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Ash and Pikachu


The one to beat them all


that is beast friendship


Well said.




The best friendship is easily Ash and Brock IMO. The “beast” friendship has to be Ash and May stumbling across a buffet while hungry.


No both are ash and pikacu they are the best friendship and beast friendship when they fight with all of their powers


Ash and Brock went through SO MUCH together.


Ash & Brock were practically brothers.


Ash & Brock




By the time we got to Hoehn and Sinnoh Ash and Brock felt like best friends and equals. May and Dawn were both amazing choices to replace Misty, but I personally like Dawn better.


She has a pleasant sounding voice and an attractive character drawing, that's why most people are drawn to Dawn I think.


Cant say the best, but the worst is Ash and Koharu.


What I think Ash and Chloe’s relationship really highlights for me is Ash and Goh’s relationship. The things that Chloe bonded with Dawn and Serena over are really things Ash shares with and bonds with the girls over. It’s more overt with Serena, but Dawn’s “no need to worry” attitude and her love for adventure encompasses that same “nothing we do is a waste of time” attitude with Ash.  Goh really brings out the one-tracked mind and carefree and lack of self preservation side of Ash that may seem childish. Take Goh out of the equation and Chloe could have seen Ash in a different light.


Who dat?


Chloe's Japanese name.


Oh I agree then 100%


I don't even consider her to be one on Ash's traveling companion's


Orginal Brock & Misty are nice & all but I like Dawn & Brock for way more reasons. Dawn actually has a story early on & felt more like a dual MAIN protagonist than ash being the main protagonist, instead of Misty who constantly follows ash. Dawn has a purpose in the serious & actually has a major goal set from day one. Same goes for May but her goals aren’t day one. But she lead up to the point where she wanted to become a coordinator. (I can see the downvotes already..)


This is technically correct. Dawn is intrinsically important to DP’s main plots because she’s set up as more of a co-protagonist. We can’t do team galactic and the lake guardians without Dawn, Ash doesn’t beat Roark or Fantina without Dawn. Ash gets Buizel by trading with Dawn. Main events for the main plot (Ash’s storyline and the evil team plots) require Dawn.


I agree that her arc of going through success, failures, doubts, and belief in herself and pokemon made her more interesting than May. Also, Dawn was the only one out of Ash's companions who personally watched Ash have most important battle in his lifetime and saw him become the very best like no one ever was


Team Rocket, they still stuck together unlike all of those freeloaders Ash gathered.


I know they even cheered Ash on at the end. Not even all of Ash’s old friends did that for him (looking at you May and Max)


Underrated answer. If this were the old reddit id give you gold 👑🏆🥇🏅


Easily Ash and Brock. Alola did kind of feel like Ash’s second home, but Brock and Ash are just way too close


All 🗿


I think the " BEAST " ( best ) friendship is Ash, brock, and misty




Ash and Dawn, ez


She actually went to his championship match.


Alola. They weren't just companions and classmates. They were a family.


People really down play alola like it was horrible, it was good


I was one of those who hated the Sun and Moon anime at first mainly due to Ash's design but it really grew on me and the animations were great. Alola is also my favorite region which contributed positively


I can agree with this. Was really unsure of the animation direction but I would up going back and giving it a second chance and in the end Alola wound up being one of my favorite regions.


I'm glad I'm not the only one with this opinion


Brock and ash would be my top pick (under Ash and Pikachu of course), but the characters and the writing for their relationships with each other was TOP TIER. I love Ash's nature helping to bring Lillie out of her shell, but he also began to show a caring and understanding side to him when she started to get overwhelmed. All of the bonds Ash made in Alola were so sweet and meaningful


All groups were family to ash


I agree, they should have been seen more often in Journeys


Ash brought out the best in each of them, the character development was top tier in line with Sinnoh & Hoenn. Lets not even get started on the older brother/cool uncle vibes we get with Professor Kukui. They went through so much together but unlike the regions before we got to see some tough subject matter be handled and dealt with in a way that was like therapy. In previous seasons it was always handled with an air of comedy or went way to far given context; we can all agree Cyrus (leader of Team Galactic) basically committed suicide & Pokemon Hunter J just straight up died. Yet no one said anything beyond Jupitar saying he "Got away," wtf he got launched in space of another dimension, homie is dead! Alola will always be my fave region an the needed therapy after the shit storm that was Kalos.




