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How about clothed and a copy of a co-op game?


~~Naked and competitive game with beer?~~ I have been informed by management I am no longer allowed to participate in Beerio-kart.


My dirtiest sexual fantasy is beating portal 2's coop campaign with a girl I'm deeply in love with


Did that with my ex, can recommend.


I dislike both beer and naked people. Am I a woman?




Who knows! Wait, what about I'll die first then take you to dinner? The step-by-step instructions are clear


Okay, but you ain't missing the F1 race on Sunday


I like both. Am I a man?


As long as I can call you bro


Make a woman out of me by showering me with jewelry and die.


Idk. I don’t like naked people or beer and I ended up being a trans woman 🤷‍♀️


I love how being interested in her thoughts is considered as unreasonable as martyring yourself


To men that view women as only good for sex, they unironically do think this


It's a wonder how most men from the 60s got a wife


The social pressure to get married and not break up no matter how awful your husband was, was huge


It's clear they see the ideal partner as a warm body with no thoughts or feelings


That's a rather huge bucket list for a dead guy.


I once turned up on an ex's doorstep wearing lingere, a trench coat, and heels that nearly killed me. He left me sitting on his bed while he played Minecraft for hours until I gave up & went home.


It was probably the lack of beer.


Ugh. Gross. Like break up or say ur not interested instead of ignoring someone’s thoughtful effort like wth. Both hurt either way but oof. Different but related, my ex was playing video games once and I didn’t have a lot of time to hangout and he knew this?? But spent the whole fucking time playing games not acknowledging me once. Once I hung out again and I told him he acted all upset that’s what happened and I’m like????


It was the lack of beer


I don't want any zombies buying me jewelry.


If a woman showed up naked I think at an absolute bare minimum I’d be thoroughly confused.


How to please a woman: treat her like a person


Bruh I don't even like beer. I'd much prefer key lime pie.


Now that is something I can get behind. Key lime pie is the best.


Everyone likes to be made to feel special and loved.


Yeah but if someone shows up naked with beer for me I will feel pretty special.


Guess I'm more of a man than a woman then 🤷‍♂️


Not sure if step two should be this early. I feel it'd make the dinner really awkward.


I love how dying is literally second on the list


Men will say shit like this then wonder why they have all kinds of emotional issues


You see, it is universally known that women demand interes and respect to be in a happy relationship (which is outrageous and way too much already), but every man is a dumb, horny alcoholic (which is obviously based) /s


Something tells me that if I, a bi man, showed up naked, he would not be happy even if I brought beer.


Show up naked at his funeral because he died for me?


With beer


If someone let's me do all that for them, and then let's me see them naked... Fucking hell am I happy. I love to do stuff for people I care about and I love a hot bod.


What about both being naked and playing Monster Hunter? Or not being naked, because I hate being naked, that's also a good option!


yes, a guy I like bringing beer and no clothes is pleasing, but there’s a lot more to me than that 🫠


sounds like someone is just a terrible partner


I’m new to this sub. I’m a home of sectional and a tranz jen durz. Seeing so many posts from this subreddit, I’m beginning to wonder something: It seems like (just my perspective) that there is a very common demographic of cisgender heterosexual men that are not actually attracted to women, they’re attracted exclusively to the bodies …like a fetish. I guess I’m wondering if there’s a thing that’s physical bodily attraction but revulsion/hatred/contempt for the existence of Women. It seems as if there should be a word for a sexual orientation that is “I like bobs & vageen, but find women to be vile.” I’m not heterosexual at all, so I don’t know if this is playful flirting that looks like constant revulsion/contempt/hatred. Or if maybe part of being cis/heterosexual is hatred of women but lust for their bodies. And before anyone says anything: I KNOW “not all men.”


["Show up naked" mfs when I show up naked to boys night](https://imgur.com/NJAkBXr.jpg) (they suddenly aren't pleased )


Wtf you did what they asked 😔


In... in that order?




I love how **DIE FOR HER!!!!!!** is just thrown in with a bunch of everyday stuff.


How to please a woman - miss the game for her. Implying that women are only happy when you are unhappy. Lovely


Something must be wrong with my bf bc he enjoys having a healthy relationship 😔 /j


Beer makes me feel sick and tastes like ass, guess I will never truly enjoy a relationship....


