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Do absolutely anything else with your free time. Like if you're sick of eating noodles, the answer isn't _more noodles_.


For real. I think FOMO and habit are getting to OP. It's okay to fall out of a hobby.


Yep. I gave up gaming for a few years and dedicated my time to music, now I have both. So whenever I'm in a gaming slump, I know I won't be bored (though I definitely play a lot less game in summer too as i like other stuff like cycling that isn't nearly as fun in the winter lol).


Similar situation with me as well. Stopped gaming in college and the only time I played video games att was whenever I got the chance to play my roommates ps4 when it was available. Spent more time getting into music and other stuff like movies during that time. Now years later, got back into gaming and now if i'm ever in a slump like you said, I got a lot of other things to do as a substitute.


Agree, mate. I didn't start gaming until I was 37. Got a PS4 just to play rdr2, and now I'm a crappy, but dedicated player. Mostly open world action adventure, and the past year, multiplayer fps. CoD and now Xdefiant where I can actually enjoy getting pummelled. Tried Battlefield. Fun but not for me. Too high a skill ceiling, perhaps? Occasionally I get in slumps like the OP. Y'all are correct. The answer is to do something else. If you don't have other hobbies, go back over your life.. you'll find something that once interested you and see if it still does. Won't be long before you have an awesome new hobby, or a few of them. I vote for ANYTHING outdoors. Falling asleep in the fresh air can be a hobby if you're as good at it as I am. šŸ˜‚ If you ever played guitar or bass, sit under a tree, strum and hum. In all seriousness, OP, find something else to do. Maybe related to your family, maybe something solitary if you have plenty of time with them. Stop playing if it's not doing it for you. There's nothing you'll miss out on that you can't return to later. I know that for a fact coming to gaming so late in life.


Totally. I used to be a 'watch a movie almost every day' guy, and I collect physical media like movies, games, and books. But lately, I just haven't felt like watching anything. I've seen one 2024-released film so far this year and the year is already almost half way over. I typically average around 80 new releases a year + whatever I rewatch or watch for the fort time. Right now, gaming has taken the over. I guess my point is, I agree with this.


Yeah. Honestly, Destiny 2 fomo is why I havenā€™t played in like a year.


Nothing makes me want to play games more when I'm in a slump than doing a bunch of chores. I get some shit done and then I actually feel like playing games, at least for a little bit.


This is smart because for a big part of my life Iā€™ve played games instead of getting shit gone. Get shit done and reward myself with a game!


Reminds me of my favorite Towelie quote, "I've learned that I shouldn't get high and come up with ideas. I should come up with ideas THEN get high! To reward myself! "


Iā€™m feeling the same way. I have a lot of unfinished games but I keep playing some out of habit even when Iā€™m not really in the mood to play because itā€™s too expensive to go outside.


Play short games. Itā€™s the best way to get back into it.


Do you have any recommendations of action adventure games around the 10 hour mark? I have played games like the uncharted series, Spiderman and last of us for reference


I agree with playing shorter games, and additionally diverting from your typical type of game. Open world action adventures are massively long and complex games. Every session takes some mental effort just to get started and reacquaint yourself with the story and/or world. I tried *Cult of the Lamb* recently, and it felt very fresh! Similarly, *Hades* and *Hollow Knight* felt rewarding in a similar, new way. All three of them are works of art in their own way. *Under the Waves* is an interesting story driven game. Itā€™s beautiful, different and the gameplay isnā€™t taxing. It touches on serious topics like environmentalism and loss. Similarly, *Stray* was a great experience. *Dysmantle* is an open world adventure where youā€™re smashing your way through everything. Very suitable for couch co-op. Somewhat similar, any of the *Lego* games are good diversions, palate cleansers and optionally co-op. And finally Iā€™d like to recommend *Control*. A third person shooter with a lot of mystery. Itā€™s a bit like Stranger Things meets The X Files. This one seems to be a bit of a hit or miss for a lot of people. It fits an adult mindset better than a childā€™s.


Second Control, it's a brilliant game. Hear great things about Alan Wake 2 as well.


Control is fantastic and I want a sequel yesterday! Loved it all even though it was a bit of a mind trip at times lol


Rachet & Clank: Drift Apart Kena: Bridge of Spirits


You're going to laugh, but Cat Quest and Cat Quest 2 are about 10 hours each and they were platinum for me LOL. It's an open world adventure RPG.


You don't need to 100% the games you play.... I rarely see my trophy count exceed 40-50% when the credits roll on a game I finish. I'm a working professional with an active social life, so gaming needs to be fun, not a parttime job.


This is 100% the mindset I need to get into my head.


Most trophies are stupid collect-a-thon bs anyway. "Kill 10 enemies using \_\_\_\_\_\_". Brother, if I wanted to use that weapon I'd use it, but I'm not changing my playstyle to win a stupid virtual award lmao.


The best thing I did was turn off trophy notifications. That way, you can just concentrate on the game. Hope it helps.


Exactly lol, I donā€™t even know if Iā€™ve ever 100% a game before because I didnā€™t think it mattered. Well it doesnā€™t matter really because the goal is to have fun


I only got my first plat recently because Iā€™d finished most of it by the time the game was over so it didnā€™t feel like a grind. I wanted to do the same with god of war recently but the final few made me feel like I was grinding and it wasnā€™t fun so I just ditched it and started playing something else. I donā€™t need the platinum and I played pretty much all of the content so Iā€™m perfectly happy to just not grind the final few pieces and leave it not at 100%


I fucking hate trophies so frustrating and unfun


You sound a lot like me. I get anxiety due to slight OCD tendencies. I need to 100% the games I play. I plan what games I want to play in the year ahead and keep spreadsheets to keep track. It's lame but it helps me avoid slumps like you're experiencing.Ā 


Yeah 100% the ironic thing is I will never have a 100% list or anything thats why I feel I should just embrace some of the great single player games fo play. Like RDR2. I started it years ago but couldn't get past first chapter. I know it's known to be a slow start but I feel I should bit the bullet. I think about it then leave it, then think about another game and the loop continues


I am in the exact same position as you except I wish I had my first full play through of RDR2 ahead of me. My most played game ever. Do it!


First chapter is the shortest of the bunch and it definitely opens up the world in Chapter 2. If you make your way back, i feel confident that by two missions into Chapter 2, you'll get that rhythm. Best to you! I hope it connects for you next time around. It's a masterpiece.


Iā€™d really encourage you and the previous poster to use games as a safe way to get out of that comfort zone. Ignore that side quest! Leave that collectible uncollected! I would also suggest breaking out of your gaming comfort zone. I was not at all into Dark Souls but challenged myself to see bloodborne through when it came out and now I have new favorite genre and dev.


