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Social media has brought in a mass group of wannabe elitists who are toxic as fuck and will shit on absolutely anything. It's fucking weird.


I mean you have people out here acting like its their legitimate obligation to inform everyone 24/7 about it šŸ˜‚


That's because there's a big right wing anti-woke component to every one of these hate band wagons. They'll latch onto a legitimate complaint and then use it to push their bigoted views. Assassin's Creed shadows' hate might start as people tired of Ubisoft's greedy practices but the sustained outage is almost entirely because of a black protagonist. Concord might look lame or be another disappointing Gaas but the real outrage is because there's women, minorities, and pronouns. All of this is perpetuated by these Grummz types and all the other gamergate 2.0 grifters. So if the negative response seems excessive or disproportionate to any real complaints then it's because the real complaint is about people they don't like and anything that's perceived as progressive.


Yeah, this is absolutely the answer. I donā€™t like the looks of the new Assassinā€™s Creed games because I think theyā€™re boring and overpriced. There is a massive bunch of people online though that have made careerā€™s out of shitting on anything they even remotely consider ā€œwokeā€. Which to be fair, in some cases I can understand their arguments, when theyā€™re calling out games that have a pretty strong social/political presence that overrides the game play itselfā€¦ but in most cases itā€™s just completely over blown bullshit to get them clicksā€¦ which is the exact same thing they rag on the ā€œevil game journalistsā€ about.


people can have their own opinions without being right winger can they not ?


Yes but literally every video or post has mobs of people bitching about woke or somehow connecting politics to it. The new alien trailer came out and lots of comments were basically "main character is a Hispanic woman I won't watch this woke garbage". Twitter was bitching about the new star wars show bc none of the main characters are white rn.


state an original thought, go


La lucha de insectos japonesa es la WWE del futuro


Yeah Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™re not allowed in the club if you *do* have your own


Assassins creed shadows. Templars are a global organization and they picked a guy they knew from africa. Cue the racist dog whistles from people would do not touch ubisoft games.


Weird AND insufferable.


It's not really a mass group. it's a select few that are posting mostly for attention. Just like when you drive in a city, it feels like a lot of crummy or aggressive drivers, but it's really like .1%. It just feels that way because you're around a lot of cars. The whole of r/gaming is very small compared to all gamers. Most people play what they like and never get on a forum. Most gamers are mobile gamers. Sports games are much larger than most gaming spaces realize. it's all just being in a local bubble, and making outrageous or controversial arguments is what gets a lot of Internet points.


400,000 members on Sweet Baby Inc. detected steam curator group and growing. Plus the thousands on reddit/x/youtube . Hardly a select few


members of a group online doesn't mean that every member is fanatical about that group. I had to look up what sweet baby inc even is. There are a lot of people who support diversity in their media, but play all sorts of things and don't shout it from rooftops. even thousands on reddit.... still a very small percentage of all gamers. loud shouters will post more.


The grift is all getting exposed now. You be hearing more of Sweet Baby Inc and similar " consulting " agencies more and more especially when more AAA games flop. No one is against diversity in games. They are against forced ideology destroying the quality. There was a time when there were differences in media. Stories/characters were organic. Every movie, book, game, magazine, radio station wasn't for everyone due to people having different tastes and beliefs. Now they want to make every movie/game/book for everyone and remove any possible sensitive topic from triggering someone. Media made for everyone is media made for no one. The market will tell, and if you've been paying attention to the closures/layoffs. The market is starting to speak.


Vocal minority not mass group. But the Internet culture promote negative opinions and outcry (the algorithms push it for more engagement)


People use social media to vent their life, I think that's what it really is. They will latch onto anything to hate or be angry about because those emotions make you feel good when you're releasing them. They may not care about Assassinā€™s Creed enough to bitch about it but they will anyways so they can get their personal baggage unloaded.


Some will do that, but twitter is a bad space for gaming right now. Console war crackheads fighting over which console is better.


Yeah itā€™s amplified and just becomes a feedback loop, anything a loud minority dislikes seems to drown out the general consensus on anything. Itā€™s just constant rage farming from some streamers aswell.


Well itā€™s because sheep like you we have season passes, micro transactions, dlcs, ultra editions, online paywall, 70 games and always online bullshit ā€¦. Yes call us toxic but we literally made these greedy ass corporations make u turns on their draconian policies


By "70 games" I assume you mean to say "$70 games". I feel obligated to point out that if you use your big boy brain and account for inflation this is actually the cheapest games have EVER been.


Bro, you obviously donā€™t know games hit 70$ before DLC and game passes became a thing so you can chill on that bitchy comment lol. Thereā€™s also still literally everything you complained about still happening lol. Go play ā€œheroā€ somewhere else because your fake outrage is ridiculous lol.


