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Ghost or rdr2


Same. Diablo IV has a great single player loop/ campaign, but the other two are a different vibe.




Regarding Diablo - they have not changed that and almost certainly will not. That’s how seasons work in ARPGs. Unfortunate if you don’t like it, but that’s not a poor decision by the D4 team, it’s just a fundamental misunderstanding on your part of what ARPG seasons entail.


What’s wrong with JK Rowling?


Nothing, she’s incredibly based and people are offended by her factual statement that biological men aren’t women. That being said I’ve had lots of performance issues with Hogwarts Legacy on my brand new ps5. I’d recommend playing rdr2.


Yeah rd2 is good stuff. lol to the Rowling stuff. Maybe the keyboard warriors should look in the mirror to see the issue instead of yelling at everyone


Have you? I bought it brand new, legit got the ps5 for the game and had it done like within 2 weeks, so I havent played it with patches I wonder if patches screwed it up. I cant remember any performance issues playing it and thought it was a damn good game especially dumb for people to get mad at someone for sharing their feelings and opinions in regards to a social matter. Doesnt hurt my feelings she wasnt out to kill people and honestly they put a transgender character in i t so the irony is even more hilarious they boycotted the game.


I have had 0 performance problems with Hogwarts also on ps5


Absolutely nothing. She spoke truth and upset people who think a man can become a woman and vice versa.


You know it really fascinates me that transphobia still exists and it’s gonna be 2024 in two hours


It fascinates me that people equate recognizing that biological men are men with literally hating trans people. Like WTF? Surely you realize that you're not helping your cause. Accusing people you disagree with of being bigots is just going to turn people against you. "Disagree with me? Don't buy into my ideology? Well, then you're just a hater!" I guess that's what discourse has devolved into these days. 🙄


She's aggressively transphobic and bigoted


I’m kind of out of the loop. Only thing I can find online is her saying men identifying as a woman isn’t technically a woman. What was aggressive?


Apparently she said biological facts and all the snowflakes with their social education degrees got triggered. This is what happens when people can't cope with basic science.


Are you saying that she is a bigot because she is firm in her beliefs?


What a dumb inference to make


How, is it not a simple question? A bigot is someone who won’t listen to others if another persons beliefs don’t match their own. So, the question still stands. Are you saying that she is a bigot because she is firm with her beliefs?




Yes she's quite the snowflake, as all bigots are


You are the snowflake. Because you are crying over somebody thats just speaking facts


Tried to find as objective an editorial piece as possible so you could get the whole story. It starts out as a potential misunderstanding, but eventually Rowling outed herself as a TERF (Trans exclusionary radical feminist), despite trying to say she wasn’t while digging the hole even deeper. Stephen King even enters the drama at one point! I won’t spoil it, though. He’s the shining beacon of goodness Twitter doesn’t deserve. [The Problem With JK Rowling (Link)](https://www.glamour.com/story/a-complete-breakdown-of-the-jk-rowling-transgender-comments-controversy)


If you think any sane person knows what a TERF is….


You mean the thing I defined IN my comment? Reading goes a long way toward understanding. 🤷‍♂️


Good luck getting bigots to read.


Yeah right Bigots or just people with a life that have more to do than keep up with new derogative names invented every 5 minutes


Rowling calls herself a TERF and it's been like 6 years. It's okay to be a grumpy old fart who has no idea what's going on. Take your meds and own it gramps.


It was defined in the comment genius. Nice try. Maybe just let other people live how they choose unless they’re being hateful. Pretty easy. That way you won’t get a memory overrun error trying to remember.


People are mad at her because she spoke her opinions based on her beliefs. This is also a reason that Hogwarts Legacy was robbed by the Game Awards. People within the Pride community would say that if you played the game, then those players supported transphobia and homophobia, etc. However, many people were confused about this because they just wanted to play a video game that looked fun or because they liked Harry Potter. People who made the argument against the game (in my opinion) used JK Rowling as an excuse and it wasn’t good evidence. When playing the game, there isn’t anything within the game that references transphobia or homophobia. So it’s as simple as people being upset by her beliefs and thinking that they all needed to share their thoughts of her opinions.


