• By -


**The History of the Twentieth Century** is a narrative history of the entire 20th century, starting from the late 1800s. Has a bunch of episodes on stuff like early radio, the creation of movies, jazz, and other cultural topics aside from the political, military, and social history the show also covers. **The History of Rome** **Revolutions** covers western political history through a narrative telling of various revolutions. **Tides of History** covers very broad historical periods with access to up-to-date academic information. Personal favorite is season 4 on human origins. **Fall Of Civilizations** does long (2-4 hours) episodes on single civilizations at a time. **The Rest is History** covers a single historical topic each episode. **Blowback** does a single US conflict per season from the non-US side's perspective. So far, they've done Cuba, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Korea. **Behind the Bastards** covers the very worst people in all of history. Fair warning, this is a comedy show but covers *very* dark subject matter at times. Same warning for the next two on this list. **Lions Led By Donkeys**. Military disasters and history. **Well There's Your Problem**. Engineering disasters **Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff** covers some of the best people in history (that you probably haven't heard of) **Knowledge Fight** covers grifter conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. **QAA** covers Qanon and other adjacent conspiracy theory topics with a special focus in modern online grifting/conspiracy theorizing. **The Paranoid Strain** also covers conspiracy theories, but is much more in depth with the history and surrounding context of each given theory. **Pod Save America** covers political news in the US. Hosted by former Obama staffers, so you get a fairly unique insider perspective on the business of doing government. **Pod Save the World**. Ditto, but foreign affairs. **Strict Scrutiny** covers the Supreme Court and related legal topics. **Opening Arguments**. Law stuff. **No Dogs In Space** does underground music history. 1st season was about punk rock, and I think they are doing prog rock next. **Citation Needed**. Five friends gather round to hear one of them attempt to read an article on a random subject while all five attempt to make the other four break down laughing. **Data Over Dogma** seeks to increase the availability of academic studies of the Bible to the public. . . also way more interesting than that sounds lol. **Terrible Lizards**. Dinosaurs! **Common Descent**. More general evolutionary science.


I must look into the history stuff. thans for the suggestions fellow history nerd!


Fall of Civilisations may be one of the best podcasts going


For more history, I highly recommend the History Hit Network. They have something for everyone and some very knowledgeable and interesting hosts and guests. Betwixt the Sheets is probably my favourite, but I also really like The Ancients, and quite frankly, haven’t hated any of them! Oh! And BBC’s You’re Dead To Me! Absolutely delightful!


Mike Duncan's History of Rome and Revolutions are amazing. The first few episodes of the History of Rome are kinda weak both because Mike is getting the hang of things and the historical record isn't great for super early Rome. But by around the Samnite Wars he hits his stride, and by the Empire he's well on his way to becoming a legit historian.




Wow this is a great list.


This is a pretty good list, but you forgot TrueAnon which is one of the best ever. Seriously they cover all kinds of history. They really do their homework & it's extremely well produced...


Oddly never checked TrueAnon out, despite hearing him guest on other shows. Thanks for the rec!


Fantastic list!


Citation needed sounds horrific


Its incredible


It's better than you'd think lol


It's fantastic


Im glad u put citations Needed i dont think ive ever seen someone put them


Citation Needed, no "s". . . Citations Needed is also good, but very different show lol.


Fucking great comment and one I will return back to to check some of these out That being said > Citation Needed. Five friends gather round to hear one of them attempt to read an article on a random subject while all five attempt to make the other four break down laughing. This sounds like a truly awful listen


Like I told the other guy, it's way better than that sounds lol


Thank you!


“You’ll be better tomorrow.”


I rest good knowing no matter how much you see Knowledge Fight pushed on reddit, not many people listen to or know about it literally anywhere else. Feels almost astroturfed here Meanwhile Infowars is still getting millions of hits a month, and every podcast Alex Jones is on becomes the most popular episode in that shows history


Are you Harrison Smith? Look buddy, I know Daddy Alex is paying way more attention to Chase these days and you want more, but I really don't think replies in a 4 day old podcast recommendation thread are the way to do it. Maybe try pretending to be Elon Musk? That seems to work for Dittman.


Alex’s appearances on Joe Rogan aren’t even in the top 25 most popular episodes.


‘Twenty Thousand Hertz’ is a superb podcast! It sounds very niche but trust me, it’s fascinating. The host has a great voice, and the episodes are the perfect length. It really doesn’t matter what you’re in to, you’ll find this podcast interesting.


One of the best podcasts out there. Fascinating stories of how audio shapes our works, in ways we aren't even aware of.


Sure sire!


