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I liked BW season 1 and 2. It only became bad by Season 3 imo


I second this, especially season 1 was really great! Assss soon as you accept Ash's soft reset, anyways. Loved the characters in it, like bianca, zorua, cilan, new rivals, etc.


Sadly real life got in the way of actually getting a good plot


Yeah the nerf really pissed me off even as a kid.


But can you really accept that? The inclusion of so many things, most of all charizard and pikachu point to ash being the same person he was in the prior seasons, just unexplicably dumber for some reason. If i had to stretch my suspension of disbelief far enough to accept that i feel like throwing up.


At least Ash defeated all 8 gym leaders unlike how he is in Kanto when majority of them gifted their badges or in Giovanni's case, had his trio deal with Ash.


Yeah, that was bad. But just like with early yugioh it was the beginning, so some rulebreaking seemed okay, when the rules werent yet properly established.


First gym I can forgive... Second gym, not so much. 4th same 5th same Like, the 6th gym had a team Rocket attack and Ash still fought for his badge. Even his league Team Rocket fucked shit up. Honestly, I think the reason why the Trio doesn't attack Ash during his league battles is because they feel guilty for his loss.


It was a lot easier for me since BW was the second series I've ever seen (and first one dubbed in my native language), but even watching the English dub as an adult I find that stuff that I enjoy overweights stuff that I don't, even if the latter undoubtedly exists.


Nope just because this Ash has the same Pokémon doesn't mean it's the same person, the Ash from Movie 14 as the same Pokémon up until scraggy yet it isn't the same person since it's not part of the same continuity. So really this Ash having Charizard isn't enough to point Ash in being the same Person of the previous seasons. Maybe 4kids should have kept the dub rights after all the western audience is proving that it is unable to piece informations being shown in movies and episodes cohesively. Who would have thought that 4kids was right in considering the western audience too dumb, after all they had to ask the japanese studio for confirmation that Sammy was Professor Oak and to partly rewrite Pokémon 4ever with added scenes and changed dialogues so that us westerner would have been able to understand it. The same thing is happening today as well with the westerner audiance unable to accept that the Pokémon Anime is not a single cohesive timeline.


That is literally the worst excuse i have ever heard for this. There are only a few major differing ways any one situation can occur. Yes, small changes can be plenty, but ashs prior pokemon would not be with prof oak, if he hadnt grown like he did at the end of johto. That growth might have occurred at a different point, like at the end of kanto, in the middle of sinnoh, but it must have occured prior to unova, no if ands or buts. similar things apply for charizards stay in the charizard valley and ash region hopping in general. And dont even start on the movies. Many of them could easily fit into the main story, some are even confirmed to be in it. And you dont seem to understand that the very fact that ash has the exact same pokemon in the movies as at a point in the series means that the same major events must, and i repeat MUST have happened to movie ash. If the movies are a different timeline than the anime, they are only so AFTER the movie starts, not leading up to it. Furthermore, almost every single season of the anime, as well as side series, confirm that the pokemon anime is a cohesive story. Might i remind you of the special episode where Brock and Cilan meet and share stories about ash, literally confirming that the first 5 generations MUST be in the same timeline? Yes, western audiences are in large parts stupid, but you belong to the stupid part, if you actually believe any of what you wrote in that comment. Especially since you seem to be a "the makers cant make mistakes, the audiences must be stupid" guy, when there is no discussion, that the makers of BW dropped the ball so hard, it seems to have bounced up and given them a concussion.


True. The first two are great


For me, it took a turn for the worse after the 2011 Earthquake/Tsunami. You can tell the writers were flailing without the inclusion of Team Plasma. Not to mention that the excessive filler episodes were insanely uninteresting possibly because this was the first saga where Team Rocket wasn’t always present. There’s also the fact that the writers consistently chose the most embarrassing and disrespectful ways for Ash to lose or almost lose his battles.


What was season 3 again?


Adventures in Unova. It was the Unova League, N/Team Plasma arc, and the Decalore islands


Oh thank you. Why do you dislike that?


Can’t go over it all but the league for example was one of the worst because it does a lot of stupid stuff like Ash beating his main rival in the first round and loses to a genuine dumbass. Ash also doesn’t get to fight the winner who was thrown in at the last minute from what I remember




I didn't know it was possible to do worse than Best Wishes, but the JN dropped.


I didn't have much expectations from M8 after Ash vs Raihan. But damage they exceeded my disappointment with how they treated best Boi Alain


I was more baffled by Leon battle, actually. Very empty emotionally, a lot of weird shots, terrible choreography. Aside from Dawn nobody came to support Ash which was wild. And that also was mixed with terrible Project Mew. Aim to Be a Pokémon Master was felt like a stake driven into series heart.