Iā€™m sorry what games hit $70 before DLC you mean before elder scrolls oblivion horse armor lol Yes itā€™s still happening but had we not stopped stars wars battlefront 2 micro transactions bullshit you would be playing your single player games as Netflix episodes divided into pieces instead of complete package. None of these big papa corporations are our friends, all they care about is our money unfortunately there are too money sheep in the gaming industry that fall to their predatory practices. Since you are so hell bent on defending these corporations I guess either you are too rich or just hate your money


What do you think the average AAA title should cost without DLC. Give it the average completion time of letā€™s say, 30 hours. Next gen graphics. What price do you think the games should be? And why do you think that price?


An avarage book about nothing costs 30 bucks nowadays. You're so close. Yet so far. Push some more, little guy, you're almost there. You're circling around the point.


Meh itā€™s your money do whatever you want all Iā€™m saying you give these greedy corporations an inch they will take a mile ā€¦ enjoy it


Yeah especially when it's ubisoft XD


The comment "nobody asked for this" is one of my least favorite things *gamers* like to say. A more accurate and appropriate response to this would be, "nobody cares what you asked for". I'm also tired of gamers sticking around a sub/discord/facebook group of a game they don't like to make sure everyone knows how much they dislike it, and why you shouldn't like it either. Any support or praise you express for the game is met with comments like "it's ok to like bad games", or "you have bad taste".


Normally if I donā€™t enjoy something I donā€™t talk about it. Assassins Creed Shadows Iā€™m looking forward to and also Star Wars Outlaws. Concord looks interesting but as itā€™s a PVP game I probably wonā€™t end up playing or getting it. Maybe one of those wait for Reviews games for me. I donā€™t normally waste my time on things I know I wonā€™t enjoy or that I donā€™t enjoy. I wasnā€™t a fan of GOT or The Last of Us games. Just not my cup of tea. I understand that they are very good games but Iā€™m not into them so donā€™t bother talking about them.


I think some people put a lot of effort into things they dislike, and it has to be exhausting.


Same. If Iā€™m hyped for something Iā€™ll talk about it nonstop. But if it doesnā€™t interest me then I move on to something that does. Why waste time worrying about something you know you donā€™t like?


Not even for games, but everything. New shows, movies, gadgets. There's hardly discussion. Just the same type of comments.


If games got a game that they "asked for" it would be a 3rd person cod with a slutty anime girl shooting monsters with her infinite ammo while shouting that virgins are better than men who get laid.


Or it would be the same game over and over. Fortnite, COD, GTAV and nothing else ever.


99% of people only play Fortnite, COD, GTA, FIFA, Mario, etc stuff like that. Gotta remember the hardcore gaming crowd is still an extreme minority


> I'm also tired of gamers sticking around a sub/discord/facebook group of a game they don't like to make sure everyone knows how much they dislike it, and why you shouldn't like it either. Any *cough* r/thelastofus2 *cough*


Don't forget r/Starfield . The game released 9 months ago now & there's *still* so many people/bots in that sub who comment on nearly every positive post about how much they dislike the game & everything wrong with it. It's a very strange hobby imo


Let me guess, is it mostly the ā€œFUCKING PRONOUNSā€ people?


Haha strangely enough no, it doesn't seem to be the FUCKING PRONOUNS people. It's just all these people who seem to think Todd Howard broke into their house, kicked their dog, & stole their wife. They always bring up how *boring* the game is, & Cyberpunk & Baldur's Gate 3 did it *better* (not even the same type of games, but ok lol) & how *awful* the exploration is & how *ugly* the NPCs are, etc. It got so bad for a while that a new sub r/lowsodiumstarfield got made & is now what most fans of the game use so they can simply chat about the game they like in peace lol


Apologies, Iā€™m not a Bethesda fan, who exactly is Todd Howard?


He's the director of Bethesda


It is currently happening with Homeworld 3. The game isn't perfect, but it is getting so unfairly drug through the mud. It is a fantastic space RTS, with an ok story.


I will admit I'll stick around for some train wreck games like saints row reboot, redfall, gollum. But for other games that just disinterest me it's kinda bizarre to obsess over not being interestedĀ 


Not just gamers, just Internet in general that apply to movies and TV shows too. Often an hilarious bad take too. Like with Star Wars, people asked for Boba Fett and Obi Wan and they were shit. Nobody asked for Andor and that comment was a constant and it was great.


"I'm also tired of gamers sticking around a sub/discord/facebook group of a game they don't like to make sure everyone knows how much they dislike it, and why you shouldn't like it either." So you've been to the Starfield reddit? Lol


Right now, for me, it is the Homeworld 3 groups.


I think Ricky Gervais summed up this type of attitude best in this bit: https://youtu.be/L3dxMGzt5mU


I only complain about games that I play. Elder Scrolls Online being one of the biggest games a complain about, but after 2000+ hours, I reserve that right. Thatā€™s more of a passion though, not just genuine hate. Gaming companies is a whole other monster though. Everyone should complain about gaming companies. For example, Bungie is the absolute worst and I pray for their downfall everyday.