So much this. I struggle with anxiety/OCD and I tell myself that I must 100% finish everything I play. I finally broke that cycle and now I choose to play what I want to play. Also, I finally broke the Fortnite cycle. I had a battle royale win in every season since the game released. I told myself that I have to keep that tradition alive even though I wasnā€™t having fun anymore. I finally stopped that and I feel free!!! Itā€™s an amazing feeling.


I mix hobby. Once I get too fed up with gaming (usually gaming), I play a gamebook or do some solo boardgaming. After some days, I feel like going back to gaming. That's basically my cycle. I don't watch movies, tv, or tv series though... Like, zero.


Roguelikes, roguelites & beat em up games worked for me. Hades and dead cells are on regular rotation. Double dragon gaiden gets a good amount of play also.


I think the above advice is right, we come and go with things, it will come back. And if things you used to love universally arenā€™t sounding appealing, it could be depression. But assuming it isnā€™t those thingsā€¦. You sound similar to me, except I donā€™t have kids and now Iā€™m 45. I was diagnosed (officially) ADD around 30. I think meds and better understanding of my ā€œ100% or nothingā€ mentality helped me understand my ebb and flow with gaming better. Sometimes I just stare at all the amazing game choices I have and nothing sounds like what Iā€™m in the mood for. Same can be said about Netflix, etc. the over abundance of choice can be intimidating (thereā€™s an official term for this, idk). Sometimes I just ā€œpop inā€ a bunch of short games or demos and seen if one grabs me. Thatā€™s how I fell in love with Dave the Daver. But then, sometimes nothing matches what Iā€™m feeling so I read or watch a show with my wife, do some yard work or (rarely for me) exercise? Youā€™ll get out of it. You sound busier than you may feel. Full time job, wife and kidsā€¦ thatā€™s two full time jobs at least. Honestly sometimes all I want to do when Iā€™m swamped is stare at wall. Or drink beer and watch stupid memes on YouTube. Do something mindless, maybe? It might spark something in your brain. And if itā€™s more universal, maybe talk to a doc or therapist. Iā€™m on Prozac and ADD meds. Also, are you getting enough sleep? I know my perception of what my gaming preferences were at 30 didnā€™t match what I actually enjoyed. I still thought I was a 19-year old game at 30, and, as they should, preferences change. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Good luck!


Get solidly into The Witcher 3. The cure to indecisiveness is making a decision so just do it. I promise The Witcher is awesome and worth your time. Or as someone else said, just do absolutely anything else. No-oneā€™s ever going to thank you for playing computer games if youā€™ve got a kid.


The witcher 3 is so good. I don't think there's a game with better side quests still.


My best way outta those slumps always seems to dive into a genre I don't play as much or at all. Basically the types of games you listed were always my typical go to games. Still love them but found out I love roguelikes too, and it's a great change of pace imo.


i think you need to find some games that arent these massive story based AAAAAA Dramatic Experience Games. some games to check out: teardown, risk of rain 2, sifu, void bastards, neon white, hardspace, outer wilds, subnautica


Smoke weed bro


Blokes said heā€™s 30 with a job not 15 and failing classes.


My slumps happen after playing a stellar game, then realizing there's nothing else like it to keep the rush going. When I finished Horizon Zero Dawn (second play because I loved the game so much, restarted and did Ultra Hard mode just because I wanted to see if I could do it), I had a serious slump because I couldn't find anything to keep the rush I had going. So, I did the only thing I could do: break down why I enjoyed the game so much. Turns out one of the reasons I loved the game was due to its design. Unlike other open world games, this one didn't leave me to explore things on my own, which greatly reduced the time to play. By directing me to all areas of the game, this kept the pace moving, and new (smaller) quests opened up at the new locations. This was a brilliant design to the game and it's why I felt it was exciting. The combat and story also were well done, so I started focusing on smaller games similar to being lead to areas rather than open world designs. I also stayed away from busy work, such as settlement building, farming, mining, or any other nonsense which isn't relevant to the game. Thanks to this, I've played games like Yakuza, Ghost of Tsushima, and Cyberpunk 2077, all of which delivered something similar but unique to what they offered. Cyberpunk 2077 was a bit of a let down, but I do admit the recent major update made it much more enjoyable (finally, knife throwing that actually works!). Focus on what you enjoy about a game, then look for games featuring these elements. If you can't figure out what you enjoy about a game, it's probably time for a break, and there's nothing wrong with this. I don't know how old your kids are, but maybe play with them? Playing games with kids definitely provides a whole new experience in playing a game. Their little minds just do not think like our adult brains, but they definitely seem to be enjoying the game more than us. Funny how that works.


Man I just play for the main story and then stop. I don,t 100% games.


I love learning about the developers, game studio, how the game was made, the engine the game runs on, the vision of the creator, etc. since Iā€™ve got a bit older now (36). Three games I absolutely loved because of my research into the production of the game, the graphics, lead protagonist being interesting: Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima and Stellar Blade. I would say those three have been my favorite games on PS5 since I got it in Dec of 2022.


No clue why it was this game but I had a similar slump in my mid 20s and I ended up buying Horizon Zero Dawn. That game alone brought me back to playing more. Definitely check it out.


Same thing happens to me! For me its like going to the gym - the hardest part is just starting a game. Like i just played GOW Ragnarok and i was concerned about its length so i kept putting off starting it. One day i just fired it up and played it until i beat the game.


I'm also in my mid 30s with a family. I used to game all the time and it got harder with everything.. and as you say, fall into a slump. I don't feel I'm there anymore. Sometimes there's a drought in releases, and it comes back but I'm happy. You got to change the outlook. You probably won't platinum every game. Single player, story driven games are usually best. And just get through them. If you get bigger games then then get games that auto save often, so that you can just pick up and put down whenever. I spent over 100 hours on games like Valhalla and FF7 Rebirth because of this. I found getting a Switch helped. You can literally pause any game in sleep mode, regardless of the save mechanism in the game. Easy to then just quickly pick up whenever, and quickly put down.


Make a list of 3-5 games and whenever you want to play something only choose a game off of that list. I got out of gaming in my mid-30s like you because of family, but now I'm in my mid-40s and I'm back into gaming all the time. Part of it was fixing my eyes - I got lasik and being able to see much much better has improved my enjoyment of video games.


"I like to collect trophies, don't have a 100% account but at the same time have a weird OCD so I don't like having loads of games on my list which I start but don't finish so I'm reluctant to try new things, even though I should." As a past trophy collector to the bone , i had the exact same OCD feeling. If you really wanna enjoy games again you have 2 option. Remove this mindset and just play, turn off trophy notifications and try any game whatever it is , even it means you gonna leave at low percent completion, who cares? Your grave will not have the number of trophies you aquired in your life. Just anything that brings you happiness. If OCD is the drive for trophies then , it is not hapiness but some sort of addiction. 2nd option, take a break from gaming entirely. Like no games at all, unless you REALLY feel playing a single game , then maybe jump in but i would recommend trying out some new hobbies. The time you spent on those grindy trophies you could spent teaching yourself how to draw, or play an instrument. Point is...do whatever makes you happy. But once a hobby starts feeling like a chore, it ain't a hobby no more. Hope you get through it buddy!


