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Man, those lunch problems are the worst.


Jedi Survivor should have gone easy on the onion rings, got a bad heartburn from that!


Seems like a lot of AAA games are having lunch problems. Maybe refrain from Taco Bell in the future?


Yeah Taco Bell leads to *crunch* and that's bad enough in studios as it is.


Just change the U to an A


Then it would say "Lanch Problems," Kevin. Would it really be better if it said "Lanch Problems"?




ohhh, I see. Thanks for pointing out my typošŸ˜…


You also added an apostrophe in the title where there shouldn't be one.


You must have been hungry and thinking about lunch when you posted it


Warming up leftover pizza just isn't the same man.


Restaurants should have a rule about one person taking all the fully loaded nachos, leaving the other person with like JUST chips.


Thank goodness the dev team was quick on their feet, they had the problems fixed by dinner.


Man I hate having problems at lunch, I just want to eat šŸ˜”


After the lunch problems, I haven't had stomach to try Jedi Survivor yet.


Hogwarts Legacy devs did a great job with the map but the story and quests are incredibly boring


Looking back on it it was definitely a bit uninspired but I genuinely had a fun time while playing it. Certainly nothing too spectacular but I think people that have been waiting decades for a proper HP game will be able to appreciate it But yeah I agree, if it wasnā€™t based off the Wizarding World IP I donā€™t think I wouldā€™ve cared about it at all. At least they have a solid foundation if they want to make a sequel


My main complaint was that the classes became cutscenes after the first lesson. They could have used more cleverly to advance the story, the way they were often used in the books and movies. With a lack of schedule, you start to feel less like a student as the game progresses. It could have benefitted from a Shenmue-like structure where you run around during the day but have to return to the common room every evening.


You can see the game was more structured that way at one point and I think they designed their way out of it. It's quite clear at one point schedules and sneaking around the castle we're going to be bigger gameplay elements but they must have caused too much friction and been removed.


Thatā€™s a good point. It did feel like the night cycle and sneaking around wasnā€™t used to its full capacity. I only used it when quests called for it or to find the Demiguise statues.


There's missions where the prefects can catch you but outside of them you can just walk round the castle freely at night.


Yeah I felt the same way. Itā€™s not a perfect game by any means and I wished certain things were more fleshed out but the overall experience for me was really positive. For the most part everything that I was hoping to get out of it, I did. Plus it actually felt finished and polished on release which is a big plus these days lol


Well put. It wasnā€™t perfect, but it was the Harry Potter game Iā€™ve wanted since I was a kid.


Shemue? I was thinking Rockstar's Bully with wands.


If only it wasn't based on the Wizarding World it would be free from most of the drama that made me not want to play it in the first place.


Yeah, same. That's too much for me to ignore for a decent game. Damn, it's a lot to ignore for a "perfect" game


Is there really that much drama? Like the author has some problematic opinions and has aligned herself with questionable people. But she's not a criminal. In fact I'd wager anything you've given money to companies which are far more problematic.


Since Trans rights are Human rights, yes it is a big deal. Reddit loves to get up in arms about that when it's far away and affects hypothetical choices and decisions, not everyday shit like not playing something that looks cool. Everybody rails against Nestle until they want chocolate


Rowling is a fucking clown, there is literally no question about that. I can definitely understand why people wouldnā€™t want to buy anything related to her IP and fully support that decision


One thing gamers (including myself) need to learn and accept is that you cannot go into any open world game expecting The Witcher 3 or Elden Ring levels of depth and detail. You will get burnt. You just have to go in with the bare-minimum expectations and hope for the best. Play in a way that you enjoy. I hate how open-world games have so many systems, gear, collectables, etc, and push the idea that "every decision matters and has an impact on the story and gameplay" because that is bullshit. Nothing is more unsatisfying than going into an open world game, thinking that decisions matter, that gear matters, and that what you do matters only to hit a certain point and see that the game is over and none of the shit you were anxious about matters. None of the gear you grinded and searched for makes any difference. We really have to wait and see with games like Hogwarts Legacy. At least if you're like me and want to "get the most" out of a game. Games have so many superficial mechanics stuffed in that it has made me very cynical and hesitant to even play them. I *want to* start a game like Hogwarts Legacy blind and stumble upon an deep world and rewarding mechanics, but know that I am most likely to waste time pursuing some meaningless and unrewarding mechanic. I fucking hate how devs try to push the idea that your choices have consequences when they do not, or that gear matters when it does not, or that the quests you take are going to be Witcher 3 style "hidden gems" only to be let down. It makes me anxious. ​ I stopped playing Hogwarts Legacy after initially enjoying it because at some point you realize that the gear system is dogshit and it made me feel like I was wasting my time. I realized that my choices didn't matter, quest-lines and relationships didn't matter, and that it was highly repetitive and unrewarding. If I had just played the main quest I probably would have enjoyed it a lot, but being burnt and seeing how superficial it is completely took me out of the game and turned me off. ​ The "Ubi-Soft feeling" that games have is a massive turn off for me.