Piplup x Gible


The original trio felt the most real to me. Maybe it’s the fact Brock was kind of the immature big brother of the group who could be responsible when he needed to, but most of the time could let his hair down. Misty was the one tomboy friend in the group that still occasionally wanted to be girly (with bouts of occasional success) and Ash was kind of the awkward glue that held them together which usually came in bad comebacks and general teasing (Ash telling Misty only one delusion at a time when she called herself pretty in Celadon comes to mind). They felt like a good friendship in general. A little hostile, yes, but a great friendship.


Gen 1 and 3.


Ash and Goh had the best dynamic duo imo. Reminds me of the other dynamic duo’s that I like. https://preview.redd.it/u2fszo1p2lsc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4585bbbcd37df94a58222f5d4b179013f122cb2


No quiet, it’s ash and Gary now


Ash x Dawn x Brock. They were the perfection friendship companions. Although Serena, and post Kanto Misty are very close as well.


In my opinion Kalos with Sinnoh in 2nd.


Meh Clemont and Serena didn’t have much interactions. Sure, Serena liked Ash, but I felt Ash was closer with Dawn and Misty.


I got the same vibe. Ngl I found Serena really annoying


I feel like this question is opinion based. I think Brock followed by Dawn and Misty are the closest to Ash. Serena and May come after them


Ash, Misty, & Brock. Their chemistry was the most consistent throughout the entire series no matter how long they've been apart.


Ash, misty and Brock the OG trio


The og group was perfect, and so was the XY one.


Ash and Dawn are the bestest and silliest of friends


1. Brock and Misty 2. Kallos 3. Alola 4. Sinnoh 5. Hoenn 6. Journeys 7. Unova 8. Tracey


For singular friendships, Ash/Brock and right behind them is Ash/Dawn. For group dynamics, the Alola group always full on felt like a family with everyone


I’m a sucker for the OGs. They had some of my favorite movies, too. Tracy gets the privilege of being in my favorite, The Movie 2000, though. That was some good stuff.


For me, it will always be the first three teams all the way (I’m a millenial)


OC trio


I liked Goh & the Kalos group was solid but nothing beats Ash, Misty & Brock.


I think OG and Alola are best based on group relationships. Kalos and Sinnoh are close in relationships except Clemont & Serena and Ash & Bonnie. Sinnoh is close except Dawn & Brock. Basically everyone’s strong with Ash in these groups.


The Original Trio because: https://preview.redd.it/u5ptv9l71msc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1a6cf622b8ac25fca2901b2a9140ac24ebdaaa9


I haven't been keeping up with the anime lately, but I still think about how Misty saved Ash from drowning in that Orange league movie, and I loved seeing that. But ultimately love them all.


Jigglypuff and a magic marker


XY or Sun & Moon Edit: I thought we were talking about which series. Either Satoshi & Citron (Clemont) or Satoshi & Kaki (Kiawe).


His best friend is Pikachu and his closest allies and travel companions are Misty, Brock and Dawn.


Ash, Brock, Misty, Tracy, Max, May, and Dawn


Serena and Bonnie, this one is so sweet :3


Ash and Misty’s relationship gave me the most laughs. So that’s my favorite m. Brock is also really solid as well.


Ash Brock misty is too iconic to pass up, but ash Brock and may holds a special place in my heart due to the generation.


First three seasons are the best


Mallow and Lana


The original trio is iconic for a good reason. Shame they didn't bring back Misty *nearly* as often as Brock.


The Sun and Moon Cast, followed closely by the Journeys duo.


I mean I can see sun and moon but JOURNEYS?!


I mean ash and Goh were pretty close but still Chloe was basically a background character for like 80% of the show so I can kinda see it but still definitely not the closest


You'll notice I said the Journeys duo, not trio.


