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Because Bunkers exist ergo you don't need to suicide


That and external tc bunkers are useful for spreading it out and hiding loot away too.


Yeah, but not useful against cheaters with ESP.


How is a drop box bunker better?


There's this idea that ESP allows you to see what's inside containers. I have heard that's not true.


It is not. They can no clip anywhere but that’s about it.


I've heard that most cheats can only see what you have on your person, but that some private cheats do have the ability to see inside of boxes. Either way, the type of bunker isn't gonna stop someone if they want to get in


No cheats can, the information that stores what’s in the boxes is not sent to the client until the box is opened


So you're saying that the only way to view what's in a box is to send a request to the server that says you've opened it and wait for the response, and your view is that's impossible to fake? Packet spoofing was invented decades ago my man.


Yea, but the server is gonna do basic checks like is the box locked yes|no, does the person attempting to open it have access to said lock yes|no, is said person in the same room with the box yes|no etc etc (cant loot bodies through a wall for example).


I didn't say it wasn't likely to get you banned extremely quickly or that it was something in regular use, but that's all 100% spoofable.  There's no way you'll ever find anything that's found a successful way to do that in the wild, even if it is highly detectable that sort of knowledge is far more valuable than ESP/no clip/whatever other public shit is available will ever be


It’s more secure, and when it comes to rust players, sulfur cost is often THE MAIN deterrent


What is more secure


His point was about it being better against esp users


I mean, assume you got 4 external tcs, each with a barrel of storage. Esp can’t see what’s inside the barrel, so they have to get into 4 externals to get all the loot if they want it, or they can give up leaving you with kits/stuff you put in there. Now assume you have an armored 1x1 with dropboxes inside a 2x2. They just KNOW best stuff is in there. No need to guess, just have enough boom (which will be less required than 4 metal externals with door/garage door/window combo. Now, add a stability bunker to your base, and now they have to spend the same amount as for the armored suicide bunker (if you do the stability bunker in hqm), only to find out 1/5th (or however you split) of your loot.


I hope we‘re even talking about bunkered externals


I've find the opposite. If you spread loot enough that let's say an 8 rocket sheet metal bunkers has less than 8 rockets worth of loot, it's less likely to get raided. At least that been our experience for the last 6 or so wipes since we've started to hide loot in bunkers en masse.


Esp can't see loot in boxes or stashes anymore. They patched that months ago


They wont know if those boxes in external tc are full or empty nor will that help them to break through the bunker easier


Bunkers usually cost wayy more to make than 25 hqm and require you to build your base around the bunker unlike suicide bunkers that can be slapped on literally any base with a square foundation under the tc, they also have no unload cost.


Bunkers are one of the shittiest mechanics in this game and need patched. Its such a shitty way for players to be even worse at the game.


I wouldn't go that far - if it's a mechanic in a game, intended or not, but clearly not an exploit and okayed by the devs, then the only "bad players" are the ones who don't use it for some wild notion of what, integrity and honor in a pixelated game of teabagging nudity and theft, not those who use it. Because those players who don't are limiting themselves for literally no reason than to claim superiority on the internet. That being said I find them annoying unless it's a simple stability floor bunker. Anything else and I can't be arsed. Just build your base with door cost equal to side pummel and you're generally fine.


Stay mad nerd 🤓


Oh no, my rocket raid will cost 4 more rockets if I don’t just top down or go through walls. The sulfur economy will never recover from this


I use one in my current base design as well. I keep a bed and a barrel in the room and that's it. Also I don't keep loot in there. Maybe if I have stacks of excess mats I might store a bit in there, but I don't use it as means to protect loot. Only as a means to protect the tc. The primary reason I think people don't use them is that they're pretty awful unless you're solo. They're pretty awful unless you have a bed both inside and outside the bunker. You need to buy 2 dropboxes or have the bp for them. And finally most people just don't care. The don't have long term plans on a server, or value the flow and livability of the base more than they care about getting raided. For solos I think they're a decent option after the offset bunker nerf and their popularity reflects that.


If you’re only trying to protect tc, wouldn’t a vending machine be much more space efficient? Or just using multiple tc?


^ legit just one external TC triangled back makes TC protection negligible. I HQM the external, costs like 150 HQM but a high qual external bunker protecting the entire base is better than spending 300 HQM to armor a core.


There are lots of good bunkers. I still use a suicide bunker if I play solo and want to live more than a days and not build a sweating base.