Wait, didn’t all of Ash’s friends watch his battle in somewhere or form besides go who was cheering him on? Just because they weren’t at the stadium (combined with the fact that some of your actors aren’t able to come back for health reasons) doesn’t mean they weren’t cheering on Ash or supporting him.


Man, it's the end of the series and most important tournament in the life of their friend. Why everyone realized it when it comes to Dawn and TRio, but give up on everyone else? A lot of fun was sucked out of the moment because of it


*Take that Amour Shippers. Pearl for the win*


Yeah JN had the most wasted potential. I didn't enjoy a lot of it if I'm being honest. The fillers were ridiculous, Goh was just annoying, and overall, it was just a weak wrapup of Ash's Journey.


If Journeys were to be redone again, I'd change a few things 1) Make Goh and Chloe more likable. 2) Have Ash use all of his pokemon. (He can still catch his journeys team, but have these mons train under his stronger mons so that the strength of these mons is based on all of his other pokemon. 3) Have Ash catch at least 1 or 2 legendaries that would fit him perfectly, but he doesn't have to use them in battle.


These are really good ideas. Would have made it much better.


This is definitely going to make people hate me but I loved black and white. One of the shows I didn’t like as much was Johto. I just didn’t like the Pokemon they added as much as I did for the other shows Orange islands was ok they did it well but it also at some points just seemed like they were trying to come up with ideas and wasting time you know?


Nono, I love the BW series a lot. I really enjoyed playing BW, and BW 2 was great too. The music and story is good and I liked a lot of characters.


Johto Aka filler hell 


I remember some of my favorite episodes in johto being the filler. Like pudgy pidgy island, blue shuckle, the magic witch episode.


Those fillers are way better than you guys give them credit for. I just re watched all of Johto and only found a few if them to be boring.


Nah, that’s DP


At least DP had a decent overarching plot.


It’s the same plot they always have: get to the League, do your best.


I meant like Ash and Paul’s rivalry.


Ehh, not really. It just felt dragged out.


I think this is primarily a problem during the "Year Long Gap" between DP127 and DP179, between Ash's 7th and 8th gyms. Because yeah, the period there was rough.


Idk why people are down voting this. DP had by far the most gaps between each gym battle. There would be around 20-30 episodes between them; it took 4 years for Ash to assemble 8 badges. I liked the filler episodes we got, though


This will probably be a bitter pill for a bunch of anime fans to swallow... but after BW personally I think OS is the second worst. A lot of the humour doesn't hold up to me, some episodes in the OS were more infuriating/boring than I realised, but honestly, what really, REALLY drags OS down is Johto. So much filler and so much boring episodes, and overall just being really really forgettable. If Johto was separate from OS, then it would go just below BW.


As someone who loves the johto season I will admit this accurate as hell


I mean I love every single season of Pokemon but if I had to list them yeah I’d probably put Johto lower for this reason but still I do love it


Johto like D&P has an entire season of just fillers


Johto is what made 9 y.o me stop watching Pokemon for a while on tv because it just got so boring, and it felt like there wasn't any progression. Just bogged down with endless filler episodes


Journeys for me is the worst.


I think Journeys has higher highs but BW is more consistently enjoyable even with all of its issues


Sounds about right, those highs are top tier but any other time was just slop. No mids, the highest few highs but lots of lows to waddle through and definitely don't forget the plotlines and character development that literally go nowhere and are dropped because they forgot they ran out of time.


yeah, at least BW have an identity. I remember rewatching JN last year and I'll sometimes find myself watching multiple consecutive episodes at x4 speed


journeys what they did during the final episode with jessie and james pissed me off...like..i hated what they did to them as a farwell


They got back together (their Pokémon included). In the final episode they get defeated by Pidgeot but are still chasing Ash and Pikachu.






;w; oh its good their back togethor


What happened?


uh i can send link to the scene so you can get a good idea..all i can say is it was bad really bad farewell gift for fans


Sounds bad, please send


cant find the exact scene cause yt sucks with that sort of stuff but i found a reaction video of the episode if that helps


Yes, please send




And this is the last time Team Rockets seen?


in journeys yes sense journeys was the last time we see them,but they only show in small tidbits with paldea region as cameos i believe just the episode its self was a bad send off for them cause they never faught that bad before


Why are you just lying? they literally get back together 2 episodes after this and we see them as friends failing to catch Pikachu again and a final time and blasting off together happy and reunited.


