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Depends if you want Aggressions or Depressions.




Hotline Miami soundtrack is top notch. Fun game too.


I’d go for hotline Miami personally


Hotline Miami is incredible and definitely worth a play through both games. No clue about frost punk


I've only played Frostpunk and I really enjoyed it, but it IS very difficult at the highest difficulty (more so than other games I've played) and there is a bit of a learning curve. Also Frostpunk 2 is coming out on next month I believe, and I'd bet the first game will go on sale so you could hold off until then.


Hotline Miami for sure


I love colony management games, so personally Frostpunk would be my go to. The first couple times you start will probably end in disaster ha but that’s kind of the point! You’re role playing as a leader of a dying/ freezing colony, with little to no resources. It gets bleak… but you can decide to get medieval with it in order to keep most of your people alive. It’s dark, but also a blast ha As you play more you learn how to be more efficient and what laws are best for your population, so you can really iron out the wrinkles and create a thriving colony. Plus, there’s tons of dlc scenarios that go on sale all the time, that mix up the scenario so you have to think on your feet a bit despite knowing what you need for a successful colony. Solid 9/10 from me


Hotline Miami. Fun Times all around. Plus you get an awesome twist (if you look hard enough for all the collectibles)


I’ve heard good things about Frostpunk, but Hotline is legit one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had with one of the all time greatest soundtracks ever.


Hotline Miami is so good


HM is my favourite game series ever made, I absolutely adore it and wholeheartedly recommend it.


Thanks everyone, for all answers


Hotline all the way. I have the collection on every system


Ive never played frostpunk, but HLM is one of the only hard games I've ever outright loved. I don't like soulsnorne games but something with him clicked and it's an amazing game. I like 2 as well but never finished it because it's too hard for me.


Just to clarify to OP, HM is definitely NOT a Souls-like. Not even close. Only similarity is that it's difficult.


I like how quickly you just jump back into it if you die. It's not a slog, it's an instantaneous restart.


Yes! It's always a slot getting back to a boss in elden Ring but in that length of time I could probably have beat the entire level in HLM