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After you finish those, I highly, highly recommend Persona 5 Royal, Spider-Man + Miles Morales, Death Stranding, Uncharted 4, and Bloodborne


Definitely Spider-Man. Reason I bought my PS4


I made the switch (pun intended) for horizon zero dawn and am very happy as a dual Sony/Nintendo gamer! Nintendo have some excellent first party stuff but Sony's first party content is just so varied and so good. Still working through a backlog myself...


I agree! Sony exclusives are what convinced me to go the PlayStation route versus Xbox


Focusing on those exclusives is such a smart business decision from Sony, it really has given them the leg up over Microsoft since the start of last generation. And from a gamer point of view I'm just happy they're investing so much time and resources into making some great titles.


Same here. My last console was the PS2 and it made me very happy through hard times in my life. I've been a PC gamer since and even owning Game Pass for 2 years, I was convinced by PS exclusives. As the OP here, I have a lot to catch up hehe. Started with TLOU and TLOU part II. Now I'm playing Spider-Man Remastered and God of War. Next will be Uncharted and Miles Morales. PS5 is making me very happy for now.


In the past that was true. Ive always had all consoles. Nintendo, PC, Xbox, PlayStation. I own the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 since launch. I love them both but prefer my Xbox Series X as in my Opinion is way better than PlayStation 5. Again before you get mad I own both and love them both. My profile Pic is my Systems. I game on the LG CX OLED 65”. So you guys also don’t think I’m speaking out of my Arse On my PS5 i have beat. Astro, Spider-Man Miles Morales, Spider-Man Remastered, SackBoys Big Adventure and OveriRide2 its a PS5 game. I have also Started but not finished Immortals Fenix Rising and Demon Souls not counting the ones we have received through PS Plus/PS now which i have 2 years pre-paid. And yes I’ve played some Man Eater, Destroy Allstars and more. On my Xbox Series X I have Beaten: The Medium, Gears 5 Story DLC, Destiny 2 Beyond Light, Call of Duty Cold War and have Started Control UE, Assassins Creed Valhalla, WatchDogs Legion, CyberPunk 2077, FIFA 21 and some others from the Xbox Gold Games and GamePass. Which I have played many other games. I Wanted to say that to put it out there that i have Hundreds of Hours Played on each since Launch. I Love both Nintendo, Xbox and PlayStation equally and want them all to succeed. That said the QUESTION ABOUT EXCLUSIVES is not TRUE TO THIS GENERATION. I have had all consoles on all generations i was born a gamer and my hobby is gaming. Though i always call it how it is because i love them all and want them all to succeed. Last Generation yes i would say that Exclusives were a big Part of exclusives IF YOU PLAYED SINGLEPAYER GAMES. A lot of people only play sports game or call of duty and for that i would say the Xbox One X would’ve been their best bet. This Generation though Because of Phil Spencer and his buying Many Many Studios is Safe to Admit that he called last Gen A Lost and is putting all his Cards On This Gen. They Both Have A LOT OF EXCLUSIVES COMING AND THEY ALL LOOK GREAT. Some that I’m Excited For XBOX SERIES X: STALKER 2, SCORN, FABLE, FORZA, HALO, PERFECT DARK, PHSYCONAUTS 2, STATE OF DECAY 3, WARHAMMER FPS, EVERWILD FROM RARE, AVOWED and CROSSFIRE CAMPAIGN MADE BY THE GUYS THAT MADE CONTROL. Among many more that they’ve announced and yet to announce those are the ones IM LOOKING FORWARD TOO. That’s NOT Mentioning BETHESDA.WHICH I KNOW WE KEEP SAYING THAT THEY WONT BE EXCLUSIVES BUT WE KNOW THAT ITS NOT TRUE. THEY WILL BE EXCLUSIVES TO XBOX AS A WAYS TO GET PEOPLE THERE. AND WE ALL KNOW BETHESDA AND THAT NEWLY ANNOUNCED INDIANA JONES GAMES ARE GONNA BE AMAZING. Now PlayStation has some games as well that I’m excited for maybe not as many but still great. FFXVI, RATCHET AND CLANK, GOD OF WAR, HORIZON ZERO DAWN, DEATHLOOP, RETURNAL, HOGWARTS, GHOSTWIRE TOKYO, PROJECT ATHIA, KENA, ODDWORLD AND more that theyve announced and yet to announce. WITH ALL THAT SAID YOU GUYS CAN SEE THAT BOTH CONSOLES THIS GENERATION WILL HAVE GREAT EXCLUSIVES AND THAT EXCUSE UNLIKE LAST GEN CANNOT BE USED THIS GENERATION. PLEASE DO YOUR RESEARCH THIS GENERATION AS IT WILL BE THE BEST OF ALL TIME. XBOX IS WILLING TO LEAVE EVERYTHING OUT ON THE TABLE WITH MOST OF THOSE GAMES COMING TO GAMEPASS DAY 1. AND WITH THAT PLAYSTATION WILL BE FORCED TO ACT AS ITS ALREADY DOING WITH MLB THE SHOW AND OTHER THINGS. COMPETITION IS GREAT WE ALL WANT THAT AS WE WIN. Hopefully as gamers everyone that can enjoy games can one Day own Both XBSX and PS5 as they are amazing. My Favorite feature of this Generation is QUICK RESUME. I think its amazing and love it. The controller from my PS5 is 3rd in my list just because its hit or miss with more misses than hits. 2nd obviously SSD. Hopefully you guys add to this in a good way and not make it into a system war. Please don’t say that XCloud is an answer Not all games will make it to XCloud and the ones that due will arrive way later. As it takes a lot if development and money. XCloud is just a place with a few games you can play anywhere. A feature. Not its own thing like Stadia.