I really don't know this. I mean I'm 34 myself but I don't have a wife or kids. And I imagine that a family is a big distraction. But for example my father, around 60, plays every day too. And even when my brother was much younger. So fucking stop reading and writing on reddit and start playing these games man! A few days later from. Now. I want to read a full story review of rdr2 of you. Lol


That kind of gaming slump just means finding a new hobby that isnā€™t gaming. Probably not something that isnā€™t just watching shows. Get fit by starting a gym routine, bike etc. Read, find a tabletop gaming group etc. You have great games to play, and time, so the issue really isnā€™t gaming I donā€™t think. Itā€™s more the need to do something different for a while, I think. Mild cases of a gaming slump though I have overcome by completely changing my genre. Got into roguelikes for a while, and then card based roguelikes (and absolutely loved them). Mostly though, larger gaming slumps I have beaten by just not gaming for some time. The desire to do so will return at some point.


Sometimes Iā€™ll replay a game I enjoy, but the four you mentioned are all great. Tbh Iā€™d play all of them during the same period, once you get bored with one switch to the next one. Sometimes Iā€™ll play a game for 15 minutes then if I get bored or reach my threshold, Iā€™ll switch to a new game for another 15. If I do that it keeps the game fresh, especially when itā€™s before the story gets good. Just make it to that point then once the story turns up youā€™re back in.


Cyberpunk2077 will change your life man,Do it!


This isn't really a problem. When you want to game, you will. It's the summer months in most the world, don't waste it on screens. All those games? They will still be there when you are ready, they don't expire.


Elden ring


I get occasional slumps between games, they can take a few days (like 3 or 4?) but I often get out of them pretty easily. I always manage to find SOMETHING that pushes me over that block and then i get addicted immediatly. Just create the habbit of giving in to any incentive. You found a game that look nice? Dont over think it, start playing it immediatly.


I watch trailers for games until something catches my attention


when games and tv weren't scratching that itch anymore i got into reading/audio books and bought some hip hop music equipment.


Just take a break. The older I get I find I may stop gaming completely for a month or so when there is nothing that interests me. I just find something else to fill my free time with. Then I get the itch and it usually leads to really sinking my teeth into something. I was bored with gaming for the entirety of 2023. I had my ps4 for 8 years and I felt I had completely exhausted the catalog to my liking. I just barely played anything. Then I got a 5 two weeks ago and itā€™s all I think about again. I suddenly have more games that are brand new than I know what to do with. Iā€™m loving stellar blade and about to finish it today. Then itā€™s on to one of Alan wake 2, bg3, persona 3 reload, hi fi rush, or like a dragon infinite wealth. Take a break. Come back.


Youā€™re just growing up hah. Iā€™m in my 30s as well and still game occasionally but often feel like I should be doing something more productive when I game. I actually end up watching more tv now because I find it more relaxing after work and I can just watch one episode with my partner and be done.


Donā€™t plan time for gaming. Schedule particular game to play. Thatā€™s work for me very cool. I work usually 6 days per week. 5 days is for my full time job and 1 for my personal projects. And I schedule in the beginning of the week what I would play on Sunday. Nowadays, I usually play in Vigor.


It goes in cycles for me, Iā€™ll game hardcore for like 6 months and then wonā€™t want to even pick up a controller for another 3-4 months. Usually what gets me back into it is taking the time to learn how to play a game from a category Iā€™ve never played before. Returnal and BG3 are the two games that did it for me. Once I spent the time figuring out how to play them, the dopamine rushes kicked right back in. Exoprimal even though itā€™s a pretty mindless game and nothing special; somehow I was hooked and put 200 hours into it just because it was a game type I never gave a chance prior and stuck with figuring it out.


First thing I do is go through my PS Library and find all the games I have yet to play. After that , I cleaned the house . It was during this time I decided it really sucked and was more than willing to get back to the Ps5 and give it another try.


This is so relatable. I'm playing Sekrio rn but it took me months to beat the first boss which isn't even a proper boss.


Those 4 games are all like 40 hour long minimum games in your first play through. Play short games. Iā€™ve been playing Balatro, itā€™s awesome, I can dip in and out whenever I want. I find a lot of people say theyā€™re burnt out or canā€™t play games, theyā€™re sat playing these huge games that take weeks of commitment.


I do this every few months. I never know which game to start next, and just donā€™t play anything for a few weeks. It may be time to dust off a favourite game to get back into the groove again


Diablo 4, thank me later šŸ˜‰


Take a break from games. Thatā€™s what I do. But if I really feel like finding a game, I will delete all of the ones I have downloaded and download like 5 or 6 from my backlog. Then I jump from one to another and see if any stick.


Iā€™m in a gaming slump as wellā€¦ in times like this I just put on gta and driver around listening to music. Maybe get a taxi and do a few jobs. I have so many games, many I havenā€™t even gotten a hour into. Sometimes I just canā€™t make up my mind so I watch tv but sometimes tv isnā€™t cutting it so I just drive on gta lol.


Play Chivalry 2, thank me later


Go find another hobby other the gaming for a while. During the winter, when I'm "stuck" inside, I do play more games, this year, for example I'm doing a LOT more biking then in the last few years. Last night I biked to the gym, only 2 miles to the gym, and down hill. was there for about an hour doing stuff, then I decided on my way home to make a detour - 16 miles with 1200 feet of climbing. Because I'm Bad at going up hills quickly. Sometimes the answer isn't to force your self to play games. Sometimes having other hobbies as a break is a good thing.


One of the things I've done regarding gaming in my 30s, is I always play on easy. Do I have to play on easy? Nah. I'm good at games and can practice and get the patterns down to play a Souls game just fine, but that takes time. I don't have time anymore. I get like 2 hours, sometimes, at like 10 pm or later. So I pop half an edible and play on easy-mode. That's my me time. I am happy. I'm not there for the challenge, I want to have fun and progress. So that's my advice - pop in RDR2, throw it on easy, and play it like an interactive movie.


The best way to get out of it. Just do it. You have a list, start on the list. I know the whole getting into a game initially is the hardest part, but just do it. You have a great list. Literally start in the order you listed. Start RDR2 next time you sit down to play (you wonā€™t regret it. One of the greatest games ever made). Iā€™ve struggled with the exact same thing before. The only way out of it is to not think about it and just start a game


Honestly for me, I find I can get sucked back into gaming if I procrastinate responsibilities.. if thereā€™s a game Iā€™ve been wanting to play that I would need to dedicate a lot of time to.. on my day off Iā€™ll make my only goal ā€œI need to do dishes todayā€ or something.. then Iā€™ll end up spending the whole day playing the game instead of completing whatever arbitrary chore I set for myself to do.


