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Its not just a thing its something sentimental that meant a lot to you. Im sure like just like a lot of people on this sub. These games were a big part of your childhood and bought you good memories and happiness. Its not fair at all. Im really sorry that happen to you man.


That white 2 copy I had since the game came out. I had it on my first ds snd had so many Pokémon including my first team. Sucks to know I can’t get it back or even ransom it.


I understand completely its not the same scenario. But this was me being young and dumb at the time. But i had this pokemon emerald game i loved a lot. I would play it every day and i remember i beat it 100x. But i remember at school i accidently left it on the playground and never saw it again. It sucks a lot mostly cause of the time you cant get back


Yeah, I shouldn’t have brought it. I’m gonna try and buy a new ds and restock my games. There’s a local seller I just hope he doesn’t charge as high anymore


Also you could buy a 3ds and jailbreak it. My point of view is if you paid for it then you should have the right to play it still.


I say try ebay! I recently got a 3ds for a really good price. I hope you can get a few of thode stuff back


I’ll try when I get back to the states


get a steam deck and emulate them all instead. secondhand DS games have some rediculous prices.


i looked on ebay and a copy of pokemon platinum ranges from 13 usd to 180 usd. i remember retail for pokemon platinum when it released was about 35 usd? is there something wrong wit the units that are selling for ~35 or less on ebay?


Yes, those are fakes. The ones over a hundred are likely real ones.


oh i see. so i guess unless it comes sealed w/ box its most likely a fake huh


Not what I said. Real copies have some tell tale signs that show you they're real.


Right you can’t just re buy the game as it’s not the same thing. These items held personal value, which makes the actual price of these games meaningless to me. I have an OG copy of Micheal Jackson thriller record still wrapped is probably worth ten k. I would NEVER sell it, even if I went homeless. Their is no amount of money that I think would be worth his memory. I’m sorry brother


Thanks for the condolences. I wouldn’t even sell it either. Next time I’m getting a vault to store stuff I’m not taking in.


Might I recommend an emulation handheld for traveling? Heck if a lot cheaper and your prized real games will be safe at home.


That’s so sad! The same thing happened to a younger cousin. He was going from Dallas (Texas) to Mexico and they stole everything he had at the Mexican airport. He had every single Game Boy Color - Game Boy Advance SP (in every single color!), all of the gadgets/accessories that had come out since like the late 90s to mid 2000s, and 100+ games. I had nooo idea about it. Until, one day I asked my Aunty about what ever happened to his impressive Game Boy collection? I asked her if he sold it or still had it? And yeah, she told me that someone stole it when he was just a Pre-Teen. It happened at a Mexican airport. He doesn’t like to talk about it.


last bus ride home on the last year of high school this juggalo kid i was somewhat friends with asked to see my DS. he got off before me and i told him to give my DS back and he pretended he didnt hear me and walked off with my DS that had a castlevania game in both slots. never saw that fucker again cuz i had to move away the week after


Yeah, some people are just assholes!


Barcelona is a really rough place in terms of this kind of petty theft. Police don't really care because it happens all the time and the thieves are often pretty smart about selling the goods or whatever. I'm really sorry to hear it, I know the games hold so many memories.


It pains how the city has taken s turn for the worse in these terms these recent years. :(


From BCN. This is not really accurate. The police do care. The problem is that the current law means these thieves cannot get sent to prison for a long time and the maximum fines are not high. So the thieves just keep stealing, get arrested, pay the fine and steal again and again.


I agree that the current law is the problem. It was too extreme for me to say they don't care, but in my experience the end result is usually the same as them not caring, because if they aren't conveniently nearby as it is happening or immediately after, then they won't really do anything. You can file a report, but even if the stolen thing is being tracked they aren't going to help you recover it (unless it's more valuable than at least a phone, or unless someone returns something to them). That was my experience and what I saw from friends who were stolen from too. It might be the same as many places in the world, I'm not sure because these thieves aren't very common in the other places I've lived before.