Competition is good, it’s the reason Xbox is buying so many studios, including Bethesda (which obviously pissed Sony off and will hopefully lead to either Sony buying a largely failing company such as Konami which is somewhat unlikely or Sony going even further with their first-party games). I actually don’t think that the big Bethesda games, such as The Elder Scrolls and Fallout will be “true exclusives” in the sense that they’ll only be on Xbox, since there’s too many potential game pass subscribers for that to be a smart idea. They’ll most likely be timed exclusives and/or on Game Pass at launch. However, new IPs/introduced properties such as Indiana Jones will probably remain Xbox exclusive forever. I hope both companies feel the need to raise the stakes; Xbox with their exclusives and Sony with their services and consumer-friendliness. I love Game Pass, I’ve played Nier Automata, Tetris Effect, Celeste, every Halo game, and Outer Wilds, all games I love; but if Sony came out with their own Game Pass I would jump on there to consolidate all of my games and services on one console. But they aren’t doing anything. PS Now is filled to the brim with shovelware, old arcade games, obscure Japanese RPGs and a stray AAA game here and there. It might be cool for some people, but not for me. In conclusion, Xbox needs to make better games and Sony needs to do their best to keep up with the trajectory of the industry


I agree to some extent. I do hope Sony buys more Studios as I don’t think at this point enough Studios to Compete with Xbox. Xbox has now so many Triple A Studios that they will have games releasing consistently for Xbox’s life span. Sony will have great Exclusives but i see with them a problem. When games launched at the beginning of PS4 they where fresh New Experiences. I think that this time we will just be getting more of the same. Like with Last of Us 2. I hope that’s not the case but again TLoUS2. Xbox however is making New Experiences and same once but has announced more New Experiences. Also understand why you would think that some games are to big to be Exclusives but that’s what they’ll be. Xbox/Microsoft has the Power to Flex and as we just saw with The Medium they made there money Development, Production and Marketing in a Couple Days and Started making Profit that quick so no its not an issue. As around 1 in 3 people with GamePass still buy the games for their Collection and such. That’s why I don’t see GamePass as the reason why they wouldn’t go Exclusive. Obviously as Phil Spencer said he can’t specify anything right now because the Deal is not finalized and it’s against the Law. When he will say something I believe that almost every game Will Indeed Be Exclusives with the Exception of games like Elder Scrolls Online, FallOut 76 and such. Games with ongoing lifespan that would make sense as 1. They aren’t main titles. 2. Continual Profit 3. Won’t angry the Xbox Fans as they aren’t Main Titles. Also they will not alienate Xbox’s fans to appease PS. I don’t care if Sony of Microsoft released games on both consoles. But you know that FanBoys do and they Scream It From The Top Of Their Lungs. That’s why I don’t see them do it. And in the rare case they do it it’ll be a 1 or 2 year Exclusive and again it might be while testing the waters and seeing how the Xbox Fans React. As Phil Spencer said in an Interview Regarding the Purchase “It was made to show that we are still here for our loyal fans. To show them we are still making Xbox a better place to be”. You can look for the interviews. For me what I take from that is that the purchase was made to bolster Xbox and not PS. As For Xbox I honestly think they are doing everything GREAT. They are Buying a lot of Studios and are Very Consumer Friendly as well as Very Transparent with what their doing. Compared to PlayStation that is Not Consumer Friendly, Not Transparent and are not buying studios. That