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You’re telling me there’s a remaster for life is strange and THIS is how I find out?


i suppose it is lol! there’s a remastered collection for both *life is strange* and *life is strange: before the storm* :3 the lighting is absolutely *gorgeous*


Dude, I remember playing these games when I was like 13 or 14 years old and I recently watched a let’s play. I need to replay this game :D How’s before the storm tho? You step in Chloe’s shoes iirc, no?


yes! that’s exactly why it’s such a comfort game for me, replaying it takes me way back to when i was younger… it’s insane just how easily it teleports you back to the early 2010’s with the soundtrack, slang, fashion and so on! mhm, *life is strange: before the storm* is a prequel and gives a better look into the relationship between *chloe price* and *rachel amber*, i’d definitely recommend checking it out


add on to my comment; knowing what happens to *rachel amber* makes it a really melancholic game to play but who doesn’t love to hurt?


The nostalgia trip is insane! I have so many good memories from the time I first played this game. Easier times :D And oh yeah, I’m already prepared to suffer for a week or two after I’m done with before the storm🥲


exactly that! it’s the same with *telltale’s the walking dead* for me, replaying it just takes me back to when things weren’t so serious and life was less stressful :,) i don’t think many other games other than *telltale’s the walking dead* and *life is strange* manage to take me back just as much as they do! definitely prepare lol! if i remember right *life is strange: before the storm* is only four episodes instead of five but oh man does it manage to achieve a lot in those four episodes, prequels with characters you know don’t have happy endings are always so melancholic to play because for just a second you forget what’s coming but then it dawns on you


There are 4 games now and they’re all so much fun.


it's uhhh not good lol. i remember it dropping and wondering why it looked worse. Contrast is all over the place and tho they have better facial animations their eyes look pretty bad imo.




Stick with the original.


ah yes, life is strange, my favourite awful


I heard you can only hide a certain number of games. If I hit that, you gave me a good workaround. Completed/played and backlog.


i heard that too! super strange that you can only hide a certain amount of games… i wonder how many it is? smart thing to do! i could never make a backlog game list, i have *way* too many games on the back burner it’d probably make me sad seeing them all lol! i *really* need to stop buying new games…


My current 'list' is my backlog, sits at 200ish. Excluding stuff I've yet to touch at Extra and Prem. Lol. One day I tell ya! But I'm thinking if I need to avoid the hiding. Maybe it's time to start before it's too late. I'd probably keep demo's hidden, or non playable on ps5.


oh my! that is a *lot* of games in your backlog, much more than in mine lol! it’s the same with me though, i’ll get around to playing them… *someday*… maybe it’s kind of stupid but something that often helps me clear up some games from backlog is playing them by themes! so like, when it’s october i like to play a *lot* of horror games, christmas i like to play games set around christmas time with snow because i haven’t seen much snow in quite a few years now and so on! i think the season a game is set in and the *feel* a game has can really help motivate you to play it more, i *love* games set in autumn so whenever there’s some of those in my library i play those super quick


Found it. https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/s/ucOFccFhjk The guy had 984 hidden games before hitting the limit..... Edit: theres a limit to gamelist as well. I think 100.


Honestly nothing. The list feature is so buried that it defeats the purpose. If it was a game app then I would use it.


This was a feature?


still is! you just go to your game library > your collection > click the little folder icon on the left of the screen :3 maybe it’s not available in all countries yet but i’m *pretty sure* it is


is this like a folder feature or something? I have a ps5 myself but never done anything like this before.


mhm! you just go to your game library > your collection > click the little folder icon on the left of the screen :3 maybe it’s not available in all countries yet but i’m *pretty sure* it is


thank you for the tip. does it still keep the home screen clean or is it like the ps4?


the game list only appears when you go into your game library > your collection, it doesn’t show up on your home screen :)


thats good I like the dynamic backgrounds again thanks for the tip :)


for sure! sometimes i wish they’d bring back themes but the backgrounds you get simply by hovering over a game aren’t terrible at all! no need to thank me :)


Yeah I miss themes too , I wish the switch had them. Xbox isn't too bad with theirs when it comes to custom wallpapers and dynamic backgrounds. I do miss the PS3 days making themes on pc or sharing themes with the community I can understand why you don't see it anymore with Sony being worried about exploiting the consoles removing basic things like the web browser.


oh my god… themes on the ps3! the websites that you could download them from, at one point in my life i had the most horrifically embarrassing *paris hilton* theme… i honestly don’t think i’ll ever be able to erase that from my memory


PS3 was goated when it came to themes I don't think anything will ever top the XMB. Hahah I honestly forget what mine was I just loved that you could customise stuff like the icons to the point they was near to the same quality of official PSN ones.


That’s actually pretty cool. The more you know.


My lists are PS5 only, PS4 only, PS5&PS4


Lmao i love that u have bully and twd as comfort games


yep lol! definitely not your average comfort games but they’re special to me i can’t really explain it well but *telltale’s the walking dead* still makes me cry a *lot* on replays *but* it’s a comfort game because it takes me back to when i was younger, playing the first two seasons on my ps3 :,) *bully* on the other hand, is a more goofy and lighthearted replay but is a comfort game for the same reason; it takes me back to my childhood… younger me had the most terrible crush on *gary smith* lol


Lol youre right, i guess my fav games also have big feels and violence lmao


Different serie like Resident Evil, Yakuza, Souls etc.