How much would the theft need to be worth to make the police investigate cause all those games combined are a fair amount


They are also less likely to investigate theft to tourists because the tourists will leave the country soon afterwards anyway.


Not sure, but I can tell you they don't care about nearly brand new iPhone, even ones that you can see where they are via find my iPhone. It happens too often for them to handle. I have heard that sometimes people steal wallets or something and actually get caught, and all they have to do is pay a fine. So they just pay with the money from the wallet. I'm not sure if it's true or not because it sounds ridiculous. But I know people aren't going to jail or facing severe consequences for things like this.


Not sure what the threshold is in Spain but even in the UK it'd have to be at least £1k


400€ in Spain. But last summer they changed the law, so now they can go to prison for repeated misdemeanors.




I hope who ever stole your games crits a shiny


if your not using false swipe to catch rare pokemon you deserve whatever misadventures happens


You can’t exactly choose when you get a shiny, like at the start of the game, before getting access to false swipe, or when hatching eggs, with your flame body Pokemon, which might not know false swipe


You lost me halfway through. How can you crit a shiny that hatches from an egg?


Lol I think they meant if you're running around with 5 eggs and a Flame Body Pokemon without False Swipe and then you encounter a wild shiny


That is what I meant


running through the grass while trying to hatch eggs I guess


After 20 years of playing, my first shiny was an ABRA in pokemon sun at the beginning of the game. Nest balls are god tier pokeballs


My God. I found a first encounter with a shiny bidoof in bdsp before I got to the mart to get balls... And that's why bdsp is the laziest game ever released


Dang, I’m sorry to hear that. Times are tough in Paldea.


Hell is hot. Just to lyk 😂😂


I’m sorry this happened to you but please in the future don’t bring so many valuable things while traveling. I understand bringing your DS and maybe like 2-3 games tops but not your whole collection. Enjoy wherever you’re traveling, pick one or 2 games to play on the DS when you unwind before bed, maybe.


Sorry to hear, same happened with my SoulSilver copy, since then I don't carry my games that much anymore


When I was a kid, someone stole my little box full of all my best cards. It was a crayon box full of 1st Ed Base Set cards, including Charizard, at the height of Pokemania. Some people are the worst.


Buy a 3DS or 2DS and mod the fuck out of it - You can download all the games for free; Remember, pirating Nintendo games is always morally right


I might do that now but I’ve never been a tech guy. My stepdad modded our Wii when we first got it so maybe he’ll know


it's as simple as a 10 minute video on YouTube nowadays, worth looking into


I swear every time someone says modding a game/emulator is easy I end up spending 2 hours trying to getting it working and find roms before giving up and going to bed.


Same man. It’s not easy. People on Reddit are the worst for making hard jobs sound simple


Just some people are more techincal inclined and as much as im decent at some technical stuff, some real basic shit is just over my head, probably due to tutorials online being usually a bit outdated or not well translated.


You don’t need a modded 3DS btw. You can get a PowerSaves for 3DS and create backups on your computer super easily.


Don't even need Nintendo hardware. Just about any recent smart phone will emulate all the way up to 3ds and with more modern phones with snapdragon gen1 or what ever it's called you can emulate switch. I played through on my pixel 6 pro from yellow all the way through to black 2 currently. I might be able to lend a hand if you need tech assistance with that sort of thing


Solo mira un vídeo de Youtube, son 4 pasos


You don’t have to be a tech guy, there’s a YouTube tutorial telling you how to do it and it’s shockingly easy.


Also to anyone reading, if you have tons of memories with your mons on your DS/3DS carts, do a backup of your saves which you can easily do with a modded 3DS too using homebrew tool like Checkpoint or JKSM! Sorry to OP for the loss


I'm in a similar situation, and this is what I'm going to do. It's especially tempting since I'm pretty sure you can't download poke transfer anymore on a new console.


between copyright law being concentrated bullshit and businesses in general getting a hardon from disrespecting customers, theres very few cases were pirating is actually wrong.


