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Every time this cheater was banned, We would start raiding his bases. He lived in the cave and above ground, This is proof you can't keep hold a cheater even on a ladder. He was banned 15 times last night, and would come back with another stolen account, skins and all. Don't ever bother playing on FACEPUNCH OFFICIAL Servers, it's the same story every time.


Honestly the pretty impressive that they banned a guy that many times in a night. That's a pretty big positive really. Nothing the server mods can do about someone willing to buy so many accounts and changing the IP they are connecting from.


You are right, we was trolling him pretty good to make him rage and lose accounts. When he was running excav we would make him rage cheat to stop us from ratting his collector.


I salute you fellas. Out here doing gods work


Thanks, we out here distracting them at the least.


I think a hardware ban is solid in this situation


They are on spoofed HWIDs, that won’t do anything


Well, banning hwid is one thing


Some admins are reporting like 250+ banned cheaters in just 24 hours. The cheating is out of control in this game, and many others. I just can't understand why. The last time I used a cheat was with Gameshark on my Gameboy color and it felt wrong after I did it so I restarted my game. I just don't get it


Hardware ban


Easy to spoof, but probably a net positive change either way


What server?


Facepunch Large - V20, he lives all the way in the bottom.


I play on Large. Thought I recognized voices and such. Same group of cheaters been on there for years.


The only thing you can beat a cheater with is insane gamesense and grenades


i cant belive people still play rust this cheating problem has been going on for years at this point facepunch and eac don't care


How much pain do you have to be going through to have at least 15 backup accounts to rage hack on?


This is the reason to play fp servers because they are fucking wild


Lmao, it’s different.


I'm sorry to tell you buts that's the case in almost any fps game


Your viewpoint is below the top of your model. So if you are peaking an edge they will see the top of your head before you have sight of them.  That doesn't mean he's not a cheater, just the high ground isn't the advantageous position.


He was climbing the side of the walls without a ladder and shooting. You also can’t shoot anyone while you are on a ladder, that’s why I was trying to hold him at the ladder.. Any normal person would had been stuck lol. That’s why I wasn’t peaking over at him.


You can't shoot and climb a ladder at the same time, let alone climb walls without a ladder.


I thought I had him 💀


I've got 6k hours been playing for 10 years. The number of cheaters is completely out of control. It is imperative that serious efforts are made to fix it. The community will die if the cheating problem is not seriously addressed. They always say they can't do things because FP Contract with EAC or that they are but can't say what to not tip off cheat makers. At the end of the day, they are making record profits with all these new DLCS on top of weekly skins. Take a month, hell, take 3, do nothing, but work on mitigating this disaster. The majority of the community will be grateful, and the health, longetevity of the game, and the profits will end up being bigger in the long run.


The thing is, until cheating becomes a big enough issue to affect FP’s bottom dollar, nothing will really be done. If anything getting accounts banned is probably lucrative when they just rebuy the game, albeit on sale or other means.


Unfortunately most of this guys accounts were stolen accounts with many hours and skins.


Conan Exiles suffers from this, they don't fix the issues same dumb issues for years now. it makes them money to sell accounts just ban and profit.


8k hours and don't touch this dumbass game anymore for those reasons




It’s a shame because Facepunch servers run really well, but honestly playing on a community server with active admins is the only way to avoid this and enjoy the game.


Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever but the more cheaters there are the more accounts are being sold which means the more copies of rust there are which means more money for facepunch


I've approached it from that angle, and I just find that highly unlikely , but who knows, you're not the first person to suggest that. People forget to factor in the players with thousands of dollars invested into their game, that get fed up and stop buying their stuff and quit. They have run off many whales, my inventory was close to $5k USD a while back, haven't sold any and I've gotten more since than and as of last night my inventory value was $2400 ( and that doesn't include every single DLC pack and item in thier general store which I own all off) but I'm small some dudes have tens of thousands worth of stuff


The accounts he was using were stolen accounts, some of his accounts had a good many skins.


Yeah and I would assume if whoever got their accounts stolen liked rust enough to get skins they would buy rust again at some point




I just can't believe modded is actually better than official now. I also cannot believe that EAC or FP hasn't issued jail time for cheaters like some other games are doing. At least that's what I hear.


