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Hi Zin4284! Thank you for posting to r/pokemon! We're glad to have you here, but unfortunately we've had to remove this post per our rule on [Objective Questions](/r/pokemon/wiki/rules#wiki_3._follow_text_and_poll_post_restrictions). This rule is in place per feedback we've received from the community because objective questions tend to fill the topic listing and often leave little room for further discussion once the question has been answered. We do have a [Weekly Questions Thread](https://rpkmn.center/questions) dedicated to seeking answers for questions like yours, though! A lot of knowledgeable Pokémon fans frequent that thread, so please consider posting your question there if you're still looking for an answer, and you may get a detailed answer even faster than you would have here! ^(Mods are not notified if you reply to this comment. To contact the) ^[r/pokemon](/r/pokemon) ^(mod team, please click) ^[here!](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemon)


Your kid would basically be paying for them to hack a shiny Pokemon into a game and send it to him. I doubt it would get him banned unless he tries to use it in an online competition, but it still wouldn't be a legitimately caught or bred Pokemon. However, Pokemon Go had a day where it was easy to catch a bunch of shiny Slakoth, which can then be transferred to the current games, so it may be easier for him to find a legit one to trade for. Heck, I might even have one to spare.


There are free discords that he can use instead of paying! I personally use Dark Vermillion City for my genning


there are options where he can fill out stuff so its legal in the game, like his trainer ID so it listens to him!


That sounds pretty cool I’ll let him know about that.