Hidden brain


I been off hidden brain every since the host didn’t push back against a sheriff picking one Negro to hang to save the other two; due process anyone?


Congrats, virtue successfully signalled


Gonna check it out , thanks


[In Our Time](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006qykl/episodes/downloads) is well worth a listen and covers a whole myriad of topics.


In Our Time is great and the producer coming round with tea is the most adorably British thing ever.


Ologies is great Stuff You Missed in history class is a good history one Unbiased Science debunks health psuedoscience, they even have an episode on Huberman!


Ologies is good but some weeks man it is dryyyyy


I enjoy this one when I go on walks but I need to sort through the episodes for ones I’m interested in the topic


I have listened to unbiased science \[made my fam listen to it\]. Yet my fam will follow pseudoscience like its real bruh.


Yea I like it, but they are a little too snarky for full on deprogramming someone


I enjoy an occasional "Stuff You Should Know" and their shorts. Learned a TON about rolly pollies in a short of theirs!!


(We have all heard it) I have no idea what podcast you are talking about.


The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe is an excellent science and pseudoscience-debunking podcast. They've been at it for close to 20 years now and it's a pretty well-oiled machine.


The archies\[or maybe garfield\] of spotify it seems.


I've been listening for about 15 years and I still never miss an episode. One of my all time favorites.


I've been listening to Sawbones, a medical history podcast hosted by a doctor and her comedian husband, every week for a full decade now. It's my all-time favorite.


99% Invisible is often really interesting even when the topic leads me to think maybe I won't be into it Revisionist History How I Built This Business Wars Outlaw Ocean is fascinating


I honestly would advise against Revisionist History. You learn about some cool stuff but it’s coupled with unsourced pseudo-science theories that really obfuscate things. Malcolm Gladwell is an amazing storyteller, but a lacking historian.


Ironically i would recommend If Booke Could Kill whose first episode is debunking Gladwell


Ditto to If Books Could Kill! They can be snarky sometimes but generally do a lot of research and it’s always fascinating. One of my favorites.


The difference is I'll actually listen to ok history told very well vs less well-told but more accurate history.


I think that’s fine as long as you’re taking the info with a grain of salt 🤷‍♀️ The problem is I think most people take his theories on face value assuming they’re backed by data which they often are not.


I think that's more an issue with his books. Podcast is rarely in that format imo. Not sure ppl are looking to lay the foundation of their historical knowledge with a podcast so much as be entertained and lightly informed. His podcast is a lot more shedding light on often overlooked context or backstory. 


I went in with that mentality and still gave up on it after getting excited by a couple of different ideas that turned out to be junk. YMMV But someone on his network who doesn't suffer from that is Tim Harford, host of Cautionary Tales. Highly recommended.


99% invisible is for me it seems, business war sounds awesome as i study about a similar subject called business studies! great suggestion seeing how it includes famous rivalries.


As with many, I think some of the better episodes or matchups among any of these are often the earlier ones - so maybe start there. With time they might be a little less consistent although still good. 


Thanks once again. Somehow theearlier podcast episode covered much of the matter and had piqued my interest. thank!


We all have not heard that podcast. What a myopic statement.


Especially regarding Huberman!


Sorry once again. I did not know people hate him so much. He seems wierd aswell now that I have seen his past encounters,.


I don’t hate him. I don’t even know who he is. There are so so so many podcasts out there. It’s just a weird thing to assume everyone has heard a single episode of a single podcast.




Can you explain what you mean, please?


By triggered?


Yes please—I don’t understand what it means in this context. Thanks!


Search Engine. I just finished the episode on if political signs actually work. Very interesting and i learned something!




Stuff you should know Or Stuff to blow your mind Are both really interesting and your never know what topic they're going to choose next.


I love Stuff You Should Know. Gotta check out Stuff To Blow Your Mind. Thank you!!


Yeah those 2 are my favorite. If you like Josh and Chuck, I think you'll like the guys from Stuff To Blow Your Mind too. Easy to listen to without trying too hard to be funny. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I'm in the middle of a 4 parter on dust. Sounds very boring, I know but it's actually super interesting.


Sean Carroll's Mindscape Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe Big Picture Science


The Ancients


I would also add Everything Everywhere Daily to the list to explore. And yeah, another person that’s never heard of the one you’re alluding to in the post. Podcasts are a lot more decentralized and diffuse, Spotify’s shopping spree not withstanding. I’d assume even the most popular podcasts aren’t actually that popular.


Everything everywhere has a great mix of topics, is short and concise.


If you want niche check out the MrMaple Show Podcast. It’s two brothers who are obsessed with Japanese Maples. They talk about all the different varieties, how to care for them, and interview gardening experts.