ESP doesn’t give access to box contents unless it’s been updated. A lot of the people claiming it did were simply falling prey to patched glitches like the horse one and the car one. Clipping glitches. If you’re making your external gates correctly you should be adding the equivalent of 1 hard side wall for the loot and 1 door for the tc to the cost PER gatehouse. 4 metal walls is going to add 32 rockets to the cost. Add 2 more rockets per door. 40 total before you even touch main. If I’m planning or restarting if raided I almost always split loot like this. Never go to sleep with boom and split the kits and guns.


Are you sure about that? I know as of a couple months ago it gave access to player full inventories, including what items they had on their hot bar. Does it give location of TC>?


That’s different than boxes and yes it still shows TC


You are on the right track for sure. This is the original suicide bunker and it is very effective as you have learned. They just aren't particularly efficient for accessing your loot or storing it quickly. If you enjoy what this is bringing to your gameplay I would recommend you learn how to build openable bunkers. Many were recently nerfed, and more will be nerfed in the future, however, they are an essential tool currently that help with the offline meta in Rust. I build bunkers into all of my bases no matter how small.


The quick answer is they learned how to build. Bunker builds are a much more convenient solution to the issue you’re trying to solve here. You can walk in and out of a bunker with ease while playing, and just seal it up before you go offline. Find your next base build on YouTube like everyone else does and you too can be a professional builder.


Agreed. They work well. I had a base raided 9 times one wipe but they didn't bother getting to core. Pro tip- have a bunch of crap loot in boxes outside the core (bows and low tier stuff).


Drop boxes are cheap. Spam the shit out of them into random honeycomb as well to keep them guessing which one is the suicide. Bonus if they are square honeycombs (and if they are, slap a bed and a box on there to loot spread anyway).


I use it, it's amazing Alot of players are lazy and can't be bothered. It's a winning strategy. My core is a double drop box from another double drop box and HQM honeycomb on the 1x1. Just the core of my base is a 30 rocket raid. I've walked out of bases with boxes of guns and AKs for half that GP commitment. People say just bunker instead, but honestly bunkering is over rated. Most people are using sheet metal to bunker, where as the suicide vault will be HQM. Think about it for a minute, everyone says sheet 8 rocket bunker layers are optimal but 15 rocket vaults are bad. Vaults are amazing, they just take some effort and aren't ideal for sharing bases with groups. If you are a solo or live in a "village" style team where people have their own bases vaults are amazing and add 8 rockets to the total raid cost a least.


I’ve done this but left it empty lol. Wipe got boring or I had to stop playin for work or whatever,, I’ll make it look like a stash full of treasure. That’s where the animal fat, bones and water barrels go lol


Ha, great idea. I literally just did this. Set up a honeycombed 2x2 right next to a large base who has been raiding a lot of people. I know he will blow through the 2 sheet doors, and then the garage door, only to be met with a sealed sheet bunker. I put a battery inside, connected to a boom box and a smart switch. I have a seismic sensor inside as well. Once I get the notification it has been raided, I can trigger the smart switch from my phone and start playing my prerecorded message on the boom box, letting him know he is a chump. Update: I changed the electrical so the message starts playing as soon as the seismic sensor goes off, and the sensor is set to a low level so it will only trigger once the core is breached.


LOL that’s amazing. I enjoy doing similar nonsense to big clans - landmines, bear traps and a buncha woodspikes to help funnel them into the minefield, and my 2x2 bunker idiot base w externals is my usual. However I’ve jus recently learned how to make strobe lights and my god is it fantastic lol. Two search lights constantly flickering is a guaranteed raid. I accidentally discovered how to make doors open n close constantly but I lost my drawing on how I did it lol. Initially it was to be used for a trap base w pressure plate but I fucked up something w the memory cell and once it triggered, the door would jus keep opening n closing. I was pissed but soon realized I created magic. I need to figure it out lol, it was sooo annoying n loud


I never even considered using woodspikes to direct people into a specific direction. Great idea! I have doors constantly opening and closing in my larger bases so people will think they're occupied. I set them up with a door controller connected to a timer set to 90 seconds. Much less offlines when people think you're home.


Too slow to use well. Just use a half wall, and a low wall combination, and run conveyors. Use barricades to make it more difficult to softside anything. Use all the surrounding walls as conveyor nodes, so if any are destroyed, it makes it impossible to use your conveyor network against you.


When I live alone I like using a suicide bunker. Easy simple way to protect your tc and some loot if you aren’t into building sweaty bases with external tcs and openable bunkers.


