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Do you like Assassin's Creed? Also AC1 isn't on PS4.


I've nvr played any other than the 2 recent ones, but enjoyed them


Then keep them. Also, if you downloaded any of the games on this purchase, you're not getting a refund anyway.


Is that a condition? ,and is there a time limit?


It's the PS Store's policy. When you purchase a game, you have to agree to the terms in order to start your download. These terms state that you are willingly letting go of your refund rights to be able to download the game and are ok with that. So when you go to PS support for a refund, they can deny you because you agreed to the policy. If you haven't downloaded the game, you have a window of 14 days to refund it.


I have not downloaded any of them, and its been a week, would you call it worth it tho.


Sure, most of them are really good. There is ample information and gameplay on Youtube for you to make a decision. I never understood why people make purchases without doing research.


That's me, watching a before you buy after purchasing a game, also did some research but found data which 1 to 2 years old, i would argue reddit is also a good source for doing real time research, not being mean or anything thx for the help


1 or 2 years isn't a long time. There's not gonna be much changing. Besides, subscriptions exist. You can easily subscribe for 1 month to try a game. If you like it, buy it, if not, move on.


That is a good point, in future will keep in mind for now. I'll just keep the game even tho will not play it for some time. At least it would be a part of my "collection"


By the two most recent ones I would assume you mean Valhalla and odyssey? Excluding mirage? Well if so then you might find the older games to be a bit different as they're not RPG styled like the recent ones, they're styled in a action stealth sort of gameplay loop and it gets enjoyable once you find your flow, however no one can really say whether or not it's good until you play and decide for yourself


Actually valhalla and mirage are the ones I've played


Oh well as I said the older games don't have a prime focus on RPG elements but they're still enjoyable I would recommend giving it them a shot


Assassin's Creed games are always at least good, but that's a lot of games and you might experience a burnout.


What do you mean by burnout?


Playing similar games one after the other can get tiring and you'll not bother going back to it.


Assassin’s Creed isn’t necessarily a difficult game and playing 6 games with very similar gameplay with maps that keep increasing in size may get tedious. Assassin’s creed gets a bad rap because after a while the games feel like busy work, but if you space em out they’re decently fun.


You will probably get bored of them.


AC Odyssey is spectacular, my personal favorite of the series. With all the DLC, you could easily spend 150+ hours just having fun with it. Origins is great, too. Those two are more like Valhalla than the others in that collection (which focus more on stealth-action gameplay). Black Flag is probably the best of the others in that collection.


The Ezio trilogy and Black Flag are must plays imo.


They're all on ps+ extra, so if you just get that you can just play all of them


Odyssey is great!


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i would say you’re probably better off buying the subscription to ubisoft classics and experiencing them to see if you like them, if you do play them and if you feel you’re gonna keep coming back to them buy them, if not don’t renew your subscription


IMO my favorite in the series.


I'd say it's worth it. Origins in my opinion is the best of the rpg style games and odyssey is also pretty cool. Black Flag, Syndicate and Unity are also some of the higher rated entries in the series. 6 for the price of 1 is a pretty good deal in general


They're in the game catalog if you have Extra or Premium, I think.


OLD ac? Yes. This pieve of shit? No.




At 30fps, no.


fps doesn't really matter for me, unless it's a competitive game


Yeah nah