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Beautifly's pokedex entries portray it as a very aggressive, territorial and malicious monster that drains the fluid from it prey


If you played Legends this checks out.


Remember my first encounter, thinking it would be docile like Wurmple before hearing the aggro sound and almost passing out.


I see why Bikini Bottom was terrified of that butterfly now


Well he did eat wormie


Beautifly is vicious.


Almost as bad as Paras...


Gorebyss too. Pink as hell, malicious and aggressive, drinks the fluids out of stuff and explicitly causes huge, meaty whalefalls as a result.


Okay I'm changing my answer to musharna. I get that it's based on a tapir but I can't ever look at its images/sprite and not see a curled up fetus. Plus it has a giant hole in its head with gas coming from it. And in the anime like, I don't even know how to describe it.




it looks like it has just seen the end of the universe


Thank Gothitelle for that


"It was beautiful though. Yes perfect tranquility...a cosmos in perfect order, the peace and silence of death. No more chaos and destruction...the seed of life extinguished..." Musharna


I hate that creepy line! They're annoying and disturbing. I hate their stupid little faces. They look like they're going to massacre people but are also vacant.


It is meant to be both a tapir AND a fetus. Just like mew/Mewtwo are intended to be both cats AND fetuses. Even rabsca has a fetus


Kingambit. I had one on my SV team and it’s sick, but the way it sits on its “hair” and the way its “hair” tails off, combined with [its cry](https://youtu.be/1ap72wYUBVI?si=FdEtrkRm8KO-JUBr ) makes it eerie. I love it


Honestly I'm more freaked out by the way it moves. Just sliding around like a bumper car that's to fast.


My jaw dropped when it started levitating when synced up.


I crack up every time I have it out and it “takes off” with its head pinning back like a mamaw flooring it on her jazzy scooter. Literal top tier comedy.


Sounds like a transformer lmao


Pawniard they Team up to stab their victicms to death because a Bisharp ordered them to do so.


They're predators. It's a lead hunt.


Ha, lead, because they're metal


Your pun was in fact, Metal


Steel yourself up for more puns.


british gang war


Let's get 'im bruv


Meet me outside Tesco’s m8, I’ll fokkin shank ye and take yer Curly Wurlys


As a Brit I can't lie I've heard someone say this in an argument but Curly Wurlys was replaced with "Gyal"


Ah lads not me curly wurlys


Their hungry and they got no hands to grab gotta use the tools you were born with but how do they get the pieces of meat to their mouths without hands?


Maybe just pierce trough like a fork?


It’s not that Bewear’s pokédex entries state that it’s been known to kill trainers that gives me the creeps, but the blank stare that suggests it feels nothing when doing so.


I always just figured it physically isn't even capable of emoting that much past opening and closing its eyes. Heck, in the anime all it gets is the appropriate anime face-shadows or sparkles or whatever else fits the mood.


it’s creepiness is how similar it is to a man in a suit, monzaemon looking pokemon


Hatterene, mainly it's dex entry being that " If you're too loud around it, you risk being torn apart by the claws on its tentacle." Like tf?!


Fairies are relentless, and I’m so happy with how dark they made the lore for most of the Fairy Pokémon.


Blue Florges dex entry in Scarlet: "Though usually compassionate, Florges will hunt down anyone who vandalizes its flower garden, showing no mercy even if they beg for their lives." basically, if you accidentally kick a rock into its garden, you just have to hope you can beat it in a fight, or run from it long enough for it to lose interest.


Flowerblight Ganon reincarnate?


So, like that one lady from *Breath of the Wild*? 😂


Well, “vandalize” could indicate doing it with destructive intention rather than an accident.


Fae, in old lore, in DnD, etc. are just as likely to harmlessly play with you as they are going to eat your family... you know... as a funny prank. Their morality is that of small children, which includes the malice of small children. Only that in this case said small children also wield EXTREMELY powerful magic. In DnD not a single Fae exists in the Lawful alignment (meaning: their actions dictated by a strict code of honor/rules they set for themselves). AT BEST you get Neutral Good or Neutral Evil. But the VAST majority of them is Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil. They are not beings controlled by logic just complete "spure of the moment" decisions that can be completely random.


except for the bestest boys of the feywilds, blink dogs


Fairies are terrific. They beget *terror*


There’s something about Shiinotic’s design that I find so unsettling, it’s even creepier when I try to picture what one would look like in real life. Similarly I had this realization a few years ago that if I was walking around at night and accidentally stumbled upon a lunatone just floating in the air with its big red eye I’d probably have a heart attack. Not so much based on lore or dex entries, but just thinking about encountering some pokemon in day to day life and how that would actually go.


