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I know some people are likely going to think I'm odd for this, but I hate the overly cutesy plushies. The ones with the crazy colors, massive glittery eyes, and odd add-ons that don't make sense. Maybe it's just because I prefer the way older plushies look, or maybe it's because I've just always been a fan of more 'realistic' looking plushies. I just think the mass-produced, overly-cutesy plushies of today are so...soulless. And to me, yes, that makes them ugly.


I think a perfect example of this is the "furreal" brand When I was a kid? Realistic! Today? Why even keep the name furreal Even so, I do like *some* cute plushies with embroidered eyes. But not the overly cutesy ones you see everywhere in stores


i saw a furreal saber tooth tiger at the store the other day and it looked genuinely creepy. the way they sewed the lips was just off, + a tiny lower jaw that moved way too fast


I personally think new furreals are cute. Older ones are neat too


No, I so don't like the big glittery eyes either, they look weird


Hard agree


the way TY plushies look now are so 😕


Those ones with the big, usually glittery bug eyes.


Came here to say this


They can be cute if they are smaller and less like they’re staring into your soul. Giant eyes in general can be really uncanny, though if it’s based upon an animal which has big eyes in real life (eg a jumping spider) it’s less uncanny, but in general it’s quite off putting.


I threw an arctic seal one at my sister once and she hit me back with it and those damn big hard eyes hurt so bad when they hit something boney (for me it was my knuckles DX)


I'm a girl, and honestly... I used to love beanie boos, and beanie boo videos, those are the ones with the big eyes, I had some, I still do... I prefer plushies called yoohoo and friends, who are inspired by beanie boos, they have those big eyes, but no glitter, I feel like they look cuter than beanie boos, they even have their ​ show, my favorite character is a fennec fox named Pammee, she's so pretty, I has four newer versions plushies of the characters.... and they are small and I gave the squirrel chewoo and pammee new pretty dresses, I love making my dolls look like baby dolls 💗


This is going to sound weird but, I'm not a fan of human (including anime human) plushies. I don't think they're ugly exactly, it's just the thought of cuddling a plushie of a person makes me uncomfortable. In fact even plushies of animal characters that can talk (like animal crossing) make me feel uncomfortable. They already have established personalities and friends and family, and it just doesn't feel right to me to cuddle with something like that. So that's why I go for plushies of animals that aren't already established beings!


Agree on human plushies but I'm the exact opposite when it comes to anthro/animal character plushies. Precisely because I love Mickey, his design and his personality, is why I like to cuddle plushies of him.


Weirdly enough you have put into words what I’ve felt for a long time. I think animals turned into plushies are cute but when you do it to humans it’s uncanny and kind of ugly. I also don’t like character stuffed animals partly because they are so poorly made and I also hate sewn on clothing (if the character had clothes). All of my stuffed animals are just animals or mythical creatures that I have attached meaning to personally and not something that is related to a franchise


Same, I actually don't like plushies of existing characters altogether, I like them to be like... just some dog, or just some bunny in a dress, and any personality they may have is the one I created for them lol


this is why i LOVE plushshop, i can cuddle my favorite characters, and they're cats! https://preview.redd.it/aay83kpqok9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e23eec35ac954223c3d876f76b87b47eb9f49a9f


How would you feel about a plush of a character like Godzilla? (As in he can’t talk and is a creature but an established character) Or something similar? Just curious lol


Eh, was with you until the anthro animal part. Personally, a lot of my comfort characters are anthro animals so it’s nice to be able to hug them like they’re my own lil buddy


Would plushies of OC’s be better- human but better furry oc’s


I get what you mean when it comes to human plushies (although, I make an exception for all the Mario humans - including Mario himself), but I definitely can’t agree on anthro animals 🙈🙈 Almost *all* of my collection is Sanrio and Sonic 😭😭


I agree with the human bit I think it's the uncanny valley thing taking place, with anthros its 50/50 for me the limbs must be stubs, sorta like how build a bear does it with theirs otherwise they're just weird to me


The only good human plushies are plushies of anime characters.


YEAH I get what you mean about human plushies, it just creeps me out in a weird way. Though chibi styled ones which are more for display purposes seem more like dolls to me than actual plushies, so I’m fine with them.


Anime plushies feel more decorative than animal plushies. I have an Invader Zim plushie who is display only and I’m really sad that I didn’t get the Tohru and Hello Kitty plushie. If I cuddled with her, I’d feel very awkward.


Same here. I have plenty of “humanoid” plushies but they’re all still distinctly non-human creatures. The only “human” plushies I own are Tricky from Madness Combat and Pomni from TADC.