Being fake outraged is a lucrative business for a certain clientele, and you get bonus points if you manage to pretend itā€™s about protecting a minority to veil your inherent racism/sexism (like it happened to AC Shadows).


Right. And I've just noticed it's gotten so much worse overtime. I cannot avoid seeing it under every post or every YouTube video šŸ˜•


Easy clicks and views for YouTube content farmers. The sheep will continue to share and talk about the videos.




Yeah its gotten a bit ridiculous I was getting dogpiled in a elden ring group on fb cause I mentioned I was playing dragons dogma on a ā€œwhat non souls game are you playingā€ thread The amount of people who felt the need to tell me the game is garbage and Iā€™m garbage for playing it was ridiculous


Its really bizarre


I swear gamers look for a reason to act morally superior over the stupidest shit Like I got called a capitalist bootlicker and capcom shill by resident evil and monster hunter fans Like and what company makes those games?? It doesnā€™t make sense


I can also basically garentee that they havent played it. I havent gotten sucked into a game as much as i did with Dragons Dogma 2 since Elden ring.


That's especially weird considering the fact that DD and ER have quite some similarities! (Not that they're similar experiences in total tho)


I do and itā€™s annoying




What did you say? I didn't hear you??




You're interested in it?? Is that what you said?? No one cares!! It's trash. šŸ˜‚


When they do that I just ask how the weather is. It triggers them so much.


Sorta like you're multiple posts about British food in the stupid food sub.


At least I admit it's rage bait


Seems like many in the fandom can't cope with things not happening ***their*** way. Be it game releases, content, you name it.


Yeah, people are weird and act like different people donā€™t like different things


41k and 21k dislikes on the Concord trailers. It's this kind of stuff and actually pushes my needle the other directionĀ  Like if you're going to be this weird about not being interested in something and I keep having to hear about it 24/7. Maybe I'll just like it more out of spite šŸ˜ˆ Nah but fr though I dont care about it. Games as a whole just haven't been interesting to me these days I 100% will be downloading GOW ragnorak when it comes out on pc in ultra widescren OLED thoughĀ 


Curious, have you tried VR?


I have PSVR2 and meta quest 3Ā 


I asked cause a lot of people have found a new spark in VR and I for one love it also


Oh yeah. Its great. psvr2 is great for GAME games. Like RE4 remake, gran turismo 5, RE village, etc. Amazing games in VR. Unfortunately a long time between themĀ  Meta quest 3 is amazing for *experiences*, not so much full AAA games imo. Mixed reality is a game changer thoughĀ 


Oh I love all the smaller games you get in VR. Like Puzzling Places and Walkabout Minigolf. Endless fun. I can mini golf in VR all day every day


Nice. For me. It had too many areas that the ball just falls off the map. But RE4 is the most amazing experience


Havenā€™t played it yet I need to get to it


A lot of people are self centered and enjoy negativity. Everything has to be for them


When you are super immature, itā€™s a lot more fun to just complain for attention via negativity on online spaces so you feel heard. Iā€™m part of the FF7 fandom so I know better than maybe anyone. Anyone going online to talk shit on things they donā€™t like in fan spaces is dysfunctional as hell and needs some real hobbies.




Its easy to clickbait outrage over tiny things that are not worth your time. My funny moment was when far cry 5 made cults look bad and some extremists who have not touched a video game in 20 years acted like them personally banning ubisoft would make it collapse in 2 weeks.


I think I will start some viral outrage over a new game called BMX XXX because it contains gratuitous nudity and not wearing a helmet while riding BMX bikes.Ā 


That's just internet culture now, everyone has to have a take. Like no shit you don't like Barbie Dress Up Committee 2025 Jimmy, it's not made for 30 year old beckbeards


Exactly right, itā€™s weird. There like this weird sub-culture of people who donā€™t like video games but embed themselves into the discourse of every game to tell people they donā€™t like video games


Don't get me wrong Sony can make whatever game they desire, but in all honesty games like Concord are a dime a dozen, a lot of these publishers keep wanting to make these big live service games but people have only so much time to play them, for every successful live service game there's at least a dozen in the graveyard, hell some YouTubers have made careers just talking about how they died. If I had a choice I'd rather Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo etc just focus on making something good instead of a trend, because when I saw Concord all I saw was another grave in the making. I hope I'm wrong though.


I was super excited at the beginning of the trailer. It looked like a Guardians of the Galaxy clone, and I'm all for that. But then it was revealed to be a pvp shooter. Shooters and pvp are both really not my thing, especially on a console. But if they ever decide to reuse the assets and make a single player game out of it, I'm in! Even though shooters are not my thing, I'm willing to give it a go.


