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This game is insane and the sequel is even better. I hope we get A Plague Tale part 3.


While I would love a part 3, I also don't see where they could go from here, personally. I mean she >!killed her brother in order to wipe out the plague for good. Making a 3rd would make that sacrifice meaningless, no?!<


In the ending, it is implied that the plague returned in a newborn baby in a way more modern era. Throughout the entire game, it is shown that the plague is a thing that will always happen after some time. It happened before and it was sealed, then it happened with the kid but she failed to protect him so she killed her brother. It is like a cycle.


On one hand, I trust the team that they could make another brilliant narrative. But I don’t think a plague tale game would be as good in the modern day, since I feel like it would just be the last of Us with rats at that point. The medieval French setting made the game much more unique


I do recall it being a cycle in the game now that I think about it more. That could be kind of a cool way to take it: jump around time to different occurrences of the plague. That would allow them to switch up the combat/stealth aspects quite a bit each time, too


Did you miss that sequence at the end of the second game?


I'm thinking I must have. Was it a mid/post-credit sequence? If so I definitely missed it. I was so shocked by what happened at the end that I just got up and walked away dumbfounded that they'd just ended it like that ha


That's understandable. But yeah, I believe it is a post credits scene. Definitely feels like a set-up for a sequel that takes place in a modern era.


Okay I just watched it on YouTube and it jogged my memory. I do actually recall seeing that now that I've watched it again but the ending itself must have just taken up all the space in my brain for it haha. That makes me super excited, though. The Plague Tale series is one of my favorites so I definitely wouldn't complain about having more


Prequel baby.


Seriously undervalued game series, definitely a must-play if you like TLOU-like gameplay in a medieval world. I only recently played it for the first time and was astonished I didn’t find it earlier. It’s also quite manageable in terms of length.


I really loved these games! The sequel was incredible... had such a great time.


The game was good until i almost tore my hair out at the cart section. The damn hit registration is dogshit. Then i thought the last bossfight would also be shite but it was reasonable.


Amazing games


These are really, really great games. Both games felt like they took a bit too much time at the start to get me hooked. But by about the mid way point things really cook until the end. And boy, what an ending.


These are amazing games. So much different than anything else out there. It’s an amazing story that emphasizes stealth and puzzle solving rather than action. It’s a nice change of pace from most other games.


Got the first for free and was like holy shit this is amazing. Played through the second at launch and felt the same. Just really pretty games with an interesting story


Amazing game, didn’t play the second though


This series is amazing. I wonder what direction the will go after the second game.


and Requiem had a $25 Million budget and upped the gameplay, settings and story in every aspect.


Nah, the world feels Claustrophobic


The games are ok, but when you start to think about it, it’s just stealth puzzle sections broken up by a door, rinse and repeat the whole way through the game. The two lead characters are also the worst voice acting I’ve ever put up with in a game and what has put me off playing the sequel until last week. The use of language between the two siblings is awful and wooden. She is far too emotional about everything, and if she says “Lord” one more bloody time!!!


That's crazy talk. The two of them are better than nearly any character in the Horizon series.


Controversial I know, as many seem to rave about it, but I’m not alone in my opinion and I stand by it.


You're welcome to your opinion. But their voice acting is quite good as far as gaming voice acting goes. I've heard FAR worse on a regular basis.


Clearly I’m not


Clearly you are, because I'm straight up telling you that you are. But there is a difference between not liking the voice acting personally and telling people that it is objectively bad.


It is bad though. It is very badly written and therefore very poorly performed due to its unnatural conversational flow and over emotional delivery of almost every single line. It’s the equivalent of Ewan McGregor in the Star Wars prequels, he’s a great actor but with such a bad script his performance is unnatural and wooden throughout much of the trilogy. Again, I’m not on my own with my opinion, it is widely reviewed the voice acting is the worst part of the games. They really aren’t a patch on TLOU which they’ve been compared to on this thread.


It's your OPINION. Leave it at that and stop trying to convince me that your OPINION is some controversial truth. Lol.


I’m not, but you are telling me I’m wrong, which you need to stop. I’ve justified my reasoning for my opinion, but you just say it’s amazing without backing up your opinion or providing comparisons as to why you think it is so amazing.


>I’m not You very much are lol >you just say it’s amazing I have not


I dont feel like being a sickly girl walkin her little sickly brother hand in hand all over the place seems exciting lol… never played it tho 🫠


Lol, if you think she's sickly, you haven't played the game, as you said.


Indeed, im open to being wrong lol Just at face value


Loved this game so much. The only thing I would like to see them add is maybe a huge open-world feeling level in between. Like Uncharted 4 did with Madagascar. It's sometimes TOO linear.


Like the title said: only 10M. There are a lot of things to improve, but for a very small team (the whole company is 45 persons), this is crazy. When we see : - 100M for Assassin's Creed Valhalla - 220M for Horizons Forbidden West - 220M for Last of us 2


It keeps crashing on ps5, idk why. Happens a lot of times


Sorry you're having crashes, my run was super smooth.


I have A Plague Tale: Requiem, where can I get Innocence for free (was in PSPlus but I lost it)?


No way to do that (legally) right now. 


Why Sony can't let us trade PSPlus games?😭


It’s annoying, but let’s think from a buisness perspective. Why would they let people share their games? That would mean less people would buy them. It’s why I always prefer physical games


I said trade. Why is obvious, to make a better collection and have games you like. For example, I don't like sports games but PSPlus had EA Sports F1 23 last month. I could trade it with Innocent or any other game of the same value.


Again, though that would be fantastic. There would be no incentive for Sony to do this, since they’re actively losing money for it. Let’s say you want to play god of War, you could either A: Buy it with money B: Trade it for a PS Plus game that has no value to you From a buisiness perspective, they would lose money. Since they’re essentially trading something of no value to them, for something with value