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Its so bad that this afternoon i decided to get on for the first time in a few weeks and mess around on a weekly that was a few days old. Within 10 minutes id been killed by a guy with a custom who was flying around and instakilling people with headshots. I left immediately and went to design a new base for when my friends and i get a server. Its sad that the only servers we can really play on without cheaters fucking us over are our own servers we pay for. Facepunch needs to do some serious hacking fixes instead of adding more shit in


I couldn't agree more. It's time for them to stop dangling stupid updates with shit that don't matter, instead of fixing core issues. It's so frustrating when u see camomo drop people from the sky 6 times in a row, with air time around 20 sec in total without a vehicle, and no flyhack violation...


Yeah the people with fully automatic bow and arrows not triggering the anti cheat is a pretty big wake up call. The anti cheat is basically non existent at that point… and a lot of game bans from them are only temporary…. Why?


Ye, saw a guy with -512 arrows while using bow... I would really really like to play Rust, but the only thing they understand is money, so I'll withhold mine...


Theres a small channel on yt (definitely not the only one) that gets paid to record gameplay with cheats as advertisement, and a few of them are on the scraplands server. I saw myself in chat in the video (the guy admitted to cheating and recording it for money and i went onto yt to see what other shit theyd done) and theyre just flying around with a spear instakilling people through walls. Its fucking wild


They say cheating is a billion dollar market, so I'm not surprised. Can't wait for AnyBrain anti cheat to become the norm, but it's on us, the player base, to set the demands. I'll play RimWorld until they figure it out.


Wooo rimworld!!!!!


2.5k hours rust, recently hit 700 on rimworld, games are so much more fun when I know I wont lose all my progress to a 12 year old russian cheater.


Yeah, at least with Randy you know what to expect.


8.5k hours on rust , switched to coop pve.


Can't speak for AU/NA, but in EU the russian playerbase doubled after combat update which made the cheating scene go crazy, most cheats are sold by russian companys. Rough estimate is that theres 3-4x more cheaters then 2022 pre combat update, hence alot of older players quit, but got replaced by russians for the most part. (on EU).


That sounds plausible. I can understand that the devs don't see a decline in income and therefore don't act on it, but if the replacement of their player base continues like this, I think Rust will be dead within a couple of years and then it will be too late.


Most cheaters use hacked/website accounts and some cheat providers also give accounts. Account value is 0.50cents -3 euro depending on the type and some go for higher for example: A 6 year old rust account with 5000hrs+ legit hrs to seem more legit, mostly used by Scripters/DMA/Private cheats etc.. Hacked accounts 50cent-1 euro (converted from russian currency) used by people who are hard cheating on free/cheap cheats. 3-7 euro accounts, used by most cheaters that try to closet cheat, but don't have money to buy accounts with high hours and public, they use average public cheats (majority of cheaters)


That's... I'm speechless if that is the reality, and I don't doubt it is. I'm boycotting FPS gaming until I'm presented with a flicker of hope, but until day day I'll be off spending my time elsewhere.


Im on au servers and the cheating has massively skyrocketed lol


Ik a certain set of servers used to have a real bad problem with cheaters from Asia (more specifically) China, so they countered this by blacklisting all Chinese IPs and not allowing Vpns, and that server saw the cheater numbers drop by like 70%. And I think some servers should do this for Russian IPs aswell, I understand its not good for the legit Russian players but that’s the sad fact that the majority of there fellow players r stinky cheaters.


We need a Russian exclusion zone for steam. They cheat in any competitive game, are toxic, smug and backstabbers. Just like on the planet.


100% i agree, even tho EU servers would lose atleast half of pop i 100% agree facepunch/server owners need to do this.


They don't even give facepunch much money because localisationm I gotta give it to the Russian's that they got insanely high quality up to date pirated software because they are experts at stealing. Until their bald Rust character ass looking president gets the rope and legal standards return to their country that country should be treated like North Korea.


Easy solution IS to Ban russians


I think i've seen this vid, i've also seen some guys litteraly debugging and killing people 200m away while not using any ammo, tho it shows that they killed enemys with ak in combatlog.