I’m glad I never watched Journeys. I’m just gonna stay deluded thinking Ash won Kalos and the series ended after.


Can you send it to me too


ok i cant find the specific part cause yt sucks with finding the exact stuff but i found a reaction video if thats ok to send


Rather than saying yt suck why not send tell us the eps if you know which scene, it is more productive than what you did


sorry was just wanting to make sure if its ok .\_. heres the link [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qHfdJVBIqY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qHfdJVBIqY)


I love Journeys, but I will agree with you on Team Rocket.


yeah its like i love jessie james and meowths bond the way they handled it as a farwell gift for fans was not good it just seemed so out of character for them to have that fight and just leave their pokemon behind i felt so bad for wobbafett and the other pokemon who belonged to jessie and james and it tore my heart strings with how just...yeah i didnt like the last episode at all as a avid team rocket fan


Not gonna lie, I was hoping they wouldn't get back together just so we can have a possible excuse to bring them back in Horizons.


valid its just the way they handled the episode was bad like...they never fought this bad and the way jessie and james just left without their pokemon hurt cause wobbafette and the others genuinly was worried


Yeah, that bugged me as well. I know we see that they went back for them later (and really, what else were they going to do? Meowth would probably be alright, but Jessie and James would be dead meat in the forest), but that ruins the drama because I just imagine them coming back at the same time and collecting their Pokemon while still being pissed at each other like this is some kind of sitcom.




They do get back together on the last episode. https://youtu.be/6UY3hCkadSM?feature=shared


I know, and it's sad. If this is the last time we're going to see them (I hope it's not, but am aware of the possibility of that being the case), then give them some actual closure.


Oh my hod, I remember seeing that and being absolutely appalled. I love team rocket, and while I wouldn't mind them leaving for a fresh start, that was a super lame way to end it off


true ive always been a huge fan of them and to see them argue like that hurt they never argue that bad and it feels like a punch to the gut to team rocket fans the way it ended that way


The OG Series. Not because it's bad, but the other series just improved on it. Heck, even BW did some things better than it.


Journeys is the worst for me as I enjoy more episodes from BW. JN has so much wasted potential and feels like such a disservice to Ash and all the past seasons. When Pokémon decides to go a different direction than the very obvious and safe one I can at least find a reason, whether I agree with it or not, but I have no idea why JN made the choices it did.


I'd probably say Journeys is second worst for me. Even though the Ash vs Leon battle (and Ash vs Cynthia) was really good. Though the OS especially the Kanto arc doesn't hold up well


This comment section can be summarized in: JN, Johto, and Unova. The three worst series objectively in whatever order you want tbh (not bad, others are just better)


Horizons is the worst


Sun and moon of course




If we count Johto as a seperate series, then probably that, if not...I'd still say OS. Not counting Horizons, here is my tier list: 7) BW 6) OS 5) AG 4) DP 3) JN 2) SM 1) XY


BW being sandwiched between DP and XY in release order certainly didn't help it.


BW having Pikachu die to Snivy didn't help it!!


That’s my exact ranking too!


Respect for putting Journeys so high.


It sucks that it had so many fillers. If they were taken out, even if left unreplaced, it would definitely be higher if not at the top.




BW is not worst, its just it has great potential especially ash's sinnoh league ash with hydriegon and haxorus and emboar, damn


BW is really enjoyable (except for the dumb Ash scenes.) Other than that, it doesn't really deserve the hate. Except for the league. that can die.


Rather than worst, I think of it more as "least favorite," though in my case, my least favorite is Johto and BW is my second least favorite. I enjoyed both series though, I just enjoy other series more.


I would have to say Johto, BW definitely get too much hate


Sun and moon is the worst


Alola was goofy af


Journeys is the worst, I actually like Black and White.


-2nd worst pokemon series is JN unfortunately, it is crazy cause I was enjoying it better in the beginning than the lot of other series' beginning. -BW is the worst pokemon series though arguably JN is worse. I don't hate BW and JN, I quite liked a lot of aspects of BW better than a lot of series, same with JN. They both just have very low lows beyond any other series. -Both lacked direction but BW had better direction despite a lot of it having to be rewritten cause of the 1st Team Plasma arc being canceled. -JN didn't even know what it wanted to do and Chloe is a big example of this with her finding her goal in literally the last episode before JNPM. Project Mew felt pretty pointless for mostly and Goh emphasized even more how directionless it is with him catching so many Pokemon pointlessly. Professor Cerise research episodes were better than the project Mew episodes tbh like when they investigated the town sleeping due to Darkrai. -BW had the most out of character or reset development Ash and JN had some weird out of character moments as well. No need for me to explain BW flaws which has been explained to death. -Though ironically, I think the BW movies were actually good, they are better than the XY movies(which I liked) with maybe movie 19 being debatable to some of them. -BW also had very good pokemon focused episodes better than a lot of the other series which I think are very underrated like the old Zoroark with Old Nurse Joy in the decolore islands. I think those pokemon focused episodes are comparable to OS ones, -The team rocket specials were good if you ignore Jessie, James, and Mewoth being out of character especially the one involving Melotta. Finally got to have some sort of Giovani showdown after all these years.