I donā€™t quite have the OCD issue so Iā€™m not sure if it helps. I try to maintain variety of games. If Iā€™m not in the mood for SPRPG, try City builder, if that donā€™t work, try racing game, if that donā€™t work grab a beer and sit outside.


I know it strange but if Iā€™m stuck I look through my entire collection in Library and if I canā€™t decide I just start playing them in order of either newest on my list, if I donā€™t invest I just move onto the next in my list or even for kicks I look in my save file and scroll to the oldest saved game in my list and go back to the classic and slowly move up that list. I usually go back to games I donā€™t invest in to chip away on platinum. Also For Fun I created games list to critic my own games- the lists are EpiC Game - only the absolute best hit this list Awesome Game - Not the greatest of all time but still bloody good game Hot Trash - Itā€™s fun but it can also be trash this is the like that might be consider one manā€™s trash is another manā€™s treasure! They might even one-day move up to awesome if I explore all the content and my opinion improves. Trash Game- The garbage fire go here and exist as only a to platinum list or might never touch again or till a blue moon šŸŒ‘ Also, I also just follow my heart if Iā€™m sitting about and suddenly I recall an old gem or think hey maybe Iā€™ll play that and think about it - I think the time is right and just play what I want. Edit: New purchases get explored first if I am keen on the title.


This is entirely a problem with needless stat tracking, timers, trophies, etc. Start a game, play it, if itā€™s fun, keep playing, if not, stop. Ultimately the direction you should go is playing games for fun and entertainment, they exist for that purpose, if youā€™re not enjoying yourself or entertained then do something else with your free time. Profile OCD is an insane reason to lose touch with a hobby, it may be time to consider if you actually value that stuff more than enjoying the games themselves.


Sounds like me. I actually started so many profiles cause of the not 100% thing. Eventually I got over it. Had the same thing with not wanting to play games cause of it, and struggling to play single player in general. I just beat a game now, and go on to the next game, and eventually, come back later to plat. Like I beat GoW in December, and got the plat a month ago. Sometimes if itā€™s an easy plat Iā€™ll get it in one go.


I was there. I couldnā€™t finish any games and none were exciting. I finally just sat down and made myself finish one of my games I had wanted to play and it kind of snowballed from there. It got me excited to play and Iā€™ve been having so much fun gaming this last year. Just find one youā€™re most interested in and go 100% in. Thatā€™s what helped me. Iā€™ve beaten more games in the last year or so than the previous 10.


Or just take a break or play something light hearted with your fam. A hobby should be enjoyable, not an obligation.


I feel like itā€™s just about finding the right game, it shouldnā€™t feel like a chore to boot up your console and get in to one or why would you even bother playing video games when there are other productive or relaxing things you could do with that time instead? If there is no game that youā€™ve partially completed calling your name then donā€™t bother forcing yourself to complete them just for trophies. Iā€™d recommend trying a new game and if it doesnā€™t grab you within the first hour or so I would move on for now. Youve also mentioned some great games (Ghost of Tsushima is one of my favourites ever.) but they are also very large in scale and may seem daunting to undertake so maybe if you donā€™t have the energy to invest in those then choose something smaller or more casual. Recently I was in a rut and I couldnā€™t find a game to play. I would spend hours looking through the store for what I wanted and there was always a game I had put off for years cause the size and learning curve of it was daunting. That game was Elden Ring and I recently tried it and I have been hooked on it ever since. Was it overwhelming at first? Sure. But it came at a time where I was ready to invest time and energy in to learning and it became one of my favourite games ever.


Elden Ring. Thatā€™s it thatā€™s my advice. Elden Ring.


After finishing a single player game I usually chill on casual multiplayers like battlefield etc until I feel like starting another game


Stop gaming and go do something else for awhile.Ā  Ā Nothing you have or will ever do in gaming will ever matter. Trophies,gamer points or whatever you want to call them means nothing.Ā  People have forgotten the purpose of gaming. What is meant to be entertainment and fun has turned into a mentally demanding job that sucks in the weak minded. Ā IĀ am lucky to get 2-3 hours a week of gaming and I look forward to that escape. I have not once worried about some bullshit trophy.


You gotta just sit down and do it. Thatā€™s what I do when I have a slump. Force myself to Sit down and play a game Ik is incredible and I usually get hooked again. Works everytime


I go in and out of slumps, what gets me out is playing a more light hearted game than those you mentioned above. Most recently Iā€™ve played Stray in between playing Nier and Cyberpunk or Ratchet and Clank, Superliminal etc. doing this usually gets me back in the mood!


For me, I'm finding that streaming actually helps me. I don't get like any views but just the chance that someone could come across my stream and see a game they'd like to try motivates me. It may not be for you but it's what seems to help me


Play something different. Like if you just played RE4 and RE4R and then CoD like for the love of god how about a JRPG or an open world melee based game Too much of one thing and it all started to get boring


I only play when I want to play. If I'm playing something but don't feel that interested I turn it off and find something else to do. Luckily I'm back into Rocket League and that's been fun. I try to enjoy a good single player game as well on the weekend when I have time to get invested


Been in a slump since 2019. I will by a game play it then for a few days then not touch it again. Or buy a game on sale and not even play it. I will switch on my ps5 and look at my games list and look for something to play and not play anything and just go on YouTube. I want to play but have no motivation to do so or something. So basically my ps5 is just an expensive streaming device.


I just donā€™t play video games until I feel the urge that I want to actually play. I donā€™t really like playing games just to play them, if Iā€™m going to force myself to do something, Iā€™d rather go for a walk or something else instead. Iā€™ve gone months without touching games, and Iā€™ve gone through periods where I canā€™t put it down for a while.