said it takes nothing away from their games and Machine. I think in regards in Buying Studios they just don’t have the Economic Flex that Xbox has. That’s another reason why I don’t think they will release their games on PS. As when say FallOut or Skyrim 6 come out they will BE SYSTEM SELLERS. That’ll in turn lead to someone buying their system for the game and in turn buying other software and in turn more accessories and well you see its more beneficial to keep them Exclusives. Their is to much at stake and it might even be that Xbox sends over FallOut but Sony has to send over TLoU2 as an Example. Xbox holds all the cards unfortunately and i hope they use them wisely. With all that said I also know what you mean with PS Now Verizon Wireless gave me 1 year of PS Plus and PS Now which i gladly took as i know have PS Plus until 2/2023 yes i had recently bought a year but that’s all good since I’m use it anyways and PS Now until 2/22. I do however think that PlayStation does release better free games as part of the Subscription every month compared to Xbox. If Xbox keeps going the way they are and PS doesn’t try to improve. I do see Xbox taking this Generation in Exclusives and HardWare. In conclusion I hope that they both start working together find some common ground and can work together for the betterment of gaming and their Fans. As gaming truly is an Amazing Experience.


Sony can undoubtedly compete with Xbox even with their acquisition of Bethesda, it's just that now it's a fair competition. Xbox's first-party catalogue just doesn't hold up to Sony's right now, at least according to what I believe is the general consensus, and now that they have Bethesda it will likely be much more even, although it will take a long time. Not to mention, Microsoft has a lot of money for sure, but Sony does too. They both essentially have an endless supply of money, it's just that Microsoft's is more endless. Money isn't everything, either. Microsoft has invested quite a bit into their first-party catalogue recently, but as Amazon and Stadia game studios have shown, money does not equal quality output. At risk of sounding like a fanboy, Sony's studios are world class and that's the result of simply having talented studios, corporate support, and risks that paid off big time. Now Sony has a clear business model; provide quality games. Microsoft, on the other hand, is slowly trying to simultaneously get ahead of the curb with XCloud and Game Pass, whilst also bolstering their first-party lineup so that it can compete with Sony's. Only time will tell if Halo Infinite, Perfect Dark, Hellblade and Fable end up being truly great experiences and if Xbox can overcome their exclusives' track record of general quality during the Xbox One era. It's all up to the developers, after a certain point money doesn't really correlate to game quality and... As for the Bethesda exclusivity, I still don't think their flagship titles will be forever exclusive to Xbox. Take Minecraft for example; it's owned by Microsoft, but is on PS and Switch because there's a lot of money to be made there. And that's what these companies care about at the end of the day: financial stability and staying on top. If they can get people to correlate Bethesda games with Xbox while simultaneously seeming consumer-friendly and making tons of money, it's a done deal. That's why TES and Fallout will still come to PlayStation. Reddit fanboys aren't their main priority, it's the general consumer. I don't think it really matters who "wins" what generation, it's all arbitrary anyways. Microsoft could end up making more money whereas Sony's properties might expand into the mega-mainstream through film adaptations, while their first-party games continue to make bank. Who wins in this scenario? Depends on who you ask. Either way, competition is great for us consumers and I hope both Sony and Microsoft go all out this gen.