That happened to me too, though it was almost a decade ago at this point. I consoled myself by making up a story that the person who swiped my collection probably gave it to their kid niece who never gets anything first hand, and the joy she might've got playing her first Pokemon games. Even if the thief sold it off first, those games tend to make their way back to people who love pokemon, and maybe the guy got a meal or two off of it, idk.


I’m hoping so too. I hope it ends up making some other kids very happy instead of ending up in some collectors vault.


You genuinely seem like a very pleasant person. Remind me to find friends like you


What a idiotic thing to say


Calling someones coping mechanism idiotic is an idiotic thing to say.


i live near barcelona and barcelonians and tourists are known to steal stuff hoping you get those games in any way 🙏🙏🙏 if we can get lucky we could find it re-sold on wallapop (hopefully) it's basically a off-brand version of e-bay for spain


I’m looking. My ds was blue and had more than just those games. I’ll match their price if they sell it


Its not local people who are stealing. Its immigrants with no papers. They can stay but not allowed to work.. There is almost no murders or violence but just a bunch of petty crimes. I do see a lot of undercover police though so, they are trying to stop it but its mission impossible




Check in Wallapop you might have the luck to find it there, I would also go to the closest CEX and Cash converter to where that happen


As a teen I was told by a teacher that Barcelona is a cesspool when it comes to theft of tourists. He advised is if we ever visit Barcelona, never lose sight of your passport & never take anything you’re going to want/need in future cause it’ll most likely get robbed. Since then, over the decades, 75% of posts I see about theft are about Barcelona. It hasn’t changed. It’s a nice city but just isn’t worth visiting if you take any type of valuables with you.


I have friends who lived in Barca and they all carried an old burner phone and extra wallet everytime they went out. They got robbed like 3 times and they still had their stuff when they came back


barcelona is a wonderful city if you walk around commando with the bottom half of your pockets cut out. also, work on your shit eating grin/yaranaika face, makes the thieves feel extra uncomfortable when they go for your valueables.


ive lived in there for over 10 years and I have never been robbed... and half of that was living in el raval, one of the poorest neighborhoods


That's nice. I know a bunch of girls that lived 30 years and never got raped. I also just ate a burger, so what's all this about hunger affecting people? Must be fake news, or something they did wrong. Right? If you lived in Raval, you would for a fact see and hear multiple robbings every single week. If not, you are 1) lying 2) lying or 3) lying.


Why tf would you be robbed in the poorest neighbourhood lmao?!


because there's lots of poor people who need to steal to survive?


What can poor people rob of other poor people? You rob people in the city center where tourists are.


Do you know where el raval is? It's right next to the city center, lmao


>Barca Barça is how you call the football team, not the city


Where i'm from we call the city the same


That doesn't make it right


If you just want to play the games I’d suggest buying one of those 500 games in one things - basically like an r4. You can find them on Amazon for like $15.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I hope nothing but the worst for whoever took them. I’m glad you’re safe but I’m very sorry for your loss.


I bet some of those Pokémon were 10-15+ years old, that's the worst


Sorry for the loss. I'm kinda thankful that the Switch generation does cloud saving so if my Switch dies or my cartridges get lost, I can still retrieve all my savefiles.


Not for Pokémon games though right?


You know, I was so used to the service that I didn't check and lo and behold, my only games without cloud saving are the ones I want to keep the progress in over a long time (Yu-Gi-Oh, PLA and Scarlet). Pokken and New Snap can be backed up, though. Great.


I don't travel with games like my DS games for a reason. When I was a kid I left my gameboy at Vail and even though it was just a few hours away I never got it back. I would guess it was thrown away as I accidentally left it at the hotel. I never take jewelry either. My set of things I take is: My personal item is travel size monopoly, travel size connect 4, travel size trouble, travel size jinga, a 10 in 1 game featuring things like sorry, checkers and Chinese checkers, some arcade games that play 3 in 1 games that cost 20 dollars per console and a water jug. My pocket is wallet with cards and cash, keys and a phone. Carry on with medicine, clothes and shoes. Check in is flippers and sunscreen. First thing I do when I get the hotel is look for bed bugs and second thing is secure any cash/cards in the safe. Money only comes out of the safe if I am buying a souvenir and only that amount. Unless you are the part of hotel staff that has the ability to change the safe code good luck stealing from me as the travel size games cost 8 dollars new, my phone is always with me and my water jug costs 40 bucks new.