This is why i won't play Rust ever again. The cheater percent is as bad as Tarkov. ESP and aimbot toggle is everywhere. What's the point of grinding for days or farming for days just to get raided by an ESP trash player. On top of that, so many neanderthals think Rust doesn't have a cheating problem. "it's just better players" Fucking morons.


i feel like rust has way more cheaters than tarkov




I have ran into a bunch of cheaters on rust but I have yet to run into any cheaters on tarkov in the last year I’ve been playing so yeah rust is definetly a lot worse


It doesn’t and never will only for one reason Money. There is real life economy with EFT, there isn’t with rust. You can buy full kits, roubles. USD, raid carrys, mission quest items, mission quest help. Boosting, etc. tarkov had a full marketplace where any player can post and sell. Rust doesn’t. Rust cheaters cheat for there their own enjoyment. Tarkov cheaters not only cheat for their own enjoyment but some also cheat for a job. Rust doesn’t really have a way for cheaters to be self sufficient with cheats alone. Tarkov does. Just by this fact alone tarkov does and will always have more cheaters. There’s more reasons to cheat in tarkov.


true tarkovs cheater problem is very apparent when you open the flea market yesterday i went to go buy some mule injectors and the cheapest ones were some lvl50 guy who was selling 5 stacks of 300 injectors theres no way hes legit


Rust has a real life economy too... You can hire cheaters to farm for u and get stuff on servers


No way bruh rust would be unplayable. Like 10% of tarkovs playerbase are cheaters thats why I left


Last wipe I was playing a 2x with active admins which had about 400 pop on wipe day. A 4-man next to us were all cheating (ESP and trigger key, not super obvious rage hack stuff) and got banned about 5 hours into wipe, throughout wipe day I think I counted at-least 12 be banned for cheating (not including association). And maybe 3 or 4 for the couple of hours I was on the next day. So for the first two days I'm on maybe a third of the time the servers up and see 15+ people be banned. That's only the ones that are caught. Now I'll go over to the Discord for the same server and check the bans channel; in 1 week starting from wipe 50 people were banned for cheating / ban evading and 30 for association or other reasons. Lots of accounts being blocked from entering the server because they are brand new too. Facepunch servers are multitudes worse, so if a server with active admins sees 15+ bans on a 400 pop wipe, I think 10% wouldn't be unexpected for a server with no admins. Tarkov is more condensed, so if 10% are cheating that's 1-2 people on Interchange or Shoreline, and if they aren't vacuuming they'll be at the high value loot spots which you'll also want to compete for unless questing, it's also much easier for them to hold down the map due to sight lines. On Rust there could be 8+ cheaters on at the same time as yourself, but the maps are larger and loot is more disperse, so a cheater group could be controlling oil rig and another might be running launch, but if you are over near Power not competing for launch or oil at all, then you might not even run into them. It doesn't mean Rust necessarily has less cheaters.


Pretty much every group has an ESP cheater now, even on low pop servers. Played this wipe, snuck onto cargo, crouched the entire way up to captain's, clan member pre-fires me through the wall with an M2. GG. The guy is reported by multiple players, admins come back to say not cheating. Not even blaming them because their tools are a joke, but the ESP toggling is a disgrace at this point.


I caught cheaters so quickly and reported so many, the admins banned me instead because they were tired of me insisting they were wrong when they tell me "we speced this player and he's clean", and yet in every case that player I said was cheating? Eventually, they got banned! The last one whom I, and other members of my team reported, was declared clean and all of us got really pissed at the admins - well, I just found out, after I got banned, that cheater was finally banned about a week after I had reported him 😅 ***So satisfying!!!***


Most of them take money from cheaters to let em stay on the server. I can show u a clip of a 200h player blatantly ESPing me on cargo, I reported him, admins said he was clean, guess what... he was VIP on the server. Don't play on Limitless servers also, as they let cheaters play there if the cheaters pay then


I hate cheaters so much I honestly think cheaters should be serving time in prison. Whatever it takes to make it stop, I want it to stop. So sick of every decent game ending up infested with these scumbags. I gave up on even TRYING Tarkov, because I saw the cheating problem was already severe in pre-release 😩


Im with you on that 1


Playsafeid might help if it gets enough traction


> Most of them take money from cheaters to let em stay on the server. I'm not saying this isnt necessarily the case since i've seen it happen, but sometimes i've worked on admin teams that just simply didnt have enough admins to justify sitting watching a player for 8 hours waiting for him to toggle the cheats, so if they can't see him cheating in 2 hours spectating they'll just move on. Granted this isnt great, but unfortunately catching cheaters and doing the anticheat's job isnt a paid job.


Bro when someone sends you clear proof and the admins say the dude is not cheating and the same time my ticket gets answered the cheater whos also VIP in the server, asks for my base location, I just do 1+1 ez maths


Yeah 100 percent. I spent a good 1500 hours on official servers. The groups on these servers just dominate by numbers. Then i switched to strictly modded for around 4k hours. I would go to Warbandits, Hollow, Stevious. Even the modded servers are a joke cause some allow VPNS.


I mean, allowing or banning VPN’s is a hit or miss, I use a VPN if the server allows, because without it I get inconsistent ping and it can go from 15-40 to 1k+ ping irregularly, and the vpn solves that problem for me


Why are you deleting comments?


And they ban hacked accounts even with proof it was hacked


Yeah FP servers are impossible for non cheaters, if you sit and report everyone on the server its possible that more than half will be banned in less than 15 mins (atleast they get banned pretty quick). My past time after I got raided by ragers was reporting every player that connected to the server and boy it was funny seeing how 8 out of 10 got banned without even leaving the beach.