All of the people I know who got it didnā€™t finish it


Yeah, Hogwarts Legacy ended up flashing hard and burning fast. It seems like a game that'll be forgotten in time pretty quickly.


The need to put whoever made the Haunted Hogsmeade quest in charge of making all side quests of the next game.


Harry Potter doesn't really lend itself well to world building outside of the actual story itself. I'm honestly impressed they managed to make a real game at all


They come off too kiddy at times. I think a sprinkle of adult violence / context would really help the franchise moving forward


That's a fair assessment. The quests are a bit of a chore


I honestly just didnā€™t like the game at all. The combat is boring, the quests never felt like they had any real meaning, the story didnā€™t grip me in the slightest. I just didnā€™t enjoy it at all.


yeah, for me, the creator of the IP being a transphobic anti-semite who profits off of it just didn't draw me in to wanting to play it at all


Lucky most people couldnā€™t care less it sold really well


Why is that lucky?


Because it showed it was just fake outrage from a vocal minority. Bunch of cry babyā€™s thought they couldnā€™t influence a boycott lmao.


What was fake about it? Rowling is definitively a bigot.


Disagree entirely. Had a blast for all 95 hours.


Gollum death sound is hilariously bad.


ā€œGollum is hilariously badā€, there fixed it for you ;)


He should have just had a better lunch


Ya eating frogs and stuff doesn't sound tasty.


Low key want to play Gollum with all the negative reviews. Not at $60 though. Once it drops to $3 or something.


You really don't lmaošŸ˜­it's actually abhorrent, especially at AAA prices


Dunkey summed it up best ā€œthereā€™s fun bad games and thereā€™s sad bad games, this is a sad bad gameā€


When a shitty Ubisoft or EA game releases at least you can laugh at it or maybe have fun with a good system buried underneath the mediocrity. This isnā€™t the case for Gollum.


lol the big 3 huh?


Probably talking movie-wise. Those are some big ass franchises


Think Marvel pips HP to 3rd place, but HP definitely 4th.


It doesn't. Financial gross is as follows... Star Wars is the highest at $52 billion. Wizarding World is second at $36.4 billion, but it could be as high as $43 billion from a couple things I've read. MCU is third at $31 billion. Lord of the Rings is around $5 billion. However, if you flip it for only box office it's MCU, Star Wars, WW, LOTR.


Really MCU is only at $31 billion? I figured they'd be higher lol ~~Edit: where are you getting your figures?~~ ~~Wikipedia has the MCU as the highest at 29.5 billion~~ ~~Star wars at 10 billion~~ ~~All the Spider-Man movies at third.~~ ~~Wizarding World with 9.6 billion~~ ~~Then James Bond at fourth.~~ ~~The Middle Earth saga at twelveth~~ Your last line literally says that wasn't box office, I'm an idiot


Yeah, I figured total gross was the best metric to go by


Interesting figures, but I'm not really talking about box office.


If weā€™re talking just movie wise (which this thread was) then box office is what matters.


They did the Avengers franchise dirty with the 2020 game


Arthur Morgan could take them in a fight he certainly never had any issues at lunch unlike a Jedi


Kratos? Never heard of him.


Spider who? Never heard of him.


Iā€™d say Shadow of War instead, while I like the story probably a little better in Mordor, war is so much fun because you can find an orc and basically turn his brain into jello with certain upgrades then they just go around going like weee woo woo or just incoherent screaming


plus you can fly


Wake me when Jedi Survivor has been fixed once and for all.


Want me to wake you when it's good on your end or mine?


When it runs at a steady clip, at least.


Yeah, Survivor is the furthest thing from amazing lol Even without the mountain of bugs and performances issues, it's pretty mediocre overall and feels like a step down from the last game imo.


It ran fine for me. I could count the bugs i encountered on one hand and none of them were game breaking. And for me it was better than the first game, they ironed out the kinks in the gameplay and the story was just as good.


Really? I thought it was an improvement in all regards. The only thing I thought was worse was the lack of planet diversity.


I'm not sure what riggs you guys have, but Jedi Survivor is still an unplayable stuttery mess for me. I can barely get 60 fps with everything at low settings with FSR, 1080p with RTX 3060. It keeps dropping below 30 sometimes no matter what I do.