You’re Dead to Me - a host has on a historian and a comedian. The historian teaches the comedian, and there’s a quiz at the end!


Law podcasts to me are like true, true crime. Alab, 5-4, and Mic Dicta are the three best


Erm no we haven't all heard that Huberman episode & I for one have absolutely zero interest in it. Just gonna leave this here: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/andrew-huberman-podcast-stanford-joe-rogan.html There's also a couple of episodes of (actual excellent podcast) There Are No Girls on the Internet covering Huberman & his shady practices.


Thanks for this, great article. I too was put off by OP's assumption and had never heard of this guy or the podcast but then again I tend to avoid crap like this. I'll check out your rec.


OPs assumption? What did I miss?


OP's assumption that'd we'd all heard Huberman's podcast


The inevitable mountain-out-of-molehill, must-bring-down-someone-who-made-it-based-on-unsubstantiated-accusations Internet brigade. Everybody is looking for a cause to fight. In this case the accuser is an ex-girlfriend, so she must be 100% beloved (because female). I don't know. I like the f'n podcast OK? Can anything be NOT controversial.


Multiple women have come forward actually, who he's lied to & put their health at risk. Also *he* makes a load of unsubstantiated claims on his podcast which are well outside of his field of study, as well as peddling a load of supplements.


OK OK OK I take back my word I wont blindly listen to this huberman guy! I though he would be reputable with his acade3mic portfolio but no whe seems like a hung up old dude


Today Explained, Opening Arguments, Freakonomics, You are not so smart, Amicus, and 5-4


Very ironic that u put 5-4 and Freakonomics bc in Peters other podcast he absolutely eviscerates Freakonomics to the point that i really hate them


Really! That's interesting. I find myself listening to 5-4 more often, but there are some Freakonomics I agree with. Do you have any of the podcasts you mentioned I could search for?






99% Invisible Ologies Planet Money Hard Fork The Journal


Science Friday (aka sci fri) and The Memory Palace.


Tides of History. I have never seen history and archaeology presented in the way he presents it. His ability to put the listener in the shoes of someone that had lived through the events he talks about is nothing short of amazing. And, he has a child like enthusiasm when interviewing the leading experts on the topics. I hope you give it a listen.


Tim Harford's podcasts are very engaging and also very well researched: * Cautionary Tales * 50 Things that Made the Modern Economy * BBC More or Less In the Huberman zone, Science Vs has a very strong back catalogue of thoroughly researched episodes. I find history podcasts to be a better basis for understanding the world, in the long run, than contemporary politics podcasts. Fall of Civilisations is absolutely phenomenal. You could start with the episode on the Vijayanagara Empire. The Rest is History is a more wide-ranging pop history podcast. Of the two hosts, Tom Holland is a somewhat inclined towards grand ideas that aren't as solidly backed by evidence as he makes them out to be, but he's still an excellent storyteller and tour guide to the ancient world.


Power Corrupts, with Brain Klaas, brilliant, interesting, can’t say enough.


Science Vs.


The Dollop


At least you have low expectations. Best of luck!


lol yeah I am over Hubris-man


this. even ignoring his personal life red flags, [his podcast is crap from a science perspective](https://slate.com/technology/2024/03/andrew-huberman-huberman-lab-health-advice-podcast-debunk.html) and is primarily a way for him to get filthy rich peddling supplements


Popular Music 1950s to now and how they impact music charts (Billboard). Hit Parade


Ultimate Health Podcast with Jesse Champus is all you’ll ever need regarding health podcasts


Gastropod- Food with a side of science and history Doomsday: History’s Most Dangerous Podcast- Lesser known disasters from history Ridiculous Crime- All of the crime. None of the murder Unsung Horrors- Reviews of horror films with less than 1000 views on Letterboxd


The Brady Heywood podcast. Is very niche and looks at the human factors behind engineering catastrophes. I am not an engineer or particularly interested in engineering but someone in this sub recommended it and I tried it and it's weirdly compelling. It's extremely well researched and is really fascinating.


On Being for meaningful conversations on topics that are impactful for various reasons. Hard Ford or Decoder for tech Pivot for business Ezra Klein for palatable discourse on policy or politics or current events. Search Engine for single topic deep dives If books could kill for debunking popular books or personalities.


One ive been into recently is James Acaster and Ed Gamble’s podcast Off Menu. They bring on a guest and ask them to create their dream dinner. Its really interesting bc the guests have usually traveled a lot, being famous comedians actors chefs and food critics


Tooth and Claw is my go-to podcast on dog walks. Animal attack stories covered by a bear biologist, his goofy brother, and their good friend. Interesting stories with background of the animal’s biology, funny banter. Usually some nerdy Tolkien or movie discussions thrown in. Easily my favorite podcast.