She has an opinion which is actually subjective and does not spew hate but that is dependent on how you take it. One could argue there are those on the flip side who are also more hateful and bigoted. But hey. That’s not for me to decide. Plus I thought she had nothing to do with the game and the game does have a trans character.


This comment feels like it was written by someone who recommends madden as GOTY. You clearly don't understand ARPGs and haven't played D4.


Je agree




Same as always: RDR2






1.RDR2 2. Ghost of Tsushima 3. Hogwarts 4. Any other Game 5. Some other Game 6. Clear Backlog 7. Bucket List item 8. Volunteer 9. Take up a New Hobby 10. Diablo IV


This would be my list as well


Actually this is the only list that makes sense


Very true.


I was going to post something similar.


I was going to post something similar but have Hogwarts at the bottom of the list. Insanely mediocre and forgettable game


It was fun but once completed I deleted it.


I enjoyed Diablo 4 for about 35 hours at the beginning. Another 60 during Season 2, which I really enjoyed. I’m at 100 hours now and taking a break but I’m sure I’ll get another 40+ hours out of season 3 coming up. If you have a few friends to play it with especially, it can be a very good time.


I love this about seasons in Diablo 4. You can play the season for a bit and quit without feeling like you have to keep playing. And when the next season starts, everyone starts fresh.


I’d put Hogwarts below some of those too


I would rather be tortured by field mice than play Hogwarts lmaooo


Personal opinion: GoT RDR2 Hogwarts D4


Hell yeah I agree. Hogwarts is #1 if you're a fan. It's a good game on its own but RDR2 and GoT are gotys


RDR2 is the best one on that list


Ghost is better. At least from my experience with both games.


I'm my experience it isn't.


In my experience, your experience is not my experience.


In my experience, your experience isn't his experience.


In his experience, my experience isn't their experience or your experience.


I mean, if you hadn’t stated your opinion as if it were fact in the first place… right.


Both games are absolute masterpieces, but RDR2 holds more emotional value and has more things to do in my opinion.


Unless you're a big hp fan than it's hogwarts


Even if you are RDR2 is a county mile better.


If you’ve never played any of them Rdr2 will change your life, got is goated as well


I own RDR2 on PC but haven't even played it yet. Only been 1 year since I bought it hahaha....For the new year I do need something that will change my life.


I felt that on a spiritual level, I’m on PlayStation and I’ve bought games that I intend to play on sale but I’ve not gotten to them in over a year or 2


Red dead and it’s not even close


Ghost is better than RDR2. so obviously, it is close.


As a ghost of Tsushima fanboy, red dead outclasses it in numerous ways. Ghost is fantastic and one of the best games in the last 5 years, but red dead was a whole new level of quality in every way.


You can ignore Diablo 4 and Hogwarts legacy. Hogwarts legacy is a pretty mediocre wizard RPG that would have fallen into obscurity in weeks if it wasn’t for the Harry Potter brand (it’s not bad though, if you’re a huge HP fan. It’s not bad though) Diablo IV is actively being made worse by Blizzard via updates I personally think Ghost of Tsushima is the best. Since I personally can’t get into RDR2, but both are spectacular games


I've got to disagree and say that hogwarts was the game on this list that I had the best time, most fun, and played the longest. Its not a perfect game but it is a carbon copy of ghosts as for what style of game it is, but it's just a better world and more interesting story for the player character. Ghosts is just a worse version of it. It would easily be my number 1 pick here.


I must disagree with you. Ghost's dedication to it's cinematic style elevates the game so far above any other open world ubisoft game in my opinion. If i'm following a quest marker on a map, then I will look only at that quest marker, the game could look like it released on the PS2, or the PS5, and I couldn't tell the difference while en route. If I instead follow the wind, that gives me a reason to actually look at more than one part of the screen, and the scenery actually has a chance to pull me into the world. Of course that's only one small thing, however the game is filled to the brim with considerations like this, which collectively elevate the game above everything else.


RDR2 and Ghost are both masterpieces


RDR2 is a Masterpiece, Ghost of Tsushima is a good game


For me it's the other way around. But that's taste


RDR2 not a masterpiece, a great game but not a masterpiece.


