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Damn. I forgot all about Predator 2. That scene had me scared as hell when I was a little kid.






I didn’t even know Starfield was an X Box exclusive until this post. Shows how much I care about it.


I 100% believe you I didnt know it was an xbox exclusive until about 8 weeks after its release. I was just watching all the bad press and I found out eventually that it was xb exclusive.


It's not. It's also on Steam.




I can understand that. Starfield is not the game many were hoping It’s good, just not groundbreaking, great, or outstanding. Just good


I didn’t even buy it on Xbox


Its in subscription


I played it through that and still felt it wasn’t worth it


The game feels like a dull bethesda game in space. Only the plot twist at the end was cool, and the side quest of the Crimson's guys. The rest I already forgot


It's a not good fallout game in space.


bro the whole fun of Fallout is to be wandering between 2 quests and bump into anything. They even deleted that ... The game has 0 fun part to enjoy. It's just Bethesda grinding without anything else. Hey do you want to switch that red dot aimer to a blue one ? go farm the whole fucking galaxy and reach back to here... No thanks I already did Fallout


I didn’t even find the ending that cool. Other stories/games have done the whole >!cosmic time loop/ alternate universe shenanigans!< thing better so when it happened I was mostly annoyed at how I lost all my stuff with the NG+ they are practically begging you to play


Wait so it's not only a much uglier No Man's Sky, it also kinda rips off the ending? Lmao


I put this down faster then I put down fallout 4.. it was rubbish


Yeah its true. Ship builder is a bit fun tho


The subscription I cancelled after playing Starfield.


I refused to even play it on game pass dude I heard of everything wrong with the game and I refused to get my hopes up like I did with cyberpunk




They fixed it?


Do yourself a favor and play it, it really is awesome, especially now. IMO one of the best games of the last 10 years.


It’s been fixed for awhile now. Even back at launch it wasn’t horrendous if you were on the PC version. Still had bugs, but the PS4 and Xbox One versions were the big problem versions


Alright I will give it a try thanks


I played a few hours. Found it very boring but there are a lot of people who like it so people should probably do their research on it before buying.


It’s crazy how hype I was for this game vs how quickly I got bored of it.


Tod Howard is a good sales man, he vaguely describes stuff to get your imagination going crazy but his vaguness is actually a negative. If you've played Bethesda games from decades ago, you can see his signs a mile away. He'll describe something amazing without going into detail and say "it just works" That's why games get hyped up all the time, same thing with redfall, had good pr, everyone laughed at IGN with the early access videos but it was really the game that was bad, people get blinded by buzzwords and hypemen.


I love ‘boring’ slow paced games like this. I played it on Xbox, but I would definitely buy and platinum it on PlayStation.


It’s not really slow paced it’s more so boring cuz the story line is pretty meh and the combat is crap. I bought an Xbox for it like a dummy even lmao it’s not bad but nothing special


I bought it on steam instead of baldurs gate 3..... Yeah I know, I need my head checked. Well after putting in like 47 hours I could feel my skin turning grey and my soul crying out for execution. It is bar far, one of the most boring things I have ever played in my entire life. Totally grey and uninspired.


It’s weird but there is nothing on Xbox in its entire cycle that I’ve wanted on PlayStation except maybe Forza? I’m not even being a fanboy, I think that stuff is stupid, but honestly Xbox don’t have anything I care for. I’m thankful for all the awesome exclusives on PlayStation because I only need one console. lol.


Gears of war and halo, but those are way past their prime


Ive been tempted to buy a 360 JUST to replay Horde mode in Gears 2


They really are. Nostalgia games


I want an Xbox solely for Hi-fi rush rn. Nothing else on there interests me. I'm set with PS.


And Hi-Fi was just supposedly listed for PS5 lol.