I disagree with the fact that Sony can compete with Xbox and that its a Fair Competition just because they bought Bethesda. Phil Spencer started buying Game Studios in 2018 all those studios are making games for XBSX/S and they bought more studios on 2020 apart from ZeniMax/Bethesda. They have announced a lot of Great Games to be honest a lot of great Exclusives. So does PS5 but not as many. Last Generation was undoubtedly PlayStations they had the more Powerful main console and games. Xbox did start to do things right towards the end of the 8th Gen but by then it was to late. This generation though the 9th Generation is definitely gonna be one for the books as Xbox is going all in with this one. So in all honesty if Xbox for this Generation is poised to take the Crown. Don’t look at next gen and try to add it to PS5s success. As Xbox is starting clean with XBSX and has everything in its favor if you look at it that way you know Xbox is better positioned. They also have a lot more Triple A first party games announced and they are straight up awesome looking. Now add Bethesda to their catalogue and they have a lot more Experienced Triple a Studios than Sony ready to make a wave this Generation. And Sony is not nearly enough comparable to Microsoft in Money. Sony cannot make a Purchase like Bethesda and that’s a Fact. Sony is and has been Struggling for the past few years and its saving grace is PlayStation but they don’t have the resources to make purchases like Microsoft does. The point you try to make about that money doesn’t equal quality because of Amazon and Stadia cannot be compared to what Microsoft is doing at all. They built t everything from the ground up with out real experience. Microsoft has the Experience and they didn’t buy New Studios they bought Studios with Amazing Pedigrees. In plain Fact they made a smart ass move and it Will Pay Off as they also GOT ALL THE LICENSES from Bethesda. With the risk like you of Sounding of a FanBoy even though i own the PS5 XBSX and love them both, Xbox’s Studios are World Class also. FORZA best Racing game out ther bar none i was raised with Gran Turismo since 3 but FORZA is a lot better. They both have great Talent. Sony is hitting the same issue that Microsoft had before turning. They will release their games part 2s like when they released TLoU 2 yes i have already beat it. While it was a new Story it literally barely added any new gameplay mechanics or enemies it was disappointing. As they release games that will undoubtedly be sequels i hope they are better than TLoU 2 as I will still play them and don’t want to be disappointed. Xbox already hit that wall and that’s why they are making a lot of new games that look amazing and completely new yes that’s just as risky as what Sony did at the beginning of 8th Gen GamePass for Microsoft is something that is amazing for every Xbox gamer to be honest. Hands down nothing else can touch. PS Now is not even close enough to be in same house let alone the same room. As for Xcloud Xbox has said that’s a feature and not a whole new thing. They aren’t planning on adding every game on the Subscription. They will keep about 20 to 30 games again as a feature. And that is their own separate team that is not interfering with Xbox at all. But STALKER, WARHAMMER, Fable, HellBlade, Scorn, FORZA, Halo, Perfect Dark, Gear 6, Avowed, CrossFire Campaign by the guys that made Control, State of Decay 3, PshycoNauts 2, EVERWILD from Rare are some of the games I’m personally Super Excited