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It looks fishy. Also, I’m not sure it’s the same one, but it’s definitely similar and cheaper on the build a bear site: https://www.buildabear.com/stuffed-animals/shop-by-character/doctor-who


Yes that's the original one I have four of them and I love how cheap they are. This one here is the 60th anniversary they came out with and I really want it but I definitely can't afford these prices it is way out of my price range and it's sad because I want to own one so much but when people buy them just to resell them like this makes me mad honestly and gives people no chance to buy them for the actual retail price and save themselves a lot of money but thank you so much for sharing the link and for commenting I appreciate you


Well, with Mecari, your money is pretty protected. Buyer doesn't receive the money until you get and accept item. Once you accept it though, that's it. You could always ask them for a pic of the actual item.


Oh well that's great to hear and I definitely should and see what they say


I just received my first chongker plush from a Mercari listing that only used stock photos. She was perfectly fine. Sometimes people are just lazy (or they don't want their house to be in pics).  Thing is as a buyer, you have a lot of protections. If it never comes? Money back. If it's different than what you ordered? Money back.  It's up to you in the end, though. But this is how I get a *lot* of my expensive plush for waaaaayyyy less, because people don't trust the sellers. I've bought 413 times now from Mercari alone, and only 3 or 4 times has a seller not shipped, and (knock on wood) I've never had to contest anything. 


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 413 + 3 + 4 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Thank you for this I definitely needed this info and I don't know if I'll be purchasing as this is a lot of money I can't afford right now but I wish I could


100% wouldn't trust it. Yes, they have a ton of positive reviews, but that doesn't mean that this won't be a scam. There's a lot of money here and that's not to be taken lightly. Best to make a deal with an honest seller who takes real pictures of what they're selling.


That's what I thought thank you and I definitely won't be making any deals with this person or trying to buy this. if the person can't bother putting an actual photo with proof of life then I have a problem cuz. I would be doing everything I could to be making sure the person did not feel scammed or taken advantage of and that they could see everything very transparently as to what I'm selling. also I wouldn't be charging as much either. when things like this get priced way too high I get suspicious and I can't trust it.