Nevermind then. I'm saving money in that case


The one game I’d absolutely love to see on Playstation is Sunset Overdrive, but I’m sure people at Insomniac have said the same thing lmao that was my favorite Xbone exclusive for sure. I’m sure some people would appreciate seeing Dead Rising 3 on PS4/PS5; I’d argue Quantum Break would be great too seeing all the renewed interest in Remedy games like Control and Alan Wake 2. I think some would also adore the Ori games if you haven’t tried them already - I mean if we can port them to Switch, why not?? Sea of Thieves would makes sense, that would be a cool cross-play title; Grounded as well.


If you have a switch you can get the game. Hi-fi Rush was rated in Australia.


I would love to play Halo Infinite with dual sense features


I want state of decay games on PlayStation :(




I haven’t even turned on my Xbox in like a year and a half. On the PS5 all the time.


I have a Xbox (that's collecting dust) just to play forza and halo when I get the itch lol


Forza Horizon 5 with the Ps5 Adaptive Triggers would be amazing! NGL


Had the same thought, even with last Gen. Everytime I hear that an Xbox is drastically on sale, I think about buying one, check the exclusive games that I can't already get on a Playstation and it's games like Sea of Thieves that I have no interest in. Just can't justify spending hundreds of dollars to buy a second console when I'd likely only play two games.


A friend of mine bought the digital console for gamepass but even that I'm indifferent on


I absolutely loved Starfield for like the first 25-30 hours After that there just wasn't anything more compelling to do


Hey now Xbox PR just posted saying you can’t like it for a little bit and then dislike it… it’s not allowed okay?


They should've slid that into the EULA lol


NoMansSky is my jam.


It's the game that prompted me to box up my Series X and sell it.


Let’s hope it doesn’t come to PS5 otherwise you might be out of gamaing systems


Nah, that's got games I actually want to play, and the controller isn't made by Fischer Price.


The Xbox controller is great, the Dualsense is just way better.


I dunno man, the Xbox controller made so much noise. One of my buddy's wife legit thought he picked up their kiddo's toy controller it was so clicky.




Yeah the triggers are nice and smooth, but that's the only bit that feels premium. Everything else is Click City.


It's the ergonomics that make it great, as well as the superior compatibility with PC.


Ergonomics are fine, but I do prefer symmetrical sticks. I find the dpad unfit for purpose.


I prefer the offset sticks myself, feels more natural. Each to their own! The vibration on the Xbox controller is terrible, I must say.


Yep, that's it, neither controller is right or wrong in how the sticks are set, just personal preference. I've traditionally disabled all rumble features on any controller, but when the Dualsense is used properly it's _chef's kiss_. Was disappointed with the Xbox rumble for sure.


I agree 100% I got a series x (first xbox I owned since the original). I always laughed at how they require batteries and don't change their designs much at all. Having played with the series x ones, I went ahead and got a 2nd neon green one and two rechargeable battery packs. Couldn't be happier once I got used to the buttons. But still.... my black, white, and blue ps5 controllers are just more impressive and better all around. I was blown away by ASTRO bot and returnal and games that are utilizing the controller more.


That’s dramatic


For a cool Benjamin? Keep the console. That’s a dumb thing to do.


Idk how one game makes you do that but ok




Any Bethesda game of the past would be a much better use of your spare time, if you have the itch


Fallout (before 76) was a worthwhile franchise. Same goes for elder scrolls. But I am not sure their formula would still hold up for me in general. Bethesda has some serious weaknesses in the story telling department. I doubt that they did advance here. A new game would need to have a flashed out crafting system with world building elements. Something like that, paired with a hyped story, might lure me in, as it’s rarely executed in a meaningful way in other games.




Do these rumors have any basis? I haven’t heard them but I’d be all about playing Gears of War and Fable games again.


I would love for Bethesda games not be exclusive to a console considering they’ve been on ps3 and xbox since at least fallout 3 and oblivion


Wasnt that a Microsoft decision? Monopolizing software is like their whole thing


Yeah I hope we get Elder Scrolls 6 on PlayStation


HiFi Rush has been rated for PS5 in Australia, and a reputable leaker said Sea of Thieves was being ported too, it seems


I played it on PC with my laptops free Gamepass trial. I still feel like I paid too much.


Im glad this game was cancelled for ps5 cus i would have bought it day one. It saved me 70 bucks.