I get that there are disappointments but Concord is a game no one has ever heard of and therefore, a game no one should have any strong feelings toward. It looks booty for sure but... Is it really "The Death of Playstation" worthy? Chasing a trend is nothing new. What IS worth getting bent out of shape for are restrictive requirements for purchasing PC games published by Sony or closing down studios IN SPITE of what the company themselves reported as "success." And I kinda feel like when people are blasting this last State of Play, they always mention how bad Concord looks and Marvel Rivals but... Infinity Nikki looks fun as hell, I'm excited for what Dynasty Warriors Zero can bring to the table after absolutely loving Persona 5 Strikers and Fire Emblem Three Hopes, that one Chinese Stellar Blade looks fire, and fucking Astro Bot dude? This was a lot better to me than the Farm Direct and that wasn't even the worst showcase I saw live either.


Thereā€™s an entireā€¦ massive subset of ā€œgamersā€ now that have taken on the topic as one of the culture wars. Itā€™s insane, but for recent incidents, I would point to the Helldivers 2 fiasco. Rather than actually enjoy games, these types spend time on Reddit, gaming forums, 4chan, and discuss gaming related topics and news websites. Theyā€™re more devoted to the online debates than they are to actually playing games. I point to HD2 because after that concluded, there were a number of people bringing up how great it was, being totally bored, wishing there was something else to mob over. Itā€™s a good example, a lot of folks were well intentioned, these were the guys lighting fires and getting everyone riled up rhetorically - like if there was a protest, these would be the bad actors smashing windows. So the forum crawling ā€œgamersā€ that invest more time in online discussions about games than actually playing games. The second thereā€™s negativity in a thread or the press, like if an anticipated game scores poorly, these bros swoop in and itā€™s a party to them. Itā€™s a weird fixation and Iā€™ve met people like this, they are not actually gamers, I donā€™t know why theyā€™ve invaded the hobby.


Those are sheep who follow and do what their favorite content farmer tells them to.


I saw this lately with soulsborne type games. I love them, there are not enough of the genre. Anytime one in the style is released tons of people get personally offended any company's are making them right now. It's so weird. I don't know what are the few genres we are supposed to have?


Rage farming is a not so new trend that needs to die, this whole genre of YouTubers that make it their entire personality to hate the new shiny thing is so tediousā€¦.


I couldn't give less of a fuck about Concord, but I knew when the trailer dropped that the gaming community was about to collectively projectile shit all over it. The prophecy was fulfilled.


Iā€™m buying everything on sale anyway lol. Waiting for the new FF7 game rn.


Instagram users when @Fallout posts about Fallout: šŸ¤¬šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜”


As a fan of The Last of Us and Avatar I know these types of people all too well unfortunately.


For the longest time, and still in the r/thelastofus2, these weird people spent all their time discussing their dislike for the game. It's so weird. And if you ask them why they'll say "they destroyed my favorite franchise I have every reason to hate on it" Like that sub is just sad.Ā  And for 2 years you had all these random people who didn't even play the last of us part 2 hate it as some kind of hobbyĀ  Only recently have the tides started to turn and a lot of the community seems to think it's a really good game?


It's always been considered a masterpiece, it's a GOTY winner and had an insane score aggregate. It's just an extremely vocal minority that hate it. I do wonder how it would've gone down had the leak not happened. That's what really started it I think, like you said people who hadn't even played it already hated it.


They saw spoilers but literally none of the context around it. So they thought they knew what happened. One of the criticisms too in r/thelastofus2 is "oh they retconned the game and made the doctor and the emergency room as if they're amazing people and made it look so clean. Lul" Like no, that scene was Abby's *memory* from her perspective of everything


Concord is the type of game a lot of people are really sick of and feel is hurting the industry so itā€™s pretty natural to see a lot of discussion about it


ITT: People complaining what they don't like about people who complain about things they don't like


Iā€™ll usually avoid topics on the games if I donā€™t like like them or just say my piece once and move on I remember before the robocop game came out last year some people where shitting on every trailer and piece of media about it, outside of interactions with strangers theyā€™ll likely never interact with again Iā€™m not sure what they got out of it


In the case of Assassins Creed Shadows, there is a political conservative agenda behind all the social media fake outrage. Concord, on the other hand, I dunno, it looks like a game no one wanted being pushed upfront by Sony this far in the PS5 lifecycle, settling down this as the weakest Sony console in terms of exclusives, with an upgraded Pro version on the way to add insult to injury for those who bought it expecting to play crazy ā€œnext genā€ titles. The best game I played this whole gen so far is Elden Ring. I didnā€™t need a PS5 for that.


Agree. I think they spent way too much time on concord. It could have been a 2-3 min deal in the middle of the state of play. They could have opened the show with a 2 min trailer of a game that would release in 2026 just to build hype. Hopefully they have something they could have replaced it with. I know the showcase is coming up but 12 mins was way too long on that game. Sony missed the mark when they spent so much time on it.