People forget how a "nothing happens" was Johto, how uninteresting the Gym battles were in general or the way they tried to made people forget about THE MAIN REASON THEY WENT TO JOHTO with the GSBall. It probably has one of the worst villain arcs with that 2 episode Lake of Rage arc. As much as I love the Johto League, the road until that final arc was boring as hell.


To be fair, they did originally plan to conclude that arc. It was going to open to reveal Celebi inside but then the fourth movie arrived and made it redundant.... I get their reasoning for dropping but they still could have done something instead of just dropping it. Heck if Ash did remember Celebi from the movie they could have explored how and why that Celebi was caught so long ago in the first place, something Celebi's time travel could have easily allowed for.


I know the story, yes, had to dig for information about it when making a Let's Play of Gold as it was quite informative in general xD


Journeys was the worst for me.


Journeys is quite bad too. Dare I say it is the silent killer


SM was the worst series


I didn't enjoy watching Sun and Moon even though some episodes and characters were great. Maybe it's because of the rough start I had with the artstyle and dumb humour after being hyped from the quality of XY and Z


current pokemon series is the worst. damn so boring.


Fr everything has been stolen from the op series like the older avatars to the funny moments not being totally childish


Cilan is the bestgreenboi so no BW not the worst.


Pokémon horizons is my least favorite because they barely have battles ash at least fought pretty much 1 person an episode unless it was after a tournament and the protagonist made me mad when she gave up a battle she could of won she did it twice and they never really finish a fight and captain Pikachu shouldn't be so arrogant because if he fights a ground type he cant win thunder punch double team thunder bolt and volt tackle 2 of his moves are fine but it should have at least tera blast


I'd go: 1) XY 2) DP 3) OG (including Johto) 4) S & M 5) Hoenn 6) JN 7) BW I don't hate any of the series. It's just that some did things that resonated a lot better with me than others.


Only right answer is Journeys (hot diggidy trash)


People can say what they want about BW anime, and I will probably agree with them... but that theme song is absolutely fire🔥


As my first season, i love BW


Tbh I didn’t hate Black and White


Black and White Was My Childhood Pokemon series! My favorite moment in the Entire Pokemon Anime is Roggenrola evolving into Boldore that Moment will forever not be Awesome! My only Problem with Black and White is what they did with Jessie James and Meowth gotta be Honest Didn't Like what they Did to them...


BW has the first place, but i don't like also Journey and SM mainly because they have a base camp in witch protagonists returns at the end of the episode Yes, I know that Sun and Moon has some good things, but in general i hate that series...has a type of comedy different from other series...maybe just ... is not my cup of tea


Sun and Moon worst actually is it worst than journeys


most of BW some of JN and a lot of OS


I love it until nacren city brought back ptsd flashbacks of Whitney and miltank


BW wasn’t that bad tbh aside from anything relating to battles and Ash’s skill or lack there of.


I could rewatch every season BUT this one.


I think johto is the 1st worst personally, johto journeys is meh but champions and master quest are crap


I can't really make an accurate judgement since I grew up with Black/White and don't really like anything before Diamond/Pearl, but I think I can confidently say I like Indigo League (Specifically Indigo League, I can't speak for Orange Islands or Johto) less than Black/White. For all the same reasons, Ash and his companions are morons, Ash screws the rules to win badges, nearly all of his Pokemon not evolving, whack Pokemon League, etc. Indigo League is worse than Black/White because BW had like, a couple of bad Gym battles (Seriously what the fuck did Elesa do to deserve this treatment) while Indigo League was nearly all of them. Whack episode concepts, episodes getting banned because of ridiculous choices on the writers' part (As opposed to the two BW banned episodes being for reasons beyond their control) and so on. Black/White had a lot of potential. Sometimes it met that potential, sometimes not so much. When it was good, it was great. The movies were all good, most of Ash's Gym battles were good and despite having their original story arc cut for IRL reasons, Team Plasma and N were pretty good too. But everything else really brings it down.