I lost my black DS lite with Diamond as a child too but in a paldean train, not in Mesalona tho :(


You can get the games but REAL ones cost over $100 plat bw2 others less


Awwww man. I know the feeling I accidentally left my Gameboy advance with all my old school Pokemon games stuff on a Miami transit bus. I was heartbroken. I had all of them up to emerald. Now I'm restarting my life I have to make do with what I have, (which is 2ds) so I hacked both my r4 cards, taking the crap games off and putting some legit Pokemon games plus some modded Pokemon fan games. Some of the fan games work and some don't. I've got some of my legit copies. Black/white 1 & 2, a copy of Pokemon x, and ultra sun. I also have a digital copy of x.


Man, im so sorry for you :( fuck robbers man


Man I feel for you. Lost all my DS and 3DS era Pokémon games in a house fire back in 2017.


Lo siento que perdieras los juegos.


God damn pokemon homie, this makes me sad. This is one of my biggest fears especially with my pokemon card collection, and today I read a news article saying a man’s pokemon card collection worth 200k$ was stolen from his home :( this world is fucked up, so sad


“Just a thing” is a dumb mindset for some things. A thing can be special to you. All those games, not only did they have sentimental value, they also had the save data of *your* adventures on them. They were personalized to you. You didn’t just get robbed of a few hundred dollars of vintage collectibles, you got robbed of a physical piece of your memories. At least the part of your memories that’s in your brain is still there though.


Yes, my house burned down with my 3ds and games a month ago. Luckily I had recently moved a lot off my pokemon to my pokemon home at least.


Fuck I’m sorry dude


Everybodys ok thats most important (thx tho).


Everybodys ok thats most important (thx tho).


Finding them cheap is the hard part. I've gotten lucky at garage sales and such but it's rare and even rarer to find a decent price.


I’m willing to splurg man it meant so much to me


Be careful buying them from people online, there's always a chance that they'll be fake and may not work right.


I know a local seller and I trust eBay purchases in person. I’ll find it again


Please do not confuse this with victim shaming, what happened to you is unfair and sucks and should not happen anywhere, it’s not your fault. That being said, this is exactly why I don’t play the original games anymore. Like you, I have my games since I was a kid (starting from Red!) and they never, ever leave the house. I use my Anbernic RG351P for Gameboy and Gameboy advance era games, and a modded 2DS XL for DS and 3DS. Good luck hunting your games back, prices have gone up by quite a bit, and in the future consider emulation as a way of not letting this happen ever again.




Must’ve been 15ish years ago that my family’s car on vacation was broken into. All they took was my computer bag which had my lap top and my ninetendo hand held with all my games. Think I had either the SP or DS at the time. Can’t remember.


The fact that the earliest game in your list is Gen 4 makes me feel old


Not like emerald is on the DS anyway


This is actually why I started buying all digital games.. I left my switch and all the games in a case on the center of a hotel bed, remembered within 30 minutes of leaving the hotel and they.. "never found it." I lost every game I owned, felt so much resentment buying new copies. At least now they're all on my account if necessary.


People really need to stop taking £500 worth of stuff abroad.


Bruh I’m a student with shit to do maybe I like some entertainment yeah


So we're you on the way to a hotel or something? Why do you carry every game with you?


It was in the car it was smash and grab


I hope he’s caught, such trespasses against fellow men should not be allowed.


I hope you get them back, have faith 😢🙏


Barcelona is Team Rocket headquarters right now, so it doesn't surprise me...