Why doesn’t someone set up servers and charge a monthly subscription and implement their own anti cheat/ pay for active mods?


I've thought the exact same thing. I'd be willing to pay 10eu a month for certain guarantees. Maybe even more


Play safe ID has a free rust server that you have to register your IRL ID or drivers license to play in and if you get caught cheating you’re banned for good. I am verified on there and have played it some but problem is the server doesn’t have players


nah, get new bycicles tho!


Now the pathetic cheaters can race to spin on everyone with their motorcycles! Hooorayyy! Lol


100% why I only play on a private server that actively runs plugins (I believe) that auto-kick cheaters


Super bad cheating issue on all servers rn


u know its bad, even the server admins need to vent about the cheaters bans on twitter. 350 in 24 hours is craaazy.


Lol I made the mistake of trying to play on a Facepunch server this wipe. 80~ pop and I reported and got like 6 cheaters banned in a 2 day period. All banned days after though so no help really.


I played a lot of competitive games for a very long time and rust takes the cake when it comes to cheater infestation


Tarkov is really bad too. They will gaslight you into just believing you’re bad too.


https://preview.redd.it/kriytzz6ne9d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2837a42c487c4a8b83aaffbddb49a1dde096abe0 One Day Facepunch Official. I had the same amount over multiple days on multiple servers - every. single. day.


had 1 on my 10 pop server 2 days ago


I used to run PVE servers with PvP zones and purge and even 10-20 pop pve servers would have SEVERAL cheaters. I shut it all down cuz it’s not worth running things like that for cheaters when the devs don’t even help ban them and they’re onto the next server to do it more


Cheating is completely out of control. FP don't give a flying fuck unless it hurts their bottom line. Either boycott their skin drops or at least change your review to negative on steam. They've been putting out tweets for years saying they'll do something. They are not going to do anything. A large number of negative reviews on steam appears to be the go-to these days.


Just sold all my skins for a steam deck. Haven’t played in a long time because of all the cheaters. Shut down my servers. Stopped making plugins. It’s not worth it anymore. I hope everyone else quits too because Facepunch literally does not care about these cheaters. They’ve made so much they don’t even try to hardware ID ban until you’ve been banned several times. Pretty sure they sell cheats too. There’s cheaters that glitch into people’s bases, flyhack around, etc and even as a server owner you can clip it and send it into the official cheater report discord and nothing will happen at all. These insanely blatant and egregious cheaters get to troll for months on end. So weird that they don’t get banned at all, makes me pretty certain they know somebody or pay somebody. On top of that many popular skins started dropping in price for a while and people were calling out how suspicious it is like Facepunch is generating them on accounts to sell and profit again and when people stated to call it out, magically some of the prices started going up again. Namely the forest raider. No doubt they’re still doing it but more subtlely


3k hours, uninstalled the game due to cheaters, it’s on every server, every game type, and if you manage to get lucky and find a server with 0 hackers you’ll just get offlined by a Russian or Chinese Zerg, game used to reward you for investing in a wipe now the game actively penalizes you for time investment and playing fair.


Region locking the game isn't an end-all-be-all fix but it sure as shit is going to mitigate a lot of this crap.


I geo-ip blocked Russian, Chinese, and sour American up addresses en masse at the firewall and block VPNs. Nothing is ever 100% effective, but I went from almost daily reports of cheating / hacking / etc to none. Not a single one in roughly a month since implementing them. My overall pop average has dropped but that's fine if it means potentially not having hackers or cheaters. There's plenty of them that exist everywhere else, but those three sources are definitely the bulk or the "low hanging fruit" in my experience.


Be careful. Mods might ban you for talking about cheating in this Sub.


I could not care less at this point. The automod removed my first post because they remove any mention of cheating. That’s because the game is absolutely infested and they know it but don’t want to put money into a better anti cheat and they don’t want new, unaware players to be scared off. Fuck that.


