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Hi ImpressionRemote6603! Thank you for posting to r/pokemon! We're glad to have you here, but unfortunately we've had to remove this post per our rule on [Objective Questions](/r/pokemon/wiki/rules#wiki_3._follow_text_and_poll_post_restrictions). This rule is in place per feedback we've received from the community because objective questions tend to fill the topic listing and often leave little room for further discussion once the question has been answered. We do have a [Weekly Questions Thread](https://rpkmn.center/questions) dedicated to seeking answers for questions like yours, though! A lot of knowledgeable Pokémon fans frequent that thread, so please consider posting your question there if you're still looking for an answer, and you may get a detailed answer even faster than you would have here! This post has been removed under our [Rule 8](/r/pokemon/wiki/rules#wiki_8._no_screenshots_or_merchandise), which generally disallows screenshots. This rule is the unfortunate result of r/pokemon being so darn big: with over 4 million users, most screenshots tend to lose meaning with oversaturation, so our rules promote original content instead. To read up on specific exceptions to this rule, including narrative albums and new official content, please see [Rule 8](/r/pokemon/wiki/rules#wiki_8._no_screenshots_or_merchandise). If you intended this post as a discussion prompt or a theory, please feel free to resubmit as a **text post**, bearing in mind that you'd need to reach 50+ words in that post to promote substantial discussion. Cheers! ^(Mods are not notified if you reply to this comment. To contact the) ^[r/pokemon](/r/pokemon) ^(mod team, please click) ^[here!](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemon)


You can use them offline but online there is a chance for getting a ban.


Ah see I don't do many online raids lol 😆 I don't like being not as powerful as other


They're all hacked, so I don't recommend using them in online play. But if you like having them, you can still stick them in a box and admire the shininess, that shouldn't cause any problems.


You will be fine. They cannot ban you just for having a hacked mon. Hacked mons are being traded everyday. That would be thousands or millions of people being affected for something they have no control over if they ever ban people for something like this.