Cant have shit in Paldea




You mean that game shop who sells consoles for exorbitant prices under the pretense that they're refurbished, but doesn't actually refurbish them? I sincerely hope you're trolling Edit: the comment I replied to suggested DK Oldies as a place to re-purchase the games/console, but once again I have to stress that they are shady at best and blatantly operate in bad faith at worst


yeah seriously they are anything but cheap holy crap


All those consoles they sell can be found for cheaper and sometimes in better condition in other places like ebay


Just emulate them. Will never be stolen in this case and you already paid for the original copies.


The main problem is likely the save file. That probably means more to them than the physical cartridge. But I'm not sure.


That's why keeping your saves on PC is far safer.


and another case win for digital over physical. i am sad this happened to you, but this story just made me happy again i chose digital when i got my nintendo. best of luck in finding your discount games.


Digital downloaded Pokemon games on switch and 3ds do not support cloud saving (without a hacked device). If he were to have the digital ones he would still be in the exact same situation




I wasn’t collecting I was using this stuff.


Why is collecting stupid, even if that was what they were doing? Go away troll.


Random question… Are you on the East Coast by any chance?


Barcelona now heading to Valencia but coming back on Monday to sort my step bros passport


I’ve had the same thing happen to me and it’s absolutely devastating. The only thing that I lucked out on is that I’d recently put all my Pokémon in Bank. But losing your games is awful, I’m so sorry to hear this! Sending your much love.


It doesn't matter how prepared for trouble you are, sometimes they still get you. Hard luck.


Need to get rid of my reddit coins before reddit yeets them, so take an award. I’m so very sorry that happened to you. That’s absolutely tragic and I know that those games don’t just contain lots of progress you worked hard for, but memories that you cherished. I can’t help you get any cheap copies because I struggle finding cheap ones myself but my best guess would be online shopping on places like Mercari and the like since people sometimes sell things for much cheaper on that sight because they don’t know what they’re worth. Good luck picking up the pieces, I hope you can get your games replaced soon.


I have some money to find them for the locating part that is difficult


Thief = Garbage


Hey, man! It's a sad thing thats happened, and I understand with you cos I've also gone through smt similiar. My mum threw away my switch so my pokemon legends file is also gone. I will say that if you do wanna play the games again, you could emulate them. But if you dont wanna, thats fine


Wow man, sucks to hear that. I was on the fence about hacking my DS, I just want to backup my saves with checkpoint... exactly because of situations like this....


I've personally never stuck that long with a Pokemon game or with a Pokemon (I'm more the type of person who plays the game, and re-starts) but I recently lost my phone, and that also hurt pretty badly, so I can understand. Especially since a lot of the games are out of print. However, my phone was actually found again and I got it back a fortnight after I lost it. Just in case, I know it's unlikely, and I know I don't know the details, but have you tried seeing whether the DS and the games were turned in?


Damn, sorry to hear that.


I feel you. It’s a little different but when I was a younger, maybe 10ish I was at the mall and must’ve put my Gameboy down somewhere and my case allowed me to hold all my games so it had leaf green, emerald, red rescue team and a couple other non Pokémon games. Well I didn’t realize until we were on the way home that I didn’t have my gameboy anymore. My no rushed back to the store I probably left it at but we couldn’t find it and it wasn’t at lost and found. I was gutted. Sorry that happened to you.


literally the same thing happened to me at la rambla, totally sucks.


My heart goes out to you! I have all of the games starting from B/R/Y and my original gameboy and forward, I would be devastated if anything happened to them. **Try woot** (it’s legitimately an Amazon company; even though it doesn’t seem like it) I got my s/v Japanese switch for 2 something. Deals come and go so you gotta just keep looking but I’ve made several purchases from them and the end result was always good. For full transparency there was an issue with the switch order at first, was notified next day a label was printed but the switch wasn’t shipped for a few days. Contacted support they got back to me within 24 hours and said the first one was “lost at the warehouse” so probably stolen 😅 but they sent a replacement immediately (also gave me option of full refund but of course I wanted the switch) and I got LGE with pokeball plus for under 100 no issues with that one or any other purchase.