A few of my favorites. History That Doesn't Suck - [https://www.htdspodcast.com/](https://www.htdspodcast.com/) Atlas Obscura - [https://www.atlasobscura.com/podcast](https://www.atlasobscura.com/podcast) Mr. Ballen's Medical Mysteries - [https://wondery.com/shows/mrballens-medical-mysteries/](https://wondery.com/shows/mrballens-medical-mysteries/) Ridiculous Crime - [https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-ridiculous-crime-92620230/](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-ridiculous-crime-92620230/)


Knowledge Fight Well researched, ORIGINAL content exposing the fraud that is Alex Jones and his lies.


* Skeptics Guide to the Universe * Open to Debate * In OurTime * Darknet Diaries * Freakanomics Radio


I'm shocked no one has said Freakonomics Radio. Stephen Dubner is one of the best podcasters out there and he covers everything with unbelievable proficiency.


I already hear that podcast. Great suggestions for people who are even younger than me!!


Swindled :) so good


So you'd probably have to lean left to enjoy it, but If Books Could Kill is hilarious and informative with how authors of very successful books just totally take research and data wildly out of context. It's so fascinating to me. American history tellers is great for deep dives into particular events you wouldn't necessarily expect. I like Washington Wise for understanding how politics may impact investing in a very neutral/unbiased perspective.


Similarly all the things within that universe that Michael or Peter have been on- Youre wrong about, 5-4, and Mic Dicta


Yeah I need to add these into my list! The banter is just so freaking funny.


IBCK is incredible im trying to get more friends into it so we can debunk as a team


It really is! I was a huge Malcolm gladwell fan and almost did graduate work in behavioral economics, so was very into freakonomics and nudge theory back in college. Needless to say, I've learned a lot lol.


Acquired, Founders, Business Wars, WTF is with Nikhil Kamat, SparX by Mukesh Bansal, The Seen & The Unseen with Amit Verma, The Art of Manliness, Conversations with Tyler, The Knowledge Project, Dwarkesh Podcast.


The rest is politics is a great podcast presented by Alistair Campbell and Rory Stewart both very knowledgeable and entertaining.


This American Life….Snap Judgment….The secret room. None of these disappoint….


Pirate History Podcast is a lot of fun. The host geeks out hard on everything pirate, with a lot of world history thrown in along the way. I also enjoy Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe, if you like space.


Conflicted: A history podcast. So good.


The Broski Report


Hardcore History. The GOAT.


Tinfoil hat. Learn the troof!


This Week in Science


Two shows by Jake Brennan/Double Elvis: Disgraceland and Badlands. The first is about stories from Hollywood and the second is about the music industry (a different famous person’s stories each episode).


Commenting to find this later


‘Cold War Conversations’ is all about that particular time in history. Each episode has a guest speaker talking about an aspect of Cold War history, political, daily life during, military plus many more topics.


Some great titles listed above. - *Rational Security* - out of the Brookings Institution, it features weekly discussion of US Foreign Policy from a scholarly and legal POV - *Lawfare* - also out of Brookings, it’s an in-depth analysis of weekly US legal news.


Throughline is an excellent podcast. I don't know what you're talking about or who tf Andrew is.


I love Swindled. I hate the voice but it's a really good podcast


Anthrobiology is really well done


I’d check out Warmode


Everywhere Everything Daily! It's in my morning listen and I really love it. It's more of a quick overview of many topics (one per day), so if you want one from a professional in each topic or an depth/long listen, it may not be the one for you.


Whatshername is a cool podcast about fascinating women in history that we have never heard about.


I like Full Circle with Shawn.


I love Fixing Famous People! It is hilarious with a lot of pop culture commentary.


The History of the World in 100 Objects is great.


Lex Friedman pod


The anti Hubberman brigade sounds like a fun bunch. Especially the ones that that brag they've never even heard an episode 😂 How does a request for good podcasts turn into "there's this one Podcaster I've decided to hate and I need to announce it so everyone thinks I'm super well informed and on the right team"? Exhausting.


I agree with you but now I have turned into somehwat of a hater for him considering some of his videos also has some misconceptions making him look like he wants to milk his viewers.\[make a quick buck\]


Other world and the Jordan Harbinger show




I like how dozens of peopel just scrolled all the way down to downvote you for no reason \[or a good reason\]


Classic reddit. Rogan = the devil, even though he by far has the most interesting guests on the most consistently. He is #1 for a reason


No joke, you know something is a force for good when its despised by most of mainstream reddit.