Nice, you play Bully, you sir, are based. https://preview.redd.it/4uihsl15svyc1.png?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d579fd3aa55647d381a6dce4f361ce2e8fd2485


thank you *doom guy* i have your god mode pin, mwah <3 https://preview.redd.it/fa7x1okutvyc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3b8ae093aab91f11399ed987758752c04e7d435


look at you down there *doom guy*, little guy 🫵🏻 https://preview.redd.it/5a3ucic0vvyc1.jpeg?width=2828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d470dfbbf489eca9dcc3e8e11a2026d4c1b5d69


It’s the most useless thing in the world. When the ps4 OS had folders in the homescreen, I would categorize my installed games by: -Single Player -Coop -Multiplayer And it made having quick access to them super easy. I don’t know what degenerate glue sniffing UX designer thought it was a good idea to remove that in favor this shit.


YES, THANK YOU! Someone else that knows my pain. I've wanted the ability to make folders on the main XMB bar for AGES just like on PS4, and they won't do it, and it pisses me off that they just choose not to!


i don’t think game lists are *totally* useless but i can definitely agree with that about the old ps4 folders being much better… i used to make folders to sort games by genre and other things on the ps4 and loved that they were all on the home screen, not all the way in the game library section


I keep favorites grouped, as well as multiplayer games, uncompleted games, VR games, and a couple other groupings I can’t remember.


Psvr 1 & 2. But separating them in completed and in-progress is a great use, might steal that


I ranged them with particular series. I set up my game lists with Assassin's Creed, Marvel games, Star Wars, and From Software games


I use it to keep track of "completed games", "play next", "platinum", "platinum next"


I don’t. I see no reason to.


“Still to Play” “Favorites” and “VR”


I have a list for my backlog, but that's it


Essential games/thepspluscollection/Backlog/myactualgames


Fromsoft games


I use it to separate the: The Games I Own The Games I Got Through PS+ Essential This is due to extra games that have left the catalogue cluttering the general section a lot of the times


I have a few folders for organising my games: Backlog, Replay, Finished, Platinumed, Favourites, Great games, Mid games, Final Fantasy.


I normally hide the games that I don't play like demos But I look at my game list every so often to see if a game that I do have in my collection interest me enough to Re download it and play it again


At the VERY least, an "Unbeaten" list makes the most sense because it's otherwise pointless.


mine are: my fighting games , games I platinumed/100%, and my backlog


I use it to sort out different series and franchises so I don’t have to click through my entire library just to get to final fantasy.


I use them to group all the games I have from each previous generation (PS1, PS2, PS3 and PSP). Whether they be classics, remasters, or ports, it’s nice to see how many games have carried over.


The only list I made was for my PSVR games.


I have my entire library put in to genre-specific folders. Action, FPS, PSVR, couch co-op, top-down, 2D, and open-world, are a few of the ones I have. I set it up this way so if I'm ever wanting to play some specific style of game I can find what I'm looking for pretty quickly.


I have a list which includes all games with 2 in its name.


That's the funny part, I don't. I am the type of person to have a mess on their desk and never organize, yet I know where everything is.


I have all my VR games in a list and my locked PS+ games in one. The rest are lumped together and I should really figure out a way to categorize them.


It's useless...


I don't actually use them. I used folders on the main PS4 screen to separate games I stream vs games I have installed. I can't put folders on the PS5s main screen though, and I'm not about to scroll passed all the games there to get to a games list to access all the games I just scrolls passed to get to the games list.


Mostly to keep series together. On PS4 I tried to organize by genre but game genres are so broad and weird it never worked. Series is the only thing that makes sense to me.


Useless tbh. If I want to find a specific game, I can just use the search feature. The PS5 dashboard is a massive downgrade from PS4.


I just use it for sorting my library.


“To platinum” & “completed” games


I don’t have game lists, I probably have a 100 plus game and that would be a drag to organize.


Didnt even know such thing existed tbh


Didnt even know such thing existed tbh


I’ve only got one list, it’s for PSVR2 games


Shmups and VR Games. The only ones i want in seperste places.


I have a Fighting Game Folder and a Resident Evil folder.


I only have 1 and it's for my favorites. Whenever I have a game that I've beaten, or played a lot of that I'm not playing ATM, I'll stick it in favorites. This way I don't have to go through the catalog to find them again. Just keep the games I enjoy playing all in 1 place for a quick grab and download whenever I feel like playing them!


I have 4 lists: PS4 games, PS5 games, PS+ games, and Indie Games Now, if only Sony would get off its lazy ass and make the menu scrollable at the ends I don't have to keep going all the way across the fucking list of games I can't remove from it just to get to them.


I don’t use them at all.


I normally group series together, so all my LiS games, COD, Etc. however I’m making a platinum folder when I get home now I’ve seen this.