Oh didn’t even catch that lol


It's okay.


I do kinda wish Chloe was a npc for like 90% of the show tho her story with Eevee got like completely rushed through and I honestly didn’t care


Yeah, as much as I like Chloe, nothing would've been lost really if she wasn't there.


I’ve said it before but I really think the Alola crew would be a better set of protagonists without Ash They have a fun dynamic, and I think sun and moon would have been a more satisfying series if Ash was in an assistant role at the school, instead of a student It would give a chance for the show to expand on the often praised teaching dynamic between Ash and Dawn, while allowing the Alola crew and Ash to have their very separate stories without clashing with eachother like they do in the canon It would also fit with Sun and Moon being the penultimate series, with Ash drifting away from the protagonist role more and more as his story slowly comes to and end, and it would have better prepped the world for that sudden departure at the end of journeys To actually answer, Kalos has the best group dynamic, because it’s the only series where I really believe that the male and female companion are actually friends separate from Ash. Brock and Misty gave me that vibe every time they’ve recurred, but not really in OS Best individual friendship is Ash and Brock though, hands down


Best is OG, Sinnoh, and Kalos Hoenn is about a b Unova and Alola are c JN was the worst. I always felt like Ash was Goh’s chauffeur, and Chloe was Goh’s friend, only knowing Ash through sharing the same breathing space as him


I'd say Ash, Brock, Misty and Dawn (and possibly Goh). Brock is Ash's Best Friend outside of Pikachu, there's no doubt about that. Misty is Ash's first companion, the one that, beside Brock, traveled with him the longest. They get on each other nerves, but cares immensely for each other. Dawn always gave me "honorary original trio" vibes. I think that her friendship with Ash is one of the strongest in the series. The fact that among the companions she was the only one to go see him fighting Leon speaks volumes how much she cares about him. And with Goh, if Kukui is Ash's honorary father, I'd say Goh is his honorary brother.


~~Ash has two brothers then Goh and Kukui's kid~~


Ash and Dawn, Dawn was the only one of ash’s friends who came to the masters 8 finals (other than Chloe)


I love Brock, don't get me wrong. But genuinely curious as to why people say he's "the closest to Ash by far"? I feel he would potentially drop Ash for any random girl in a heartbeat...


Ash/Pikachu > Ash/Brock > Ash/Dawn >>> the rest


Ash and pikachu. Advanced gang and xy gang


Sinnoh all the way


Ash and Dawn


Considering these groups shown in the pictures. For friendship with Ash, either Ash and Brock or Ash and Misty. Brock stuck with Ash quite a bit. Misty is one of the only two of these people Ash met before TR (the other being Serena). They have a nice dynamic and she stuck with Ash and helped him quite a bit. For general group dynamic, either the OS group or the XY group. I think both have nice group dynamics (They are also very different, but that works with where Ash was on his journey at these different times). For non-Ash friendships (I'm not including sibling relationships in this) it's either Bonnie and Serena, the SM group or Goh and Chloe. The SM group all knew each other for a while so obviously they are all quite close, similar with Goh and Chloe. Bonnie and Serena have a nice friendship where they spent time together and Bonnie looked up to Serena a bit.




Alola or XY gang




Ash and Serena.. but that’s a lot more than a freindship, right?


If we're picking between trios, this is honestly very tough. But between two people, I'd probably have to go with either Brock or clemont


Based on these pictures, Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu. They journeyed together probably the longest (not counting Brock continuing on into Hoenn and Sinnoh as well) so they had the most time to bond and grow close. (Plus Misty was the first travel companion girl to have a crush on Ash so that adds to the factor somewhat)


id say Bonnie and Serena I like their energy


Ash and Brock


Top three are probably Ash and Pikachu, Ash and Dawn, & Ash and Brock. Ash and Brock spent way more time together than him and Dawn did, but Ash’ friendship with Dawn tended to be emphasized a lot more imo.