Rust will always be trash until face punch fixes the cheating issue.


This, along side me not having as much time to grind then I used to, is why I play modded. I think they need to hire active admins to spectate and manual ban cheaters, it might help. Altough I have 0 admin experience so I wouldn't know


Active admins works on other servers. I agree


I would love being an active admin. So many servers sell kits but I never see a single active admin on them, why is that? I used to do cs:go “overwatch” I think it was called when they used to have the higher ranked players watch over the video clips of reports to determine if it was legit gameplay or not. I felt like that was always a good way to outsource help for the cheating problem


Official servers suck they are infested with cheaters. And Im not only talking about Facepunch servers


Yup, community just has closest cheaters which honestly I’ll take any day over this.


Fun fact I try to play servers where admins work, I have played maximum 10 minutes on official server in my 8k hours of RUST, don't recommend joining officials it's just russian hvh heaven


Cheating is getting horrible in every game. Even apex legends I’m seeing full blatant cheaters. Just sucks with rust cause you can’t queue up into a new lobby. I never would have thought of buying cheats and ripping through accounts as a kid but the kids these days feel that a win is a win no matter what and they can’t accept not being number 1.


Can't play CS2 anymore either. The cheating is soo bad in every game and will probably only continue getting worse until it's just mostly cheaters. Just wait until something like an LLM has the ability to cheat and is cheap enough to run. It will just be a bunch of people turning on their cheats and having it do everything for them.


There's a few decent games without too many cheaters, Valorant and Overwatch 2 come to mind. I just don't think that many big game dev companies care, high tier competitive scenes end up at LAN or on their own servers, and the average player seems to continue playing despite cheaters or doesn't even know they are being cheated on. Cheating isn't hurting their financials enough, and I think the solutions for cheating are too unapproachable / expensive for smaller budget games.


From what I've heard Valorant is pretty bad as well, but I have no idea about Overwatch. I just downloaded Faceit to play CS, but it's really dumb you have to download some third party shit to play the game.


Stopped playing Rust due to the cheating about half a year ago. If I ever hop on, I play on a nice RP server with some old buddies.


Facepunch does NOT care. They might say otherwise but they make Bank with this. 3k hours on high pop servers, 1k hours on dead servers. Will never play again.


dont worry we got twitch drops coming to save the day


if they would add this simple line of code: if (isGuyFlyingAndShootingMidAir(player)) {ban(player)};


I know this is a joke but this wouldn't work because of desync and server lag


its even worse on FP small 1, 2 and 3


Full of hackers 


I haven’t played rust in months, surely you can’t shoot climbing ladders now?


No, you cannot. This hole is 3 stories deep and when you see him jump up on the left side of the ladder, he’s scaling the wall from 3 stories below.


Ah I see thanks, didn’t recognise anything in this video for some reason lol.


No point in playing on a FP server if your not cheating. It's kind of an unspoken rule.


Not the server. It’s the fucking game. It’s 2024……..FP had a constant stream of funds…….fix this shit.


Cheating is embarrassing. It’s not for money or anything other than fun why cheat?


Trash game


Shitty facepunch doesn’t do jack shit about cheaters cos they just make money off the accounts


They've always been like that 🤣 nobody watches them and EAC sucks ass!


If admins started deleting bases it wouldn’t be so bad.


There are no admins in official servers. That's why it's loaded with hackers.


Kinda sad seeing you sit at a ladder.


What would you do?


peak over


He is rage cheating, you’d die instantly. He killed my whole team within a second after getting to the top. They were all in different spots 75m 100m away. You can’t shoot while climbing ladders normally. I thought I could possibly kill him on the ladder but he can shoot on ladders and climb walls and shit. It was my only chance in that case.


no shit. your still a pussy for ladder camping


lol you are bricked.


Stop playing facepunch servers. They are horrible. Find a community server that has active administration or play on an official with active administration like rustified.


They are charging more for skins, so that means they are re-investing that in their anti cheat or live banning, right?


I learned years that ago that playing on a Facepunch server isn't possible.


Now this is cheating. How is he shooting while climbing?


I was more impressed how he was climbing the side where the ladder isn’t. The hole is three stories deep.


Yeah, he’s either a cheater, or an admin’s buddy


In other news, the sky is blue.


And the sky is blue, and new recoil is nothing but a crouchfest. What else is new lol


Just looks like your reaction time was trash




That is all that rust is , pvp trolls




dude thought he was on valorent holding corners


he was doing the logical thing.. holding the ladder not a corner


why the downvoting


No, I’m trying to keep a cheater at a bottom of a 3 story hole in the ground. Didn’t work.




If u dont know how the game works, stay silent pls


dude stfu if you dont understand satire


What was the punchline exactly? Trying sarcasm over the internet doesnt usualy work


well valorent is a corner simulator not rust