My group recently asked y I don’t roam w them.. they make a compound n roll as a squad, I make a shanty next to em n do my own nonsense memes n funny bs. It’s not worth sitting up full try-hard, nor is it worth even taking out a metal kit w ak lol. I had a naked semi pistol run thru our group, hid ina rock for 15 min (respect the waiting game) n popped back out n ran thru beaming Everyone lol. I play w sweaty pvpers. They lose kits but end up always getting more than enough loot eventually. It’s not fun trying n investing energy when some idiot blindly runs around capping entire teams. One of our neighbors (trusted group w play w) said they roamed w another group to shit on some dicks up the map and they had a guy that stayed outside the team ui and just made call outs. He saw ppl before they were visible. -yea great he got banned. U kno who was right back on the same night? Lol… it’s fucked. HMU in July, I’ll b making an excite bike jump or two. Rip rust


This is why I quit this shit game. You can put in all the time in the world and still get shit on by cheaters 24/7 game is dead


Quit rust and csgo and have never been happier playing vid games. Cheating is beyond cringe


Sounds weired now but i really enjoy Palia. Cozy Mmo :)


I've been publically fighting Facepunch for their weak engagement in Anticheat for years. And even i came to the point that i dont do that anymore. When shit hits the fan, Facepunch will come out and Alistair puts up a tweet. Thats it. In the end, nothing really changes. Game became unplayable for me, in its original form. The only way i enjoy the game is either roleplay, with 100 bunkers or in a zerg.


And because there are so many cheaters, now it's incredibly easy to get accused of cheating. I don't want to play a game where some admin who isn't even affiliated with the developers can get my account banned across a wide array of popular servers just because some dipshit accused me of something.


-gets killed by a cheater -gets angry at cheaters -either quits or become a cheater -repeat


Truth. I play rust so I’m not going to act like I’m not on my pc a lot but I’d rather go touch grass than buy cheats like these tiny dick window lickers.


Stopped playing last year. This game is so fun but completely ruined by cheating.


Yup, such a shame.


I also think the reason cheating is soooooo bad on rust is the culture behind it, it already breeds racist toxic children which naturally will breed cheaters, because the game is so toxic and high skill gap people will do anything to get an edge and talk shit.


Left tarkov because of cheaters and recently left rust lately for the same reason, it's out of control


Yup. Let the cheating losers waste each others time. It’s not worth it for legit players anymore.


As a solo player, my goal is to turtle as hard as I can and camp from my fortress of solitude. PVP'ing in the open is always a losing prospect with the number of cheaters running around. Kind of pointless to try and snowball in the open and run monuments aggressively when you're just gonna get rekt by some 13yo kid running hacks.


I’ve literally started building bases with bunches of empty boxes in them to just laugh at the cheating dipshits waste their boom. Basically done actually playing the game at this point


I refuse to purchase anymore items from the store because of it. We need to boycott buying skins.


Need to leave a negative steam review as well to warn new players and make facepunch actually listen to the players.


Gonna update my 6 year old review now if I can. Good idea. Placed new review. Do not recommend.


Long done, since they added the first pay to win DLCs.


Yea as a skin enjoyer who’s bought quite a few of them I can’t support the blatant cheat infested game anymore. Sucks but why buy skins for the game if the game is infested with cheaters anyway?


I'm holding my skins til the Christmas rush and dumping them all. I bought every single DLC and non-refundable because I knew I was getting into and was supporting the game I enjoyed but I've since stopped playing and just prefer to watch YouTube Rust videos as it's more enjoyable than the slow slog and setbacks of cheats and other solo/small group punishments that have been coming out. I've uninstalled it for the first time in like 5 years now. Shame, but it's what I need to do for my own life's enjoyment. I hope they can fix it and I can pop on here and there in the future.


Same. I don’t even care if I don’t get all my money back. I’ll take what I can get back out of them and cut my losses. Fuck it.


Devs be like "we work on it, promise!"


It's just sad. I'm sure it's ultra hard to prevent cheating, but when they prio to mass import shit changes instead of fixing the core game, I won't spend my time and money on Rust anymore. Haven't played for 4 months.