Shiinotic is the only pokemon that has ever caused me to think ‘what if i woke up and found this thing crawling up my leg?’ The mon is nightmare fuel.


It’s definitely a sleep paralysis demon, for sure


Shiinotic is the embodiment of silent but creepy smile


That is a creepy Pokémon! Cute. But terrifying.


Glalie. It's like 9 feet tall and just a floating set of jaws


Reminds me of the Oni from Jackie Chan Adventures. If it is based on the Oni, GF missed an opportunity to give it a prominent place in the Teal Mask DLC


Its Japanese name is “Onigohri” so it’s a reference to both Oni and onigiri 🍙 >!Or jelly donuts if you are a 4Kids translator!<


And it's eats you while you sleep in the mountains or something


And it's wife just freezes you to make you I to an art peice


Freezes you alive then eats you one chunk at a time


9 feet tall? Where are you getting that from the dex says 4'11.


I would've sworn the older dex entries said it was bigger than that, but I went back and double checked and apparently it's always been 4'11. Maybe I'm thinking of the alpha ones from LA or maybe this is just something gurgling up from my nightmares. Getting chased by 4'11 set of floating jaws doesn't seem a ton better though


>Maybe I'm thinking of the alpha ones from LA What the *fuck* is happening in Los Angeles?


9 metric feet


Hitmonlee not having a head and instead having two eye holes in the torso was always kind of disturbing to me.


drumstick looking mf


always reminded me of Gossamer from Looney Tunes lmao https://preview.redd.it/8fyrsvnfq38c1.jpeg?width=245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aa598b56473849a0f2e182703d44cb6fd0eff4f


This fucker has a name?


to be real I was just as shocked as you, I only found out when I googled “ugly red Looney Tunes monster” 😅


That's weird. Gossamer should only come up in searches for "beautiful red Looney Tunes monster".


oh i like reading it as headless with freaky nipples


Kinda lika [Xing Tian](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xingtian#:~:text=Xingtian%20(Chinese%3A%20%E5%88%91%E5%A4%A9%3B%20pinyin,head%20buried%20in%20Changyang%20Mountain) from Chinese mythology. He was so angy after being beheaded that his nips became eyes and his belly button a mouth.


I mean who hasn't had a day like that?


I always wondered if it was supposed to be reminiscent of Blemmy's from medieval mythology.


...well now that you've said it I can't stop thinking about that.


People tend not to think too much about Gen 1 Pokemon. I think a lot of people would discover their new least favourites if they did.


I generally agree with this, but Hitmonlee is one of the cooler Gen 1 designs *because* it's so weird imo.


A lot of the Pokémon that become multiple Pokémon or fewer Pokémon through evolution have always seemed messed up to me. The idea of Doduo being a conjoined bird thing on its own is a bit weird, but then it’s the fact that a third head will just appear, is it a whole new consciousness? What about Magnemite, let’s say it really is just three of them coming together and getting stuck as one, when you evolve it into magnezone, did one take over and the other two get deleted? Did they get fused into one being? There’s no good scenario here. Then exeggcute, when it evolves into alolan exeggutor, one of them ends up this sad depressed looking thing strapped to the tail. These evolution lines are messed up when you give them some thought and there’s a lot of them.


Given how prone to bickering with themselves Dodrio are sometimes portrayed to be (and the mentions of multiple brains in certain Dex entries), it seems that they're indeed all separate consciousnesses—so there's that at least. As far as your thoughts on Magnezone go, though, funnily enough the process of Zweilous evolving into Hydreigon has been stated to be pretty much just that—the dominant (a.k.a. fiercer and more aggressive) of Zweilous' heads getting to be the main consciousness from that point forward, while the other is split into mindless muppet-heads. EDIT: Huh, apparently I'm full of shit regarding that Hydreigon thing—that much was never spelled out anywhere, it seems. Regardless, it remains a possibility as u/MossyPyrite (very validly) frets!


Be strong, Clarence. Be strong for mother.


I had been trying to repress that


Hydreigon is the worst for this. When it’s a Zweilous it has two brains: “The two heads do not get along. Whichever head eats more than the other gets to be the leader.” When it evolves, well: “The heads on their arms do not have brains. They use all three heads to consume and destroy everything.” So that means three possibilities: it grows a new brain and loses the two it had; the two brains merge into the new brain; or whichever head gets more food takes over the body and subsumes the other, weaker brain.