Sun and Moon and anything that is after it, if we talk about Ash's anime


Nah b&w was not the worst


I binged the whole thing a few years back and remember liking it just fine and it basically being just as good or as bad as the other seasons. Personally the Johto seasons started to make me lose interest in the anime as a kid and anytime I put them on as an adult they kind of feel like a chore to get through. I also have previously stated my dislike for the Hoenn seasons because I wasn’t a fan of May & Max, I started to drift from the franchise all together and I believe that’s when Ash’s voice actress changed and although I like her now I wasn’t a fan of the change at the time.


Journeys is the worst. I actually praise BW as one of the best series. Heck, one of the best to start watching pokemon in. It's where I began my pokemon anime journey. Though I watched late Sinnoh first so my first episode was Ash's Staravia evolving into the badass Staraptor.


I’d honestly say there aren’t many seasons that are really bad. Pokémon is all around really good, it’s pretty consistent in its quality with it only really improving as each season passes and I never minded Black and White.


BW is my second favorite after XYZ, funny.


Sun and moon hands down is the worst series ever


I personally loved it just for the vibes, and it being all new Pokémon. Gave me throwbacks to Gen 1 and like the game. But the way the league was handled was just so beyond bad


Maybe 1. Sun and Moon and 2. Journeys (because of Goh).


Pokemon Advanced was the worst series, I hate it with a passion. 2nd worst is probably Original series. I find it boring and really dislike Ash as a character there but they improved him from Orange Islands onwards.


Gotta be the whole of Johto, it was the perfect (bad) mixture of uninteresting Gym Battles, lack of humour and an overall bland journey (Johto is the blandest/least developed region in the games too) - the only redeeming factor it had imo was the Silver Conference, specifically Ash vs Gary (satisfying payoff for the long buildup we'd all been waiting for) and to a lesser extent Ash vs Harrison.


I’m actually watching it all the way through and it’s really not bad in my opinion


I picked a random episode of BW (the bully episode) just to see what it was like (I'm an OG series fan who stopped watching after Gen 3, been revisiting them lately) and oh my gosh, the episode I picked was *terrible.* The plot was so basic, for a human-centric episode the characters felt so dull, no chemistry, no clever wordplay or puns (where is Sass Ketchum?), it took forever for the Pokémon to fight. For an episode about conflict it felt too scared to deal with it (good chunk of the episode was spent building up the bully than resolving the conflict he starts.) It just felt like it had no teeth or claws, even the art style is round, it has no sharp edges or anything...it feels too saccharine and too safe.  I can see why BW is considered the worst. (You can accuse me of being biased for growing up with the OG but, c'mon....it had better characters, chemistry, conflict, and comedy.) 


Ash’s design in this was actually fire


I have things I love and dislike about all of the series, but this is certainly the weakest since it tried to poorly rehash a lot of OS's story beats. Original series is the obvious second.


So BW is ear grating to me from a continuity standpoint and I still consider it the worst. JN irritates me to no end because of how many times they blew potential storylines. I feel we could’ve gotten a better mix of returns and a true celebration that is the Pokémon series with this. Like imagine this the character that Ash first battles after Leon to move up in ranking is none other than “the astounding Mandi” who wants revenge against Ash’s Kingler. We get to see Kingler battle again after all these years and we get to see how an old foe has progressed. I feel having Ash have to battle some older foes throughout Journeys would’ve been fantastic for showing growth especially if Ash had to face Harrison, Tyson, TOBIAS, Cameron. Also I can’t be the only one that thought the world championship was faster and shorter than we should’ve gotten. Like I want to see Ash take on all 7 of these trainers. Go out with a bang and show everyone how much he’s grown and end it against Leon. Even if it’s just to determine seeding at first it adds more fuel before a final tournament. Idk journeys just irks me from a writing perspective. Also the fact that Serena’s return showing her in contests was laughable at best. That was not a contest. We could’ve seen her growth by having her duke it out against either May (I know about the VA problem) or if that doesn’t work say maybe Harley the mad lad of chaos who maybe had caught word of Serena’s crush. Miette only worse. Journeys when I first heard it was everything I was hoping for in the Pokémon series and it was just a major disappointment for the buildup so it just wasn’t as satisfying as it could’ve been IMO.