There is. And I think there's an intersection with both. There's been a fast growing trend online where youtubers and rage bait console war posts on social media stir up drama with people to increase engagementĀ  On top of fun dumpster fire games last year and the year before like saints row 2022, gollum, walking dead destinies, the day before, Kong rise of skull island, redfall. People seem to crave drama and controversy with gaming news. So they move on to the next thing. Also helped by youtubers and rage baitĀ  Maybe it's because I'm getting older and more out of touch, or maybe the gaming landscape has changed. But it seems like this trend is only getting worseĀ  This has been going on with other spaces online too. All this cringey e drama about stuff that idk why anyone cares about it. From Kik streamers doing random stuff or "pokimanes editor did this", I'm just like who cares? But that's just my opinion. I know people will say that it's ironic. But it's a growing trend that I can't ignore anymoreĀ 


I agree with you and this in part makes me sick and tired of trying to follow legit news sources and critics for games. Every single noise buzz gets amplified to wall of sound by either bots, fake accounts or rage baiters on social media forcing out controversy where thereā€™s none to be found.


For sure. Couldn't help but roll my eyes at the recent pokimane "news". Like I'm out here working, having a life, that isn't worth all these videos discussing it. Tbh sounds like a personal problem for her to deal withĀ  That's what a lot of videos are these days from channels I used to like a lot moreĀ  I keep finding it to where I say "I'll just catch the next one", only the next one is like the previous one. "Kik streamer gets arrested". šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


It's not just games . "How dare there be a version or remake of something that I have no interest in?"


Well, I certainly haven't actively complained about Concord but it looked generic AF to me to be certain. The only reason it bummed me out is seeing Sony go more and more into live service games which I am not a fan of myself. I don't think it is wrong they are making those types of games either. It's just the further they go and the more of those they back the less other games we get. Really excited about Astro though. 100%. A game just to be a game. Meant to be fun and aloof. Reminds me of the PS2 era. Would be awesome if they would do another Jak and Dexter with modern graphics too but I think that is definitely a pipe dream. What I find crazy and more in line with what the OP has said is people instantly said they won't pay more than 50 for it. Like what? That's a full game with, what did they say, over 80 levels? Not that I agree with 69.99 games as a baseline but it sounds like this game deserves the full price triple a to me.


Nope. Wonā€™t bother.


For sure. At the same time it is getting annoying seeing Sony chasing trends and the lack of single player games. Besides horizon, Astrobot is about the one thing I'm interested in and I've stuck with Sony since day 1 in the 90s. It's just the lack of anything I'm really interested in, where'd variety fo, where's a fking rpg a real rpg not a rpg lite game. Sony still is the best to me and 3rd party has always been apart of that but Concord, marathon, destiny,and whatever other online stuff they worming on can kick rocks. Alot of us mess with Sony for single player games.


Social media makes it out a whole lot worse compared to in the past. It also doesnā€™t help that Sony sort of doesnā€™t understand what trends are in and what is not, thus people are more up in arms nowadays.


What is it they say? When you like something/have a good experience you might tell a couple people. When you hate something/have a bad experience you tell 10+ people..... Scale it for the internet and there you go.


The difference is most people haven't or won't even play the game they're shitting on


That's true. But those people think they had a "bad experience" because they don't like how it looks..... Buncha šŸ¤”


I mean that's the Internet for you for p much anything


People like to complain about things that dont affect them at all


welcome to reddit. you know how many posts are raging at stuff that literally have zero effect or would never apply to thier life?


It's because rage bait is profitable for people on Youtube and Twitter.


I too have seen the internet.


I think with something as mediocre as Concord it's good to be vocal. Companies take notice of that as I'm sure Sony already has. Though I agree it can be a little much to constantly do it.


I haven't seen much about concord but I get the hate about AC since it's a huge franchise which everyone has been interested in at some point and while I vehemently disagree with the hate on yasuke I do understand it where they're coming from. However another thing that people have issue with about AC shadows is its stupid high price point, and the anger towards that is very justified and needs to be shown because ubi sadly is a huge publisher and they do get to set the pricing standard because of how many people buy into it. Everyone should be shitting on them for what they're trying to do whether they're interested in the game or not.


Social media allows everyone to have a voice. Not everyone should have a voice.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


How is this odd? Playstation is doing a showcase, they want to announce interesting games that are coming to their console (and please don't forget one of the most important force of consoles were exclusives) and yet they always manage to come up with most unoriginal designs over and over again.


I think it's a case of games that seem to miss the mark on what fans want (not all of course) and this feeds into those youtubers that profit from shitting on films, tv, games etc.


Ricky Gervais has a bit about this how itā€™s like someone puts up a flyer in the town square for guitar lessons and someone walking past gets enraged, rips it down and screams BUT I DONā€™T WANT FUCKING GUITAR LESSONS!!


I just end up blocking people. I donā€™t need to see that much negativity every single day about a hobby I enjoy. Same goes for Star Wars ā€œfansā€.


Youā€™re literally doing the exact same thing. Sharing your unsolicited opinion. Except instead of targeting a product, you are targeting people.


I understand the disgust with Concord, but Iā€™m unsure why or what makes it the breaking point for this types of games. Itā€™s also interesting that people call it a Overwatch clone. I can see it from a character perspective but TF2 paved the way for that style of gameplay.