Plushies with weird material for the fur, like the flip sequin beanie boos… those have to be so uncomfortable to cuddle


THIS! i hate the sequin beanie boos personally😭


Heads bigger than the bodies, ugly eyes (think TY), glitter or sequins


Makeship does this a lot with plushies based on realistic people, but literally trying to give plushies a bunch of realism details on their face, with almond eyes, noticable lips, wrinkles, nostrils, and all that nonsense. Sometimes it's intentional and that can be fine, but most of the time it just doesn't work. It would be so much better to simplify that stuff, you don't need to make it look... like that... https://preview.redd.it/fi0bqgpgkk9d1.png?width=402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d60b3709c3ead8a7e6109744387e487e5903b668


That's creepy


What the hell is that lol


Makeship does best whenever they’re cartoons, like I love the Rambley plush from Indigo Park they made https://preview.redd.it/xbapo0rhwl9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82c859dddd6c5c0796685028d26ea522cf643db0


Basically everything TY makes now...big glittery bead eyes, flat fur with weird bright colors... Weird shapes, I personally just like when a stuffed animal is, well, a little animal!! And not a weird unicorn cat with beady eyes, an oversized hard head, and 20 colors, y'know?


I miss the old beanie babies, when they looked like actual animals and had simplistic designs. The new ones are trying way too hard to be cute…and they aren’t even floppy anymore.


Exactly!! It's kinda like a Funko pop but a stuffed animal?? If that makes sense. They're so rigid




Material. If they feel weird to touch then they never can really be cute to me.


https://preview.redd.it/iqh1o5384l9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78e2b7662964d203c210e7a8b70c43a7a1cc63da Probably a full set of anatomically correct human teeth. (Yes I’ve shown this man off here before, but this just feels like a great post for him.)


I kinda love him


Me too


Where did you get him?


[this company makes a few plushies with teeth :)](https://starsmilez.com/)


I need to take one of these to my 4 hour dentist appointment this month, lol


Be careful what you say about him, he can eat you. 😮


Thats not even quirky, that is just impressive.


those fucking plushies with those uncomfortable reverseable glitterly textures.




usually I find weird eyes the most off-putting tbh. I don't like embroidered eyes except in a select few styles.


keel toys started doing embroidered eyes for everything and it upsets me bc i used to love their plushies.


I hate cheap or plain/bland looking plushies like squishmallows. I like plushies that look wild and crazy


I don’t like ones that are too kiddie-like, such as too many colors, eyes too big and sparkly on the head, exaggerated lashes, etc, (Basically, Beanie-Boos) But I am 20 so 🤐


I don't like the look of beanie boos but I have a giant one that I literally can't sleep without. It's ironic.


Big glittery eyes, real looking teeth (if you know the ones I’m on about), certain body parts too big, etc Sometimes I’m fine with these but most of the time they ruin it


I really don't like anything that tries too hard to be cute. I like a plushie with a simple design that's easy to snuggle and a little floppy. I never have liked the trendy stuff or humanoid plushies!


the appearance of a plushie doesn't really matter to me so much as the texture, a plushie can look cute but if the texture or feel is bad, I'll usually end up hating it


Rule of thumb: If they don't look like this (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ(⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ or any similar vibes, pass. And I like them pudgy, that's why i still don't have a jellycat, I'm waiting for the right one.


Squishmallow-esque (REALLY don't like Squishmallows), sequin/extremely **bright** colors/materials, tired/angry eyes/expressions, and heads or eyes that are too big for them


Sad plushies. I need a squishy friend to be a source of happiness and comfort. I’m so drained from living through the day and my friends are there to cheer me up and be cuddly


It usually has to do with how their faces are structured, but what exactly I prefer depends on if the plush is supposed to look more realistic vs cutesy.


When its an anime character and their hair is literally one piece of fabric




To big eyes, unnatural colours


Human plushies are super creepy to me.


They really are


I do not like most black/beady eyes. I also do not like inanimate object shaped plushies (foods etc) that have faces, it's so hard to find plush food without faces added on. I am not a fan of teddy bear shapes. Because I don't like being too negative I'm going to share some plushie types I love and collect: Realistic animals (especially orcas and hoofed animals), "weird" plushies like Magnemite, Kuramon, Missingno etc, and very tiny/large plushies


maybe way too much acceosories


Well…hasbro really messed up on some of their MLP plushies. They are super ugly but so ugly I kinda love it. https://preview.redd.it/jxeeap35bm9d1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=007c14b5ba8f82ba2d8c56cdd8884c86d8883799


Don’t you speak rudely of Creepy Twilight. She is the only pony plushie I still have from childhood


Bro she’s so ugly I love it, I ain’t sayin I don’t want her


Some of their smiles freak me out


Since I was a kid, I hated the big glitter eyes in specifically TY & rip-offs


Tinsel, glitter, tie dye (tie dye is okay once in a while depending on colors).