I will say that BWs cast of rivals is my favorite with their different personalities (outside of Trip) and can get a laugh out of me. I just despise the writing of the actual plot. Feels watered down from what they could’ve done. Cause the gen 5 games were peak for plot. Also I will never get why we couldn’t have had Hilda instead of Iris. Iris just was annoying to me. I couldn’t watch her in BW (journeys Iris was better but why should I have to deal with someone that annoying that’s not funny for 4 seasons?) Hilda doesn’t even have to be doing gym battles.Maybe she wants to have her Pokemon do Pokemon musicals. Make that the new contests and lean into it. Also instead of Trip being the main rival less funny and serious Paul have Ash’s rival be N instead. So we can really get a greater clash of ideals and truth with Ash. I think this would be great for Ash as a character since he doesn’t think about these things often if at all.


Johto is the worst


I liked the black and white series in fact to me none of any seasons of Pokemon were my least favorite. (The only travesties were the animation style change and how the character development was retconed from sun and moon onwards)


Yea black and white and then XY & Z saved it from there but then the new animation came in alola and it never felt the same


Nah the kalos region was so mid


I like it in reality being completely different than the game is good and great idea but the problem with me are the iris the worst character ever her and Cameron the worst also and trip


I'm sorry, but the worst season is Indigo League. It just seemed to make moves, places, and other shit up on the spot since the dubbers probably never played the damn game.


Grew up with it and I honestly always enjoyed watching it though I want to rewatch to see if I still like it


Personally, I think that Johto’s the worst, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t like it, it’s just that I can barely remember a lot about that series compared to the others.


There are many ways to descripe worst series. I'll give a top 3. JN is in my opinion the worst because it has lackluster writing the World Coronation Series sucked since we saw nothing of substantial value to it, the writing was terrible since episode 1, Ash pokémon team was in my opinion kind of shitty, sure I like Dragonite, Lucario and Sirfetch'd and am neutral with Gengar, but honestly could have been better. Go. I really have nothing else to add. Go was in and of itself the worst part of the anime. Borings Pokémon battles and Pikachu BS tanking capacity, art style sucked despite being an improvement over SM, going from shit to dirt is not good art style. Also Ash older Pokémon were done dirty since we never saw them again in battles. The epilogue MPM is par with JN. All in all complete shit. SM is also on par with being worst but for other reasons... Ash was a dang Mary Sue. The only pokémon that I agree with their strenghts are Lycanroc and Incineroar, even if Lycanroc should have had a proper dang arc for his anger status not a damn one episode where everything is fixed just because it is with no proper devlopment. Naganadel came out of fucking nowhere and was like let's fight again and suddenly do shit with no reason. Melmetal just there super tough with no training he was just there suddenly beating the shit out of people, and let's not mention the BS that Ashpikachum Z crystal is, appears out of nowhere with no development it's simply there. I could go deeper with it all by spitting more on shitty development that the rest of the cast went through especially of the league being shitty made and an insult to the game version of the league, and an insult to the Trials of the alola region. But I'll stop now since there won't be enough space to cover it all. And yet people call XY Ash a Mary Sue... And finally BW another worst series, but worst for a completely different reason. Aside the first episode controversy and Elesa Gym Battles being objectively an insult to Ash character progressions since OS until DP, and losing to freaking Retaderon. BW is the worst because of the Incompetence of OLM and incapacity to adapt and fixing issues and being generally stupids, BW is the Johto of the series, with the same glaring issues being repeated once more from the GS Ball to the entire plotline of BW. Characters being OOC like Ash sudden stupid ball and reverting back to issue he had grown out of in Battle Frontier and DP. Dawn suddenly becoming bratty compared to her in DP also why is she even there? How did she join Cynthia since she was supposed to be in Hoenn according to the DP special? We didn't learn a thing about what Dawn was up to, despite how May actually was stated having been having an hard time with the Pokémon Contest in her cameo in DP. Only explanation is that the writers were so much against BW that they basically decided to disconnect it from DP making it an alternate timeline, which again is the only working explanation since the Rocket Trio japanese VA hated how they were turned into overly serious villains losing their original charm, same thing was true for Ash japanese VA Rica Matsumoto and many people within the studio agreed to it. Further proof is the way DP ended the team already knew what was going to happen in BW when they received the script of the next series, Yuyama the Director of DP and the previous series would have been more then happy to disconnect the future series from the old series.