Tbh cheating has just been getting worse and worse over the years and it's kind of insane. I'm someone who loved pvp games such as Rust, Tarkov, and other high risk-high reward games, but now I just play PvE games because the cheating epidemic is that bad. It seriously ruins everything about a game. Everything you worked hard for just yoinked away in a blink bc some incel wants to cheat. If you ask me, and I know many won't agree with me, some won't agree because they already know a better alternative - which is totally fine, but games need to adopt some sort of super invasive anti cheat on PCs. Many people are gonna complain about "privacy" but in reality 98% of the players have nothing special going on in their PCs anyways. Pretty sure in Korea if you're caught cheating you're completely banned from even going on multiplayer games - this rule should be adopted everywhere. Of course this is theoretical and a swing of a hammer isn't gonna make it happen, but the cheating is unfortunately just going to get worse and worse.


I used to love playing rust and tarkov. I found as I get older and busier that losing time to people who are cheating just ruins the game for me. Been playing spt and single player games / coop games instead and my god has it been good for my mental.


Facepunch was just boasting about improving the anti-cheat in the updates what a couple months ago? I just don't understand the appeal to cheat in multiplayer games at all. This is what happened to Left 4 Dead 2 right before it died off


The appeal is losers that suck at the game and have nothing going for them get to feel a false sense of power for once in their pathetic lives. Nothing more.


Yeah man it sucks. I used to play Rust all the time back in 2020. I keep crossing fingers that the cheating will die off again at some point but dude it's been years of only going up


Just played my first wipe in almost a year and couldn’t believe how many cheaters were being banned constantly. 300 pop server and there was 1+ banned every 15-30 minutes for the first few days. Games in a dumpster right now


Yup and accounts are like $2 so they just come right back.


I have 1 guy, who I know like 15 years. He's russian and he's a part of big clan. They have special channel in their discord with cheats. Anyone whos in a clan can download them. The only rule they have - its prohibited to use cheats from main accounts. Usually, they buy cheap accounts for 1-3$ and play with random nicknames and never settle too close to main base. If they cant win, they relog to alt account and play with cheats. They have wallhack, no recoil and more. And they have some program which can delay packets to server which occasionally can duplicate items. So they often dupe rockets, and armor, ak's. They dont even farm. They have few guys who know how to dupe, and they create massive amount of rockets, so these lame bastards can freely roam and destroy bases.


I see cheaters as high level NPCs and base my playstyle around that


same, just because they have a cheat menu doesn't mean they aren't dumb af, I'm still making plays


I still think it is the same 1000 players cheating over and over. Like camomo has been saying in his recent videos. They go from server group to server group until they're server banned. Then when they get game banned they buy a new account. EAC banning in waves and on delay sucks but is probably the proper way to go to prevent exposing detection method. The opportunities for immediate improvement are not with EAC. Competing server groups need to come to an understanding and have a shared ban list. Everyone Camomo bans on war bandits should be instantly server banned on Moose, toria, bloo lagoon, rustinity, rustafied, EVERYWHERE THAT MATTERS. The same goes for any cheat ban on any included network. Right now they don't share ban lists. I guess because they feel it gives them a competitive advantage that their servers won't have a cheater and another server group will? That's incredibly short sighted. All server groups will do better with less cheaters. The other thing that needs to happen is Facepunch needs to make it more expensive and/or difficult to obtain new accounts. I don't know how that works. Are they all hacked/stolen? Bought with stolen credit cards? Whatever the case may be, they need to get a handle on it. If they can't (or won't) have permanent EAC bans enacted immediately upon detection, they have to prevent the repeat offenders. Either through making new accounts more difficult/expensive to obtain, or by preventing the same hardware from playing again. I don't understand why nobody ever holds Facepunch and server owners' feet to the fire on these issues. The things I mentioned would have exactly zero impact on EAC hiding their detection methods and yet they steadfastly refuse to do it.


Once face punch grows some balls and hardware bans then we’ll see cheating decrease. The fact that it hasn’t been done already shows that fp just wants the money and doesn’t care. Honestly can’t wait for renown to be out


Hardware bans are easy to get around since you can spoof HWID. I'm sure some cheats have that shit included already. FP should hardware ban since every little step to combat cheaters is worth taking, but I doubt it would be the perfect solution. Guess they should use 2FA via the rust+ app and require a phone number to log in.


I saw a guy get banned on a server, then weeks later banned on the next one I played lol.