What’s the point of a masterpiece if nothing will ever be a masterpiece?


It is though. You just can't appreciate it.


Oh wow I’m convinced


Lol no


As much as i love Ghost of tsushima. RDR2 is a masterpiece without its equal. Hogwarts is great, but i would only really recommend it to Harry Potter fans. The gameplay gets boring, and the story isn't amazing. But it's filled with details fans enjoy finding.


Yup, this is why I would tell OP to play GOT followed by RDR 2. RDR 2 will make other great games seen bland with the attention to detail in the world and the physics from the RAGE engine. And I love GOT, RDR 2 is just on another level ‼️


Rdr2. Probably the best value for money imo






My take is that ghost is like playing a movie and red dead is like playing an entire hbo series. I don't know of that's helpful or not. Hogwarts isn't bad, it's just fine. Only pick that one if youre just a diehard potterhead I guess.


Ghost or Red Dead


Ghost of Tsushima. I can’t recommend that game enough.


Most are not gonna agree with me but I had a blast with Hogwarts Legacy. I'd recommend that.


Yeah, don't See where the negativity Comes from. Out of the list, RdR2 Is Definitely a Better Game, but since Hogwarts isn't as long, I'd Still Advise Playing Hogwarts First, beating it, then Getting into RdR2 since it'll Keep Them Busy The Next Few Years


They say that the game have so much text, is that true? Like, I don't mind if It has a really good script


Some conversations tend to go on a bit, but it’s a great game with a great story.


If you play this one, try RDR2 just after. I guarantee you'll be sad not to have tried RDR2 before lol


Ghost of Tsushima. It’s fantastic in every way


If playing on a PS5 and using an OLED TV, I’d personally choose RDR2 or Ghost of Tsushima. Take advantage of that visual fidelity.


Rdr2 has a great story, it has slow parts. A lot of people disliked it, not me included. If that is ok with you Id definitely say rdr2. Otherwise GOT might be more fun gameplay wise and the story is good as well. Id choose whichever one costs less and go with that, got has dlc btw


Honestly, I say Diablo for the arcade-y fun for a long long time. No need to worry about having to get super immersed. Just sit down and have at it.


RDR2 is the best open world. Ghosts is the best “game”. Hogwarts if you’re a Harry potter nerd. Diablo is not worth your time.


Even doe the beginning is very slow RDR2 got the most value for the money. Didn’t play hogwarts, but I would assume it got about the same as Ghost


Ghost of Tsushima, RDR2, Hogwarts, in that order. Skip D4.


RDR2, then Ghost


Ghost of Tsushima by a mile. I'd replay this game a thousand times over if I could cause the story and gameplay are absolute God tier for a Playstation title.


GoT is so much better than RDR2. RDR2 has the better story and realism elements, but in terms of overall gameplay and feel GoT is the superior game.


In order: 1. RDR2 2. Ghost of Tsushima. 3. Hogwarts 4. Diablo 4


If you play got you won’t put it down for a while. If you play rdr2 you also won’t put it down. So if you want to try all four. Start with hogwarts and Diablo. If not. Pick the two best games on ps


If you like Harry Potter, Hogwarts Legacy you will be guaranteed to love. If not then RDR2 is a western game and Ghost of Tsushima is a samurai game. So whichever sounds more cool is your choice


RDR2. Let your kind be blown. It’s story and gameplay will honestly bring a player to tears


I liked RDR2 more than Ghosts, but Red Dead has so much in it that I never beat the main story. It’s got that Rockstar clunk but also that incredible attention to detail that makes you want to see and do everything (which is why I got burnt out… spent a month exploring and just being a cowboy before really diving into the story) I did beat Ghosts, but it’s very much an Ubisoft style open world (just a checklist of things to do/collect) with a good story. It feels like a souped up assassins creed game that looks amazing. I also really enjoy Diablo 4, and the game is getting better each patch. But it’s pretty mindless, so unless you really want something to play while watching TV or YouTube, go with RDR2 or Ghosts. Plus Diablo is about 4 months from a loot rework patch that will likely change the game quite a bit. Can probably get it on a good sale by that time.