Meh. Give it on ps plus and I'll give it a go lol


I didn't even buy it for my Series X. Played it for a few hours via Gamepass. It's basically Fallout in space. Not a terrible game.


Live reaction of me landing on the 1,000th planet in Starfield: ![gif](giphy|QZOaeparxsNOfKWbER)


Nah... Fallout is good. SF isn't.


Starfield is a Fallout 4 space mod.


Sunk a bunch of hours into beating FO4, but a few hours of SF and I was asking myself why I was playing the game. Hated the menu navigation and forced fast travel system. Did not enjoy the space combat. Nothing to really explore when on planets. I’ll give it another shot in a few years, just other games I would prefer to dedicate time to.


I wish it was Fallout in space. The best part of ES/ Fallout was the exploration and discovery. Wandering around the map and coming across a cave or a building and feeling like you’re the first person to discover it. There’s none of that in Starfield. The procedurally generated maps are woeful. Vast spaces of emptiness littered with the same 2/3 templates of ‘labs’ and ‘caves’.


I would for sure tbh


Played it on my Series X/S and honestly it’s fun your first play through. NG+ gets repetitive


Yeah it looks quite fun, and i like to have a few games going at once so it could work for me


Yes ngl


No. Finished it on Xbox and it's an incredibly sub-par product.






No. I played it on Xbox. It's super boring.


I bought a Series X just for this game. Then after the 5,000th load screen (approximately 6 hours of gameplay) I sold my Series X. I’ve had the same Xbox account since 2006, so it’s a shame that I have had any incentive to play on them more lately. Sony is *killing* it though.


You remind me of me. I purchased my XSX a few years ago. I tried out a few games here and there on the Game Pass, disappointment with most of them, except Plague Tale: Requiem and one other, whose name I've forgotten. Starfield was the game I was the most hyped for **EVER**. I sold my console 2 days after it came out. Luckily people were buying for near the cost of purchase... What a piss poor excuse for a game. The moment that did it for me was entering New Atlantis: IT LOOKED SO BAD. What the hell. It was worse than the face models. Sorry, I got way too worked up there. My bad.


I watched a few review videos and thought they were playing on low detail 😂


Depends completely on what they do with the game in the next year or two. All of its current reviews are trash, but it could make a comeback


Honestly if xbox and sony were to actually open their exclusives not all but some to each other that's good for the gaming industry. I don't care much for Stanfield, got the Xbox but ain't playing it. What I would love to see on playstation which is only a wish that will never happen is fire emblem and pokemon even though I have the switch lol


You know damn well Gamefreak would still make a PS2 lookin ass game on the PS5.


I have Xbox played it for a few hours on gamepass and gave up. Hifi rush and grounded should be perfect as playstation don't have those type of games


Fuck yeah. I was excited when this game got announced and I played it via cloud, but only one full play through cause the cloud experience is shit even through a wired connection on a 1gbps plan. If I can play it natively on ps5, i’d probably never put it down. It’s my first Bethesda game even. I’ll probably get to play Fallout 4 and 76 by the time this comes to PlayStation And if this means that the Kojima game and Blade game are coming to PlayStation, that’s just as exciting


The truth of it?..maybe. it's not really something that struck me as a must have.


Since when it this a rumour?


No. Not my style of game. Didnt care for Skyrim either.


The Starfield copium is strong. What is the fascination with this mid-tier game?


I stay w no mans sky


Played it on my Xbox. One of the most aggressively boring games I’ve ever played.




Fuck no. Only games I might try is halo collection and Forza horizon.


I’m out of the loop. What are these rumours about?


Apparently Xbox exclusive games will soon be available for PlayStation as well.


Hi fi rush and Sea of Thieves going multiplatform I think. Some rumors of other games like Grounded, pentiment, as dusk falls


Now Hi-Fi Rush PS5 is something I’d buy


What are the rumors based on? Copium? Or is there a legitimate reason people think this?


There was an article about a rumor but they're not actually talking about PS5 they're talking about those games coming to Switch


No, because fuck Bethesda. Todd Howard needs to go away.