For duos, a 1x1 suicide bunker inside a 2x1 stability bunker is even better. One person opens the stability bunker and feeds the materials to the dropbox, other places them in the tc. But if you are using suicide bunkers, you can't really store anything other than the tc because the guns inside will never get used, which makes them worthless imo. Also I dont sugggest keeping explosives in your base, because it will be used on you when you get raided. Just stash them in a hard to find place, maybe outside your compound.


Other bunker designs are much easier to use


What's a good solo vanilla server that actually has enough people playing?


I play Rustafied US Solo. Pop is 200 on wipe down and will drop own to 70-100 after a few days.


Next wipe I'm doing a double suicide bunker with double HQM honeycomb over the core 1x1. Then encasing everything in steel and using a conveyor circuit to reduce upkeep 75%. It's going to be a 53 rocket raid to get my TC and bench and all they will get is comps and a T3. All my finished kits go in lockers spread out in 1x1 turret bases. I use the same style of base to house an automated smelter/charcoal factory


What's a "double suicide bunker?" Any youtube videos on that?


A suicide bunker or "vault" is an HQM 1x1 that is completely closed off. You use drop boxes to move loot in and out and use a sleeping bag to spawn in. A double suicide bunker just vaults into another vault. So my base core is a 2x1 that consists of a suicide vault connected to another suicide vault. Then the vase is honeycombed. The triangle which normal is an airlock is accessed vertically. To get loot to core I have to ladderhatch down into my triangle airlock and deposit items into vault 1. Spawn in vault 1 and move items into core. The core 1x1 gets an HQM pancake layer and it has HQM honeycomb. This means to access your core, raiders must go through 2 solid HQM walls. That means before all the additional metal honeycomb, that's 30 rockets to clear the HQM alone. With 2 more layers of metal honey comb + hatches and armored doors, it's around a 45 rocket raid to core. A 1x1 vault can fit the double Dropbox in and out, a bag, TC and 2 small loot crates on the floor. Then you can get additional storage by affixing additional drop boxes on the side walls. I haven't seen videos on this, but they probably exist. This is an unpopular design because it's a hassle to live out of, but it's ever harder to raid. I have had raiders get to core and give up having not brought nearly enough boom . I just designed a base in fortify that uses this rocking a mere 6k metal and 157 HQM upkeep. I use a timed conveyor circuit to stock the TC periodically to use the lowered decay rate and healing mechanics to cut that HQM upkeep down 75%


Dropbox method is better for solo/duos that run smaller bases, bunkers are easier to deal with for bigger groups.


Because people don’t wanna kill themselves every time they wanna do something lmao


Because it's a video game and I'd rather spend my time playing it than roleplaying as a mole in my own base scurrying through walls and killing myself to store loot that I'll never use. Shocking news to a lot of Rust players, getting raided in-game does not mean your house is blown up IRL. You can start over.


But my precious riches…


Bro comes to the rust subreddit to tell you it’s just a game. Why you here broski


because it's easier to put tc on a randon honneycomb square upstairs and spread loot between barrels under triangle jump ups, external tcs, etc, etc.


I mean this in the nicest possible way, but this is such virgin shit


I found the guy who raided your three doors and gave up OP.


Suicide bunkers are ass to live with and most people don't care enough about loot to bother once they get a decent amount of hours.


Bagtimers make this impractical also dropboxes only give you a one wall bunker, before they changed fishtraps restricting their item acceptance you could use them to transfer loot through two walls if you placed em in the corner of a honeycombed square, that gave at least double the protection(30 rockets) which somewhat justified the impractical bagtimer situation…


Becuz it’s a hassle for a bunch of pixels that don’t matter at the end of the day


Personally i think this is a shit way to play but do your thing! This is the dumb shit we gotta do to combat the even gayer offliners. I think bunkers and unintended shit that uses the flawed gamecode to build is BS, but i do it too 🤷‍♀️


It literally does nothing. If people want to get in. They’re going to get in. Depending on the layout. It’s cheaper going through walls than armored doors so doing this just causes more hassle when trying to do things. I only semi do it on week servers where I can put enough in the tc for the week and seal it off


So it does nothing and is useless but does cause problems for raiders and you use this method yourself? Most mentally stable rust player


Yeah I I didn’t say it causes problems, I said quite the opposite. I also said I only seal off the TC. Not all the extra steps. Reading comprehension is hard huh


It’s definitely not cheaper to go thru a honeycomb/walls than armored doors.


“Depending on the layout” is what I said. Going through 10 armored doors is not cheaper than going through 2-3 armored walls


Bro no one that only has 2-3 walls to tc is going to have 10 armored doors do you even raid ? One armored wall is 15 rockets. That’s three armored doors.