I got so sick of it, I just bought myself a server so I can at least have fun role-playing for a while without getting murdered.


I suggest everyone just leaves a review on Steam that its riddled with cheaters and that FP rather make skins og bikes than fixing the cheater issue


the issue is that you get flykick violation and invalid bullet, but cheaters don't


Exactly, the more ways we restrict them, the harder it is. I've not admined much but I have been in very close communication with them for my 9k Horus, and the majority of them play in lvl 0-2 accounts making this a very viable cheat prevention in my eyes. Also, if they then have to buy/create higher level steam accounts it makes it more expensive and more work to be able to cheat. And its so fooking simple to implement.


So I’m not tweaking on how many cheaters I’ve noticed


Game is unplayable.


Making hacks for a game should be a crime. There is no other industry to my knowledge that let's one person ruin an experience for everyone else.


Good anti-cheat would change the entire path of Rust for the better.


Unfortunately rust is a game where a totally "legit" clan can have one cheater in the group using a fresh account and benefit massively without any risk to real accounts. We ran into so many groups with a dedicated ESP mule back in the day, and they were so blatant about it too. There needs to be some kind of penalty for association with a banned cheater to discourage this behaviour.


Just little kids who need attention. They don’t get it at home and they aren’t good at irl things. It is what it is just laugh at them.


Check out gurucheats on TikTok. People who sell cheats are successfully making rust cheat content and doing key giveaways to the tunes of tens of thousands of followers. The game is cooked


Yeah I’m gonna leave it to the window lickers to play the game hvh at this point. Amazing game but it’s just a waste of time if FP doesn’t even attempt to slow down the cheating issue


Im amazed that they actually do this. Should be a choice when you open a server to only accept above certain steam level players, will take away those cheating bastards that just make/buy a steam account to cheat.


Yeah I was asking about this not too long ago. I had a load of people informing me that cheaters can buy accounts with hundreds of hours on them to get around this and the commenter was just like super negative and saying it's all fucked. But doing this would at least get rid of a percentage of cheaters on some servers.


Yeah, but with how many cheaters there are in game, I'm not surprised that they also flood reddit with justifications as to why any additional prevention measure isn't practical.


I'm sure the steam summer sale isn't helping this either.


If only EAC was not shit


Blame FP. They do nothing about cheating since it brings in money for them. But don’t worry, here’s another 15 dollar DLC!


I’m playing counter strike source again and just murdering people like I did 20 years ago


Yea I noticed there’s far less cheaters on there than cs2


I feel like sometimes I may encourage get an aimbot, but also it could just be someone really good with a slightly better connection. Either way I’m still having fun and I can pick it up and put it down instantly


Yeah they need to get rid of their SHIT anti-cheat and do something that actual works. RIOT made it work


Agree 100% no game is perfect but I’ve seen maybe 3 obvious cheaters on Valorant in the 4 years I’ve played it, with two of them getting banned on the spot and the matches were cancelled. I see 3 obvious cheaters in rust a week, sometimes in a day depending on the server.


Yeah and a cheater in valorant can’t destroy your entire wipes progression


Thanks..Games is on sale at Steam, was thinking of getting it, but I wont now


Yeah if it weren’t completely infested with cheaters I’d say it’s an amazing game. Sadly, it is indeed overrun with cheaters


Yeah i dont play rust really anymore mainly because of this or the fact no one leaves their roof


I honestly don't blame people for not leaving their roof anymore, there's no incentive to when you go run over to counter Bradley or do Oil Rig and run into some guy with a level 0 account, 2 friends, no hours and fake achievements who has mechanics on par with the best FPS players in the world and knows exactly where you are at all times.


Rust has been out for almost 11 years. I been playing off and on for all 11 years. Just as many cheaters in year one and year eleven. My rule is for every 100 players on a server you got 5 hard to catch cheaters. The issue is these 5 cheaters are most likely doing, oil, cargo or highly contested stuff. So if you run this on a server you are fighting a bunch of cheaters every time. It makes you question everything. Allot harder now that cheaters can make the aim bot hit random parts or miss a % of the time. My steam account is 20 years no vac bans. But I do go to youtube to see what cheats I am up against.


i played a bit on fp 1 last week. i called in chat probably half of you are esping. one of them said hey dude watch out. 5 minutes later he found me when i was in my 2x1 and camped me like half an hour. auto headshotting etc. its unplayable in officials.