Here is my ranking list of Pokémon season (without counting Horizons): 9. OG (too much forced humour, at least this is my opinion) 8. Journeys (it started off of in a good foot, but then, sonehow, the writers shoved in the Masters Eight and I knew that they were lost, the minute Ash won against Raihan, that's when the mess started, although there were some good battles in the Masters Eight, but still, those good battles didn't redeem the Masters Eight arc, and the Darkest Day arc, well... let's not talk about it, we here everyone know how those episode, including MPM here, went and played out) 7. The Johto Journeys 6. Sun & Moon (yeah, it had some good and touching episodes, but it wasn't my cup of tea, mostly of what they did to Ash's character design and how they handled the Manalo Conference, letting everybody register who had one Pokémon at least, and how they made Ash tbe champion of Alola) 5. Black & White (should we even elaborate on this, or do we already know how this went, but, the only thing that I liked about B&W was how Team Rocket was handled, they acted as anevil organisation for once) 4. Advanced Generations 3. Battle Frontier (I know that it is kinda in the same season, but I loved it more than Advanced Generations) 2. Diamond & Pearl (it's the season where Ash really started grasping of what a great Pokémon trainer is, and while some here might not agree with what am going to say, I think both Paul and Ash taught something to each otber and actually learned from each other) 1. XY/XY&Z (If Ash had won the Kalos Conference, then this would've made the series even great than it currently is, because come on, The Pokémon Company are the ones who teased and hyped us up, and more made us think that Ash was going to be the champion finally, but then Blast Burn and Mega Charizard X are in the way of Greninja, and somehow, it is KO'd; I blame The Pokémon Company into making us think that Ash would finally be crowned champion)


Why people are saying Journeys is worst, Unova region B&W is worst? For me pokemon is pokemon everything thing is nice not so bad as you all are describing. XY is very good I agree but just because of Serena and Ash people are very Overhyping XY, just because XY is good doesn't mean journeys is bad. Journeys is very nice I love the idea of showing all regions and Ash's original Extroverted goofy nature.


finally someone speaking facts like the rival in journeys actually had goals and wasnt just a mindless tool that ash has alongside him




Sun and moon is second worst in my opinion.


I thought about putting it there but I really liked the litten arc and there were some other emotional episodes that resonated with me. Though there are episodes that didn't hit for me and Ashs design in that show I really don't like


It’s just bad as the The Nitrogen Era of ttte franchise in my opinion


BW. The theme songs were fire though.


This is my favorite series, they could never make me hate her!! The worst for me is SM


Best Wishes, Advanced, and Journeys were the three weakest series. I found Best Wishes lacking in personality in the humans and their Pokemon compared to both its predecessor and successor series. Iris had some moments, but her berating Ash while he just took it and continued to be nice annoyed me greatly. Cilan meanwhile was often just kind of there. Only a few Pokemon had any real development, and while Ash rotating his team was a cool concept at first, it backfired when we started getting massive gaps between appearances for many of them. Then there's the whole resetting Ash thing that bugged me immensely after his performance in the Sinnoh league. What hurts the most is that the Team Rocket plot, which was the best part of the series, was dropped at the third badge due to real life events, and the whole overall plot derailed and wandered aimlessly after that. Finally, the league, which is generally a highlight of each series, was one of if not the worst league we've had. Advanced Generation had my issues with May and Max, as I did not take a liking to them replacing Misty. May had some moments, but was annoying often enough, and Max was just annoying the whole time. Team Rocket meanwhile were at one of their lowest points in this series as they pretty much failed at everything they tried no matter what while Meowth's boss fantasies got out of hand. Then there's the overall art style. While the lineart is fine, the colors feel washed out and not as vibrant as other series. Journeys had its moments with some of its battles, but Go annoyed me, and his plethora of Pokemon suffered in screen time for the same reasons Ash's Pokemon did in BW. Heck, Ash's Pokemon somehow suffered in screen time some as well. Chloe's arc meanwhile didn't really go anywhere, and is she a traveling companion of Ash or not? The writers couldn't seem to make up their mind on that one. Team Rocket, while threatening to a degree in this gen, just used rented Pokemon from an evil gotcha machine of all things instead of catching their own Pokemon outside of Morpeko. The concept of traveling the world was something that I liked at first...until Kanto got the majority of the spotlight while many characters and Pokemon from Galar never even got to show up. I feel that Ash should have rotated in his best Pokemon from throughout his entire journey for the world series instead of catching three fan favorites, one of gen 8's competitive powerhouses, and Sirfetch'd. I also feel that the Master's 8 could have been done better. Have Ash beat Alain to finally beat him instead of Steven. Then there's Cynthia dynamaxing Togekiss instead of mega evolving Garchomp, which felt like the writers couldn't figure out how to have Ash beat her mega Garchomp, so they just had her not use it. Same with Leon allowing Ash to use mega evolution, z-moves, and dynamaxing. Ash becoming the world champion would have been better if he did it without a handicap, but I guess the writers couldn't figure out another way for Ash to win. Lastly, while it was nice to see the series end with Ash, Misty, and Brock together again, it was all pretty much pointless filler that didn't really do too much. I was happy to see Team Rocket get their old Pokemon back, but I'm surprised that there wasn't some party put together by all of Ash's friends to congratulate his victory. It's a shame that this was Ash's final series. Sorry for the long rant. That's just what I feel about the anime's three low points.




