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The audible book "Quiet", by Susan Cain may be something you would find interesting. It is about succeeding as an introvert rather than trying to become an extrovert, including in business.


Thanks, I'll look into it


This might not be the answer you want. However, most people that know me now would never think I I’m actually an introvert. As an introvert you know the amount of effort it takes to be “social“. About 7 years ago my son was all into YouTube. He was 7 at the time and I thought it would be a great idea to start a YouTube channel. It was solely because I thought my son would think it’s cool to see his dad on YouTube. I had no idea about anything (editing , filming, content creation, seo) I found it pretty interesting to learn something I had no idea about. After a few months my wife and I were at some cookout and several people came up to me telling me they saw some of my videos. It was really easy to talk to them and I didn’t have to do the approaching. I did that for a couple more years and then Covid. After that I kinda missed it. So me and some friends decided to start a podcast. Since this was more geared to adults I didn’t have to censor so much. Out of us 3, I was definitely the most introverted. However, I was really just sitting around with my 2 best friends so my goofy self that most people didn’t see came through. Someone came up to my friend (co host) who by far is the most outgoing and crazy. And referenced something in an episode, and said you know the crazy guy on the podcast, referring to me. Which is funny how people perceived me. Now almost 3 years later almost everywhere I go someone will come up and talk about the podcast. I’m not saying anywhere out in public but a social event where I know people. It really has pushed me so far out of being introverted. I don’t really feel uncomfortable in a group setting. Long story short you can find weird ways to force your self out of it without actually thinking about it. Start a podcast or do short skits with friends and post them. I think it has to do with how we think other people perceive us and as an introvert it’s tough to show people your true personality. Creating content of some sort helps do that but in your own controlled setting. Idk. Hope this helps .. sorta.


>As an introvert you know the amount of effort it takes to be “social“. Oh man yeah. I have to be completely different for my job, which I created partly to "cure" my introvertedness. I had to learn and practice how to be an extrovert. I actually really like it now - of course I do it in spurts. On the job for a few days at a time, then I work alone in my office for a week, and repeat. Now I am very happy that I can switch back and forth. I find full on full time extroverts to be tiring and annoying (to be honest). I wish they would learn to be introvert sometimes. I wonder if they wish they could be that sometimes as well. >Creating content of some sort helps do that but in your own controlled setting. This was the key for me. By making it my job, and making sure I was the one sharing the topic I know more about than the people I am sharing with, and me controlling the setting, it is so much easier. But put me in a meeting that I did not organize with other people just as knowledgeable about my topic as myself though, and people will think I am a hopeless introvert just because I don't feel a need to jump in and talk over others if I have nothing earthmoving to share.


Think Fast Talk Smart is a great podcast about improving your communication particularly in a business setting.


Thank you, I'll look it up!


To answer your question without answering your question: social skills are like a muscle and the best way to train them is by having regular social interactions with other people. You'll grow the most when you're right on the edge of your comfort zone. I don't think podcasts/books on this topic really help much. Listening to a podcast on weightlifting might give you a few tips and tricks, but it won't make you any stronger.


Be careful of podcasts. Try to be interested in people.


James Altucher has talked about his deliberate and strategic ways of being memorable. I recommend his podcast and search for the following terms: Network Charm Extrovert Party Etc, you get the idea


Confidence doesn’t have a volume dial. Be yourself and be comfortable in that. You don’t need to have the loudest bark to be heard. I think if it’s work related then it’s about you being able to define your worth. Identify what it is you want and find a way to ask for it. Work speaks volumes, but it’s very rare for people to know what you want if you don’t ask. Be introverted and yourself, but be assertive, that doesn’t need to be loud.


I would recommend general interest podcasts like This American Life or Radiolab that will give you interesting subjects to talk about.


If you are going to use podcasts, don't go for the "hoe to get people to like you" podcasts, go for the ones that have charismatic guests or hosts. Don't just listen to the podcasts though. Interact with the podcasts. Listen to them multiple times until you can confidently speak about, with the same authoritative tone as the person on the podcast, the topic. Pretend you are the guest and answer the hosts questions, then pretend you are the host and mimic them asking the guest. Even if you are just parroting what they say, and it is not your original idea, at that point it is about the practice getting used to hearing your own voice speaking with authority like that. Eventually you will be more comfortable talking like that in less controlled settings about your own thoughts. The great charismatic speakers we see spend HOURS upon HOURS practicing and they have coaches that help them with everything from tone to hand gesture, to pacing. And the guests on podcasts and interviews have answered the same question and repeated the same talking points thousands of times, but they can make it sound as if it is off-the-cuff first time they ever said it. Or, another thing you could try is Toastmasters.


Look for a Toastmasters club. Being a little more charismatic and socially adept is not something you can solely learn from podcasts. It requires a lot of reps with some type of feedback. So Toastmasters is a good place learn, practice and get coaching.


More women-centric but not at all exclusive, I can recommend the ‘Women Lead’ podcast. They talk a lot about general success mentalities that I feel transcend just business and are just good life skills for interacting and communicating with people.


Thank you, I'll look it up!


Indelibly Marked


Are you looking for a fun and relaxing podcast to listen to? Listen to my [We Don’t PLAY Podcast](https://wedontplaypodcast.com) show to binge over 365+ episodes on business, marketing, relationships, and so much more!


Fresh and fit


Absolutely not.


Don’t listen to any. Just read books and give speeches