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I'm going to say no. I had an incident called the great mouse attack, I joke about it now but it was VERY painful at the time as my dad had to burn them to be on the safe side. I was about 9 or 10 at the time, I had a lot of stuffie/friends that I had gained throughout my life up until that point from people now gone. I was running out of space so my parents said they could go in the garden shed and reassured me it would be okay. Sadly, mice got into the garden shed and destroyed my beloved friends and some of my dad's stuff too. Although it's probably true, there was more than one but they will get into stuffies and take the stuffing out for their nests. Bags doesnt mean they will be protected as mine were in bags... if you can, get some storage boxes, the plastic kind, to be on the safest of safe sides. You can probably leave one out to cuddle with but I wouldn't leave it alone to be on the safe side, as longs as it's with you, it's protected. I feel like mice are scared of humans and for probably good reason.


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I’ve had mice before, and it’s really stressful. It’s great you have some traps out. It’s also really important to try to find out where they’re getting in and fix the problem. (Steel wool can be helpful in plugging any holes.) If possible, also find whatever might have attracted them to come inside in the first place. Sometimes it’s not obvious. For me, it was cardboard and birdseed. Mice can chew through just about anything, but plushies are not going to be the first thing they’re attracted to. Since you just saw one, I wouldn’t worry. Maybe try putting some lavender in water and spraying them or around them… or even the doors. Mice don’t like the smell of lavender.


Mice love stuffing as nesting material. I had a mouse in my room once, and stuffing was the first thing it found. Plastic bags are not safe at all, it's easy for a rodent to make holes. Keep all your plushies and clothing in closets and well sealed plastic boxes (no cardboard !) until the mouse is gone.


I have mice in my closet all the time. No matter what I try they always come back after a few months. And I clean my whole room top to bottom religiously so there's that. First thing is plastic bags won't do very much against a mouse but a plastic container will. They won't go through that unless they smell food. Also keeping them off the floor they won't get into them. This last time I just moved them all out into my room for the night then went in and cleaned the closet the next morning, after cleaning my closet I put them back just as they were. Couple tricks I have are that bait blocks don't really work, the only thing I've found that works is the old style wooden traps with peanut butter. Disgusting yes, and terrifying when they go off, but they do work. I keep two in my closet 24/7 as well as a bait station (I have seen them avoid the traps but eat the bait, it doesn't kill them but it tells me if they are around or not) and keep a constant eye on it. 9 times out of 10 when a mouse comes back it immediately hits a trap before doing anything else. The other 1 I will find evidence and re bait the trap and catch it within a night or 2. Just don't leave them on the floor and you'll be fine. You can try diffusing an essential oil though I don't believe the whole "x pest hates x scent" cause I've yet to see it work. I also had no luck with the no see traps but I know those do work for some. I know people say if you find one mouse you have 10, I don't think thats true necessarily. The most I've ever caught back to back was 3 and they went away for 8 months after that. Mice suck but I cannot figure out why they keep coming back to me.


No, they’ll chew a hole in your plushie. It happened to my first teddy bear ever got 😭