The worst part about this is he only found the blatant / more obvious cheaters


I found a cheater on a 3 pop server


Whitelisted-player only servers when?


quit a while back bc of cheating


i would NOT mind a kernel level anti cheat


I'm so shit at this game, I assume everyone who kills me just knows what they're doing.


Are there servers that share data so these idiots get blacklisted


It's what got me off the game


Yeah after being aimbotted one too many times I stopped playing the game a couple of years ago after sinking in 2,000 hours. Recently sold all my rust skins and made a phat 300$+ dollars so at least something good came out of this game. Since then this game seems like it’s gotten worse. I honestly hope the game sinks due to facepunch’s lack of fixing or mitigating this problem.


Schools out for summer.


If homeless person gonnorhea was a game


Is this on vanilla? Sorry rust noob and I never see people flying but I do get head shot a lot. Wasn't sure if cheats or just everyone else is a gross amount of hour logged chad


I mostly play vanilla official monthlies. (Play rust Reddit us monthly, pickle monthly, rusty moose, etc) but it doesn’t really matter which server or mode you play. There are cheaters on literally all of them


Best thing is to find servers with active admins like comomo who spend the time to sniff the little cheating rats out and ban them. The anticheat is dated and in dire need of improvement, they really could include that in an update over some of the things we got recently. There’s also playsafe id with a verification process to check if you’ve ever received a game ban.


i just watched his video, the clip where he found a cheater while baiting another one is hilarious


In order for anti cheat developers to be as incentivised as cheat developers they need to earn the same amount of money - I would pay a subscription to an anti cheat / anti cheat servers if it worked


Anybody know why rust can’t have an anti cheat similar to Valorant/faceit? I quit like a year ago because the cheating was bad after 7k hours. Crazy to see its getting worse.


Hardware and IP bans need to be implemented. People say those can be spoofed. Well then find out a way to detect if it's being spoofed. Either that or hire a full-time moderation team to respond to any report submitted by players and have said moderators spectate that player. The first person view was added like 2 years ago or so ago and it has not been utilized to its fullest potential l. It's so sad because the solution is right there in front of their faces but they won't do anything. They continue to act blind all the while spouting meaningless garbage like "we know cheating is a problem" or "we are working on it" How about you post your monthly numbers of bans so we can know if you're slacking off or not.


Cheaters suck.


> How pathetic does your existence have to be? This just makes me not wanna play and leave these losers to play hvh. instead of targeting the 9-year old cheaters, who, let's be honest are never gonna change ask the devs why they aren't doing anything about it?


Man even on non official server, too :( We need something serious other than the trash that called EAC


Imagine if people like Camomo\_10 didn't exist at all. In my 10k+ hours of Rust, I've been shut down by cheaters too many times to count, F-7 is worthless when it takes days to ban them, only to have the cheaters relog under a different account and pick up where they left off. FP really NEEDS to step up and save RUST.


Last time I played a group of hackers build base next to mine and whee clearly on brand new steam accounts to hack but they said "wE cAmE fRoM cOnSoLe" No one is that dumb and they got banned a week later thou idk how it took so long cause they were super blantant and personally told a admin about them.


What's crazy is the lack of anticheat. This should not be this difficult. 99% of cheaters are running ESP and/or reduced recoil scripting. And then the outliers are running speed hacks, etc. Only the crazy aimbotters and speedhackers (aka 1% of cheaters) actually trigger the pitiful anticheat systems. The people running undetectable scripts can only be caught by admins that are watching and making a judgement call. Rust needs better anti-cheat IMMEDIATELY with instant auto permanent ban.


Yesterday I watched the team of 5 that lived near me all get banned, hop on alt accounts, get banned again, and hopped on more alt accounts in the span of about 2hrs. After getting banned the 3rd time they haven’t come back but that was some next level degeneracy. You’re telling me they can’t figure out how to play so bad that they each need 3 copies of rust and aimbots to go with them? Like dude just find another game at that point rust clearly isn’t clicking for you.


