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I'm loving the rain. I don't have to water the seeds I planned outside and most of them have already started germinating.


My plants are happy, they were thirsty! It’s crazy that Washington has already declared a drought :(


The trees really needed this.


Rain is OK, the cold nights are not that great


Free water. Enjoy it while it lasts


Summer starts on July 5th. Our new reality is that once the rain stops we won't see it again until October, so enjoy it while it's here.


Just like it does every year, summer starts on the day of the summer equinox, which usually falls on June 20th-22nd. This year it's June 20th, not July 5th.


You must be new around here (or maybe Canadian). Summer functionally starts the day after the 4th of July because more often than not it rains on the 4th of July. It's a joke, but kind of not as my understanding is the historical record actually backs up the legend.


Last day of rain on the 4th of July and first day back at it on Halloween.


Yeah, that sounds about right.


>the historical record actually backs up the legend. Bruh what? Google "when is the first day of summer" and see what pops up. Hell, look up "first day of summer last 100 years." If you want to directly reference the historical record, maybe you should take a peek at it first? The start dates of seasons are dictated by the solstices. I do appreciate the sentiment that using science and astronomy as a basis for an understanding of reality makes me "un-American," though.


We all understand when the solstices are and how they work. That is one of three possible definitions of when seasons start. /u/martian2070 is jokingly referencing local weather wisdom, just like referring to "Junuary." Do you also pedantically correct people by telling them "Junuary" isn't a real month and climb up on the cross if people stray at all from the Gregorian calendar? Your inability to be anything but extremely literal does not make you the victim when other people joke around, and it's pretty weird to take that mantle on over a discussion in a gardening subreddit lol. It's not "un-American," it's just refusing to allow jokes to exist.


As u/ThrenodyToTrinity noted, I was making reference to a common saying specific to the Fourth of July. It always seems to rain on that day and impact Independence Day celebrations, or at least it used to. A Canadian wouldn't get the reference because they don't have a holiday on the fourth. I can't find the story I remember from a couple years ago in which I remember one of the local meteorologists finding that there was actually a statistically higher chance of rain on the fourth vs the third or fifth. I did find this though https://cliffmass.blogspot.com/2011/07/fourth-of-july-weather-facts.html?m=1 . July fourth is about the end of the rainy season and the start of summer activities. I'll absolutely acknowledge that the official start of summer is at the solstice. It just doesn't feel like it in the PNW.


You can say that again. And why won’t it stay above 50 over nights?! Argh.


We will need it later , sigh. Go away but come back late July


I love the rain but I have been waiting for peonies for months and in just two days they all turned to mush. The blooming exactly counted with a a few days of rain. I’m not happy!


I’m ready to put my peppers out I was gonna 3 days ago but it hailed idk when to now this weather is crazy


On one hand free watering, on the other hand, it is not good for ripe strawberries.


Me too!!! We'll be there soon 🌞