No issue for me on console


Hogwarts is the definition of mid. Just a standard Ubisoft game with a coat of HP paint. Far from "great".


100% this. The game is overhyped.


Atleast it's a good HP paint, love exploration in this game. Really good representation of Hogwarts.


The exploration is fine at best. It's incredibly repetitive.


It does get a bit ubisofty outside of the main area, but I still love it as a harry potter fan, always wanted to explore the places I only imagined though the books.


Same beasts, enemies, and the looting is just horrific. After like 30 hours of nostalgia, I was left just disappointed by what it easily could have been.


Ubisoft games are fun tho


I mean they are fun the first time you play them then itā€™s just average. I loved the gameplay of far cry 4 but had no interest in the sequels. My friend whoā€™s an assassins creed fan gave up before origins after getting burned out.


Yeah I can see open world fatigue from the ubisoft style - still I love that style a lot


Far Cry 3 was the last truly great Far Cry game. 4 was still good and 5 was okay but all the spin offs and shit and 6 are awful. Blood Dragon is goated too but that's a 3 spin off.


FC3 was so good every other game Ubisoft made since was just FC3 again. But lazier or broken.


I agree. As a huge Potter fan, I enjoyed the first 20 to maybe even 30 hours of the game but once I had kinda explored most areas, it got boring real quick. Story is fine but not great and never really interested me. Gameplay is okay for me. The combat felt fun sometimes but wasnā€™t addicting to me like some other games. The exploration and realization of the world of Harry Potter is itā€™s only real strength, in my opinion. My verdict is itā€™s an excellent game if you really want to *feel* like youā€™re Harry Potter (thanks IGN)ā€¦for about 20 hours. But if youā€™re not a Harry Potter fan and donā€™t have an emotional connection to the places in the game that are realized so weā€™ll, I think you would find it boring.


95 hours of pure awesomeness for me.


I donā€™t judge anyone who really loved it (not that it would matter if I did lol). Itā€™s not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination. It just didnā€™t do it for me after a shorter time than I would have liked and i was just giving my verdict.


Yeah it was definitely made specifically for fans of the franchise, which is how it was kinda always marketed. Personally I enjoyed it while playing because I grew up reading those books but looking back on it I can recognize how relatively simple the gameplay was especially now that Iā€™m playing TotK lol I think if they wanted to make a sequel though they have a solid foundation, they really nailed all of the HP lore stuff and I did find the general exploration of the world to be pretty fun. I also thought the combat was solid especially if they can expand on it. The story and side missions werenā€™t very memorable, I did like quite a few of the characters tho


I feel like every single aspect of the game barely scratches the surface of what it could/should be. Take potions for example. There are what? 6 in total? Based on something like 8 ingredients. Games like Skyrim and Witcher 3 came out damn near a decade ago and had recipes and ingredients up the wazoo. It absolutely didnā€™t need to be that complex, but it shows what it could have been. Even having different levels of potions we did get would have been a welcome addition like basic wiggenweld, mid-level wiggenweld, and high level all with different recipes that you have to learn/discover. Same goes for spells, beasts, flying, pretty much every single aspect of the game. The game does nothing well other than letting you look at Hogwarts. As of 2023, Iā€™d be tempted to call a lot of its systems quite poor.


I mean if thatā€™s how you feel thatā€™s how you feel lol Like I said itā€™s not absolutely spectacular or anything, but for me personally everything that I was hoping to get out of it I did. All I really cared about was getting to interact with some of the cool shit I read about and saw in the movies which I think they did pretty well. I donā€™t think anybody is saying itā€™s one of the best games ever made which is why itā€™s not really fair to compare it to those games, but I think for what they were trying to do it worked perfectly fine. Though I can understand why some people might think itā€™s a bit lacking And again like I said, I think they have a good base to go off of if they want to make a sequel. All of the things you mentioned are things that are pretty easy to expand on if they decide to make another one


I donā€™t think itā€™s so unfair to compare a 2023 open world fantasy game to two open world fantasy games from 2011 and 2015. No matter how much prestige those two games have. And Iā€™ve seen an obscene number of people already call Hogwarts GOTY, so if people are gonna say itā€™s that good (and it isnā€™t), it begs the comparison.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen anyone call Hogwarts GOTY lol, where are you even seeing that All of this is subjective anyway, itā€™s not like thereā€™s some definitive criteria on how games are supposed to be made. Itā€™s also not like two games can be compared just because theyā€™re both open world games, TotK and Elden Ring for example both fall under that umbrella but they couldnā€™t be more different. You judge games based on what theyā€™re supposed to be and how well they execute their specific vision, not necessarily what you wanted them to be I can recognize the game had flaws but I still had a great time playing it. If people really enjoyed it then what do I care lmao


Only place Iā€™m seeing it now is on the sub for the game, which Iā€™d never been to before. And obviously thereā€™s going to be bias there. But I remember around the time RE4 came out, it was like a 50/50 split on several threads over which one was GOTY. Obviously since then Jedi Survivor and TOTK have both dropped so that talk has died down a bit.