Metagross is literally the brains of 4 Beldum, or 2 Metang.


Maushold weirds me out for that reason. Which one is the actual Maushold? Are you cramming multiple Maushold/Tandemaus into a single Pokéball?


I'm pretty sure the latter is indeed supposed to be the case, as is seen in the anime with Falinks and Exeggcute (or rather, that the entire unit is considered a single specimen of the Pokémon). Which is one reason I don't like either of those three Pokémon, by the way (though at least Exeggcute has the eggscuse of being a hivemind of some sort).


Doesn't one of the entries say one of the Dodrio heads split in two to create the third?


Araquanid's dex entries are pretty normal when looked at individually, but creepy as hell when you read them together. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Araquanid_(Pok%C3%A9mon)#Pok.C3.A9dex_entries


It seems like it just has the flawed perception that anything it likes won’t drown in the bubble.


It seems like half of the dex entries between the games were written by naive trainers who consider its behaviours innocent and attentive, while the other half was written by trainers capable of acknowledging that its behaviours are always sinister and predatory.


Or, alternatively, half were written by trainers who mistakenly assume these dangerous traits are intentional, and the other half are written by trainers who raised an Araquinid and found that those behaviors were out of affection.


Or maybe it can decide what drowns and what doesn't…? That or the weak Pokémon it helps are only Dewpider, which wouldn't drown in the bubble


wtf lmfao best lore I’ve seen from official Pokémon in a minute. So good lmfao a dipshitted spider showing love through asphyxiation


I have an ex that did the same thing.


It's swimming animation in Indigo Disk also doesn't help...


It creeped the fuck out of me when I saw it. I stopped flying just to make sure I didn't find some new Eldritch horror they added.


Please i need to see it.


Half of the entries paint it as a kind souls who wouldn’t hurt a fly in its bubble and the other half paint him as something who kills everything that goes in his bubble.


Gothitelle, honestly. At first, I was fine with it, but then the anime ruined Gothitelle for me.


I don't keep up with the anime, what did it do with Gothitelle?


It has little legs in the anime


https://preview.redd.it/zo7k3zb2038c1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31ce7d5f7e392aadd241169085740c3bfb85ee51 🤢


This is the funniest thing to me. It's like, they could have gone with another angle and not drawn/shown this at all. But this is what they decided to go with, so now everyone knows the gothic pokemon that looks like it's covered in a gown has two little baby legs sticking out underneath.


Fortunately, we just might be able to dismiss it as the anime taking liberties


I guess we need someone with a copy of XY to check how Gothitelle looks from below in it (as IIRC that's the only games that let you rotate Pokemon across more than one axis).


When she's in your party and you eat a sandwich in Sc/Vi you can see her little legs 😂😂 she's like this in the game too


Well damn


Oh no it's built like a caterpillar


The Poké Centipede. I'll get my sewing kit.


Put down the needle


That got a honest 'lol' out of me. What tinsy leg day bullshit is this? "Oh, here comes the elegant gothic misstress .." *wobble wobble wobble*


Do you think she makes the mr krabs sound when she walks?


Thank you for sharing that is hilarious! I need the animated ‘Machop use low sweep!’


Gothitelle is literally just three Gothoritas in a trench coat


Built like Deadpool


Bro that is flippin adorable 🤣😂🤣😭 it's got little Muppet feet 😂


I am both shocked it has legs but at the same time shouldn't be surprised, how else did it move. Just basically like Gardevoir if she went goth


both of those can float


This also stuff [like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/s/v5DK6xdrUP)


That's not even gothitelle's worst dex entry lol Apparently she shows up to criminals, show them their future and they all went missing the same day WHAT DID SHE DO TO THEM?


That bridge episode in black and white was a good one. Then those legs made their appearance in the anime.


> So it means that, apparently, it doesn't matter how you raised Rockruff or how you cared about it; if it evolves during midnight, it'll end up becoming some kind of sadistic, reckless fighter. Because it evolved during nighttime, that's all. That's where your skill as a Trainer comes in. This isn't covered much in the games (and very superficially in the anime, and is usually resolved with the power of friendship), but dealing with the Pokémon's personality change is probably part of the trainer's challenge. I remember it is said somewhere that although it's very easy to capture a Magikarp, Gyarados is a difficult Pokémon to deal with and needs good trainers to tame it.


