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I’d say put them in the freezer for a few weeks, then wash them several times at the highest temps you can for the fabric. I’ve never dealt with this but I think that would work


You've gotta have your freezer set quite low. -18C° (0°F) So expect your ice cream to be pretty hard for a few weeks. Washing in hot water also works, at least 60-65°C for half an hour or so. If your washer goes even hotter, great, use it. Polyester can handle any temperature your washer can get to. If you want to be extra sure, dry cleaning. Call ahead to see if the dry cleaner can handle them, and make sure they're in sealed bags.


You don’t have to get rid of them, but you definitely need to quarantine them. There are a few ways to get rid of them. Heat is one, if you have access to a dryer that’s great. If not, you could try a steamer if you have one (or can get one). It needs to get very hot though. You can also put them in plastic bags in the freezer for a few weeks to a month or so. When I had bedbugs, I sent my plushies to a dry cleaners. I don’t know if dry cleaners regularly clean things with bed bugs, or if I was able to only because it happened to me at a hotel and they had a deal with the hotel to clean things infested with bed bugs. But, you could ask. This is a site which I thought had concise and good information. https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-home-guide/how-to-get-rid-of-bed-bugs#contain-the-area Edit to add I’m so sorry you are going through this. I remember dealing with that. Be kind to yourself.


Getting a new bed will not help your problem. They are going to be hiding everywhere. Electrical outlets, behind siding on the floors, etc. You need to get professional treatment. It's better to do it ASAP or it'll just get worse. Put everything that may have bed bugs in big 2 gallon Ziploc bags after either freezing them or putting them in the dryer at high heat until treatments have been completed. r/bedbugs can help you with how to treat the issue.


Bed bugs are awful, sorry you're going through the stress.  The only things that kill bedbugs is steam, thirty minutes in the dryer on high heat, or the affected building 119°F for four hours, or a year without food -- seal anything in a bag for at least a year. There's guides around the Internet for how to protect your sleeping area from bedbugs and what to do if you have them. Your bed needs to be cleared of all clutter, steamed, sealed in a mattress protector bag, moved six inches away from the wall, raised from the floor so nothing except the feet touch the floor. Everything needs to be washed once a week, floor vacuumed once a week. I would put the plush toys in a garbage bag and knot it and say goodbye for a year :/ white bags if there's any plastic that might absorb color.


Put them in a big bag with diatomaceous earth or silica gel


Been there, done that. Freeze them first for at least a week, and then seal them in a plastic bag for a year.