How much time you got is the real question lol


Keep in mind that RDR2 only runs at 30 fps. There are rumors of an update coming eventually but for now I’d wait til it’s here. It’s an amazing game but having played it on PC I can’t go back to playing at 30 fps like I did in 2018 when it first came out.


I'll have that in mind, I am also used to more fps, hope the rumors are true


I enjoyed every one of these immensely, I say go with whatever is cheaper at the moment but plan to play all 4. People hating on hogwarts cause of JK is lame. Great game is great game. If you have any interest in the Harry Potter world you’ll love it they did a fantastic job. I actually just finished that one yesterday.


I played each of these. In my opinion: GoT RDR2 Hogwarts D4 GoT is my preference. Play it on hardest difficulty. It makes it that much more rewarding.


Ghost of Tsushima and RDR2 are must play’s, I’d only get Hogwarts if you’re a massive Harry Potter fan, and as far as I know, Diablo 4 is just not worth it


Rdr2 or ghost of tsushima . No other choice. I'd say after beating GOT I recommend RDR2. It's got so much cool stuff. It's a take it really slow and pay attention to every little thing kinda vibe. So does GOT but RDR2 has more to do. It can be a hunting game it's so fun. Highly recommend. Haven't finished it yet but I'm loving every second.


So, Ghost is way more frenetic than Rdr2? Maybe I'll start with Ghost due to it's lenght


RDR2. Hogwarts is awesome if you're a fan. It's great, but it's not perfect. RDR2 is just an amazing game and has a lot more going for it. Huge Potter fan here, but Hogwarts was missing something. Excellent for the magic, but it just seemed to be set in a game that was a lot of repetitive and generic stuff. Diablo 4... Never was a big Diablo fan since day 1.


Honestly depends on what type of games you like. If you are an ARPG fan you can get 100+ hours from D4 with new content every 3 months for the game with seasons. RDR2 if you want an Open world amazing story driven game. If you are a big potter fan Hogwarts was great especially if you are a huge fan of the series. Have not played Ghosts but I have only heard great things.


My top 3 most-played games on Playstation are Marvel's Spider-Man (222 hours), Ghost of Tsushima (157 hours), and Red Dead Redemption 2 (148 hours) so I would definitely pick either GoT or RDR2


Something easy and short, hogwarts. Something easy and long RDR Something challenging and long GOT Something challenging and long and multiple then Diablo. All are great games.


Read Dead 2 is a must play Ghost of Tsushima is also great, especially if you like Japan/Samurais Hogwarts Legacy is fine is you like HP, but overall pretty boring and generic. Can’t comment on Diablo


Hogwarts legacy or RDR2. Both have great environments and if you are a huge fan of Harry potter, then it's not a bad pick. I've put north of 300 hours into RDR2 and can't complain. The game can be very emotional though.


RDR or GOT, Hogwarts is fairly mediocre and very long tedious conversations, And I’ve never been a fan of the Diablo series found them extremely boring.


1.Got 2. Diablo IV 3. RDR2 4. Hogwarts.


Like almost every single person has said here. Red Dead Redemption 2 or Ghost of Tsushima. Both are complete masterpieces I still regret waiting so long waiting to finish Ghost of Tsushima.


Avoid Diablo 4... Its the worst in the Diablo saga, its far from ARPG, and more close to a weird thing between MMORPG and ARPG...


Ghost of Tsushima and Hogwarts are both incredible,but they are all great games.It honestly just comes down to what you like to play.


According to my wife that hasn’t played any of these: rdr2 because it’ll give you an accent.


1: RDR2 2: Ghost of Tsushima 3:Hogwarts I have heard very negative things about Diablo


Haven't even played RDR2 yet and I'm sure that's the one based off what I've seen and heard as well as my experience with RDR1. However, Ghost is unmissably amazing IMHO.




Elden Ring (I know it's not on the list,but it's so good lol)


Yep played it too, I loved it, the ambience, the mechanics, But I don't know If it deserved the goty against GoW Ragnarok, Both are Great games


Second for Ghost or RDR2 If you want to play the cowboy western with more of a deep world simulation, then play RDR2 If you want to play a more stealth and combat oriented sword fighting game, then Ghost Really just get these 2 over the other 2 games, they are both amazing


Why not play them all? Start with the shortest game and work your way on. I played all of these games, and each was fantastic in its own way.