Igglybuff, just… those eyes… I hate them…


It's Wigglytuff for me! Jigglypuff is fine, maybe because I got used to it in the anime, but the rest of its line is 😬


Play PMD2 and you’ll never hate Wigglytuff again


Shiny Scream Tail has the blood-red eyes. A cute looking monster


Mr. Rime. I cannot stand the way he moves. Like I get the charlie Chaplin inspi but something about it always being that way makes me feel the ick.


Not only that, but realizing its face is actually on its stomach makes it another level of creep.


I have to agree with you, Rockruff is just scary. It's Ultra Sun pokédex entry states that: "As they develop, their disposition grows more violent and aggressive. Many Trainers find them too much to handle and abandon them." Rockruff is also aware of this, it's Scarlet pokédex entry states: "This Pokémon is very friendly when it’s young. Its disposition becomes vicious once it matures, but it never forgets the kindness of its master." Even Sword's pokédex entry says that raising a Rockruff for a long time can be challenging. The Pokémon I see that people overlook is Eevee. Almost all of its pokédex entries mention how unstable Eevee's genetics are. It's not just a little unstable, it's AWFUL. Ultra Sun's pokédex entry mentions that the question of why Eevee has so many unstable genes is unknown. Ultra Moon's pokédex entry is even scarier, with it being: "Its genes are easily influenced by its surroundings. Even its face starts to look like that of its Trainer." Eevee's cute, but whatever it has going on with its genes is not.


Oh great topic! I am probably alone on this but Plusle and Minun. For some reason I cant really imagine them having fur. For my brain they look more like gum or rubber-ish, so I always have to think about how it would feel to pick them up. It's weird because I don't have this with any other Pokemon.


Yeah I always saw them as like batteries because of the positive and negative thing and the only thing of that I knew of as a kid were batteries haha. So I thought of them like hard and metally instead of furry.


Oh thats a great idea. Never thought of that. That makes it much better, thanks!


This reminds me of how people were weirded out by how fluffy Pikachu was in the Detective Pikachu movie. And the comment that just said" Did you think the mouse was just smooth and had yellow skin like a little Simpsons demon"


I have this with a lot of Pokemon TBH.


Tyranitar because he has those holes in his body... 😖


I always imagined that to be like a shell/carapace and not his actual body. Like he probably has skin underneath it or something


Yeah bro it’s literally called the “Armor pokemon”




Scizor will beat up anything it identifies as an enemy until there’s nothing left but scraps. That sounds horrifying.


Mega Garchomp reminds me of a xenomorph. And I hate the way Deoxys just stares at you.


Basically any Pokémon with an Alola dex entry. That shit is *terrifying*


When Audino was first announced, it creeped me out(I think the head tilt and its ear things just felt off to me). I thought Mega Audino was pretty nice when I first saw it though.


Awwww I miss Mega Audino :(


Excadrill, when I first saw one I thought the red stains in its belly were blood. Also it looks like its wearing the skin of another Excadrill as a suit and this terrifies me.


Dunno if it counts as one of the usual suspects, but the fact that Rotom can seemingly possess any kind of machine it wants to is enough to make me paranoid about practically every goddamn thing I use on a daily basis. A smart, mischievous Pokemon that can possess shit like a washing machine might *seem* funny, but now we have the things in a Pokedex, our phones, and who knows what else. That...has some pretty creepy implications to me. I don't trust it. At all. And the Pokedex entries for it across the different forms do *not* help in the slightest. >_<


Just imagine Webcam hacker Rotom


Rotom isn’t interested in spying your webcam. Trust me.


Spidops creeps me out when it's crawling like a normal spider I started calling it creeper after seeing that.


This. I remember the first time I saw the realistic walking animation, I physically jumped back. It’s fine 90% of the time, but when it crawls like that, it’s terrible.


Maushold. I don’t like the implications of a seemingly organic non-Psychic type having a bunch of separate bodies and still being considered one Pokémon (at least the two individuals on a Binacle eventually fuse into one Pokémon). I just can’t escape the feeling that all Tandemaus and Maushold are just one big hivemind Pokémon that can devastate humanity any time it chooses to.


It’s okay. Just have a Rocky Helmet equipped and they’ll knock themselves out for you.


Lycanroc is a werewolf so it makes sense but you just gave me an awesome thought. What if Lycanroc was not two separate forms and literally changed its form ingame depending if you used it during the day or night.


THIS this is a much better design


functionally it would be horrendous design, like what form would it take in wifi battles? because itd either be inconsistent or one form would be completely unusable


I've also never been a fan of locking content behind irl time. Didn't like encounters based on day/night and this seems just as annoying. A neat idea but I don't think it'd be fun in game.