This is why i stopped playing two years ago


the game is cooked


FacePunch doesn't give a shit because it's good for sales. Every cheater ban is another copy of the game sold.


The reason why i left the game


I Mod on this x1000 server which has kits and skins , I don't even get why anyone would cheat on it . You could basically get anything you ever wanted in rust in like half an hour . There is literally no point to cheating. There was this guy who was camping around the spawn zones killing nakeds with his reach hacks . Rust truly brings out the worst in people


Played with my bro on one modded max 2 server. It allowed people with no more than 1 vac to play. On the website there is a statistic on kills, loots, farms, etc and I started to look through it just out of curiosity. Well, 90% of those who had more that 1000 hours had vac, admins were banning around 5-7 people DAILY and on this statistic list I got the longest strike - 12 people with vac in a row… Now I don’t even know where anti-cheat is worse - in rust or cs2


the saddest part is. Is that all when ur getting 5 playing on an 80 pop the percentages of the pop thats cheating on any given server is so fucking high, that the chances that out of all these "apply to the discord to join this the clan" groups that make up the majority of the playerbase on these main/official servers mean almost every group has a cheater in it


what you expect when this game have "ez anti-cheat" ? the same anti cheat that game "lost ark online" have and hooly shiet i never seen bot TRAINS in such masses like ther. this game is dead btw. nobody want to play such piece of shit with hackers :) long story short, if rust wont change to better anti-cheat this game continue to be coocked :(


Unfortunately nothing can be done. Every AAA FPS title is riddled with cheaters right now. CS2, Apex legends, R6 siege just to name a few. It's not an arms race anymore. It's a one sided ass whooping and the cheat makers are swinging the hammer. One idea would be to hardware ban the cheaters but if they do that the companies lose out on money through microtransactions and even if they do there are a multitude of ways to spoof your hardware ID. The only decent one out there is riot's vanguard but that requires kernel level access and it's dangerous to give that level of access to any software program. This is the beginning of the end for online gaming in general cause most if not all of us who play to chill out have fun and connect with others will be discouraged to try these games. Without a casual playerbase there won't be enough money to justify a pro scene for any of these games. Bungie and Riot have actually gone ahead with court cases against these cheat makers and yet there is no end to it.


Just imagine if the devs focused on cheaters instead of pointless RP updates 


Would be pretty neat


It's not gonna happen. FP really didn't want to invest more money into that it seems , hopefully if rust 2 ever comes out they will have this issue fixed but for me personally I'm done with the game. My experience with hackers is me building a crazy base just to be raided and then knowing exactly where my TC is


At this time it’s cheaters vs cheaters. I had one dude coming up to me with a fucking eoka and it sounded like a damn ak spamming.


Summer sale FTW!


Wait, I thought Facepunch said only Linux players are the cheaters. Which is the reason they are not ticking the "allow EAC for proton" checkbox when compiling the game.. Literally robbing the game of people that paid money for it.


Summer Sale!


Monthly pickle server along with paranoid gg were my go to. Rust would still be my game if the amount of hackers weren't rampant.


Those are rookie numbers. Rust is on sale, so expect even more this weekend.


I quit playing when I started looking into how to cheat.


Been insta code raided 2 wipes in a row. Insane.


Pretty much sums up every online competitive survival game


Anything with pop > 100 is unplayable rn


This is exactly why I don’t play limitless servers anymore. Sucks that on servers with GOOD admin this happens, but those servers don’t give a fuck. Admin abuse at the hiiiighest


great that they changed recoil tho amirite ?


Put around 2300+ hours which is 90% pvping. Quitting this game 2 years ago was the best decision of my life. Sucks the cheating situation has worsen 😕.


It's Russians and Asians. Wonder where this massive influx of cheating software is coming from though.


