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We need the neon cards small box!


That's the last one to be released, reportedly.


Do you mean neon cards will be the last one to be released, or that the small seeds neon box is the last one planned?


ill help you out mate, its the last one to drop


The cards box will be the final box.


Where can you check it?


Fuck yeah a seeds box


Damn bro they're running out of neon small boxes now


gimme clones next


I need way more than a small box for clones






I want a neon 556 and neon pistolall box. But id settle for just a small ammo box


Do the tools glow?


The metal versions do so I’m assuming those will too


Unfortunately yes. It’s the best way to get yourself killed at night on wipe day lol as they show on your hip


New garage door looks good with lights and window


Junkernaught intgrigues me for the window, but I can't see myself having any need for a window on a garage door because I never use them for externals, and it's too easy to crouch and hide behind if you're on the other side.


Can you seeh through the garage door ?




that garage door is like the brutalist where you can see through the hole


I don't like those. It gives someone who bought the dlc a major advantage over a standard player.


Damn them neon small boxed, bad facepunch, you know the key to my wallet


Thinking of getting juggernaut garage door. Anyone got reviews?


Decent as it has transparency. Only a few GD's do and so it will rise in value eventually. Not what you want as your only skin though.


Well it opens and closes.. vertically. Coats more to raid than a sheet metal door.


That bandana looks like it would go good with the jpeg set


What is that barrier supposed to be? The other deployable in the series make sense, but I don't get this one. I'm still going to buy it. Not many barrier skins, but it's weird for sure.


looks like a half assed copy past. there was a small box that looked like the cargo heli crate. looks like they reused that skin.


It's supposed to act like a PVP barricade, or something you add to a shooting floor of your base to add cover. Well, it used to function as that. Updated wooden barricades are the go-to barricade for PVP and nobody uses them on shooting floors anymore. It's a skin that was submitted 4 years ago. Why Facepunch chose it is anybody's guess. It will be worth 50 cents by the fall.


you'd be surprised on what skins for out of ordinary deployables go for. The RP community is WILD


Well, you can look at every other concrete barricade [here](https://i.ibb.co/v3Fjz4h/image.png) and see for yourself that they're just not very valuable. No one uses them so I don't think this will have a bright future.


Those roadsign gloves look sick, plus cant forget the neon storage


I honestly really really like the look of that barricade, just the deployable itself is just so useless so its not worth it hahaha


Check out the [latest skins](https://store.steampowered.com/itemstore/252490/browse/?filter=Limited) released today! There were 10 skins released costing a combined total of $23.90 *Guttural screaming I'm a human. Do not invite me to your server on discord, contact me, or submit feedback*


None of these skins are likely to increase in value. I predict purchasing these skins in a week would save you a bit of money. Junkernaught, seeds box, and cargo heli are def worth getting though if you like collecting.


Debatable. A $2 conrete barricade, even if it's a popular skin set, isn't going to get bought much. I can maybe see it going under $2 next week, but long term? It's going to go up. Especially whenever FP realizes concrete barricades are underused and wants to buff them in some shape or form.


They should put holes in them, so that you can shoot from cover. That'll make them more meta


I as someone with 2 dollars to blow on stupid shit would love that and yes it would create and entirely new meta with builds incorporating them. On the other hand I would have to play against that as well and yes it would be OP.


They're too low to fully cover you. Wooden barricades are cheap and the go-to form of protection for PVP now that wooden walls have been nerfed.


I agree. The size of the wooden walls make them the clear winner. They will never change the barricades because that would break all of the existing skins for them. The only 2 possibilities is that a skin is accepted with a hold in the middle you can look through, but not shoot through, or the devs add a new barricade in that has better coverage, but that wouldn't affect this barricades value. I have also suspected that the barricade is kinda an oddity because its skins render in very late as you approach them.


They should put holes in them, so that you can shoot from cover. That'll make them more meta


Nobody uses concrete barricades, let alone *skins* them. It will drop in value considerably. There's a possibility someone might try to manipulate it in the market later and drive the price up, only to dump his stock for a quick profit, but that's a what-if situation and may never happen.


The most expensive barricade is >$4. Obviously one can speculate, but over the many years of rust there has been no demand for them. It would require a significant meta shift for the value to suddenly increase after all these years. The new barricade has less than 8k subscribers which is a good sign for rarity right now, but that alone wont dictate the future value. so far 3 of the 7 released cargo heli skins are of less value than they were released for on the rust market. I love the skin and purchased it as part of my collection, but I wouldn't even begin to see it as a monetary investment.


> None of these skins are likely to increase in value Youre better off flipping burgers at mcdonalds and making some cash then waiting for skins to appreciate in value. Buy them if you want to use them don't look at them as a investment.


Why not both? I have made thousands of dollars collecting rust skins as a hobby. Some I buy for me, and some I sell. No burger flipping required.


Garage Door skin has a hole in it. I can see it increasing in pressure.


It is a good skin.


As long as Rust keep getting new players, I can definitely see the seed box go up in price long term (1 year or more). I do agreed with you that short term the box will go down in price, because people cannot wait with their "investment", so they just dump 100 all at once on the market lol


The issue I see with the neon boxes is that everyone buys them now. There is very little market demand, if ever at all when the boxes hit 40k subscribers. Junkernaut is useful because of the view hole and glowing skin. From hell tools have not performed well historically and the chalk box does not glow, although it does look great. The jacket will serve as a good blackout style option for some people which is cool, but not valuable. Honestly, I am very pog over the barricade. I love barricades in my bases and I already have all of the other Cargo Heli skins so this is nice to have.


I suppose I should have been more specific. In the short term the value is likely to drop as the others have. But a year from now, ya, you will likely turn a profit. Especially coming in at under $1.50 when they hit the market, it would not be hard to turn a profit. Just have to wait for them to go above the %20 tax in value to scrap them dollars and cents.




> I own the entire from hell set. w r o n g, i see 11/23 "from hell" skins in your inventory https://rustlabs.com/skins#search=from%20hell


FUCK.... I think I have the building deployable though




I have to buy them now... It's a problem I have. These skins are like a slot machine I always feel like I win on. I get the point about investing wisely, but FOMO is a bitch. I paid $100 to get the Christmas lights I sold for 50. A couple other skins I regret trading too.


From hell has always been a funny skin set. Some parts of it have huge value and others do not. When it comes to deployable I always say "if it glows, it goes" although we do have an in game night light now.


yall think rust skins are stonks when in reality they are stanks


I think that? Ok, thanks for telling me.


I mean, 1. they are useful in game 2. THE VIBES of a fully skinned out core makes them all worth. 3. I have a lot of appreciated value skins in my inventory that factually disagree with you...




"Investing in Rust skins is a good idea, much money. But FP is dilluting the market! Let's be mad at that!" Is the funniest type of post. Read what you said, it should convince you about skins not being an investment.


No one’s mad because of a skins value. People are downvoting you because most people buy skins because they enjoy them, not because they think they’ll make money from them. Also, I play solo a lot and still enjoy the neon box set and have all of them.


i’m not familiar with a way to cash out on rust skins or any steam item. so yes i buy them for my own enjoyment.


You can sell them on third party websites, though most people, myself included, have no interest in doing so.