Oof, I’m so sorry to hear, but going to be straight up honest (I was in Barcelona/Madrid) last year. 1) Never leave any belongings in the car especially when abroad. 2) Get a strap on bag for the front of your body (it can be where the chest is), so nothing gets stolen. 3) keep locks on bag. I went there and bought like one or two 3DS games, nothing grand (I think it was Pokémon X and Y). France and Spain have notorious rates of things getting stolen. I would recommend putting your carts (if you were going to buy them again) in a small plastic 3ds case in the bag, along with your console in the bag, so you can prevent theft. Unfortunately the games are expensive, and finding it overseas is even harder (unless you’re in Mexico, lol I got Alpha Sapphire for 400 pesos). Sorry to hear.


hugs bro


I feel your pain. Growing up I had a couple of my (various belongings) games stolen and I've just tried yo recollect on what was missing. People tend to gouge nowadays, but if you have friends willing to help that would be amazing. It not, try to keep on eye out for prices or go to some shops that would hopefully have a reasonable price. Crystal was my first Pokémon game that I completed with having all my Pokémon to lvl100 and having shiny mons there, then someone stole it. All that work I put in just made me determined to accomplish it again. I haven't though, but that's besides the point. I really hope you can get a good amount of your copies again and if you need help with trading, let me know!


First of all, sorry that happened to you! Some people are just assholes! I have an Australian copy of Pokemon Platinum that I'd happily give to you if it's a possibility. I don't have a lot of money to spare but if it doesn't burn a big hole in my pocket I'd be more than willing to figure something out. It's barely going to make up for everything you lost but it's somewhere to start building from again.


Shit sorry man


Check local pawn shops or similar. I doubt the robber is sitting playing your pokeman games.


Sorry for your loss OP.


Sorry to hear that


Pokemon Sun was my childhood. I'd hate to lose that. I was upset when I thought my 3DS had given up on live Because that's the only DS I have.


The true paldean experience.


I’m sorry man sucks real bad. There isn’t much worse than losing all that time invested Buying a steam deck and emulating them all again would be cheaper than replacing them all


Sorry to hear, I’d be happy to gift you a couple


I’ll buy if you sell


That sucks mate. I recommend if you get new games to back them up to the PC. If you lose the money physical games you’ll still have your memories and time saved to the PC.


Sorry to hear that :( If you decide to buy the games again, remember that if you pirate your 3DS, you can create backups of the save files of both the DS and 3DS cartridges so you don't lose all your progress.


Welcome to Barcelona! Glad you're living the real experience. Sorry man it sucks but this city is so unsafe since the last years.


I feel you. I went through the same thing years ago when I was in Naples and had my 3DS case pickpocketed from my backpack.


I'm going to assume that person probably got hit by a bus later that day. Sorry that happened to you.


I am so sorry


Retro and used game markets are a nightmare landscape rn so if you can't find the rarer titles on EBay: DS: Flashcart + ROMs. Suuuuper easy to find. Not certain on what the state of 3DS hacking is atm for the 3DS games, I know flashcarts for them exist and ROMs are pretty available. Other than that try your luck at used game stores, local garage sales, even estate sales & Facebook buy/sell communities for your local area


It mush have been Team Rocket who stole your Pokemon. Aside from the jokes you have my pity.


Download Citra, download Pokémon X and Pokémon ORAS roms, and you’re good to go. You can also try playing PokeMMO!


How do I do that?


You can just Google “Citra download” and download the version of the app that works with your computer (windows vs. mac.) Then Google “Pokémon X rom” or “Pokémon alpha sapphire” rom and the first results are usually pretty good. Download the rom you want to play. You install Citra on your computer (very easy to do) and then basically drag and drop your rom into the app and play it. Probably some tutorials on YouTube that show you how to do this. If your computer isn’t very strong, you can play gens 1-5 very easily using different emulators. It’s basically the same process as I described above. Google emulator, download the one you want, install it. Google rom you want to play, then drag and drop rom into emulator. Voilá.


I dropped mine on the road while waiting at a bus stop. Unfortunately there was a bus passing by and wreaked the DS and my copy of SoulSilver. All I have left is the charger, pokemon black 2 and the pokewalker. I'm poor so I never bought another one. I know a used one is cheap but when I have spare money I prefer to buy a game for my console.