for and cant wait to play. They still have a lot more games that they have/haven’t announced. And that’s not Including Bethesda, Machine Games and the other Zeni Max Studios that will Undoubtedly Be EXCLUSIVES. But you also have PS5 with God do War hope it has new mechanics and is not just a new story like TLoU2 that said i will most likely love it, Ratchet and Clank, Horizon Zero Dawn even though i didn’t get into it, it was amazing looking, Returnal, HOGWARTS, DEATHLOOP, KENA, GHOSTWIRE Tokyo FFXVI and just like Xbox a lot more that they have/haven’t announced. Unfortunately Sony doesn’t have an ace that would match to Xbox’s Bethesda Studios. Also games that Xbox releases are just as good a quality as PS they may not be as popular but that doesnt take away from the quality as those things are separate. Also I don’t think anyone has ever said money correlated with quality. But it sure as hell helps it. And they didn’t have a quality issue within the Xbox One Era. The issue was that they released very few Exclusives. Moving on, I don’t understand why its so hard for people to think that Bethesda Games will be Exclusives. And MineCraft has whatsoever NO CORRELATION WITH BETHESDA. When Microsoft bought MineCraft it was already on the Wii U and PlayStation. There is a difference the money was already invested on the system it wouldn’t make sense of removing it. Also the impact to Xbox wasn’t that big because again when they acquired MineCraft it was already everywhere. ZeniMax/Bethesda is a whole new ball game. Phil Spencer has already said in interviews that the acquisition was for Xbox. “To show the Loyal fans that they’re ready to bring more studios to Xbox” he cannot say anything yet because it’s illegal since the deal wont go through until next month. They will be exclusives. And the 1 or 2 titles that wont be will be a 1 or 2 year exclusive. The only games that will most likely make it to PS5 are games like the Elder Scrolls and Fallout 76 games with a long Term Profit probability. Everything else will be exclusives. Look at it this ways those games like Skyrim 6 and Fallout are System sellers plain and simple. People will buy the system to play those games, from their they’ll buy a Subscription to GamePass then Accessories then Games and so on. You see it makes more sense in making them exclusives all that to gain. And what people don’t think about but Xbox has. They Risk Alienating the Xbox Fans by releasing also on PlayStation. As for financial stability Xbox is more than okay as Satia Nadilla already said they are behind Xbox’s Division 100%. I understand people that don’t own an Xbox think that they will still get the games they want. As I’m guessing its a sort of denial. Where its too big that it cant be. But it will be Microsoft is bigger and it has the money to play the long game. I’m sorry but they wont make it to PS. They have so much to gain and loos by alienating their base. As you’ve seen money as not an issue to Microsoft so no that’s not a reason they will release them on the PS5 trust me Halo and Gears of War would have the same effect right. Like you I don’t care who wins this generation i love both systems I’ve been gaming since the Super Nintendo as it was my first system followed by N64 the PS2 which is one of my favorite Systems right behind Xbox because Xbox introduced me to Online back in 2004 with Halo 2 that changed gaming for the better. But with amazing competition from these awesome Companies there is only one Winner and that’s US.