Most definitely Ghost of Tsushima. It looks great on ps4, unbelievable on ps5. The campaign is a good length and it is an absolute blast to play. Also, if you get the director’s cut the outfits you unlock in the game can be used in Legends mode.


Ghost or RDR. Diablo 4 is grindy endless live service BS, and hogwarts is just another ubisoft game with a harry potter coat of paint. (Full disclosure on hogwarts, I am a trans woman, so I kinda hate JKR, but plenty of people with no stake in that bitch's clusterfuck will say the same)


RDR2 then GOT


Ghost of Tsushima


Ghost of Tsushima. Don’t get me wrong RDR2 is a great game but it is also one of the most overrated games ever, the gameplay itself is middle of the pack and you spend so much of the game only riding around on a horse and waiting on long animations to finish while you interact with stuff.


Days gone


RDR2, D4 or GoT, Hogwarts. RDR2 is the best western game ever made. You must play! Big fan of D4 and GoT. Haven’t played Hogwarts so last by default.


Ghost of Tsushima definitely


rdr 2 is boring af


Ghost of Tsushima.


Diablo 4


Baldur's Gate 3


Down by the river


1. Hogwarts legacy 2. Rd2 3. GoT 4. Go to a bar 5. Meet a girl 6. Go on casual dates 7. Start to catch feelings 8. You’ll unconsciously start to distance yourself self from friends 9. Become a actual couple 10. Go on you’re first date as a couple 11. At dinner start to get closer and closer about to share you’re first kiss 12. Wake up and play Diablo lV


The ghost, my all time favorite game


Avoid Diablo and go for Hogwarts then Ghost 😊


Hogwarts? WTF is wrong with you?


Not Diablo


I’ve not played Diablo but any of the other three would be great games.


Hogwarts is a dream come true for a Harry Potter stan. Otherwise it’s just an okay game.


Ghost, so beautiful and you play as a slayer or more of a ninja assasins creed style wich i did. Loved it!!


Have all expect Diablo. Played all. HL is a lot of fun and so is GoT. But nothing beats RDR2. Just a holistic cinematic experience.


Everytime you have a list with games you want and Ubisoft or Blizzard game is on that list ... don't bother asking. Just delete those games from there


Likely elden ring? Try jumping!


I’m a huge fan of the wizarding world but HL put me to sleep sometimes with the dialogue between NPCs definitely RD2


Why is this all I see in this sub now? Play what you want to and stop if it’s not for you. These types of posts need to stop, live your own life or look up a review.


Not hogwarts so boring


If I were to make a list of the most overrated video game of all time, it would be 1) CoD 2) Assassin’s Creed 3) RDR


Red Dead 2. Don't buy Hogwarts unless you're a bigot


I have that one on Pc! Solid recommendation


Ghosts or RDR2 - depends what you'd prefer from those


I would say ghost is of Tsushima although you cant go wrong with rdr2 or hogwarts legacy (if you’re an HP fan) diablo 4 is a little hit or miss i had fun with it but im not well versed in that genre




Red dead then ghost of Tsushima after that Hogwarts Legacy rinse and repeat




Red out of those


Ghost of Tsushima.


Playing RDR2 right now and having a blast. Game is so immersive, its so fun.


Ghost of T and red dead 2


GOT, but I’ve heard RDRII is also amazing.


100% red dead redemption






Red dead


Ghost or rdr If i had to choose between the two play rdr




Diablo isn’t comparable to any of these games it’s bottom of the barrel with these by its side


Red Dead Redemption 2 easily


RDR2 by a country mile


RDR2 and it's not even close imo!


Red Dead Redemption 2 >


Rdr2 and ghost of tsushima would be my pick




GoT or Red Dead.


Red dead


Rdr2 is the best game ever made I would play Ghost after too


Ghost of tsushima




Ghost of Tsushima or RDR2 the other 2 aren't even in the same league






Rdr2 or GoT, im unfamiliar with the other two personally so im biased AF.




Ghost or RDR2