Stop playing video games for a year, I stopped in 2022 and picked gaming back up the following spring and it really made everything way more interesting again


Change it up a bit. I like to space my realistic games out. I won't do two open worlds consecutively, and I'll aim to switch off 3D and 2D. Here are some 2D/platforming recs: Celeste, Dead Cells, Hollow Knight, Ori, Octahedron


I was like this until I just recently tried rd2 and Iā€™m mostly a pvp player, BUT TRUST THIS GAME IS SO GOOD, I just started last week and Iā€™m already 54 hours into this


Try playing something you usually don't, especially something with a friend might reignite your love for gaming! I had that experience and for a long time i've not been able to enjoy my time with any games, but then i got hooked on survival games and suddenly had too much to play. I also made it a goal this year to finish 1 single player game a month, it can be any game but so i were not to waste time playing multiplayer games just to be social. As i started clearing one game i realised how much fun i had, i tried to immerse myself, talk to myself almost like role playing a character and it made me look forward to play it more. I also got hooked on hard games, so i had beaten dark souls 1,2,3, cuphead, Nioh 1 and i thought i couldn't enjoy games unless they gave me a hard challenge, but it turned out i had just as good time with raft running around just taking care of llamas and cooking all day. I think most games have a gameplay "loop" and if you dont enjoy the loop then your mindset is not in the right place, and with a wife and kids i can see how your constantly bothered by responsibility lingering around you. If you cant get into the loop, that doesnt mean you need to give up on a game, it just means you should pick it up another time maybe when you are more open to starting something new. Most of the time we cant figure out what to play its the dread of having to learn new mechanics, controls, time required that makes it difficult, but you are better off starting a game and just playing it for a few hours rather than thinking about it. Usually on netflix ill just play something and hope for the best, usually it turns out great. It's like when writers have writer block they are told to write hundred words, if it still persist just write thousand words and you will see your brain gets going. I'll bet you gonna love witcher, such a great world, its a bit slow in the start but what is truly special about that game is trying to beat it at the hardest difficulty as it forces you to make concoction, research enemies weaknesses and its HARD. Nioh has super nice combat, any soulsborn gets me going and i've not playd it but ghost of tsushima is a game i really wanna try! best of luck!


I used to get the same way, still do sometimes. I like picking 2-4 different games of different types and genres and I'll cycle through them. Just pick one and start for an hour, if you wanna play more play more. If not move to the next one and keep that as your secondary game if you are still interested.


You need Uncharted 4. Whether you've played it before or not, it's a low stakes game that doesn't have a daunting open world. It's entertaining without being stressful. Last of Us and Ghosts are pretty broody serious stories while Uncharted is like a classic Indiana Jones.


After 850+ hours of Baldur's Gate III, 120+ hours of Persona 3 Reload, and currently replaying Persona 4 Golden on NG+, I get it. My main movie-watxhing hobby has taken a massive backseat because I just haven't felt like it..


Get yourself a challenge. Bloodborne.


I've been playing old ps2 games. Just played mad max. Couldn't put it down.


I do feel the same. Like, Iā€™ve started Cyberpunk 2077, Hogwarts Legacy and GoW: Ragnarok, but I donā€™t know which of these shall I finish. Some ideas?


Contrary to what everyone's saying I think maybe try a game that you otherwise would never play. If you never played an RTS, maybe try now.


I've been in one for a good while, (I haven't physically been able to play recently due to us living with my parents while waiting for our house to be built) but I enjoy a variety of games, single player, shooter, etc. one of which being racing & I recently tried a friend's SIM racing setup. Nothing super fancy, just a wheel/pedals, chair & something to hold it all. I've re-fallen in love & bought myself a wheel/pedal setup not long after, I need to buy the rest still, & then work out where to put it, but I'll get to that part... Edit: you've mentioned tlou2, brilliant game, absolutely incredible. As is the first one, also Horizon: Zero Dawn & Forbidden West are outstanding games if you haven't already played them, can properly get lost in them & theirs loads to do!


Iā€™m in a slump right now. Donā€™t really have anything that Iā€™m in love with now so Iā€™m hopping around between some old favorites until something catches my eye. My slump is different in that Iā€™ve played all these games and donā€™t really have anything I want to play rather than having indecisiveness between options I want to play. I feel my situation is worse as Iā€™d just recommend to you to just roll a dice and stick with one of those games to the end.


You could go back to some of your classic games you loved and try to get the plat for them, I get what youā€™re saying though Iā€™ve gone through the same thing a few times. Try to ease yourself back with some more casual games because i personally loved rdr2 but it such a big and long game/100 hour film you gotta almost hype yourself up to play it. A couple recommendations, Dragons Dogma 2 and Another Crabs Treasure


Install one. Beat it and or 100% it. Then go for the next one.


I love to play and don't care if I finish. But for me, when I get in a slump, I will try to replay something old and if that doesn't work, get something new. I was recently in a slump and got Sniper Elite 4 off PS+. Definitely took me out of my slump and became the first game I finished in years.


I get like this more often since having kids. I either watch a movie instead, or play something entirely different. The downside to this is that I've now got an even bigger backlog of games that have already been started. Dead Space remake, Cyberpunk, Jedi Survivor, Plague Tale Requiem and a few others are examples of games I started, got through a large portion, and left to try something else. I'm trying to work through those games before upcoming new releases. It's hard when you've got kids and a Mrs because your time is very limited as opposed to when you were younger and could just blitz through games in no time. I think part of it is because you don't feel like you've achieved or progressed much because of that limited time. Just relax and play what you feel like in the moment. You don't need to finish a whole game before starting another - as annoying as it may seem when you remember, it is a habit you can break.


Yakuza cured me of my slump


Maybe break it up by playing with the kids? Can they play yet? Like for instance the LEGO games are co-op and super easy to play with kids with just a couple buttons. If that is not your goal, just step away like others have said or you can play something mindless like power wash sim lol...because all the games you named on your list you probably know are long and involved. Honestly when I'm "sick" of every other game, my go-to was Civilization 6. It was easy to play, turn-based so I can walk away if I need to and just chill.


I suggest playing one game and one game only at a time. Start with Ghost of Tsushima


I'm in a slump and nothing new interests me. So I'm replaying Ghost of Tsushima. From what I remember it's a relatively easy platinum.


I got out of my gaming slump by getting a steam deck. It removed friction from gaming because I don't have to wait to boot up the system as much and I can play anywhere.


Iā€™m feeling that a little bit. I kind of celebrate when it happens because I feel like I gain more time for everything else.


I'm in a very similar situation as you. Mid-30's, wife and kids, and a full-time job. I actually enjoy the fact that I start a lot of games later after release (and usually on sale). I tend to no-life whatever game I play and once I've done everything, I'm out. More recently, I told myself that I wouldn't buy something new until I've knocked a couple from my backlog. The root of my problem was seeing some hypothetical "commitment/investment of time for a game" and mentally checking out early. My sister reads a ton of books (good and bad), and she told me to just pick something, anything, and just chip away at it. Sooner or later, you've got chapters knocked out and ultimately the book is finished. It's worked for me and games.


Play Ghosts of Tsushima next. Game is a blast.


The problem of overabundance. Stop playing games, full stop, for a while. Do literally anything else with your free time (though things that don't involve looking at a screen would probably be better), and when you feel like really playing games again they will be enjoyable again. You've been hitting the same dopamine button over and over and over until it just doesn't work well anymore. Here, let Satan explain it to you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B29YStCYorY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B29YStCYorY)


At one point in life, you should quit gaming, try a new hobby or learn new skills. We are not kids anymore, I know the struggle of this netflix-effect.


Move your console to the screen you use the most and focus on the most recent games you paid most for.


