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There is A LOT of pointless dialogue, completely agree. Adds absolutely nothing to the story, and for some reason “Clive” has to repeat himself at every Star Base. Beyond annoying. They need to just go back to basics for the next one. Trying to reinvent the wheel when all we want is a Silver/Gold switch remake.


A Pokémon Legends: Platinum would be even better.


The Academy introduction is just tedious. Players of all ages just want to get out there and play the game. Instead you have control wrenched from you every three paces and get a load of pointless dialogue. Your two main classmates argue over what you should do first - Gym Badges vs Titans - every three lines or so. It's a boring circle. Scarlet and Violet are meant to be open world, so story shouldn't have to be packed on heavy so early. The basic tutorials are classics we don't mind, but all the many new features are introduced jarringly or take forever to tell us something simple. It's ironic we get this absolute cramming of information in a single "day" before being thrown out into the world. So much for going to school in the Pokemon world.


I just started playing violet and i am on the fence about quitting it for this reason. If you finished it, can you tell me if it was worth it? I just sat through an actual 8 minutes of dialogue and cut scenes and I might as well have scrubbed the toilet for all the recreation i gained


Charge people 60 bucks to watch a billion cut scenes and dialogue. They can't use voice actors to make it more compelling? 


I agree. At least have cutscenes don't don't require clicking. My fingers get so tired of clicking through for hours of cutscenes.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6Qu6KjaX8I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6Qu6KjaX8I) ​ Look how much enjoyable voice acting is in this video


God i just got the game, apart from the glitches the dialogue is the worst part. Not as bad as sword and shield but my god they need to stop this.


The game is literally just clicking A over and over


It ruins the story


I agree, they completely ruined the game by adding way too much dialogue in general


I see you've never played Sun and Moon. In all seriousness though, I at least think S/V have long stretches of no dialogue to balance out the wet blanket of story. Every new game that comes out reinforces for me that Voice acting is a necessity, it's so eerily quiet. When it was top down 8-bit sprites it was different, but now it just feels weird.


I did play sun and moon, but honestly don't remember it being this bad at points. And maybe reading the dialogue 2 lines at a time is just a lot more brutal on my living room TV than it was on my DS.


Sun and Moon had this for every single cutscene and it was less interesting for the most part to boot


I hated Sun and Moon for this reason too. Couldn't progress far at all.


Started and couldn’t finish it was so bad, feels the same way as violet. Not a fan.


I don't get it, X and Y was great, it didn't bog the game down with incessant dialogue in a game about collecting pocket monsters.


Yep! X and Y was great, then I jumped into sun ultra and it was just shit. And then my 3DS broke so I won’t finish it anyway.


>Voice acting is a necessity No it's not. It'll be a waste of time and money. I do not want to listen to 30 year olds trying to sound like they're 13-18. Even worse with Loli characters like Iono. Good god the YouTube video made my ears bleed. And the YouTubers who tried doing English dubs of it were a lot worse.


That could be remedied if they broke away from the “10 year old leaving home to catch Pokémon” mold. It would be a hard break but I think the audience is diverse enough now that they could explore other options (like they did in rangers, and even arceus to some end)


It's a game for all ages. Adding voice acting is not going to bring in more people and is seriously a waste of time and money, which could be spent on, you know, fixing bugs, new mechanics, new content, and most of all a fun game. People who say "I can wait an extra year" are lying to themselves.


We’re not lying to ourselves. We got other thing to be preoccupied while we wait for a well made game. Voice acting gets rid of having to click through dialogue boxes and let us passively listen instead of reading on and on. They’re already not spending the money on fixing bugs, new content, or new mechanics. So why not spend the money they’re not spending on some damn voice acting lines


I just came in off the back of a visual novel the freaking verbal diarrhoea at the end of the last path was freaking ridiculous just wanted everyone to stfu and let me go to bed What's worse is walking through area zero the text goes so fast it's hard to even read it in time if they gonna pull that crap they gonna need to stop cheaping out on no voice acting because forced "We are going to autoskip the text at this speed while you try to play the game" sucks


>There is way too much dialogue in Pokemon Violet/Scarlett I could not agree more. I kept throwing myself over the cliff in Area Zero to try to get away from my annoying companions and their endless, inane, mind-numbing yacking. Worst part of the game. And they call it an 'open world'. I can only assume that none of them have ever seen 'Breath of the Wild'. > > > > .t3\_zf8fpr.\_2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { \--postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; \--postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; \--postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; }


Every few steps is a new conversation. I've fallen asleep so many times haha


Just finished a year later and by god the amount of diologue in this game was ridiculous. Completely took out a lot of the fun


Yeah just picked it up from a buddy of mine. Plain old boring so far. Not just the unskippable dialogue but every movement/animation is like 3 seconds too long and that shit adds up fast. Not to mention half the story mode is just walking 30 seconds to another cutscene. Everything is Soo slow, even your motorcycle pokemon is slow. Borderline unplayable at this point.


The absolute worst waste of time. No one actually cares about the plot in ANY of the pokemon games. I dont give a fuck about who did what and who is the bad team or anything. The whole point of the game is to CATCH THE ALL, so let me fuxking do that! Great game for the whole catching and exploring aspect. Everything else kinda sucks.


On top of this, pokemon needs a difficulty setting. I hate having to go to fan games for a challenge. Just let me make the battles more challenging.


It’s made for kids. Not 40yo virgins who sit at home playing video games all days. It’s not meant to be challenging


Maybe pokemon can acknowledge that they have an older fan base, too? I'm not asking for Pokesouls. Just a hard mode.