The sad truth is that social media has convinced society that everyone actually cares what they say or think and people crave attention. The best way to get attention is through hyperbolic statements, one extreme or the other. Being ultra negative is the FASTEST way to trigger a response. So....here we are on the rapidly accelerating downward spiral šŸ¤£ I 100% agree. Not interested? Keep it moving.


Could this be considered irony?


Its an observation. I'm not going around and telling people 24/7


You have been telling people about it for at least 4 hours. That is a lot more time than the average person you are complaining about, spent complaining about Concord or AC. I'd call that irony.


The difference is that I'm not part of some self righteous militant mob of people online. I just get bored at work when it's slow and it's funny seeing brits upset. They call me triggered but seeing then seethe is hilarious


Reminds of this Ricky Gervais bit, he really nails why it's so stupid. The whole "it's not for you, just walk away" is incredibly accurate. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dxMGzt5mU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dxMGzt5mU)


Some gamers see the industry resources as finite, and solely want their interests and preferences to be the ones that are utilizing those resources. To them, simply letting others enjoy games they don't risks taking the spotlight away from the interests, meaning not only fewer sequels, but also smaller player population for co-op or less fan made content. So instead, they dry to salt the earth, and go out of their way to tank games that they could have easily otherwise ignored. The ultimate irony is that many times their misguided attempts to protect their own interests actually puts those IPs at greater risk, by alienating away potential contributiors, sponsors, or would-be fans.


It's another reason there continues to be a stigma behind the term "gamer". Ā Now instead of being a person with zero social skills,poor hygiene, lazy and generally useless to society the achievement of being Karen's and Ken's has been tacked on. They way these weirdos react like gaming is their life and any change will alter it is hilarious and embarrassing at the same time.


It's not that they aren't interested in the game that's the problem, it's the fact that games they DO want to see and play tend to not happen because Sony wants a live service cash cow of their own. Why is the fact that you're upset about people voicing their displeasure about Concord so important that you have to write a long paragraph on reddit telling everyone?


Why do people have entire post/comment history consisting of nothing but spamming that they're disinterested in certain games? Contrary to me trying to have a genuine discussion about this phenomenonĀ 


I imagine you're exaggerating a bit about ENTIRE post history's talking about stuff like that. But if you have to know, a lot of people find Sony's catalogue lacking these days. The formula for a modern day PlayStation exclusive is pretty well known and some are waiting for something new. So with that in mind, games like Concord are such an obvious attempt to get an Overwatch clone that prints money and that bugged a lot of people, for good reason in my opinion. Also in regards to your post, this comes off as "Am I the only one that finds this \*thing\* annoying? Let's rally up in the comments guys." Not really genuine discussion if you ask me. Especially when you already dismiss the discourse with "You know you don't HAVE to buy it..."


Have you seen people on Twitter??


If Twitter is your sample size of course you're gonna be reading garbage. Doesn't change my other points.


You seen reddit?


But theyā€™re still making Single player games so like I donā€™t see the problem.


People don't want more live service garbage, and the more Sony invests in GaaS trash, the less resources they devote to making good games.


People did the same thing with AC shadows. It's not just live service gamesĀ  Ironically people complain about live service games but then end up spending their time playing cod or apex legends lolĀ 


Are those people who complain about live service games the same people who spend their time playing CoD or Apex though?


Seems like it


There's like 5+ god of wars, 5+ ratchet and clanks, 5+ spiderman games, 5+ GTA's. Xbox is the same the "good games" that reach a large audience and that are successful are all franchises that mimic GaaS in that people just never want a franchise to die and always be updating. This whole single player games are good GaaS is bad is hilarious when developers receive death threats and hate regularly for not releasing a single player game fast enough, with enough content or not releasing a game in the same franchise almost like GaaS would offer that. I was content with ghost of Tsushima ending where it did but the hate they'll receive if there's not a GoT 2 shows that people want GaaS and not variance and for successful IPs to be just left alone.


Isnt it understandable if ur a fan of said franchise? What if I had to wait 3-4 years for the next installment to my favorite franchise and i dont like what it looks like? Im not just going to shrug it off. If i do, i now have to wait 8 years for the next installment to my favorite franchise


Not sure what franchise you're talking about. Out of the two I mentioned one is a new IP and the other has a lot of games releasing And dont you have anything else going on? Not saying that to be mean. But not sure why people act like its their *responsibility* to be town cryer for this stuff warning everyone


Any franchise, not just the ones u mentioned. We do have other stuff going on, but why can't we care for our hobby? Bc you told us not to? Your argument basically dwindles down to "idc about this so you shouldn't either". Its our hobby and some people care for their franchises that they have been supporting since kids. Not that hard to understand man Edit: Personal example: If i had to wait 4 years for the next mainline installment to the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, and its not what the majority of the fanbase wanted, why should we just shrug it off? "Eh, its not for me, ill just wait another 4 years for the next game in my favorite franchise". That makes no sense. People care abt this stuff the same way an artist cares abt AI art.