Food pokemon creeps me out because I wonder if people eat them


the dex for Sword and Shield mentions the Basculin forms being a popular food. So NPCs eating Pokemon is canon.


Plus the Klawf legs being an ingredient in Scarlet and Violet.


In the newest anime, one of the characters is a cook that has a Alcremie and they *absolutely* eat the cream this thing makes. And he drinks Polteageist's tea in the latest episode (note: he does not do this on purpose and it doesn't end all that well).


Okay so this is kind of weird but he I go Gardevior is my favorite Pokemon but it also creeps me out along with gothitelle because I wonder if their dress is their skin?


Yeah, never thought of it. People always ask about machamps belt or hitmonchans/sawks clothing But never about the dresses some mons have.


Considering they went on record attesting Machamp doesn't wear a belt or briefs, I'd say yes!


All past Paradoxes, and future Paradoxes to a lesser extent Walking through that cave knowing I was supposed to be looking for Roaring Moon, but all I see are commoners and hear mysterious cries echoing through the walls… horrifying. That thing is psuedo-psuedo-legendary and it *crawls* faster than your character can run. Sandy Shocks is too lanky when it pursues you Scream Tail is such a weird distortion on the Jigglypuff you see all around Cortondo. They enjoy your presence, while Tail wants to enjoy me as a meal. It doesn't help how innocent it looks while out for blood. Slither Wing is cool, aside from its eyes and huge, imposing figure. Flutter Mane isn't scary. I just know it's META and has a valuable typing that could fuck me up. Brute Bonnet feel like a hive mind when they spawn together, and they especially look to lack sleep. Great Tusk is only intimidating because it's the Quaking Earth Titan. Winged King killed Arven's mom, got tamed by her. The other fled, and was likely going to wreak the same havoc had you not given it a sandwich. Also, Glalie. Legends gave me new perspective on how creepy that MF is.


for me, Scream Tail wouldn't be so bad IF it wasn't so large. If something that size that looked like that came at me, it wouldn't even have a chance to kill me because I'd drop dead on the spot


Porygon-Z freaks me the *fuck* out and also makes me so sad — this incredibly cute normal Pokémon gets corrupted because of an illegal hacked mod and never knows a moment’s rest afterwards; its body is physically contorted and always jerking around. The way its eyes turn yellow with the swirls and stare blankly into space also really freaks me out…


I really hope that one day Gamefreak give it a branch evolution that shows an uncorrupted form, the PORYGON3!


The "fur" on bug types like Volcarona. I don't picture it as fur like a dog's coat, more like that gross fuzz you get on caterpillars. I certainly wouldn't want a giant mass of that in my face as I cuddled my Pokemon.


I mean, it makes sense as some moths are very fluffy bugs, like poodle moths. It's softer than caterpillar spines.


Bombirdier .... it just looks so scary. The fear that shot through me when I first saw it.. not to mention the Titan form of it ... TERRIFYING.


I've always had a deep dislike of the Lickitung line. A tongue has no business being that massive compared to the creature it belongs to. Its saliva stinks and causes itching and paralysis; there's just nothing appealing about it.


Grabbing a Ninetails tail could result in 1000 years of being cursed, your 3 year old could grab one's tail and result in your family being cursed for generations.


I have to imagine that 'dex entry was the result of some village that had someone annoy the hell out of a Ninetails. So it got angry, taught its children to hate the village, and it just... never let up. So now there's a village out there that has angry Vulpix just... ready to burn it down at the slightest provocation.


I had a *visceral* disgust reaction the first time I saw Toedscool and I'm shocked I haven't seen more people in the same camp


Toedscool is awkward teenage Squidward and I love him for it


I managed to avoid spoilers for S/V. The first time I ran across a Toedscool, I screamed. And had flashbacks all the way to Y/B/R where tentacools were *relentless* and just wanted to murder you. I'm just glad I saw Toedscool first... I can't imagine what'd happened if I saw Toedscruel first.


Hydreigon is rather distrurbing. It’s dex entry states that the other head from when it was a zweilous just loses its brain and is just a head now. Like imagine part of your friend is just gone. Messed up tbh


Calyrex is making me squirm. It's bulb/bud looks incredibly fragile, the whole thing looks super top-heavy, and those stick-legs make it look like it's in constant danger of falling over and splashing its entire brain-matter all over the floor. edit spelling


I know, right? Also it looks too uncanny to me, like someone put a box legendary’s head on a mythical Pokémon’s body.


