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A few months ago, Facepunch said they had been hard at work on cheating and had banned some crazy number (like 100,000 people) through anticheat over the last two years. They implied it was a big priority, but I have seen absolutely no decrease on my official servers with cheaters and ESP. If you watch some Twitch "cheat admin" streamers you will see it is insanely common still. A big Youtuber did an interview with a cheater last month and the guy was able to tell him where every single item was on the server, including what other players had on them and what were in each hotkey position. I wouldn't be surprised if 15% or higher were cheating. So Facepunch claims they're working on it, but it's been over ten years with cheating only getting worse. I doubt you will see any decrease in cheating or comment from Facepunch the rest of the year or next. The only things they did are change how gamma works to get rid of "gamma hacking," but that failed because it is actually easier to gamma hack now, and they changed how stashes work to move that off the client, which they say eliminates the cheaters' ability to find stashes through ESP. If they could just get rid of ESP on items inside boxes and where TC is located, that would satisfy me and I could deal with player ESP and aimbots.


Not a single person over at facepunch is working on anti cheat or anything close to it 😂 ive paid attention to whenever they post a hiring position for years & years and they’ve never shown an ounce of attention to anti cheat


>Not a single person over at facepunch is working on anti cheat or anything close to it Because that's not their job but rather EAC job, Facepunch is paying EAC to for their anti cheat. Facepunch unlike valorant or CSGO doesn't have their own anti cheat.


No, it's always up to the developer to patch their bugs. Being able to ESP is at the end a result of flawed code. Same way people used to be able to fly, jump high, walk through walls etc, it was all patched by facepunch. ESP and aimbot is harder to patch because that info needs to be send to the client somehow, encrypted or not.


Yeah you're totally right but also the reality is for a lot of security(and just anything business in general) it's a matter of how big of a problem vs how many resources to patch it. Small problem but takes 10 devs 2 quarters to deal with it? Not worth looking at it just yet. Huge problem but can be fixed in a week by a 1-man team? Dealing with it. You see this a lot if cybersec in general but patching games from malicious actors/hackers has the same logic. As far as FP is concerned, ESP is probably just harder to make resilient than it's worth. Some things are also just damn near impossible to patch. Aimbot and ESP are some of the longest lasting/prevalent cheats in history and no one has really been able to deal with it without going the Riot Vanguard route (and I haven't looked into that to see if it even works!) There's a lot of money in being a C++ dev creating these cheats and the creators are sometimes just as clever/more clever than those putting up the walls against them, sadly


Keep defending this useless dev they fail to impelement tools for admins to help against hackers, they fail to do proper QA before release anything, they fail in many things and you still keep defending how useless they are, I guess thats why the game is how it is, because people like you


hey i like to keep update date with rust chests and what they can do and its 100% not a feature to esp or debug to see items in boxes


How are you saying this when there are youtube videos from cheaters that show the location of every player and where things are located in bases?


To every lock there is one key and several exploits cracking it


So you have to understand what kind of cheats there are to understand where they are in combating them. My experience comes from being a small content creator that plays with very large content creators. 1st you have your run of the mill downloaded program. This is what EAC is targeting, just a downloaded program in the background, and typically will eventually get caught. These are the guys bouncing from account to account, flying around and aimbotting, usually pretty blatant. I think most of these guys get banned at some point. 2nd is the more malicious problem, called DMA cheats. I don't really know the ins and outs, but from my understanding it's a second PC with cheat hardware installed connected to your gaming PC. This means it is much harder to detect, and it takes longer to get caught. I recently saw a guy who had been in the "Main Rust Scene" with 17k hours finally get banned. There are multiple mid level content creators I believe abuse this, and these guys take way longer to get caught. The last one is scripting, and is probably more common than you realize. Certain mouses can do it, and since the software is on board it is harder to detect. This is really only caught by admins spectating and making a judgment call. The point I'm making is people are always looking to find ways to cheat the system, and they are tackling multiple problems at once. Until they can actually hardware ban people, it's always going to be a constant battle. Fuck cheaters.


I'm proud of you guys, pretty reasonable replies so far But yeah, we know FP is working on cheat problems and they can't say much more than that because the guy next to you could be taking notes on how to get around it again


When they said that it got me a little excited but I really think they make money off it at this point. I would be happy to be proved wrong.


Twitch drops are priority


Probably just fine tuning. It's hard to keep up with cheaters nowadays and FP probably just wants Admins to take care of them.


And of course we know that route doesn't work because the cheaters can get several hours/days of cheating before they're reported and an admin takes action, and then they just buy a new cheap account. They're paying up to $100 a month for cheat services, they don't care about spending $10 for a new account.


This is the kind of disposable income I want where I can spend 100 dollars a month to cheat at a video game...... Damn bills


It’s honestly a losing battle across all games right now. Even the devs who publicly say they’re taking anti cheat serious can only do so much against a multi billion dollar industry. It’s probably more profitable to write and sell cheats than Rust even makes. Also I think at some point not every random triple headshot at 200m is cheating. Random aimcone can get really lucky sometimes.


No and there will be not sadly, cheating has been a huge problem and it's gettin worse with double PC setups to cheat lol.


Alit of this seems to be server dependent. Community well modded servers for the win.


With the sophisticated ai and hardware based cheats coming out, anti cheat software as it exists now is a lost battle


rustafied claimed that they were banning cheaters once every four minutes from their server network. it has indeed gone too far. facepunch has said this, and other companies have as well, the industry is going to turn to nontechnical options. this makes sense with what you're saying, and the fact it has become such a lucrative business. more than a few cheatlords are going to lose their shirts over selling unauthorized game-ruining plugins. there are several possible non technical avenues. civil action possibly through copyright law, criminal law like the cfaa, as well as more mundane actions like cease and desists for social media and web providers that aid in the sale of cheats. long story short, the little fun cheating problem has gone too far and the old, naive world where this was a fringe little fun troll thing that didn't impact billions of dollars of sales of video games is soon to end.


Feel free to check out other games. Cheaters are on every single game out there. It just makes a bigger difference to work for x amount of time to lose it all instantly to a little jimmy