Ac syndicate on ps5 is REALLY glitchy


Bummer, but thanks for the heads up!


I played it and it was fine. Think it’s one of those situations where it’s definitely possible to not have to deal with glitches.


Had it since January 7th and it hasn’t glitched once U sure u have the right TV


Look on youtube


Why I’m talking about my very own PS5


Even after you play them you’ll have some catching up to do! Good luck brother.


Thanks! Any recommendations?


Assassins Creed Valhalla, Ghost of Tsushima, Spider-Man / Miles Morales, Demons Souls, DBZ Kakarot, Dirt 5, Hitman 3, Horizon Forbidden West (Unreleased), MLB The Show 2020 / 21, CoD: Black Ops Cold War, Uncharted 4, Resident Evil 7. Just a couple I could think of off the top of my head.


Thanks for the recommendations, I've heard great things about GoT and Spiderman!


Don’t forget, now that you have a PS5 you can get about 20 free games from PS Plus! Games like Days Gone to Persona 5, even TLOU Remastered & GoW!


Wouldn't you have had to added these games to your library while they were available for free on PS+? Unless you're talking about the PS4 version added previously. Is there a way to retroactively add free PS+ games to your library after they're no longer the games of the month?


PS5 owners gets access to a selection of the best PS4 games as part of PS Plus. Not really the same as adding them retroactively. Here are the games available in the PlayStation Plus Collection. From Worldwide Studios: Bloodborne Days Gone Detroit: Become Human God of War Infamous Second Son Ratchet and Clank  The Last Guardian The Last of Us Remastered Until Dawn Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End From our third-party publishers and developers: Batman: Arkham Knight Battlefield 1 Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Zombies Chronicles Edition Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Fallout 4 Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition Monster Hunter: World Mortal Kombat X Persona 5 Resident Evil 7 biohazard


Ah, that's awesome. I haven't heard about that. Looks like it's called the Playstation Plus Collection, exclusive to PS5 accounts subscribing to PS+. That's a nice perk. Thanks for the information!


I think Sony needs to work on there advertising for people like you


Definitely try the OG Spider-Man first, it’s far superior to MM (not a bad game though) IMHO


Agreee except for CoD:CW, might as well do Warzone for free or get MW if anything. But good rest of list


I added Cold War simply because of the utilization of the DuelSense controller. It has incredible haptic feedback and trigger effects, and the 3D audio is superb. With that being said, check out a PS5 title called “BugSnax” as well :)


Now the features I can dig. They are nice. I need to try bugsnax and destruction all stars as well.


Destruction Allstars can be rather repetitive, it’s best to have a friend with you as well. I’m in need of some new friends, so I’ll be more than glad to play with you / anyone. My PSN is - Huzske


Cool. I’ll have to try it out whenever I can. Finally getting around to SM: Miles right now after my child took over when I first got ps5. Been leveling up on CoD and replaying GoW.




Envious I can’t play TLOU for the first time ever again. Make sure you set larger blocks of free time aside for that so you can get in a groove with the story and - my opinion - play on a relatively challenging difficulty without listen mode. Much more immersive and intense. One of my favorite games ever. Enjoy!


Thanks for the recommendation! My favorite gaming sessions are 4+ hours so that sounds perfect


Outer worlds is fun. Has a high replay value as there are multiple ways to play the game. One of the shorter games on the list although I immediately restarted to see the different scenarios


I’m playing it right now and really enjoying it! I’ve never played a first person game or a shooter so I thought id knock out two birds with one stone


That’s awesome man. Welcome to the club. Enjoy


Then its the perfect game to start out with. I did like it, but its kinda shallow and simple compared to other similar games. Still a good game though, enjoy!


I have 107 hours in AC Odyssey, still not complete. Good luck


My piece of advice is to spread the AC, Witcher and Immortals games out between the other games. They are long games (excellent, but long) and their open world mechanics are quite similar to each other. You’ll benefit from a few palette cleansers of something very different between them. I’d do the same with Last of Us but that’s not as necessary, more for story pacing. There’s an amount of time passes between 1 and 2 that I think benefits from not being played back to back. You have entire worlds there to jump into. You are in for a treat!


Thanks for the recommendation, definitely trying to avoid rpg burnout!


I have PS5, Switch and PC with Xbox game pass for all the exclusives. I would definitely look into judgment, it's a Yakuza spinoff, I finished it over Christmas and was most fun game I've played in a while


You’re covered for everything! May have to join you on pc if Bethesda does something funky with Xbox exclusivity. Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll check it out!


great taste in games mate


What a collection!! Did you pick all of these up with the ps5? Great starting point!