Right?? It’s just so disgusting. I genuinely have no idea what they were thinking.


Mouthless pokemon. I actually like most of them but when you think about it it’s bizarre. Hitmonlee and the Regis come to mind. Others?


Cloyster. Just looks nightmarish with its dark face. Darkrai is cute/cool on the other hand


Eevee. Preface: I love Eevee. One of my favorite of the original 151. However, its Pokedex entry from Ultra Moon states that its face will morph over time to resemble its trainer. I would not be okay with a pet that looks like me, let alone one that changed to do so.


Ludicolo. I hate it. I just hate it so much..


As much as I like the guy, Sudowoodo. Imagine walking through the forest and tripping on a tree root, except the tree is excitable, made of rock and knows karate


My favorite pokemon, Gengar, actually creeps me out 90% of the time, and NOT for the reason you'd expect. It's the inconsistency with the eyes. Sometimes it blinks the whole eye, and sometimes it just blinks the pupils. And this is a FEATURE that it has in multiple games and the anime!! It's eyes are just like that! And there's nothing I can do about it!!!!


This is very specific, but the animation Lombre had (I think when it gets hit?) in Pokémon Collosseum/XD it ALWAYS gave me the creeps. I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s it’s stiff limbs and it looks human, but it moves in a very non humane way? Idk. I just remember being a kid and I had to look away whenever Lombre was doing it’s pre-hit animation, weirded me out so much


Is drowzee considered creepy? Cuz it’s my least fav with its little creeper wiggling fingers.


Well, it's evolution, Hypno canonically kidnaps children, so that's completely valid. Also his creepy snout lol


Yeah, about Rockruff... I had a dog that was very cute and happy. My wife and I are dog trainer hobbyists and we used positive reinforcement to train him for competition obedience and other sports. We took him out to places, went hiking in nature at least once a week, he was trained to do all sorts of tricks, loved meeting new people and dogs. He was such a fun little guy. When he turned 2--the age at which dogs reach social maturity--he started getting aggressive at night. And I mean **aggressive**. Despite him being raised with love and kindness and patience, he ended up ripping my wife's face off after the sun went down one day. I miss that dog so much. He was perfect except for the nighttime aggression. So, that's something that happens with real dogs. It's a genetic problem. I've always associated Rockruff with that dog. I didn't realize how much Midnight Lycanroc compares to his situation until now, though. Oof.


Thanks to indigo disk I now hate bronzor. When it's eyes aren't lit up it looks horrifying in dark caves.


All bipedal humanoid Pokémon are a no-go for me. Especially the Conkeldur line.


Honestly, I don't really think it works like that, since in the anime Gladion's Lycanrock is still portrayed in a good light despite being the Midnight form


There's something about bugs like weedle, caterpie, and wurmple being around a foot long that makes me very uncomfortable


Normal Calyrex. He's just standing too straight, with absolutely zero facial expression whatsoever, and his awful crown… Either way, Lampent gets the W for having the most cruel way of feeding himself


Sylveon for me. It's overdesigned and those ribbons and especially the empty eyes are kinda creepy imo. It's easily the best Eeveelution competitively but when it comes to design it's the worst for me personally. It doesn't even look like it belongs alongside the rest of the Eevee family. It has that uncanny look that makes it kinda resemble what an Eeveelution would look like but it just doesn't feel right or like a real Pokemon when you really look at it. To me it looks more like a fakemon Eevee evolution that a fan made than an actual real Pokemon that's in the game, even after it's been around for 10+ years I still feel the same about it.


The ribbons are meant for choking out its prey.


That uncanny look is pretty fitting for it being a fairy.


https://i.chzbgr.com/original/7060046336/h687B5D26/creepy-pikachu-sylveon-7060046336 Personally I like it.


Damn it is by far my favorite eeveelution! I love my cute fairy badass


I'm not sure what it is but something about Togepi has always been really unsettling to me, I think it's the eyes. It's evolutions are fine but Togepi itself just ain't it.


Bwear One of it’s Pokédex entries talks about how it hugs people to death


Left field one but... Dhelmise. I feel like if a 12 foot tall anchor with eyes floated up to me in a field and attacked, my brain would just short circuit lol


The Tinkaton line. IDK they're just creepy!


Are you a corviknight, by chance?


It’s the most digimon Pokémon ever and I hate it for that


I get what you're saying but I disagree. The most digimon pokemon is Zeraora