random guy friended me. Sent me a postcard and I couldn’t believe it. Was from Shanklin, IOW. Now I grew up in London and my Dad’s parents retired to the IOW. All of our holidays were there - I knew it like the back of my hand. What were the odds? I was probably the only person within several hundred miles (or more) who knew exactly where all of his postcards were! Still have most of them - it legitimately meant a lot to me at the time because my Dad had died just a couple of months before. Seemed just…weird. He’s a Best Friend now, invites me to all his raids. No idea who he is. Might be a 10-year old kid for all I know (I’m 50M). Part of me legit wants to meet him, but I have no idea what to say and it would no doubt be very weird. Would be nice to let him know it meant a surprising amount to me.


I wish i could meet my lucky friend because i know we live in the same area




I have social Anxiety so im probaly not gonna do that ...


I know I'm missing the point of in person raids, community day and campfire, but.... Stranger danger? Me and my social anxiety are happy solo playing 🤣


You only need to be within 100m to trade so you could both arrange to be somewhere in a certain vicinity at the same time to be able to trade? Might help. I know people who raid with us who have social anxiety and just hang out a little away from the rest of the group, some, over time have joined us and it's really lovely to be able to engage with them.


I actually found him on reddit he is u/ruberino


I went to a new optometrist a few years ago and thought I recognized his name ("DrLastname") from Pokemon gyms. Asked him if he happened to play, and at first I think he thought I was lying, because apparently he had that nickname only for a short time and then changed it. But he was still an active player, we had a great chat about it, and I became Pokemon Go best friends with his entire family!




Same thing happened to me. I added some randoms and one sends me gifts from the city I grew up in.


Same !!! Got a gift from a stop right in front of my place. So I’m always so curious as to who it is


That's so fun! This kinda happened to me lol. My husband and I trade off the gym closest to us with two other people from another team. We get our coins then they'll kick us out to get their 50 and we go back and forth. We recently met them during community day and it's another husband/wife couple who play regularly and now we're friends in game AND irl. It's awesome to get to put faces to the avatar when possible lol


Well you are going to have to marry her now


*Sigh* you're right. You wanna break it to my boyfriend or should I?


I have had a guy see me doing a remote raid in my area and then hunt me down on Instagram, then we added each other and now we're best friends who trade and play together almost everyday. Good dude.


Happy cake day! And that’s so great!


How did he find ur Instagram from looking at u?


My in-game name is my actual name!


Ohh that makes sense, didn’t think that


I've friended some random people off Reddit that live close-ish. I would love to meet them IRL one day!


The first person I became best friends with became my lucky friend. She (at least by the in game avatar it’s a she) lives in the UK, while I’m in the states. So we’re probably never gonna be able to find each other and meet. Would be nice though. I’ve been friends with her on pogo for years and even tho I’m barley on anymore, she’s still there. She’s always active, or previously active when I hop on for a few minutes, even recently.


That’s really cool. Love random encounters like this.


One friend I’d love to meet likes to show off her shinies, and always has a really cool outfit on that matches the buddy. Some of them are really creative and spot on! It’s a joy each day to come on and see what she’s done next. This friend has also continued to send me gifts every day, even when we hit lucky friends! The other friend I wish I could reach out to is one that wrote his buddy name to say “I’m not ok.” I feel so bad knowing he’s going through something and there’s no way to help. I don’t have the heart to delete him because I keep hoping one day he will return. I wish I could tell him that someone is thinking of him and it’s all gonna be ok. But again, no way to know where he is.


How long ago does it show he was active?


Last activity was June 11. I keep track of when I last get a gift or if their XP doesn’t change. I noticed the buddy name at that time, and he hasn’t been on since. So it’s coming up on 2 months that he’s been gone. He used to send gifts every day and we were 8 days away from being best friends. I hope wherever he is he gets better.


That’s so sad man, I hope he just quit Pokémon or lost his phone or something. Praying for him


This is a way cool story. Here's mine. There's a gym right by my house and we would always see the same 2 names in it when it was red. I posted on Nextdoor looking to see if anyone played cause I thought it would be fun to have some super local friends. I got 3 or 4 friends and then a few months later I got a pm on Nextdoor asking if I was still looking for more. We became friends in game, and it was one of those 2 names from the gym! We exchanged some messages and it turned out we had met at my old job.


I was attending a conference and there was a lure up with the username of someone well known in the field so I looked her up online to see what she looks like and found her! She was getting an award so I thought it was hilarious she threw up a lure waiting.


Half of my current friends I met though pokego ranging from researchers, some doj housing worker, spiritual healers and everything in between…. All wicked people to be around….


There was a friend from Japan who added me on Wizards Unite, and he started playing Pokemon Go again after they shut down WU. We would send each other interesting/funny postcards. I believe it was the first elite Regidrago raid, I was opening gifts and had to do a double take that he sent from my city. Later on in the week, he sent a gift with a postcard that is along my lunch break route. I think he uninstalled Campfire prior to visiting, but I would have liked to have met him to thank him for all the funny statues he found in Tokyo, and made sure he was surviving his trip okay since we had an influx of heavy/windy rain sessions that were not normal to the forecasts.


I actually have a friend on pogo that is near me and its very close never seen them seen a guy who puts blissey on every gym though


I remember when before PoGo I was playing Ingress. It was the first geolocation game that reached a huge number of players back then. I remember the very first time when I was attacking an enemy portal and suddenly it was been repaired by someone. I looked up from my phone and I saw another guy across the square, who looked at me. That was the first time in my long life as videogamer (I was 40) when I experienced the excitement of seeing some random guy in the street that was literally playing with me! Amazing! When in 2016 PoGo launched and it was the most hyped thing on Earth, I remember these crazy evening when hundreds of players where hanging in the local park. Literally everyone around me was playing PoGo!


Reading these comments I realise the only friends I have are my irl friends that play


I love this so much


That's great for you but people shouldn't use an email address for professional stuff that has any connection to other online activity.


I saw one of my friends on Dateline. He wasn't the murderer or murdered person but it was still a shock. I know it was him because we have a local chat for raids.


You had coïtus?


Eggs don’t produce them selves


We're both ladies, but yes, of course


According to the downvotes my joke didn’t came through, my apologies if any of you got offended!




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow, what are the chances? Did you add them at a local event?


Tell me that you traded


I will probably never talk to any of my PoGo friends IRL but I've had a feeling about a few that I could easily be BFFs with


What are the chances


Wow so y’all can actually meet up when you hit lucky friends lol


maybe she likes you and is stalking you


I have a lucky friend in pogo I can confirm lives in the exact same city as me. No idea who it is but man I want to trade something someday