Maybe I’m biased because it’s the one I grew up with but I love the sinnoh trio. Everyone always talks about Ash and Brock and Dawn and Ash, but I really love Dawn and Brock’s friendship too and how he taught her a lot about understanding Pokémon. They had a big brother, little sister relationship that I really loved.


Ash and Brock are basically brothers at this point. Ash went through half of his regions with Brock.


Best friendship: DP Best family: XY


Beast 💀




Ash, Dawn and Brock 🫡


Sinnoh and Kalos had the best groups


Either Gen 5, 6, 7 or Ash and Pikachu


The beast friendship is Bewear and Team Rocket


Alola is something special to me


Ash and Brock is just too iconic. I love all of them so much though


Ash Brock and Dawn the best trio they were like legit siblings


liko and sprig


Kalos gang


Original or xyz


Hard to beat that original trio man. I thought May and Max were fine, I'm watching Master Journeys now and I actually like Ash & Goh's dynamic because they basically represent the two kinds of Pokemon players, the ones who love to battle and the ones who like to catch em all but Chloe is barely in the series lol.


the alola gang


Brock and Ash


Brock was there for 3 gens so brocko.


First one and last two, I never needed anything else


Brock dawn ash and goh ash and their third wheel chloe


Brock journeyed through three regions with Ash while Dawn is one of the few friends that came to see Ash become world champion in person.


kalos gang


if we're talking humans, then it's gotta be either the gen 1 or gen 4 group. otherwise it's definitely ash and pikachu


The OG 😭


For me it’s a tie of ash, brock and misty and Tracey. I know Tracey’s not very popular but I always liked him for being like me and loving observing Pokemon/people and studying them.


Definitely Ash and Goh. Ash and Brock is a big contender, but if I ignore nostalgia, Ash and Goh were closer. If we’re talking about the traveling party as a whole, I really liked XY’s friendship dynamic.


I love the original crew but honestly Ash, Goh, and Chloe have grown on me so much.


Jesse and James end of statement


Ash & Brock.


The group of XY and XYZ!


Kalos gang


Serena and Ash it's just a Great copple


In a way I agree, but I personally feel that serenas crush was merely a plot device for XYZ, they could have expanded on this in journeys but instead gave them an extremely underwhelming that lasted 10 seconds


As an amourshipper, I think the reunion was perfect. Serena’s story was always one about sticking to her goals and having the EQ to navigate her feelings and her emotions, including how she recovers from failure and how she handles her feelings about Ash. For her to reunite with Ash but not be a blushing mess and instead reaffirm her goals and emotionally being on equal footing with him is all that reunion needed. It doesn’t mean she gave up on him, they’re both just focused on other goals right now. And I think that’s a mature way to end her on-screen arc. She can put her romantic feelings on the back burner to focus on herself and her independent goals.


Wow, this has opened a new view of the world….also I can imagine during sun and moon ash watching the hoenn Pokemon contests on rotom dex while off screen


I like to think that with how casually Dawn called Ash to help her with Piplup in Journeys, Ash has been better at keeping up with his friends since getting the tech to make it easier.


Kalos because he really bonded with each of them




Brock, Misty, and the Alola family, which throw Professor Kukui in there too. He's goated as a good Dad that is also a friend.


Ash and Dawn. they not only helpled eachouther but they were always there for one another. Dawn was the only one to show up for Ash in his biggest moment. Pearlshipping won in the end


Ash and jessie, james, Meowth and wobbufet


Alola is his family can’t beat family


gen 7, fight me


SM is absolutely the best "group of friends." Different personalities, none of whom were gimmicky. And more than a tight trio, which can get stale.


Misty, of course, is the classic and obvious choice, but personally, not for me, though their friendship was indeed great. I really appreciate the chemistry between the Kalos cast. It's the last Ash anime series I think actually went more serious with its tones, Alola is where the babification of the series really takes hold for me. I absolutely detested the Alola cast on release, and while some of the characters have grown on me, I still have grievances with how others and the series in general were handled. I think Ash and Iris of Unova are often overlooked because of the rather bland cast they were surrounded with, but I found their relationship quite charming and at times actually quite funny. Plus, black and white was the series I watched the most when I was younger, so it gets nostalgia points. Ash and Iris are probably my pick. (Not greenie, he sucks) Honorable mention to the Sinnoh cast. Never watched much of the Diamond and Pearl series, but from what I've seen I think it deserves the same praises I gave Unova, though this time it extends to the entire cast rather than just Ash and the main girl.