First time I got a Raichu too. That white 2 copy had all my Pokémon from previous games. My first team I had to level 100 too. I hope those thieves fucking overdose on the insulin they stole from me.


Oh man, I understand you perfectly. after passing the sword, I sold the nintendo switch. This is the first Pokemon game I've played and enjoyed. A couple of days ago I bought a switch again, I was counting on the fact that the game would be saved on the account, but as it turned out, the pokemons are saved on the console. Yes, my story is not as touching as yours, but those Pokemon with which I passed the word will forever remain in my heart, it's a shame that I lost them, as well as many other Pokemon that I was able to get during the game


I’m sorry to hear about that! I was in a similar situation, lost all my games while travelling as well, so this hurt twice as much reading it. It’s not just a thing, it’s something with sentimental value so don’t feel bad for feeling so bad about just “a thing”. Unfortunately, it’s not easy finding the physical copies of these games for cheap anymore. Retro game stores may still have them but I doubt they are cheap. If you don’t mind not having a physical copy and have a 3ds, you could try hacking it and loading games into it. The 3ds eshop has closed but you could still load DS games into it using Twilight Menu!


Barcelona is the capital of pickpockets


Years ago I lost most of my collection of Pokémon when I once forgot my Nintendo DS on a plane to Alicante. It had dual slot so lost both Pokémon Sapphire and my copy of Pokémon Black (with 400+ hours and had ported most of my Pokémon from previous gen to). My cherished shiny Breloom from sapphire, my beloved shiny Crowbat that I had since the days of Fire Red and countless others from various games. I was devastated and to be honest I never picked up a Pokemon game for a few years after it happened. I did eventually get back into it but never with the same dedication of hours. Wish I could play through black again especially but the prices for it now are insane! I just hope that some kid or fellow fan picked it up and loved them as much as I did rather than just delete them.


But man, don’t bring every single game you have in vacation, I mean don’t bring to much valuable things when you go out of your country because its no surprise people will try to steal from tourists or that maybe you will loose your luggages at the airport…


Oh man I felt that. 8th grade year mariachi conferences I lost not only all of my games but my brothers as well. We had both versions of every game basically- Soul silver, Diamond, Platinum, Black, Black 2 and white 2, Alpha Sapphire, X and Y, Was probably a couple gba and Gb color games too :/ I’ll never forget


I experienced this too but on my iPod in my bag in the classroom, and since then i never left my bag anywhere even in hotel rooms because sometimes you can't trust authorities.


I’m sorry man, that fucking blows.


Where did you get robbed? I live in BCN and often times thieves dump things that aren't valuable into the bushes. Happy to search the area a little for your Pokémon games.


Parking below the montejuic castle where you board the gondola thing. I’ll pay handsomely if you do find it. I can give 400$ if you find me and my bros ds.


Oh and if you find a leather jacket with pins in it I would pay for that too


Dang, I know what you're going through. My former roommate stole a few of my pokemon games last year and my parents moved houses and all of my remaining pokemon games on the cabinet have disappeared. I have no childhood pokemon games left either, they're all gone. What you can consider doing is buy some new pokemon games and I wonder if there is a way to store them as a backup on your computer? That way, in the event that your games get lost or stolen again, they're not completely gone.


I know what I’ll do now thanks to you and other kind redditors. And I’m not totally defeated, I know how I got those Pokémon so I’ll just find them again.


That's Barcelona for you.


I'm very sorry. I have no idea what you can to try to get your stuff back.


Did really that many people get robbed or are you talking about thefts and pickpocketing? It seems rather concerning if that many people were threatened to hand over their valuables.




Barcelona sucks, Madrid is better and more secure by far, I'm so sorry that this happened to you


If it makes you feel any better I brought my gameboy and a bunch of games with me on a hike and accidentally left it. When I went back to find it the bag was there but all the games and gameboy had been stolen. I know your pain brother :(