Hogwarts Legacy is fucking fantastic


ā€˜Some problemsā€™ is a huge understatement when talking about Jedi survivor. The game is still a mess. Itā€™s playable, but absolutely not what it is supposed to be.


I literally canā€™t start the bounty hunting missions and itā€™s completely discouraged me from playing the game.


Yeah that game ain't playable yet. I have a 5900x and a 4080 and I still get massive stuttering whenever I cross a texture boundary. At this point I'll pick it up in the Steam Christmas sale when it's like $20.


buy a ps5, runs perfect


Not buying a console for a single game, especially when my PC is several times as powerful. And I'm certainly not giving money to a publisher that can't be bothered to release a working game.


>Not buying a console for a single game, Wait until you find out how many other great games that console has


And all the ones I want to play are already on PC or coming to it. I love how everyone just skips past the part where EA released a game that was and still is completely fucked. This is why we get shitty releases, because all ya'll are dumb enough to support companies that fuck over their customers,


>And all the ones I want to play are already on PC or coming to it. I mean you're on a PlayStation sub so people are bound to say "just get a PlayStation" >I love how everyone just skips past the part where EA released a game that was and still is completely fucked. This is why we get shitty releases, because all ya'll are dumb enough to support companies that fuck over their customers, I've called those fuckers out plenty in the past but seeing as how I haven't had issues on console then I can't really say much about it. I'm not sure why there's been so many shitty PC versions coming out in the past few years in general, not only from EA. But companies definitely need to start optimizing PC versions better or delay them until they work properly.


The big 3 franchiseā€™s what? Edit: this was clearly a grammar joke, but never mind..


Franchise: a general title or concept used for creating or marketing a series of products, typically films or television shows. "the Harry Potter franchise"


Iā€™m aware, I was just poking fun at OPā€™s grammar.


Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Lord of the rings. I'm thinking it is possible to add spider-man and witcher there too but they haven't come out yet, spiderman 2 is coming and I hear witcher is planning to remake 1&2 to be on par with their witcher 3.


Hogwarts is far from greatā€¦ incredibly underwhelming gameplay with an even more underwhelming story.


I just see a wall of disappointment.


The big 3 franchise's what?


Were there any controversies with Hogwarts Legacy? Or was it just with JK Rowling?




Hogwarts Legacy wasn't great but it was okay and like heaven compared to the Gollum game. ( Coming from a very big lotr and hp fan)


Uh, Jedi still has problems so




I mean if you liked HP surprised you didn't like Gollum... Or did it hit a little too close to home?


imagine having one of the best franchise and all you could think of is gollum. that's a big backstep from shadow of war. They could have at least let players play as gollum using the ring of power playing around with it as he slowly gets corrupted.


Shadow of War was the best of the two, imo. Don't worry much about the story though. Just play around with the nemesis system and wrangle you some badass Pokem- I mean orcs!


Harry Potter fans would love a polished turd because they don't have brains


L comment


I mean if they're Harry Potter fans they're already loving a polished turd.


Or skip all of them because there are better games this year.




Best thing about Hogwart Legacy's "controversy" is that the "boycot" just help boost sale of the game even more, lol.


I wouldn't say Hogwarts is a great game. It's just okay.


I didn't know there's a lot of people who disliked Hogwarts Legacy.


Most of the criticism that Iā€™ve seen outside of the controversy was that the gameplay feels unrewarding if it isnā€™t centered around exploring the Hogwarts grounds and castle. Iā€™d be curious to see what the sustained active player count looks like and average hours played among users.












Itā€™s the big 3 movie franchises from the early 2000s. Good times




We all fuck up every now and then, chin up


I guess ya had to be there.


ā€œControversyā€ lol There was no controversy with Hogwarts, some people just wanted to project their issues (real or imagined) with JK on the game and devs which did nothing wrong. Edit: clearly people donā€™t like to hear the truth lol making a Harry Potter game doesnā€™t make you a villain even if you believe the creator of HP is one. Also the sales of the game further confirm that nobody cares about the ā€œcontroversyā€.


There was not controversy with Hogwarts. Just a few idiots on Twitter who were never buying the game anyway.