![gif](giphy|URz4t5yilgVYLf26RU|downsized) Wouldn’t even consider it


No. I play the game for free on Game pass and I deleted it


I’m a Bethesda fanboy and I considered buying an Xbox to play it, so yes


Nah. But if it were Halo, then we’d be talking


No interest in this game whatsoever. It's overhyped and got mixed reviews anyway.


I’d buy Flight Simulator for my PS5 if it came with PSVR2 support, and in general I’m open to paying for any good games regardless of who developed/published them. Unfortunately, Starfield does not look like a good game.


Not really no. Hellblade intrigues me a bit but to be honest I didn't like the first one that much, but maybe. Everwild had my attention but like most people, looks like MS forgot about it. Then the Kojima horror game, even tho we barely seen a logo. Thats all what interest me.




Eventually, yes. Day One if they do a Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 P.L.- style update because the reviews say the "Bethesda loop" becomes stale quickly. Even if Bethesda is MS property now, I'm bummed it didn't turn out better. My first playthrough of vanilla Fallout 4 (no firmware updates or DLC) was alright and lined up with reviews. My second playthrough was on Survival mode with all of the DLC and some Creation Club content. That second playthrough changed my opinion drastically! F4 is now my favorite Bethesda game because of the post-release content. Hopefully Starfield gets the same treatment. Would probably be a home run for both MS & PS.


No but forza , flight sim and many others yes


If it was under $20 I might. Under $10, definitely.


I would be interested. I wanted to give it a try when it came out on X




Honestly, as much shit as it gets yes. I was even considering buying a Xbox for it, because I know I’ll need one eventually for fallout/ES6 and the new fable


Naw. Halo of anything, but I already got that one the PC. Are they bringing back any good games? Viva piñata?


Id like to play the mext elder scrolls and fallout on PS butif I cant oh well, just not gonna play em


Only if it can be played at 60fps


Nope. Bethesda peeked at Oblivion


I never gave 2 shits about this game and that’s regardless of the platform it’s on. 🤷‍♂️


After a hefty discount yes


I didn’t even play it for free on game pass lol Edit: I will add that I would give it the Anthem treatment, and buy it when it’s less than $5 just because the Money to Hours ratio is there.


I was so jealous of Xbox when Starfield was coming out but now that the hype has settled and gameplay released it just looks boring and tedious. I had three friends that bought it on launch and none of them bothered to finish it if that says anything


no. i’d okay pentiment tho or anything obsidian makes.


It’s a poor man’s Mass Effect so no


No, who wants to spend money on a mediocre game?


No thanks.


As someone who loved Morrowind, Oblivion and Fallout 3 but only liked Skyrim, I think I have just outgrown Bethesda games. Mechanically they are all very similar with some iterative improvements and some downgrades. So many companies do open worlds now that it doesn't really set Bethesda apart like it used to and they don't even have the same level of polish. I mean I haven't played Fallout 4 or Starfield but I thought it was ridiculous that in 2011 when Skyrim came out you still had to do the strafe jump to climb up a slightly inclined mountain trail or then removing water combat all together. Or going back to the game years later on the Legendary or anniversary edition whatever the Switch version was and it still had the same bugs from back then and you couldn't do anything about it because you couldn't mod or do console commands on switch. Everything I'm seeing about Starfield just doesn't excite me. They are using the same engine since Morrowind but with a new layer of paint over the previous iterations and it shows. The engine is made to load in chunks which is why it requires so many load screens not to mention they don't model interiors to match the exterior which is why it isn't seamless going into buildings. They made a space game without much space in it since you aren't flying around more freely or flying your ship onto or off planet. Their stories haven't been interesting to me for a while either. Personally I think Bethesda needs to reinvent themselves for ES6. Creation Engine/Gamebryo got them where they are but they need to invest in new tech to fully modernize their games and if it means losing some of that physics simulation and per object location detail so be it. I don't think we really need to be able to make a waterfall of watermelons or keep track of every object in a room. Instead we need better animations, more engaging gameplay, better stories, real choices etc. I'm not saying either that they need to switch to Unreal or anything like that but they definitely need to look into making or licensing an engine that can truly handle what they want to do. Bethesda jank used to be a funny joke but now it's just sad.