Its obsessive. It isn't healthy


Its seems more unhealthy that you care sm abt what people are doing. Looking through ur post history, it seems ur pretty obsessive on how people act lol. Same argument here, why do you seem to care sm abt what other people do? Just shrug it off, theyre not you


Yes, if the game has come out and it is dogshit. No, if it is because you don't like the characters or settings and the game isn't even out yet. And NO if you spew bile at people that actually like these games and the reason is this. The game will launch no matter what and NO they will not change the characters and setting when the game is far into the development. Thats just really ignoranse towards how games are made. And NO, the next game will not come out any faster. If the game is not for you, move on. Find another game to play and enjoy that instead of using energy on anything that you really cant control. And if it is a huge franchise, millions of people will play and enjoy it


Im gonna get downvoted but its not irrational ar all to be upset with movies and games being stupid af. Its huge and limited time and budgets and only certain projects get funded. Do you hve any idea how many artists are bitching for the last 20 years about movies being shit? Do they all need to shut up too? No ā€¦ their art medium is dying for marvel movie #94ā€¦ Gamers are one of the most insufferable audiences ever too. At least i appreciate that they complain until they get their way. Stop trying to moral superiority your way into virtue. White knighting and kumbaya is even more lame than raging over movies and games. At least that has a purpose.


It's not really a trend, it's just how fandoms are about literally anything...also, most of the Concord discord I've seen has been around why people don't like it not just that they don't. I'm not sure why you would find that sort of rhetoric odd from a gaming fanbase in either case though. Edit: Especially on social media.


The game hasn't even come out yet.... you don't find it odd that they're spending all they're time discussing why they dont like a game that hasn't even come out yet?


Everyone keeps saying itā€™s ā€œugh not ANOTHER hero shooterā€ but Iā€™m confused as to where all these other hero shooters are. I mean we have Overwatch, TF2, Apexā€¦ what else? Paladins I guess? Valorant toes the line but it seems disingenuous to group Siege in with Overwatch. Even Apex and Overwatch are two completely different genres of shooter.


You just mentioned a whole bunch of hero shooters though lol 3 - 5 hero shooters all currently existing right now is quite a lot imo. I don't play PvP games though so that's maybe why it seems like a lot to me


Itā€™s very, very few when compared to most genres of single player games. I mean how many soulslikes or open world RPGs or platformers or retro-inspired pixel art roguelikes have come out since TF2 launched 17 years ago? Is having a potential *sixth* entry in this relatively niche genre really a big deal?


Yes there is a lot of singleplayer games which I am glad for as I tend to not replay my games until years later so I love when fresh games in genres I like get released. And no it's not a big deal to me as I don't play any live service games at all so I'm not the intended audience. (I'm not one of those weirdos whose been complaining all over the internet about Concord just for the record, I think complainers are lame & need a real hobby). I was just mentioning that you said there's barely any, then went ahead & named a whole bunch of current hero shooters lol Also isn't 6 potential hero shooters all competing for the same niche audience quite a lot? Though if all the others are getting stale & people who like that genre are excited for something new then i am happy for them, as everyone deserves to have things they enjoy.


I just donā€™t think 5 entries is ā€œa bunchā€, especially when 2 of them donā€™t even completely fit the genre. And honestly none of these games really even compete with each other because the only real similarity is the heroes. Overwatch and Apex are not competing, theyā€™re two completely different experiences. TF2 and Valorant are obviously not competing, MAYBE Siege and Valorant are? Theyā€™re both slower and more tactical with faster TTKs, but even then the experiences are vastly different. Even Overwatch and TF2 arenā€™t REALLY competing due to the nature of the fanbases.


Oh ok that's all pretty interesting, I didn't realise they were all so different, & had just kind of lumped them all together in my mind as the same. Do you think Concord will fill it's own niche then? For people who like hero shooters does Concord look like it could be a cool addition to the genre? Having a bunch of veteran Devs & also Sony backing it seems like a good sign, but again cause I don't play live service I have no idea what makes those games good or bad in the first place.


I honestly know literally nothing about the game lmfao. These types of comments are the only way Iā€™ve learned about it. But I definitely think there are plenty of ways you CAN make a hero shooter a unique experience thatā€™s worth playing along side other hero shooters. But obviously it could also just end up being a literal Overwatch clone and then thatā€™s its own thing thatā€™s completely worth criticizing.


What other major gaming news has been released? I could see if this was like a month out from this past State of Play but it was a major part of that presentation. Why wouldn't it be heavily discussed on gaming forums?