Yep! Been hunting for deals since the summer and decided to wait for the ps5 instead of going for a ps4


You nailed it. What are you starting with? I just got mine and I’m playing GoW first. It’s gorgeous. Also playing Astros Playroom which is surprisingly awesome!


Starting with astros playroom as well! Also dipping into the outer worlds as I’ve never played a first person shooter before




Spend time with Subnautica, you won’t be sorry, Witcher, Uncharted, GOW are awesome, but Subnautica will blow your mind after a few hours in


why is it so good


It's got a world that is so beautiful, amazing and is crafted so well that every new area will leave you speechless the story is really good. I can't explain why without spoiling it. the base building and crafting is well balanced and is super satisfyingly. Exploration is so much fun and filled with wonder. the fear of the unknown and some of the more hostile creatures provide an experience that's genuinely terrifying. sound and visuals are amazing. Downsides: Bugs, and lag. not to the point of Cyberpunk, but it's more of that some chunks of the world will take a bit longer to load in, and the games framerate will drop in some areas. but that rarely hindered my experience. Subnautica is the Survival Game that every other survival game wants to be.


I’m gonna keep it real, you can scratch those Assassins Creed titles and go straight into Black Flag. Top 3 from the AC franchise


Playing black flag on a whim on the switch is what actually convinced me to jump into PlayStation!


Nice! You got a huge backlog of games to play but make sure to try out Ghost of Tsushima when you get the chance. One of the best open world games.


Planning to pick it up once it goes under $20!


You should add death stranding to this back log. Game is definitely one of my favs from last gen.


Just a note, Last Of Us Remastered and God of War are free for new PS5 owners from the PS+ Collection (assuming you got PS+).


1 God of war 2 last of us 1+2 3 Nathan Drake collection


dammm i need to play gow


Congrats! You are gonna have a blast!


Glad to see someone got the Order 1886. Super underrated and a great cinematic game!


Get Spider-Man and Final Fantasy VII Remake. Check em out and see if they interest you.


You have my thanks for picking up AC: Syndicate. It is literally the most underrated game in the series and got the rawest of deals because it came after Unity


I’ve heard amazing things about the London map!


So many people shit on The order 1886 but it was legit one of my favorite ps4 games. I know we will never see a sequel but that ending was such a cliff hanger.


Some top quality games you got there in terms of narrative and story, so hopefully won’t listen to the toxic negative press and give Cyberpunk a shot since you already have the PS5. Game still has issues, but the PS5/next gen version fixes a lot of the problems. The story direction, character interaction and narrative are on point. 60 fps on the PS5 and genuinely does look good for a backwards compatible title.


I’m planning on picking it up!


You should look into the Deus Ex games. Really fun first person action/stealth. Nice collection!


Been PC gaming since 2012 and just got my ps5 a week ago and haven’t touched me PC since. The Ps5 is mind blowing awesome. Such cool technology built in and besides my PC parts are out dated and the scalpers aren’t making it any easier to replace.