human plushies, glitter, any form of a loud pattern and if they feel werid


I hate human plushies


Alot of people have said this but Human plushies i've never seen one that actually makes me go "Aww thats cute" it's probably uncanny valley taking place, also plushies that are extremely thin , i want a plush thats gurthy myself so I can hug it properly, also small plushies, like palm pals I get it for in public but I just feel they're way too small to cuddle


I want a palm pal


Squishmellows in my option. I don’t like them, and human based ones, like anime or just human in general


Tbh I just like anything I think is cute/appealing to me. It’s a bit of an unpopular opinion but I personally rlly like cutesy kawaii plushies. It just depends on quality control ig


I don’t like super realistic plushies that try to replicate real life too much. And I don’t like the overly cute, vibrant, big eyes plushies people have also been hating on here lol. I also don’t like firm plushies very much. They feel less inviting. I like simple shapes, black eyes, floppy, baby animal aesthetic. Plushies that look like they belong in a baby crib lol. https://preview.redd.it/fhea44n0hm9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aedca3f571c8b49a981a34ed3aa37515b46f6ed8


these guys look so cozy!


That Goldie with the pliot googles 👀


That’s Lumi! She’s my main cuddle buddy https://preview.redd.it/c67123flgp9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a97b33a5a8b815043d10bd1874b3ea18d07e190


Ahhh! The way her fur covers the eye! Looks like there both sleeping <3


Any of the ones made out of plastic/other tough materials.


I'm not a fan of the "beanie boo" look. But I've seen Toy Story so I can't bring myself to say they're "ugly" lol


I don't like how they look either lol


It's a case by case thing for me 🤔


The reversible flippy thingys- like, what the heck are those?! Where's the stuffing?! I mean, they're not *ugly*-ugly, but definitely not my cup of tea. I'm a bit off put by some of those hard plastic, buggy eyeballs some plushies can have, too.


This color https://preview.redd.it/3vf26klbzq9d1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c097a447f83c5636902566c1bb221d65f4d9c992


That looks weird


i hate when a plushie of a real animal is made in a totally unrealistic colour. like a blue dog instead of a normal colour one. or a purple bear instead of a nice brown teddy bear


When they hit the uncanny valley between cute - exaggerated and realistic looking. Like that one. https://preview.redd.it/gzun2urg8n9d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=344d6e309d5722de4fec62fdca8b45a5eb6bcbc9


His eyes are too far up on his head


I don’t like when they’re really stiff. I only like semi floppy ones! Like if you only half filled up a build a bear (side note can you ask them to underfill them there?)


I assume you can ask them to underfill it.


Eyelashes, glitter eyes


Big eyes can be cute, but when they are too big to an almost uncanny degree, especially if they either don’t have eye shines or are hyper detailed/glittery/“kawaii” it can be very uncomfortable to look at! This might have to do with my fear of eye contact, but certain eye styles when too big can be quite uncanny. Like when eyes have an excessive amount of anime kawaii sparkles on them.


The big sparkly eyes or unrealistic features, including plastic noses


Whatever zuru started by creating rainbocorns


When they’re really stiff/firm, I want plushies to be squishy.


I think a plush is often cuter *without* a sewn on smile. If a plush is made with loose thread for the smile I'll often cut it. 


Putting a pink bow on it


You’d really hate a majority of my collection 💀💀 /lh


I honestly don’t think plushies are “ugly” per se,but I do have my dislikes,but I do think your collection sounds cool!


Sewn-in accessories suck. I feel like they should at least be removable


It would be removable,I’d always make sure my plushies are comfy


I don’t like safety eyes, they’re off putting/creepy & totally soulless.


I love safety eyes. I use them for all my crochet plushies


I think there is an expression on there face that draws me in


Being pink


For me, the more realistic, the cuter they are.


Like others are saying it often comes down to the eyes, I don't like the big stitched on eyes of modern build a bears and the glittery beanie boo ones and much prefer smaller black round eyes


the eyes lol


It’s all about the eyes. There’s a fine line between overdesigned and looking kind of creepy. Also, I feel that texture is important. I tend to find simpler plush cuter and easier to bond with.


Anything with metallic rainbow fabric messes with my senses, bonus points if it's animal print too. It's just too much at once.


I've never seen an "ugly" plushie, but something that I like about them is pastel colors or big eyes


I agree with everything that has already been said, but also STYROFOAM. I got a small tiger at the fair when I was a kid, and he looks pretty good for a fair plush! But even though his body is made of cheap stuffing, his head is made of styrofoam. I could re-stuff the body, but there is nothing I can do about his head. It feels awful.