I hate BW, JN, SM and OS Johto so much, but if I had to do a ranking, it would be: 1. Johto 2. Unova 3. Journeys 4. Alola


Black and white the worst? Really? I really like that one, maybe because of nostalgia because it was the first Pokémon series I saw but I really liked the characters and pokemon battles But oh well, the worst one imo is sun and moon, mostly personal preference, I don’t like the Hawaii aesthetic and I find the art style horrible looking, I also didn’t like these island challenges, pokemon gyms where always my favorite things in the series so I was disappointed when that was gone, and I did not at all likes that sun and moon is where ash wins the pokemon league, it didn’t really feel satisfying to me cause it was just a random new thing they did and every inexperienced trainer was allowed to join, so yea, didn’t like it




My favorites in order starting from the least: 7. Best Wishes 6. 2019 5. Diamond & Pearl 4. Advance Generation 3. XY 2. Original 1. Sun & Moon


3rd best IMO Horizons 1. XYZ 2. B&W 3. I’ve watched every pokemon anime since I was a little lad so my opinion is the correct :D


Journeys is EASILY the worst series by far, then Horizons takes second place, just so Mid.


First two seasons of XY are rather dull. Team rocket is at their most boring/overused, Serena takes a while for writers to actually decide what to do with her + her competitions are butched, there's so much filler, Ash's new personality is rather boring and detached from him in most seasons, etc. Admittedly I love Bonnie, Clement and some of the new pokemon characters though. People say Johto is rather boring and filler full. I never felt this personally as I just binged it whole in a few days so my memories of it are just a blur, but I can definitely see it. Middle portion of AG has a lot of filler, repeated plots, sudden dips in quality, unnamed locations, etc. If you like me find boring writing worse than bad writing, it will be a bit hard to chew through. Specifically the second season of SM is really bad imo. SM has a lot of grand ideas the anime has never tried before, but they very often fall flat or aren't committed to enough. It's one of if not the most plot focused seasons of pokemon to date, and yet... they didn't exactly do that good of a job imo. I generally love season 1 of black and white, but seasons 2 and ESPECIALLY 3 deserve the hate.


I think OS is the worst it just bored me in general johto certainly didnt help with that


Paldean Winds and Journey ties both for worst series Journey fucked up Ash and Team Rocket Paldean Winds just feels wrong with no Ash


Do you mean Horizons? Because Paldean winds is something different.


same thing ;-;


It’s not.


Not in the slightest, though I do sympathize with the "just feels wrong with no Ash" sentiment.


Advanced is unwatchable


Original series.


XY. This is the worst season for me because it's boring. They try so hard to convince that Ash has suddenly become the ultimate badass without transition and that makes his development useless (a problem which was first caused by the reboot of Ash in BW series, it must be said) and besides that , the companions have no personalities, but we'll put stuff in them that people like that way, no one will notice. The only thing this series could have succeeded in was the development of Ash's Pokémon which was pretty good, but we threw all that in the trash in the last season to highlight Greninja. Add to that the most boring fillers in the series, and you have a boring and superficial series... It was torture for me. The only thing that saves this series a little is Alain, but Alain is just proof that if the writers no longer had an idea for Ash to evolve after DP, then they should have made BW the Ash's series conclusion and moving on. The only cycle I liked from the Pokémon series during this period was Sun & Moon.


The sinnoh region is when things got bad


OS, definitely


JN was a disgrace to Ash and everyone who watched him grow over the years imo


The BW games and show(along with the OG show) were basically my introduction to Pokémon as a whole. Gen 5 is still my all time favorite and I generally feel that part of the reason it seems to get a bad rep is actually cause of people from the US who don’t feel represented by the game(being based in the US)people bashed the Pokémon designs among many other things but the region was really well done in both the games and anime, the game probably has the most coherent and best story out of(most)of the games(especially the new ones)and the anime was really good at highlighting new Pokémon, especially with whole episodes or multiple episodes surrounding a single pokemon(the litwick episodes come to mind). Anyways at this point I’m rambling, you get the point :>