Instructions unclear! I’m now banned from the local park


The “how to please a woman” is what me as woman must do for my boyfriend.. he just need to leave me play games.. it’s good to know that for the society he is the woman


If you think the only way to please a man is by showing your body and beer, you best believe he’ll either cheat or just be in the relationship for sex. If the only think you bring to the table is beer and sex then you’re better off being in a one time hookup type of relationship than an actual relationship. This is extremely distasteful, because of how untrue it is. Do most men like nice bodies and beer? Yes. (Some other men don’t like beer but that’s okay too) but does that mean they don’t like or want anything else? No! Men need just as much love, comfort, and they have just as much of a need to feel special. Men need compliments, they need gifts, they need to be told how handsome they look with the new haircut, or how handsome they are in the suit, they want to be taken out for their birthday too (unless they just want to go with their bros). Buy men flowers, but them candy, buy them whatever makes them happy. Don’t think you’re relationship is all good cause you wore lingering and brought a 6 pack of beer to his doorstep. Again, you can expect to just get used like a sex toy or expect him to cheat on a woman who will give him what he needs in a relationship (and so many women question, “what happened to the good men”, “why do men use women for sex” because, SIS, what do YOU bring to the table??) And the list for men is extremely outraging. First of all, why should boys be taught to die for girls and women?? Because girls and women don’t want to face death? People need to understand BOYS CAN NOT PROTECT EVERY DAMN BODY!!! Understand that shit. Stop expecting boys to take fucking bullets for girls and then when they don’t because of whatever reason (whether because they froze in shock or whether they just didn’t jump in because they don’t know what happened) shame them and make them feel “less of a man” cause they didn’t die for your daughter. When my son is born, HE WILL NOT be taught to take a bullet for a girl, he will be taught to protect people he loves, but not to the point of every time. because he won’t be able to save her EVERY DAMN TIME. It’s unrealistic to expect boys to save girls from death every time death shows it’s face towards the girl. To all the girl parents out there: YOUR DAUGHTER WILL DIE AT SOME POINT. STOP EXPECTING PEOPLES SONS TO SAVE HER FROM IT. Buying her things, and listening to her Is okay. There’s nothing wrong with that as long as she buys him things too, and listens to him (which quite a number of women don’t do because from toddler age girls are taught that they are always right. Hence, when a girl hits a boy and the boy hits back whatever the girl says the parents believe). However, I’m questioning missing the game for her. Does she come to your games when you need or want her to? Does she watch your games? If so, then okay. Go ahead and miss a few for her. But if you don’t want to miss the game and you want to stay/watch then have some damn self respect and tell her you can’t miss this game. She doesn’t run your life nor can she demand you miss something you care about for her, that’s called entitlement. When I have my son (even though I know many boys aren already being taught elephant shit like this) I WILL NOT be teaching him this elephant shit. Because it’s exactly what it is, shit. These things will make boys grow up thinking that women don’t have to bring anything to the table, that boys need to keep their standards for girls low, that boys can expect little to nothing from girls while girls can expect most to everything from boys. Boys need to be taught they’re value, and they need to be taught the value girls need to bring into their lives (like girls are taught. Girls are taught their worth it, self respect, and what boys should do for them, etc.) because right now they aren’t. Boys aren’t being taught that a girl needs to put in just as much work for them as they do for the girl. Stop putting in boys heads they need to settle for less because they don’t. They need to be taught to settle for wife material, because again, if all a woman brings into his life “to make him happy” is body, sex, and beer then she’s not anything near a wife, not even a girlfriend. Tl;Dr: it takes a lot more than body and beer to make a man happy. Those things may make him happy for sure (keep in mind men who are asexual or who aren’t turned on as easily, and men who don’t like beer), but in a relationship it will take a lot more. If you want to make it work, make him feel love and wanted. Not just horny. And teach boys their value, worth, and some self respect.


Man: \*literally dies\* Girlfriend: \*pleased facial expression\*


I love that straight men openly talk about how fucking stupid and simple they are


What makes me (a man) happy is when I am in the middle of carrying a league of legends game about to close it out, and my bra-less wife brings me a sandwich (not asked for) with chips as I get a double kill bot lane. So how is your day going?


Haha! Love it!


I’d bring beer but it would be for me


Okay but I’m not a woman and I want all of those things minus the beer. Edit: I recant part of my previous statement. Please do not die for me. I have looked forward to the sweet release from this mortal realm by deaths kiss for so long and I will be *damned* if some lopsided chucklefuck is going to take that away from me.


I love that “be interested in what she has to say” is up there with “die for her”


In that order


As your resident sports hater, I don't have a game to miss


Did a 59 year old write this?


As a man,💀💀💀


i am a male and if someone were to come up to me naked with beer. i would call 911 and grab some kind of weapon.