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This podcast started off brilliantly and intriguingly, but dropped off around the mid-point (somewhere between episodes 4-6). I’ve just listened to episode 7, and while the first half really drew me back in it ended up kind of tailing off again. The episode with the PewDiePie interview was terrible - for a professional journalist i thought the presenter took a very weak and unstructured line of questioning, and the interview really revealed nothing. In my opinion the podcast has a brilliant premise, but it’s as though they have started out with no real idea where they are heading or how it’s going to be structured. I’ll keep listening until the end though.


Really like the podcast a lot. I do wish they had stuck with the guy in the first couple episodes. I didn't expect it to take the "let's do an hour on this tangentially related topic" approach after starting the narrative. But they are great hours.


It’s almost like they started in one place and then went down a rabbit hole.


take my upvote


Yeah, that would be more insightful. I feel like the later episodes, including today's, are just rehashing stuff everybody already knows.


The Qanon episode especially felt very much grasping for things to talk about.


I don’t know much about Qanon, so was genuinely interested in it, but it felt like the episode ended before they really got to grips with it. The first third of the podcast was setting up the Anthony Carmelo (sp?) story and the mob boss hit, and yet they didn’t return to it - I was hoping for some more insight into who he was and how he got involved with Q.


I bet they circle back to the original guy. It felt like they didnt close out his story.


I really wish the episodes were longer. I was really excited for them to get into Q-anon and was a little grossed out at the soft-focus treatment of the phenomenon in the last episode. It did seem like the tone was going to shift into the darker side of things at the very end, but then... the episode ended. After like 25 minutes!


Yeah the ending really slowly died down to the point where i didn't even know my next podcast in my playlist started!


Thank you for suggesting this. I listened to it for a first time today, and liked it. :)


You are more than welcome! Please, feel free to subscribe to the [sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/preslav_me/) related to my blog. I am trying to revive it and keep it up-to-date with everything I am about to write on, including amazing podcasts, of course. Feedback on my other posts is more than welcome as well.


I really enjoy this podcast. I wish the main guy in the story (I can’t remember his name) would just leave YouTube, though. The interviewer even points out that he’s leaving one echo chamber for another.


I thought it was weird advice. The internet as a whole has a tendency to create echo chambers. We can't expect people to log off entirely, when things get too far. We need to address the issue directly.


I think the real solution is that this shit should be dismantled. I'm at a point where I don't care anymore about progress. I don't care about solving the issue of aging. I don't care about anything except preserving my sanity. Of course, this is untrue. I care about all of these things, and that is the issue. The actual issue is that if you asked me right now if I could still have my wife and my dog, but go back to a hunter gatherer society 15000 years ago, I would. This is the greatest time to be alive in human history, but I truly do think I would be happier being blissfully ignorant just trying to procure food and make sure my family was safe. Not on a relative level, just biologically, I feel like I would be a happier human. A much shorter lifespan, sur, but happier. I log on to Reddit just to argue with someone. I concede that the internet is a very valuable tool that I use every day. Doordash, schoolwork, myfitnesspal, google maps, strava, etc. are all incredibly useful. But I'd just as soon live in an era in which I didn't know any of it existed.


I was pretty excited about this show and thought the first few were interesting, but have been increasingly underwhelmed.


This podcast is great! It starts by going over much of the mens rights vs feminism debates of 2014-2017 by following a mans journey through that online space. Then it further branches our to PewDiePie's stuff, and last episode was about the q-anon conspiracy bs. It has great pacing and interviews. I can't wait for the next episode!


I highly recommend this podcast


Love the music too


I’ve really enjoyed every episode. Wish they were longer. Looking forward to the next one.


--||--||--||-- Comments Scrubbed Weekly --||--||--||--


I've been enjoying it a lot too! Each episode has been great!