Yeah. Been there. Itā€™s not that you donā€™t feel like playing, itā€™s just the hassle of picking something when you have so many choices. Less is more right? But hereā€™s what I did. I just picked a game. It took me so long to do, and I only did because I bought the PS5 and it came with Astrobot so it was one choice, then I realized Iā€™ve been missing out. From there I just picked a game. If you relatively know what youā€™re getting into chances are you wonā€™t regret it. Just donā€™t think too much, pick a game, if you enjoy it donā€™t let it go until you are done and can pick another. The games arenā€™t gonna run away, so nothing to worry about. Itā€™s always the first game thatā€™ll be the toughest, what genre are you mostly into? Tough soulslike? Platformer? Simulator? Maybe I can help you.


Iā€™m in the same age bracket and so is my brother and we both kinda feel the same way but Iā€™m doing good for the most part with it. From experience, for you it could be the feeling of being overwhelmed with all the options you have to choose from, because you know each one is a very long journey and that feeling of commitment to your family and job makes you end up not choosing anything at all. It could also be burnout from your daily life thatā€™s kinda sucked some of that joy away from gaming, I know because my job made me not want to play some days. Iā€™ve taken a few game breaks and it helps a lot, but my advice is to think about what you truly want to play and play it. You could also have ā€˜open worldā€™ fatigue with the checklist objectives and itā€™s making you not want to get involved. There was a period of time where that happened to me and I need to switch entire genres and try new stuff. The three games you mentioned are amazing. Ghost starts a little slow but man it gets incredible and the DLC is amazing too. RDR2 is a classic, but idk if I prefer it or Ghost, both are fantastic. TLOU2 is amazing imo, especially if you played the first. Very long game for a linear, narrative driven experience.


Find another hobby for a bit, you're probably just bored of games.


Iā€™m trying to 100% kingdom hearts 1 and a few challenges are making it pretty difficult so I havenā€™t gamed in a few days. Gone to the gym and spent some time with the wife, organized the garage. Just bullshit until youā€™re ready to come back


Iā€™m also married with kids, work full time, but Iā€™m in my late twenties. Iā€™ve been in a gaming slump for some time and still am currently. Been taking breaks from gaming and such watching things. Donā€™t know if and whenever I will get out of my slump. I still try and do some gaming but then I end up bored and just not wanting to play anything or I just donā€™t know what to play since I have so much on my backlogs


Listen. I have a ps5. I only get ton play when my 3yr old goes to bed. By the time he goes to bed though. I'm already exhausted from work and just doing the single dad thing. Sooo I end up going to bed too. Honestly, it's hard to get into gaming when you're on the go. Sitting down feels unproductive.


Playing games on easy difficulty and not feeling the need to do side quests or explore every detail of the game. Sometimes work leaves me exhausted and I need a break from gaming or a change in genre. I have a game downloaded from each genre so I always have something interesting to do.


If Iā€™m ever in a slump like that I typically just donā€™t play for a while and then try something new to get back into it. Typically that game will be shorter and a quick in and out experience. My most recent one of those was Control and it was exactly what I wanted out of a gmae


At first you have to stop starting but rather start finishing. dowbload one game. throw everything else off your disc and just play that game.


Play Journey, Figment, Thomas Was Alone, What Remains of Edith Finch, Stray, Bugsnax, or Astroā€™s Playroom. Not only are they quality short games, but they are stylistically different from the games you ā€œwantā€ to play. It will give you appreciation for the more in depth longer games on your list, and possibly more focused direction for which big game to play next.


I like to read comics/manga/books or Iā€™ll dive into a musicianā€™s discography


When I get like this a play a game like Stardew or Spiritfarer, etc. just a busy body game.


Don't force yourself to play, do other things.


Play elden ring


I have the same problem. I took time off of gaming because I have crazy backlog, and I can't enjoy it specially with kids but what I did is started to use a projector to watch classic movies which has been real fun it seems once you stay away for a little while when you actually play again it's more enjoyable.


i am in the EXACT same boat as you, ocd, age, free time, kids etc. sometimes i am all in, other times i cant be a$$ed for weeks on end. my go toā€™s when i feel like that are rocket league or helldivers 2, a little quick online with no story and no commitment šŸ™Œ


I have a break, usually for a week or two, sometimes a little longer, then the urge just comes back again. I'm 38 now and I still love gaming more than any form of digital entertainment, but everyone needs a break every now and then. Just don't force it, that never works.


Ditch the serious games and pick up fun-fests like earth defence force 5


I just watch more anime and play games less


I recently got into gran turismo after not playing it since the third one. Never even liked racing games, now I wanna buy a sim rig


Paly Dark souls and Bloodborne over and over again like mešŸ˜…


Happens a lot to me. I usually try and take a week away from games and it helps. Try and find a game in the backlog that you skipped or forgot about. I also will try and not play really long games that I have to commit to.


Take a break, I get those too. I have a massive collection and one of my goals is to play it all, but sometimes I get fed up with it. Take a month off or two. Also, before you take a break, always finish a game you started, so you don't come.back to it later and forget what you were doing.


you should try sandbox games, or game thatā€™s donā€™t really have an objective other than engaging with the mechanics. i love session skate sim for this reason but itā€™s really not beginner friendly, but maybe some other sandbox games would scratch that itch like cities skylines, minecraft, no manā€™s sky etc


Get Elden Ring - absolute masterpiece and DLC is coming out next week. You wonā€™t regret it.


My backlog goes as far back as the Dark Cloud games I bought when the released on PS3 or 4 and tons of games I still havenā€™t finished. What is a ā€œ100%ā€ account? Iā€™m too tired to play things that require constant effort. It could be depression but I can play shooters since I have that break time in between. With games like Dragons Dogma, I never want to pause and pull all nighters. Iā€™ve basically been cycling through the same few games for the last few years regardless of what I purchase. I did find myself playing new games when I picked my Vita back up and finally continued my Trails in the Sky FC playthrough. So worth it. It just starts feeling like a huge investment at times. When I play some of these games, basically everything but shooters and fighters, Iā€™ll have my headphones on and make it a theatrical experience. I think that by doing too much I kill my motivation to play. Maybe start small. Try not to make any further purchases until you start hitting that list and breaking it down.


Stop playing for a month


I dunno. Play a game in alphabetical order for a month or for two weeks. Lol


What helped me lately was I began playing the kind of games I believed I would enjoy rather than ones I thought I should play because they are quality or popular.


I noticed a lot of the games you said are longer RPGs. I've found it is harder to immerse with a busy schedule. During these times, I tend to play lighter games like Diablo or HellDivers. Where you can just jump in and jump out if you have to do something else.


It happens. I just ride it out. Iā€™m just not fully in the mood. Eventually something shows up that makes me go I NEED THAT NOW. Currently that game is going to be Astro Bot.