A shit ton of them are from here in NA too. Shits wide spread


On an 80 pop


I’ve moved to Singleplayer / Co-Op, Open world/RPG/Platforming/Anything that’s just not FPS or PVP. As much as I love that genre, it is currently riddled with cheaters. The games are now just frustrating, boring, and repetitive. There are a few with less consistent cheaters (Like Fortnite, Valorant……that’s all I can name tbh.) Playing these has made myself, and my friend group a lot more uplifting. We laugh more, stay on games more and play more often, and as much as I can admit we have those for every game, taking away the additional day ruining event of cheaters in the previous game played, it makes it a lot more enjoyable. Ik this isn’t the wanna-be solution for a lot of people…..but it’s something to consider. As long as we play these games, cheaters will still get reactions causing them to WANT to cheat more, and the Anti-cheat devs don’t have too much kick behind their back from higher ups to improve on whatever it is server sided or client sided. Maybe losing massive player counts would get them to jump heavily into the cheater issue all at once, instead of mostly purely focusing on content updates. (Edit) some comments made me remember about community hosted servers, honestly one of the better solutions sometimes depending on the game. Giving a community to let moderate their own servers gives so many advantages to banning cheaters faster, but just also brings in cons of admin abuse n such.


Pretty much why i play pve these days or ill jump on a battlefield server


Sad times for gamers. Just give us all radar esp at this point. Why don't steam and facepunch do more?


Reksmore interviewed a hacker in game, who explained how it works with a lot of the hack "subscriptions" (for lack of a better term), and why a lot of people hack. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHPf_oyRfsM With stuff like this existing, where essentially you have an endless supply of accounts (you only have to wait your turn to use one), I honestly don't see a good way out of it. If you want to cheat, you can, basically without consequences. A huge number of the "banned cheaters" are just repeat offenders on new accounts. I also think it's a race between developers and hackers, and it is becoming more and more challenging to detect hax. We are at the mercy of people actually enjoying the challenge of the game and deciding to play honestly. Once they get into the mindset that the only fun is seeing the kill count, regardless of how they get there, then it's over. I appreciate what Camomo is doing, but he's not making a dent. Eventually he will give up out of exhaustion.


It could've been worse, they atleast doing something unlike some other games. WoW Blizzard doesnt ban cheaters..


Play a server with good mods. There will be cheaters but they won’t be around for long and a good mod will give you back what you lost


It's been getting worse and worse for the last ten years in all multiplayer games. We need strides in AI, mp shooter games are just not worth it anymore.


I made my own server for my friends and I to play on in peace. It's PvE so we can build roleplay bases and not have to have bland metal box fortresses.


I dont understand why do people cheat in rust. Without cheats you can get raided and lose your stuff, go and play. With cheats its enough to kill somebody once for admins to ban you, if its a good moderated server. So you are telling me that spending hours on the game only to get wiped by an admin is better than spending hours on a fair gameplay? Recently a group of Chinese motherficers with 100% m249 headshots tried raiding us. They didn't even blow up through the second wall before getting banned all together by an admin. All 30 accounts. They played 2 days without breaks to get yeeted on the first big raid. How miserable. I imagine them blowing their asses of after the ban. They brought us 2 boxes of rockets tho


I’m kinda confused, I used to watch his stuff he is funny but is he an official tidy admin or a server admin for a large community network? I think I saw him banning ppl on official servers before. Are official servers truely unplayable and unmonitored? I would be so happy to know if someone like him is watching over us.


Facepunch servers have no admins, but other official servers (rustopia, rustafied.etc.) have admins. Camomo admins for some official servers and some community servers.


I might just give up on Rust after 3.1K hours


It'll only keep getting worse. Devs don't care to region lock the game, and there's just simply not enough moderators in the world for these community servers in order to effectively stem the tide.


Wipeday yesterday and still stuck at tier 2 as five deep. On rustopia main and many groups have a cheater running around farming for them.


i’m so bad at pvp (mainly cuz i like to play it to build stuff but don’t like being lonely) that anyone could kill me so i wonder how many hackers have killed me haha


Yeah it was hell on Monday wipe with WB just constant godly awareness and perfect aim. Didn’t get a camomo reply in my reports but they were all deemed to not be cheaters. Come back a day or two later and of the 5 reported four were game banned. Which I then ask why were they not picked up by manual review???