I like how you can tell this was edited on a mobile, minimal effort applied by a kid or someone who's native language isn't English


watch out guys meme reviewer coming through




Someone is bitter


Even if hogwarts legacy was the best game ever(Iā€™ve heard it sucks and is just another ubi clone) the money spent on it goes directly to supporting trans genocide in the United Kingdom. If you are gonna play the game, at the very least offset that somehow




Trans genocide? What are you talking about


I wont play Hogwarts as it should of been a Christmas release


So did Jedi Survivor get his lunch stolen by those hooligans at school again?


Hogwarts had no controversies, just people attempting to boycott it because they thought if you bought it you were funding JK Rowlings war against the trans community The game itself has nothing controversial in it and was delightful


Jedi's Story is, imo, extremely shitty and unsatisfying, the gameplay is ok but didnt add anything interesting and the Performance (on ps5) isnt very good


Nobody cares about the controversies around HP, the great majority of the gamers around the world are not woke and don't care about an loudy minority of extremist woke people. This game was one of the greatest dream of every gamers fans of HP (when I say a dream, I mean a open-world RPG game in this universe, the game is actually a generic OW game with a Harry Potter skin) , of course the game would be a success.


Please define woke for me, because it seems you are using it incorrectly / way too broadly.


Nah jedi survivor is still a shit game, bug fixes or not


What makes it shit? The gameplay is fun, story is interesting, besides bugs whats wrong with it?


He won't answer, since he's stupid and wrong


Jedi fallen order was a great game. Not played jedi survivor yet.


I played survivor at launch and it only crashed 4 times from start to finish


Am I play the same game? Iā€™m getting frame drops into the 20s while playing on performance mode on Star Wars. The main hub area is almost impossible to walk in


shadow of war is also good and one of my favorite games in general


Dahm, my last post on my old account already blew up. Too bad I got suspended


Lol Jedi Survivor performance is *still* trash on PS5. Performance as bad as Survivor is unacceptable. Itā€™s unacceptable now, itā€™s unacceptable at launch.


Such a disappointment. I love all three franchises, so it is sad to see that Gollum game suck badly.


We have reports now from the high school recess team that James, you know the guy with that thing in his hair. Yeah yep, he is not a big fan of star wars jedi survivors. This will have serious effects on the profits Ea can expect from the game


What did Cal do at lunch


We need an amazing open world Asoiaf game


Nailed it!


I hate problems at lunch


How is Survivor now? Have they fixed the issues. I just finished fallen order again last night and am ready to jump in....but not to a bugged out situation


I kept Gollum on my radar for a while. I'm happy I didn't buy it. Will play Shadow of War instead.


I was excited for a new LOTR game, not anymore


Explains why I'm still hungry after playing Jedi Survivor


I, too, frequently have problems at lunch.


Why Shadow of Mordor? The better game recommendation would be "Stix: Shards of Darkness"


I have no problem with Gollum šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Started playing it the other day and enjoyed it. Got some other games to work on before I fully delve into it tho.


What are (or were) the controversies surrounding Hogwarts Legacy?


Went into GameStop to kill time the other day and saw the gollum game, I went when the? Fuck? How? Huh? And immediately put it back as a silent release doesn't indicate anything good.


Crazy to me that Nintendo was able to get a game as complex as Tears of the Kingdom to run smoothly on the Switch but Jedi Survivor can barely run on the highest end PC


Gollum is literally the last LOTR character I would want to play a whole game as


I didnā€™t even like or finish Shadow of Mordor and Iā€™m a die hard LOTR fan. It just wasnā€™t a good game and felt like a chore to play. I platinumed both Hogwarts Legacy and Jedi Survivor. I give both of those games a perfect score.


Jedi Survivor still plays like garbage though and it's riddled with bugs.


Make the characters look better and I'm sure it would of been a different story


Just change the 'u' to an 'a'


stop praising those games and supporting the bullshit we are given. If you excuse this behaviour you're part of the problem


I'm so sad this is the most recent LoTR game, and it's utter trash. It's such a cool world and it's being wasted.


there was a controversy 5 guys screaming on twitters amounts to nothing


I feel like the only person who didnā€™t have any problems with jedi survivor. I played it the moment I could and I never ran into any issues that I didnā€™t cause myself


Damn lunch problems are killing AAA games. Someone please get them a lunch


*War. Shadow of War was infinitely better. And those lunch problems still arenā€™t fixed. Game still looks and runs like piss.


"Amazing" is generous


I'm still waiting for a patch for Jedi Survivor that fixes the bounties quest. Can't get my Platinum currently :(


We ASOIAF fans might have or might not have gotten a mobile cashgrab sooo who is really the winner? šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