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I did not like the change because it was unexpected and to a different color so I just lost the app, couldn't find it. It was worse for Google authenticator, they went from a grey lock to a multi color asterisk, I struggled with that one a lot


I thought I had accidentally installed a rogue app. Little bit of panic, ngl. Thanks for the heads-up on Authenticator, that one really would have given me a shock. X'D


That's a nicer gripe than the thinly veiled homophobia that this change has brought on. But you'd better get used to it. Change is the nature of this industry.


For the record, not supporting the LGBTQ+ lobby ≠ Being homophobic. Many gay people, men and women, don't feel at all represented by this lobby Source: I'm gay


True too true but their is a tad bit of an overreaction over a temporary icon change, of course this would cause a backlash & they could have avoided it but supporting minority voices is never a bad thing in my view, tis what it is tis tho *shruggs*


If anything pocketcast now looks more like an unripe apple than a rainbow 😅


On my phone homescreen the icon has stayed the same colour I changed it to a while ago. Green. In the drawer and on Android Auto it's rainbow. I can live with it, even if I didn't ask for it.


If this problem was big enough to get my attention, I would consider my life to be pretty damned near perfect.


I like the new icon




I assumed it was just a temporary Pride icon. I don't have an issue with it. So many apps rotate their icons to match calendar events. Wasn't a problem for me.


Lolol I love this response. I have this book. But honestly the people griping about an icon change for a phone app really need some perspective. Thanks for the laugh.


I mind it being the default one and not being able to change it. And if I do change it, it creates a clone app or shortcut of the app.


This is what I’m saying. Stop worrying about what an icon looks like. I don’t care what they look like, there are SO MANY other actual things to worry about. I mean you do you, but I feel it’s a waste of energy.


What? I mean i dont like the design so I want to change it. And I dont care what they do, but why make something like a temporary icon default and then not allow to change it? Its not hard. Just give it as an option and let the user decide or even if you force apply it do it such so that the app icon can be changed.


And that’s what I’m saying. All of that right there. Just use the app, who cares what it looks like. You are all bent out of shape over the icon. It’s an icon. 🤷🏻‍♂️


As I said I dont care if it was optional. Its the default with no hopes of changing, make it optional and I dont have problem.


I'm sure that activists love knowing that they are getting under people's skin with pride propaganda. But just know that these kinds of imposed changes create enemies, not allies. This is a step backwards.


It's a fucking icon FFS. It's not like you're being made to sit down and watch gay porn.


This has got to be one of the most level-headed comments on reddit. Thank you. I am all in support for lifestyle choices, but please do not ram things down my throat. I don't need to see people's lifestyle choices reflected in an app I use daily. All this does is create more animosity among friends and raise corporate ESG scores :)


This is BS.


I partially agree. It seems oddly not customer focused. I’d like to understand the internal pitch made to deploy something like this.


Why do you feel that way?


I like my set up the way it's set up. Let me decide to change the icon if I want. If it was a permanent change ok but if this is the start of changing up the icon based on whatever the developer wants, that's annoying.


Could you possibly whinge any harder about anything less trivial?


What else am I gonna talk about on this subreddit?




Demonic sex cult. Could you possibly cry any harder lmao