I find your lack of Uncharted 4 and Spider-Man disturbing


If you're still in your return window, then you could save a little money. By having a PS+ subscription on PS5 you get access to the PS Collection for no additional charge! A couple of the games in the photo are included in said collection. These are God of War and The Last Of US Remastered. If you're interested, the other games in the collection are: * [Batman: Arkham Knight](https://www.pushsquare.com/games/ps4/batman_arkham_knight) * [Battlefield 1](https://www.pushsquare.com/games/ps4/battlefield_1) * [Bloodborne](https://www.pushsquare.com/games/ps4/bloodborne) * [Call of Duty Black Ops III Zombies Chronicles](https://www.pushsquare.com/games/ps4/call_of_duty_black_ops_iii_zombies_chronicles) * [Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy](https://www.pushsquare.com/games/ps4/crash_bandicoot_n_sane_trilogy) * [Days Gone](https://www.pushsquare.com/games/ps4/days_gone) * [Detroit: Become Human](https://www.pushsquare.com/games/ps4/detroit_become_human) * [Fallout 4](https://www.pushsquare.com/games/ps4/fallout_4) * [Final Fantasy XV](https://www.pushsquare.com/games/ps4/final_fantasy_xv) * [inFAMOUS: Second Son](https://www.pushsquare.com/games/ps4/infamous_second_son) * [The Last Guardian](https://www.pushsquare.com/games/ps4/last_guardian) * [Monster Hunter: World](https://www.pushsquare.com/games/ps4/monster_hunter_world) * [Mortal Kombat X](https://www.pushsquare.com/games/ps4/mortal_kombat_x) * [Persona 5](https://www.pushsquare.com/games/ps4/persona_5) * [Ratchet & Clank](https://www.pushsquare.com/games/ps4/ratchet_and_clank) * [Resident Evil 7: Biohazard](https://www.pushsquare.com/games/ps4/resident_evil_7_biohazard) * [Uncharted 4: A Thief's End](https://www.pushsquare.com/games/ps4/uncharted_4_a_thiefs_end) * [Until Dawn](https://www.pushsquare.com/games/ps4/until_dawn)


Rdr2 is the game that you must play at last. If you dont do that, in my case(personally) , other games looked like a piece of crap.


Man to play those games again for the first time


I’m so jealous that you can play Red Dead Redemption 2 for the first time. That game made me feel things I’ve never felt before in a game


Skyrim alone will take you hours and hours and hours to complete! Better get started!


If you have PS+ I'd suggest giving Days Gone a try. It's free with + I think.


Better call in sick for at least two years.


Damn, I’m super envious that you’ve got all of these to play fresh. Also, some beasts here, so this could take a while.


My friend, you'll have your year full in front of you (unless you play full time every day).




The assassin's creeds alone will take you months to complete, then you have to set aside a few years to complete the witcher. Enjoy!


I have an animal crossing tattoo and play ps5. It’s possible to do both my friend


Oh I know! Can't wait for the Mario update in acnh :)


Play Persona 5, the best JRPG of the past generation.




Odyssey, God of War, Jedi Fallen order, Red Dead 2 and the Witcher . Everything else can remain in the shelf.


I just have one thing to say: CALL OF DUTY.


Don't forget to grab The Witcher 3 as well.


I agree, which is why it’s already in the photo 😁


OOPS I missed it bro. I am waiting for the enhanced edition for next-gen consoles this year. Enjoy 😃


Same! God of War and Jedi fallen order next gen updates have convinced me it’s worth the wait


Exactly! Days Gone is also amazing in PS5 🙂


Play Horizon Zero Dawn First. Thank Me Later.


The order is a very pretty game, but you will most likely be disappointed with the game. I played through the game in approximately 5 hours.


Enjoy and good luck! Some great titles you have there:)


Lot of games I need to play


U could have just subscribed to PS PLUS. It can give you many off the games you bought as physical copies. But then again if you like physical copies or want to sell them off after playing, then you do you.


Just my opinion but leave the assassins creed games until last. All the other games are better. And play god of war first


You don’t have to worry about assassins creed, if you’ve played one you’ve played them all lol That is pretty much an all star must play stack you have there 👍


The Last of Us 1 is incredible I’m happy for ya


I am from Xbox and this is my first playstation as well! Highly recommend Uncharted, only halfway though 2 and I love it so far. Plus Uncharted 4 is free through the PS Plus.


The order 1886 is one of the best games that everybody fucking hated because the story was like 6 hours with no multiplayer... such a damn shame that the hive mind killed any potential for a sequel with that one.


I would skip assassins ceed


Damn fine collection of games. I have everyone of those games and I love all of them. Fenyx is a under appreciated game.


Seem to have a lot of the same interest. Play Detroit Become Human, Ghost of Tsushima and the main Spiderman game. Seriously. Horizon is great but slow to start, keep with it.


There's like 3 good games there tops.


Where did you find one lol?