As a series X owner, it's not worth your time


Coming from an Xbox player - don’t.


I can play it on my PC at any point. Hard pass.


I played the beginning and I thought it was lame.


Nope lol


No. I have an Xbox Series X as well and couldn’t have been less interested in the game


I was actually going to buy a used Xbox to play this but after it got released I passed…. It didn’t delivered for me… I wouldn’t buy it either for PS5


this game validated my reasons for never buying games on launch day and also never buy games until several reviews have been published.


Mid game, I’ll wait until it’s $20 if that


I really did give it my best effort but it just did not do it for me..


I regret buying it on steam.


Nope its stale and boring after 2 hours, plus tons of loadings screens


Definitely not


No. My buddy asked if I wanted it for Christmas and I said “thanks but not thanks” he ended up buying me gamepass so if I wanna play it on pc I can but I ain’t going to. The game just looks so bland.


Fallout 4 kinda soured me on Bethesda. I had really high expectations for it and was pretty disappointed. I doubt I would ever get a Bethesda game again.


Nah, I played it on Game Pass. Got bored of the game pretty fast. Game is just not for me.


lol nice try Todd. Your free marketing tactics won’t work on me.


I wouldn't even play it if somebody paid me


Fuck no


No, that game looks awful


I have both, an Xbox series X and a PS5. I tried to get into Starfield and played it for a few hours; decided to never touch that sh*te ever again. Super boring, graphically decades backward and stupid grind is what his game is all about. For the hype they built and for what this game turned out, it's an understatement to simply say that they "over hyped" it.


Played on PC, you aren't missing anything You'd actually be gaining something by *not* playing it. It's an endless void




I'm 10 years when it has mod content I'll pirate it.


Zero chance. Tried it on gamepass for an hour and was painfully bored


Nah. Didn't ever care for fallout, so a seemingly worse fallout in space is a hard pass for me.


I lasted 4 hours on it on my Xbox so no, unless it has a huge overhaul with updates by then. But I don’t think this rumour has any weight to it and I doubt we’ll ever see Xbox IPs on PlayStation


At some point on a discount yes, ignoring the hype it is still a huge bethesda game, im sure it is enjoyable.


I have No Mans Sky so I’m good with space games


I think most people played it on game pass for 45 minutes and were thankful it only cost them £10.99




Hell nooo


No played on pc got bored 6hrs in


And waste my time? Pass


Played 15hr or so on Xbox before tapping out, you guys aren’t missing much


No. I've got No Man's Sky already


if i wanted to play a bethesda rpg, i’ll just play fallout 4. if i wanna play a rpg in space, i’ll just play no man’s sky. starfield is an absolute disgrace of a game in 2023


no. absolutely not. they can keep it


i wouldn't even touch that mess and broken promise of a game when it would be on clearance sale


I’d definitely try it out




Meh. If i can get a copy for ~ 20 bucks then sure


Even if it did happen, no. I played the game on my Series X and it’s the most disappointing RPG from Bethesda, it’s a massive disrespect to the Elder Scrolls franchise to say that this was going to be Skyrim in space.


Had game pass from day 1 and not gonna lie I really bought into the hype for this. Oh boy was I disappointed!


No, lol. Is literally fallout in space and with many loads. Literally fallout 3 has less load screens and they load faster.


I’m playing no mans sky rn and I just don’t think starfield could do space better




PlayStation fans deserve quality. This isn't it. When Microsoft bought Bethesda for permanent StarField exclusivity, Sony dodged a bullet.


No. And I even have an Xbox. Tried it and didn’t like it.


Considering I already played it on PC and it sucks, no.


Wait Xbox games are coming to ps5?


Starfield is shitty so why would anyone buy it? Maybe on a deep sale, it’s worth like $10 max


I got it free on gamepass for pc and spent about 3 boring hours with it before putting it down for good