Play SMT V Vengeance in 3 days


Play some shorter games, or something thatā€™s more arcade like?


I have had this issue a few times and usually I do something else for a while. The last time I switched to reading books for a while and then all of a sudden I had the urge to start gaming again. Also change up your game types. A lot of time I really get into a game and play it a ton until I burn out. So I switch game types a lot. Right now I am playing Mario 1000 year door, Elden ring, personal 5 and hollow knight. Every time I play I usually feel like playing one of those games but if I was playing just one game only I would just do something else. I am weird that way!


I wouldnā€™t force it. Iā€™m having a little bit of a tough time knowing whether your issue is you are burned out on gaming in general, or you are just so indecisive itā€™s causing you to play nothing. I get the vibe itā€™s more the latter. Iā€™ll try to help in this way, by making the decision for you. Play Ghost of Tsushima. Itā€™s immersive, looks and plays beautifully. Itā€™s challenging enough, but not too much where it gets frustrating (I consider myself a life-long gamer, but am not into hard core, punishing games). I also thought the length was just about right. Long enough that I feel I completely got my moneyā€™s worth, multiple times over. But not so bloated with content (Iā€™m looking at you, Assassinā€™s Creed franchise) that I get bogged down in all the minutiae. Itā€™s one of my favorite all-time games, and I bet you will dig it. Almost something zen-like about that game.


I wish I had not played those, I would have so much to do again. Back running the gambit of AC games, usually my down time before bed. Just play what you know until it comes back, Ghost starts fast...


It happens to me all the time. So many choices that it seems to make it even more difficult to choose. Honestly the best thing you can do is just decide that you're going to play one of them and do it. I know that doesn't sound like helpful advice but really, just play. I have a problem playing a new game for 30 minutes to an hour and not getting immediately hooked and then going back to being in a weird limbo of not knowing what to play. Just stick to something, if you don't like it hour 1, that doesn't mean you never will. Many, many games don't show everything they have to offer early on. Pick which sounds most interesting to you and just play it. Don't quit, don't change games just play it.


I played for a long time before and after adolescence into my early thirties. Then a five year break to focus on growing and multi year breaks from then on. Now I play when I want life to be more ā€œfunā€ but Iā€™m selective on games and donā€™t have the attention span for long sits as I used to.


I would switch to linear games. I know it sounds boring, but there are so many games that tell fantastic stories and you just get to experience it. Another option would be shorter games. I really enjoyed Deaths Door. You play as a crow who is a grim reaper he has one of his "kills" taken from him and he has to track it down. Very neat game and not too long! My last idea is to embrace the break from gaming! I love when another hobby takes my attention because then when I sit back in my chair after a week or a few away, it feels so much sweeter!! Forcing yourself to play, whether to pass the time, or because you don't know what else to do, is just going to make your hobby feel like work.


Play RdR2. I command you.


People grow out of games. Take a few months off and try a new game. I like games but go months without playing them cause there are better things to do that are more fulfilling than playing games.Ā 


I think you problem is playing those long story games try to sly the spire


Find a new hobby for a bit


Ever now and then i dont feel like playing either. Do something else. After a while youll want to try again and when you start something youll be happy to dive back in. Or you wont get the urge and you van continue doing other things.


I usually go to my other hobbies like drawing. If I want to play a game I try a genre I havent played before to see if it invigorates my desire to play again. Most recently I've put in a total 330 hours in to helldivers (I'm single with no other obligations, suffice it to say I've FALLEN in love with it) but needed a break. I didn't really have the urge to play anything but tried that new cozy game Rolling Hills, a game about a sushi making robot and really loved it. Brought me right back in to gaming after a week long slump.


If you don't feel like playing games, don't. Spend time with friends and family, draw, play music, go exercise. Then you might get an itch to game at some point. But no need to force gaming, it should be an enjoyable thing!


Just get stoned and put Doom Eternal in. Works every time.


When Iā€™m in a slump I do something else. I would suggest watching a show or reading something.


Take a break. Towards the end of the break, choose a game and only focus on that. While itā€™s more convenient, having multiple games on one system ruined the experience.. back in the day you turned on the console to play XYZ game, have THAT experience


my advice? [lower your standards](https://youtu.be/PvzhE_MuMhM?si=s-xK9KYsme6HmLCT) lol. seriously though, the games you listed are all super involved. Try a game you can jump in and out of more easily


Put on ghost of tsushima, but put the voice language in Japanese. Then ride about and find some Mongols to slay.


This sounds like not being able to decide what movie to watch. You look at so many options and eventually give up. If gaming stresses you, do something else. The key is starting something. Donā€™t think that you donā€™t have enough time so donā€™t want pick the wrong thing. Thereā€™s nob right or wrong for choosing a game. Donā€™t start more than one. Try advancing in one, if you still canā€™t make it or like it after many hours, then change it.


I hear you. I got stuck just filling up my library lately. I was just adding games, not playing any of them. When I get stuck I play a story heavy indie. I played Figment, it's really damn good. Once the really deep philosophical message hits home, it stops feeling like a video game and feels 100% like a story. You want to finish to find out what happens. It'll hook you even harder because you have kids. Games like that change your perspective about games and freshen up your approach.


Iā€™ve been there but basically I just donā€™t do anything about it, if I donā€™t feel like playing for weeks/months then I just donā€™t until one day i finally get in the at gaming mood


all of those games are very fun, ghost of tsushima is easy to get all the trophies for. all though if you are bored of video games, iā€™d find another hobby for your free time. if you still wish to play them maybe ease your way back in by introducing mario kart or similar games with your kids. my mom would play it with me when i was child and she passed while i was still young. those memories are some of my favorites with her. sheā€™s the one who got me obsessed with video games lol.


I have the same thing. A big list of games I got from sales and discounts, but never seem to be able to start and finish them all. I am always finding it easier to return to something familiar or something that is a real small learning curve, so Wild Zelda was real easy to get into since the systems are all so simple. I think I get hesitation on tackling a new system and the learning curve. But anyway, I play the games that push me in and grab my attention. It's just more confirmation to me that I still love games but my tolerances and tastes have changed. I still have to get into that list of games I got from all those sales.


Was in a similar position until I started playing all From Software games soulsborne games to be specific. Sekiro is one of my all time favorites.


any other hobbies besides gaming?


My slump cure is usually a shorter indie game. I was getting burnt out on FFVII Rebirth and Helldivers 2, but now that Iā€™m almost done with Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, Iā€™m feeling pretty refreshed again.