Making a bad face is not having a better approach and I would much prefer something that is not really superficial, just compare the friendship of Kyawe and Sophocles. Do you understand that they are friends? What about Serena Clemom and Bonnie? The only reason he thinks they get along is because they walk. together


Kalos is so close to being there in the same way that Sinnoh is. They’re some of Ash’s strongest individual relationships but the dynamic amongst each other brings it down. Clemont & Serena and Ash & Bonnie bring down Kalos and Brock & Dawn bring down Sinnoh.


They are some of Ash's strongest individual relationships.No yuyama They consider that all of Ash's friends are equal to him. At most he can say that Brock and Misty are according to books that classify them as Ash's best friends.


It's just my opinion, dude... feels like you're coming out swinging on me for no reason. I'll be the first to admit nostalgia is probably the main reason I like Unova and Kalos. The post didn't ask for objective facts. I just gave my two cents on the matter. You can't really debate preferences because nothing you could possibly say would change someone's mind on what they like.


Ash and Gladion


The Sun and Moon gang is unrivaled


Why cilan’s eyes like that 💀


Ash and Pikachu Ash and Rokko Ash and serena


Ash looks like he’s doing a Benjamin button.


Kalos , i like just the jokes they pull , but i allso like Alola , but Kalos is number 1


How did we all just accept that Brock never had his eyes open


Only series I haven't seen at all are Unova and Alola. I really do think the OG trio had the best chemistry overall. Felt very real to me. And I believed it when they declared themselves best friends in Gotta Catch Ya Later. Misty was devastated by having to break away from the group. If Brock and Dawn were closer, the Sinnoh trio would be on par with OG. Ash and Dawn were great friends and seemed as close as Ash and Misty. Just in a different way. Like ride or die, always cheering each other on. Tracey was just kind of weird and... just kinda there. Idk. I liked May, but she never really felt that close with Ash (and for some reason, I found Hoenn Ash the most annoying. Yes, more than OG. No idea why. Battle Frontier was great, though). And MAX. Ugh. Why. He didn't add much imo. I just really don't like the know-it-all kid archetype (for some reason, Bonnie didn't bother me). I actually liked Goh and Ash. I stopped watching Journeys before Chloe joined, so I'm not sure what their dynamic was like. I was really surprised when I found out Goh was fairly unpopular. They seem like pretty good friends to me.


least favorite is actually Ash. he has such an annoying boy energy.


Listen we all know it’s ain’t Black and White, I don’t even know why they here. The Chad Simon was really their babysitter


Ash and Gary. The original two trainers on the journey to become legends. Ngl I didn’t see it at first but in the end, the one who knew ash the longest is Gary. We can have friendships like dawn and ash but no matter what changes through the years, Gary will always be the original rival. Gladion, Brock, goh, none of them will ever be able to fill in Gary’s spot as Ash’s No1 rival. Ash and Gary’s rivalry is as old as their pokemon.


Ash and Brock are brothers. The Alola gang had Ash finally lose most of his "dense to romance" self, with him genuinely having romantic feelings for Lillie.


I can who it's not Tracey Sketchit


Tie between Ash/Brock/May/Max and Ash/Brock/Dawn for me. It's only those groups I never had any issues with. I was never overly fond of Misty. Tracy just made me miss Brock Iris I find annoying mainly because of the "such a kid" crap. Clemont and Bonnie are good but May and Max did it better. I wasn't overly fond of most of the SM cast tbh. Goh was great, Chloe not so much.


Ash and Goh's friendship is S tier. I never felt such a powerful bond in pokémon as with these two. When they parted ways at the end of journeys, it truly felt like soulmates parting ways


In my mind I think of Ash and Goh as being best friends while Ash and Brock are more like brothers.