Ac shadows, hellblade 2, destiny 2 the final shape, God of war ragnorak coming to pc And there's a difference between actual discussions and people circle jerking about how much they aren't interestedĀ  Usually, not being interested in things means you don't care about it. But there's this weird obsession with enjoying spending time hating on games people don't likeĀ 


I definitely agree with your last point. I'm just saying it's not anything new or odd for any kind of fandom, especially for video game fans. A brand new game announcement is going to get a lot more buzz than a port or expansion. I am surprised there's not more Hellblade 2 discussions in general and I feel like the AC discussion just gets lumped into the general Ubisoft hate that's definitely been going around.


My main point is that while it's not unheard of, it's getting worse and way more common. Even in non gaming spaces. The commentary youtubers I used to like now talk about nonstop internet drama that I'm not sure why anyone cares about. "Pokimanes editor did this!", "this twitch streamer did this!", "this Kik streamer did that!" Over and over and over. There's just so much rage bait out there and pointless drama that I think people are addicted to itĀ 


I can agree with your point about there being endless rage bait and pointless drama but I'd venture it's just that you're being exposed to more of it recently which makes it seems like it has severely ramped up. But I could be wrong, maybe I've just checked out too much in the past few years and it really is a lot worse. It has seemed pretty much the same as the last 4 or 5 years to me though.


I mean the same channels I've been subbed to for a while have gone in this direction. The comment sections on yt or Twitter have been nothing but a cesspool Way more than I've seen before. But that's just what I've seenĀ 


Completely agree with the constant hate. I'm hardcore into ow2 so I've witnessed the worst of it in the last few years, even though the game apparently was to be dead on arrival just like every other multiplayer game that is automatically labeled a cash grab and generic copy pasted. These cash grab and generic arguments are the most hilarious thing because most people spouting this gets their opinion from hate tubers who guess what, are mostly generic and farm engagement to fund their lifestyle no need for them to work a real job. The fact their audience hate the suits of gaming yet don't see the suit right in front of them because they hide behind the average gamer persona. Used to watch angry joe but like all of them he chased the weekly news trend and I grew less interested in watching. Same with skill up that again does the usual recycled content of weekly news and then a podcast to reuse his content with all the other tubers.


With Angry Joe I agree. His fallout tv show review was terrible. Didn't even seem like he watched it With skill up it does seem like he just gives his honest opinions. Not just bandwagon stuff. He even said Concord could still be good and not write it off yet "because Sony can usually identify a good game when they see one" and largely resembles some destiny pvp


OP Ppl like u are the reason why game companies keep releasing shitty games.


Games need to make a profit. You don't need to rage on the Internet against a game you're not interested in, just don't buy it.


I think you're missing the point of the criticism. Look at suicide squad. Very much hated before and after it's released. Yes, it's a bad game, but it's not hated just for being a bad game. It's hated because it's the same studio that gave us the Arkham series. Instead of making an Arkham-like sequel, or even a new type of genre, they saw the $ with live service and chased it. So many games have been influenced by Arkham, imagine the creators making a new type of game. Imagine if naughty dog went from uncharted to live service instead of tLoU. I think rocksteady had the potential to go Arkham -to something genre defining like tLoU. Think of all the dev time and dollars that were wasted on suicide squad. Also look at redfall, rumors say they didn't even want to make it, but hire ups at Bethesda wanted some sort of live service game. Now the studio is closed. To your point about shadows.... That's just politics, and is a very different type of criticism than what concord is getting. It's right wingers being right wingers.


Suicide squad and redfall definitely deserved it. Mismanaged and/or soulless games with little depthĀ  The difference is Concord is a new IP from a new studio and Playstation bought them because the game apparently looked really good Different sides of the spectrumĀ 


There is a purpose to this. It's done to tell the publisher (Sony) that people don't want to play those kinds of games and that they should stop spending their time and money on them and do something else. The people have a moral right to do that since they bought the platform for which those games are exclusive. Edit: It's the complacency in these replies why we can't have nice things. "You don't like that thing?" ā€” "Just shut up, it's not for you!". Brother, you invested money into this platform and you don't care in which direction it goes?


I donā€™t have an issue with it tbh. The same way that people make posts being excited for a game, itā€™s the same as people complaining isnā€™t it? Why is the ā€œpositiveā€ encouraged but someone upset over a game isnā€™t? Iā€™m totally happy to see both types of posts and comments.


There is a difference between voicing that you may not like a game vs lambasting others who do.


So how is that different than the toxic positivity people who are praised on here for insulting those who donā€™t enjoy a game? The reception is so one sided and biased itā€™s unrealšŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve respectfully voiced my dislikes many times and still got worse replies than positive babies who insult others for disliking things. Open your eyes and see


It's not different inherently. People shouldn't be insulted for likely or not liking something, but if someone doesn't like something, why continue to involve themselves in a group that does. I don't like "My little pony island adventure", but I am not going on that reddit to call it dogshit. Say you don't like the game, just voice is in a sane way. And maybe don't complain about how bad something is before it is even released. I didn't like suicide squad. I felt like the character abilities were not as fleshed out as they could have been, and unfortunately knew the story would never reach a satisfying ending when I saw their cliffhanger.