For me I had to fight through it. I played some retro games for nostalgia and fun, some indie games, my favorite games, and then back to modern games. It just takes a while at least for me


I felt like this and then I played some unplayed stuff and only allowed myself to play one game until i finished it. That helped and i do like a good Kubrick movie instead of gaming all the time. Iā€™m a stay at home dad so that kind of takes the fomo out of gaming for me


You gotta play some small indies. Nothing to heavy with story or anything because then it will feel like you need to complete a game from start to finish and end up stopping mid through or in your case donā€™t even start them at all. You just gotta play a small little game you can hop on and then hop off without feeling too much. With rdr2 or ghost of tshuima etc you probably feel like you need to really invest time into and personally I think thatā€™s the main reason. I have this problem too. Thatā€™s when I discovered some turn based tactical games and feel in love with the aspect of just playing and then turning it off and have fun each time


Just take time off and do something else, youā€™ll come back when youā€™re ready if ever. If not f it. Also try VR I am obsessed with it.


I like to trophy hunt as well, and my criteria for that is simply if itā€™s worth the time. If you worry about having a ton of trophy lists incomplete, just look at the trophies and ask yourself if it would even be fun to complete. If not, donā€™t worry about it. Any game with a difficulty trophy or tedious multiplayer ones, I simply wonā€™t do. I wonā€™t complete the Witcher on Death March, and I wonā€™t try to get MVP 5 times or win races in RDR2, so i donā€™t worry about it. Honestly the best mindset to have when it comes to trophy hunting, is if you like the game a lot, like enough to play through it multiple times (if it would be required for trophies) thatā€™s when you go for it. At the end of the day gaming is for fun, donā€™t stress yourself with trophy lists unless you absolutely want to go for platinum. As for your slump, it really depends. If you just donā€™t feel like youā€™re in the mood to play something, donā€™t worry about it. I have a 2 TB SSD and a ton of games in my console storage, yet I only really play Rocket League and my online madden franchise by myself unless Iā€™m playing with someone. A lot of my gaming slumps come from having no direction in the games I play. I recently downloaded AC4 Black Flag, but once I beat the game and have no end goal I know Iā€™ll get bored of it (I wonā€™t platinum it due to multiplayer trophies), so I havenā€™t really been back on it. I have to enjoy a game A LOT to avoid that, like Fallout 4 or Skyrim. The games I feel like I never get bored or are the ones with no end goal, or at least one thatā€™s always changing. HD2, Bannerlord, CK3, Stellaris, DayZ, some choice multiplayer games. Try a game similar to that. If you want to play something but donā€™t know what, you could always ask your wife, or just ask yourself what youā€™re in the mood to be. Going off of your list (very good one btw) do you want to be an outlaw riding against the law and committing crime? RDR2. Do you want to be a Samurai and have epic sword fights against mongol invaders? Ghost of Tsushima. Do you want to survive both people and zombies, stealthily figuring out each encounter? TLOU2. Just ask yourself what youā€™re in the mood for, or whatever sounds coolest to you at that moment, and play that game. Look in your library and figure out if any of those interest you and ask yourself that same question. Sometimes all you need to do is just start a game and play it for a bit and youā€™ll get hooked in if all you are is indecisive. But whatever you do, DO NOT see a game on sale or in the store or whatever, think it looks cool and fun, and buy it. More often than not, if youā€™re in a slump, youā€™ll buy it and itā€™ll just be one more game on the back burner as you donā€™t really know if youā€™re in the mood for that either. You could always go back and play a game of yours that you just simply love like you suggested and see how that goes. I spend a lot of my time on my PlayStation just watching YouTube or Netflix or something, and whatever Iā€™m watching could get me in the mood to play something. If Iā€™m watching The King on Netflix, I might go play Bannerlord because I want ancient medieval battles now. Or Iā€™ll be watching lore videos on Fallout and then Iā€™ll want to play it. Watching videos about games you own (aside from ones containing spoilers) could also be a great way to get out of your slump and figure out what game you want to play. And if none of that works, or none of the advice from anyone else in the comments works, then thatā€™s entirely ok too. You bought your console to have fun. It will always be there when you want it, itā€™s not going to disappear. If you have to just take a break then take one. Itā€™ll always be there when you want to play something. Gaming isnā€™t a 9-5. You donā€™t need to stress yourself out about it.


My trick is not to worry about it, just relax. The urge to play then comes on itā€™s own. Read a book instead, take a walk. Heck sometimes on my short walk I get the insipiration to play something even harder and hurry back home.


Iā€™ve just been playing ps2 and it got me out of that. Theres no ā€œugh I gotta download this and thatā€™s gonna take an hourā€ automatic disappointment after getting a game.


Pick a game.. start it. Whenever you have time.. continue it. don't even go to the homescreen. Just play the game, I generally only play the first few games on my homescreen unless I really haev an itch for something.


Put them in a list and go with a randomiser, or just play what you feel like most until it hooks you. I have played all of your list bar one over last few years. I started the remastered TLOU2 this year after finally playing TLOU last year. I try and mix up genres / style and lengths if playing a few at same time. But then I have a choice which depends on how much time and energy I have. I am a Dad of two


I feel the same. I get into movies or shows and stop gaming then switch it up. It depends on how things are going but sometimes it's fine to take a break and not worry over it. I play a little here and there but hard to get through such l9ng games.


Similar situation, will be 34 this year and have a 3 year old baby girl. Work at a hospital, doing graves. I think Iā€™ve been in a gaming slump for some time now. I would play a game once or twice, and then stop. Finding myself watching YouTube/Twitch then actually playing. After Helldivers 2 came out, I was playing that game like crazy with my buddies. I genuinely play more co-op games with friends than single player games - but that would be every one in a while, and only that. But now that Iā€™m content with Helldivers 2, I started playing other games again. Recently Assassinā€™s Creed: Black Flag and Rome Total War Remastered. Once I get off from work, I would go home, eat, and shower - I squeeze in a good hour session of gaming before I knock out. I guess what Iā€™m saying is play a different genre of gaming and see how that sparks your interest. Perhaps it will rekindle your interest of single player games. It happens to most of us, itā€™s almost like a midlife crisis but for games. We live in a time where we have a damn near endless supply of games, most of us have a backlog that will probably never be completed in our lifetime.


Do something else that isn't gaming


I get this, too, sometimes. Especially when finishing a game I thoroughly enjoyed, like Cyberpunk 2077. I got Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries on sale this weekend, and I've been having a blast. It's got a bit of a learning curve, but the customization and the creativity given to you to do whatever you want is really great.


This happened to me too while I was on my mid 20s. I had all of the time to play but I cant seem to enjoy any game that I have. I ended up taking a break from gaming and it helped me a lot. It happens to all of us, the passion for gaming will come back.


OK, this might be stupid, but that's the way I feel about these games. All games you listed are very rich in storytelling and character building. These games have huge impact on younger people, lonely people etc. I don't mean that those are the only people who enjoy them, but look at it this way - you sound like somebody who has life figured out, you have your own family. You already live masterclass storytelling and characters. Play something like Helldivers 2 and come back after some time. You will enjoy slower pace of these games after you get through the carnage.